
To Your Hearts Content


09-19-2017, 08:06 PM
She had returned. But she wasn't the same that she once was, no. She was different, not the naive little girl she was when she left all that time ago. All that time wasted searching for her mother, all that time wasted searching for something she never found. But alas, she had given in to darker desires, those she had come across on her travels had corrupted her, shaped her, molded her into something she never thought she would be. In a way, she supposed she was brainwashed. She was shown something she never knew she would like, but she did like it. She wanted it all. She wanted...more. Her carnal desires were almost too overwhelming at times, and she felt like she was always searching for something. What that something was other than her desires was beyond her, but she didn't think she'd ever find whatever was missing.

Stepping onto a field she always avoided was like stepping into a new world. She wandered aimlessly, dual-toned eyes fierce and piercing. Her innocence was gone, the old Nixie was dead and now reigned a new woman. She didn't know what her goals were now, or if she even had any, but she supposed she'd find out eventually.


10-11-2017, 10:31 AM
So far she’d yet to find her brother, nor her father… but was that really so bad, Isabella wondered? She felt so… very free. It was hard to explain, but the scarred young woman knew that she had made the right choice in leaving her mother. Camille had only held them back… but now…!

Her ears were perked, her maw hanging open ever so slightly as her orange eyes danced within her head. With tongue lolling out of her mouth Issy practically danced across the lands, both aware and yet unaware of the place where she was moving along was known as the battlefield. The earth here was hardened, bloodstained… but to Isabella that didn’t mean too much. She’d passed by lands that were bloodstained before, the ground there drinking up the blood as if it were water.

She paused as the scent of another, a femme, intruded her nares. Oh? Was fun to be had? A chuckle escaped her as Issy let her mouth close, a smirk forming upon it. Her previous encounters had not been so… fruitful to say the least. Hell, she hadn’t even gotten a match out of that first beautiful temptress and the rest…? Bah! Issy did her best to shove them from her mind; they didn’t matter right now. What mattered right now was trying to woo the femme who’s scent she had caught.

Isabella hurried her steps, her paws hitting the ground lightly as she broke into a trot. It did not take her long to have her bright, fiery eyes to fall upon the other femme, and her smirk widened even further upon her lips. “Hey there; pretty blue blanket you’ve got going on, sweetheart.” Little did Quinn know she was actually talking to her cousin, the daughter of Marina. All that Issy saw was a pretty femme before just a bit before her.

“You look a tad lonely, am I right? Perhaps we could… share the day with each other?” Her words turned into a light purr. “...and even the night in a den, if you’d like.” The femme was doing her best to move on in front of the blue blanketed femme, to cross before her path from her right side and stop her. Come what may… Issy was hoping for something interesting.