
Feel The Thunder



4 Years
10-19-2017, 09:02 AM (This post was last modified: 11-03-2017, 03:51 PM by Tyranis.)

There was a storm that day.

The wind howled and whipped through his slate fur, freezing, cold, rain pummeling the packed earth of the battlefield as he stood poised over a large rock. Lightning illuminated the otherwise black, and turbulent sky for brief moments, just long enough for his large form to be seen before his equally dark fur blended into the storm. Thunder roared and boomed furiously above him between flashes and in a single brief moment of silence he gave his call.

He called for the strong, those that would not tolerate needing to carry the weak, or hold themselves back for the sake of what was “good” or “the right thing to do”.  His entire life he had lived under incompetent leaders set in their ways, where leadership was passed along bloodlines rather than those who were most worthy. He would be different. Dauntless would be different. There would be no heirs, leaders would be elected. He would not act alone but rather under the guidance of a council. He would breed in his people strength, and the authority to take what was theirs by right.

He paused then gave another cry for Cloudburst. It was time he found a home, and it would be right where he belonged; beside his brother as his second in command. Another burst of lightning flashed as the storm raged on. He had grand ideas, sure, but they could very easily end before they even began if a challenger stepped up and took it from him or if Sparrow decided to spite him and send someone to force him back into Abaven. He waited, suddenly nervous, his eyes hard as they scanned the horizon through the whipping rain.


Pack color: #7DF9FF

Dauntless will be a pack with an alignment ranging from Lawful Neutral to Neutral Evil located in Waterfall Peak. Leadership in Dauntless is comprised of one ruler and a guild of advisors to council the leader. The guild is hand chosen by the leader, however, the leader himself must be voted for by the pack. The vote for the heir of Dauntless can be held at the previous leader's whim, however, s/he will not take charge until the previous leader either abdicates or dies.

Dauntless will be highly militaristic, discipline will be expected from each of its members as well as an ability to fight. Under Tyranis, loyalty to him and sworn allegiance will be heavily rewarded, however acts of disobedience or apathy are subject to harsh punishment including stress torture or maiming.

All non-Dauntless wolves who enter Dauntless lands are considered prisoners until they have either made an appeal to join their ranks or are granted amnesty by a tier 3 ranked wolf or higher. The ultimate fate of the prisoner however can only be decided by the leader.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
Extra large
10-19-2017, 12:08 PM
Fighting the desire to finally get moving again had become an exercise in futility, especially now that her children were getting to be old enough to care for themselves. They still had Ruthgar hanging around if they needed someone, and if her kids ever truly needed her she'd be there. But it was time to return to her nomadic life once more. Maybe she could find somewhere to take an extended nap without having some whiny fuzzbutt come in the moment she closed her eyes... That was the dream.

That dream also seemed doomed at the moment. It was raining, and not just a little drizzle. The woman was certain she'd be soaked through soon, and the idea of all her fur slicked down and heavy with rain was pretty unpleasant. Just as she was considering picking a new direction to seek shelter, she heard a call ring out. It was loud and summoned those who had strength on their side. Stopping in her muddy tracks Mara contemplated ignoring it. Ah, but it might be fun to inspect this potential leader and see what he was like. Didn't mean she had to follow him. So, with this new found curiosity Mara would meander her way over, fighting the wind and the rain to see just who this guy was.

Gaze roving over the area nearby, she eventually found who she was looking for. Padding over and taking a seat in front of the boy, Mara stared him down without hesitation, drinking in the appearance of the one who called and assessing what she saw. She found him wanting, not at all impressed with the physique of the wolf she'd found. "You... you think yourself some kind of leader?" she drawled, still staring him down. It was more a statement than a question, almost a challenge, looking for him to prove himself in some way since what she'd seen thus far was not impressing her.
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.


10-19-2017, 03:40 PM
Issy was curious when she heard the call, and while curiosity had not yet killed this cat it was sure to be her undoing one day. She approached the source of the howl as a storm brewed, gaze falling on not one, but two forms. It was obvious the younger one had called, and Issy arched a brow. The tone of the other woman surprised her, and Quinn let out a barking laugh as she strode towards them both, ears twitching. “...and what do you consider yourself to be, old one?” Her orange eyes were dancing with challenge, glancing over at the would be leader. “At least he is trying to form a pack, to make a name for himself, yet you’d so quickly try to pass judgement?” Her words were a little purr.

“Don’t judge a wolf by his body after all… and I’m sure you’ve not been around long enough to judge his mind. Rather than attempt to insult, perhaps you’d do better to shut up and listen before deciding for yourself if he’s worthy of your time or not.” Isabella stretched her muscles, fur raising along her hackles. Even if the young man didn’t know squat about leading a pack, fighting, or anything there was admiration in the fact he’d even try. “Consider yourself with a prospective member, sir.” Quinn winked over Tyranis.

“Isabella Quinn Fabre at your service.” The rain was pouring down on her and the young woman lifted her gaze back to the older she-wolf. She didn’t know her… but that didn’t matter. Nor did it matter that she didn’t know the brute. All that mattered was being entertained… and thus far… she was sure coming her was going to produce some interesting results.



7 Years
Chrono I

10-19-2017, 05:28 PM

If You Can't Stand The Way This Place Is
Take Yourself To Higher Places


She would come close to Tyranis, looking down at her paws for every step she took. She halted as he did, a cry across the battlefield for any wolf, and she couldn't help but feel surprised. She wasn't entirely sure what his plans were but she was beside him the whole way. She may not have been happy with him in the way he went about leaving Abaven and wanting her with him, but she was still here and that was all that counted, right?

She only eyed the other two wolves, who she chose not to respond to. It was probably hard to spot her at first anyway as she was clinging to Tyranis' shadow. She wasn't scared at all, but was obviously not in the lightest of moods. Distracted was probably the best word for it. Not even the sounds of thunder were bothering her.

She was probably expecting to be next up in Tyranis' pack, but she didn't necessarily want to be. When his brother would show up and Tyranis would openly give him that highest position, she would probably feel jealous though. As was the young girl she played out to be.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



9 Years
10-19-2017, 07:14 PM

She filed in behind the two younger wolves. The walk had been rather quiet, but Storm was feeling relief already. The silence was relaxing and she used her ears to fallow the movements of her son and of Aranea. She had made sure to gather her personal belongings that were left in her herb den and bid her daughter farewell with promises to visit with her outside of Abaven's territory. There was the thrill of what lie ahead of her, the time she had left in the world would hopefully not be spent in misery. She had a lot of knowledge to pass on and with the scent of the young girl in front of her she knew she at least had one person to try and pass some of the Wreckage herb knowledge too.

The howling wind and the slight drop in temperature was a clear give away that a storm was coming and it made her skin prickle in delight. She remembered from childhood sitting with her father and watching the storms, the thrill of power that she would feel shooting through her body as lightning shot through the sky. She had loved storms and even after she had lost her sight she felt that storms were always relaxing, easing to her busy mind.

One the arrived she sat behind Ty on his right side and remained quiet as other began to come to his call.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



4 Years
10-21-2017, 11:22 AM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2017, 11:22 AM by Naudir.)

Thor was apparently hard at work.  A flash of lightning and another clanging echo of thunder shook her makeshift den, tucked away in Waterfall Peak.  Her ravens were nestled next to her, one black, one white.  She waited patiently, watching the wind whip and roll through the trees in a roil until at last, there was a period when the sound began to die, just long enough for a howl to reach her ears.  What was this?  Her fur bristled slightly at the call, a males voice who would be starting a pack in the north on old Yfir lands.  Naudir didn't know what to think.  Yfir had been long gone and the north could not lay silent and still forever.  She had toyed with the idea of joining a pack again but none had really caught her eye.  Would this one be different?  Either way it would allow her to keep her den and keep an eye on her mother's old haunts.

"Balthazaar, Branwen, come… let us see what the norns are stirring up this evening."  

"I perish at the mere thought Naudir!  Let us wait til the storm passes.  Any wolf calling for followers in this din and misery is a fool.  Leave him to his own!"

Naudir got to her feet, shaking both ravens to the ground as she shook the debris of her den-lining from her coat.  Balthazaar, the black raven, let out a growling squawk of indignity before flying up to roost on her left shoulder.  Branwen, the white raven, rested on her right. "The storm is passing, Naudir, but I don't know that this is wise," she offered.

Naudir shook her head. "I grow weary of waiting for fate to fold itself sweetly across our shoulders.  You two can stay if you wish but I intend to see who it is that wishes to move in and see if it might present some opportunities for us."  She did not see the ravens glance at one another but it didn't matter, she could tell by the talons gripping into her fur that they would be accompanying her and so she maneuvered her way down the mountainside as the chilling rain fell.  

Naudir enjoyed the sound of the rain though she was ready for the wind to still itself when she finally arrived on the Battlefield, throughly soaked.  She moved like a ghost, a raven at each shoulder as she came upon a small group of wolves.  They were all female, save one, so he had to be the summoner.  "I am Naudir Finnvi, daughter of Katja Finnvi and the all-father, Odin." She stood proud and unflinching as the rainfall increased. "Tell us of yourself, summoner.  What makes you worthy of being followed?"



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
10-22-2017, 09:39 PM
Ashmedai had been curious about the yearling that left Sparrow's pack along with his blind mother and the new healer lady. If what Sparrow had said was true, this was the family that had caused Bass to run off. Any family that could drive Bass away was worth checking out in Ashmedai's book.

He arrived just in time to hear Naudir's introduction. Ashmedai's smile widened and he lumbered over to the woman.

"That makes us family, then," Ashmedai said, turning to the group. "Ashmedai Imperialis. I'm curious about you too. I've met just about every alpha so I'm curious to hear what you've got planned here."

Ash waved his tail behind him. New packs were always interesting. Who knew, he might join one one day if some alpha could ever be as impressive as his dad.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-24-2017, 12:23 AM

The time had come. Cloud had been waiting for his brothers call, and today would be it. As thunder crashed and the wind howled around him, he huddled in his makeshift den beneath the gnarled roots of a tree as the day dragged on. He didn't dare sleep, not yet. The anticipation drove him nearly mad, body coursing with excitement as he awaited the day his dear brother would call for him. He didn't know when it would be, but if he knew Tyranis, he knew it'd be soon.

It was almost as if the heavens had heard his thoughts, because the moment there was a break in the storm, he heard it. His brothers howl pierced the through the air and sent his skin crawling. This was it, wasn't it? The moment they'd been waiting for. Without further hesitation, the male pulled himself out of his den and into the storm. Feet moving him quickly across the terrain. He had a good way to go since he didn't know where or when his brother would stake his claim, but judging by the direction of the call, it was coming from the battlefield. It was a place he'd never visited, but he heard all sorts of things about it.

He felt like he was on the move for a good minute before a second call sang out, and this time, it was for him. Had his fur not been soaked by now, it would be standing on end from all the excitement and anticipation he'd been holding in. This was it, wasn't it? This was the moment they'd been waiting for. Never in his dreams did he think of leading a pack until his brother had mentioned it, and now he was excited and nervous about the prospect. His brother had told him what he wanted to do, and Cloud supported his brother one hundred percent.

At last, he'd made it. And already there was quite the audience. Bi-colored gaze quickly spotted his brother, and nearby the familiar form of his mother. She was coming with them? His heart felt a little lighter at the thought. He didn't think she'd leave Abaven, but here she was. He approached them, noticing the other woman who stood dangerously close to his brother. Who was she? A friend of his? Interesting...he didn't know Ty had made another friend, assuming that's what she was, but if they were friends, then he was glad that his brother had made one. It was more than he could say for himself since he didn't have any of his own, really.

Closing the distance, he approached his brother from behind as he came to stand near his left shoulder. "Hope I'm not too late to the party." He grinned a bit, glancing at his brother. Rain continued to pour, his coat was now completely slicked down to his frame. This was it. The start of a new chapter in their lives.

Walk, "Talk" Think



4 Years
11-08-2017, 10:22 AM

His eyes narrowed momentarily on the slate male he had seen beside Sparrow at the would-be alpha’s first meeting and he knew far better than to let someone with any ties to Sparrow near his pack. He still didn’t know what the pretender alpha had told Aranea and Storm before they joined him, they had all but gone straight to the battlegrounds from Abaven and he was sure his own den hadn’t even gone cold yet. He wondered what sort of poison she had told the ones he cared for most, what half-truths she had told them, and as he thought, his hate for the man, Ashmedai Imperialis, grew.  

In an instant everything changed as his eyes fixed beyond the gathering wolves, and into the distance where a lone streak of white was quickly closing in. His heart leapt, his eyes widening with joy, any doubts he may have had were gone in an instant at his brother bolted toward them and took his place beside him, where he always belonged.

He looked forward at the wolves who had answered his call, his expression filled with certainty. “Fellow wolves...” He greeted, his voice booming over the roar of the wind filed with confidence. “For uncounted generations the leadership of packs has followed the bloodlines of its founders, regardless of whether or not future leaders were capable, or even willing. For uncounted generations the word of an alpha has been absolute, disregarding the will of its followers or the wisdom of those with more experience.”

He paused momentarily, looking each of them in the eye then continued, addressing them all at once: “I come to you all a bastard, born of rape from  a pack that was no different from the countless that came before it. Yet all my life I wanted to lead…” He took a deep breath, trying to keep himself from getting too overwhelmed and then continued. “I worked and I strived, every day, learning whatever I could, hoping that someday my hard work would be recognized. The leadership of my birthpack fell into the hands of a stranger, a friend of the former alpha, and I hoped my dream would come true… But when I turned a year old, that stranger told me I would never lead, the daughter of the former leader was to inherit the pack, not because she was capable, not because she was wise, but because it was her birthright.”

He paused again and swallowed hard, his head dropping slightly for dramatic effect and pent up rage as the resentment he felt for Vali grew. “I was to be given the role of messenger boy, and that would be the role I would live and die in.” It was a lie of course, but no one else had heard Vali’s conversation with him in that temperate summer. No one else could say otherwise.

He sucked in a breath and raised his head again, his eyes firm. “I have called for the strong, not because I wish to use you for my own gain, or because I am weak and wish to have others fight for me, but because the strong, the truly strong, don’t deserve to be ruled by leaders who will never recognize their potential or their abilities, like I was.” He lashed his tail proudly sending a spray of water out from his fur. “And yes, I am young and have little experience, which is why as my first act as your Sergeant Major is to ask that you go among yourselves, and select three of your own whom you believe should guide your leader, advise him, and counsel him on the matters he is far too young to understand.”   He awaited their response, what if they refused? What if the changes he had founded his pack on were unwelcome? What if all of them including Cloud and Aranea and his mother shook their heads and left. And worse yet, what if those three left too.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


11-08-2017, 02:54 PM
...and so the male spoke, at long last, beginning to tell them of packs, of his plans. She couldn’t help but smile, her golden-orange gaze shining with excitement. “If you ask me, sir,” The woman cooed. “Yours sounds like a pack I could stand with.” Her mind was already turning, and she glanced around at those present. “I’m not much older than you, Sergeant Major, but I’m a wolfess who has wandered around for quite some time. I’ve seen and done some things, scars lying beneath this dark coat of mine.” She paused, curling her tail around her toes.

“I do not know if I’d suit the pack best as an advisor sort, though I’m always available to give advice if it is needed. My passions, my strength, lie with fighting and… interactions.” She gave a toothy smile. Maybe the others would consider her a whore, or a slut, or whatever slur of their choice they chose to spout. Issy didn’t care. “...and I’m more than willing to demonstrate my skills if I must… though I’m sure they’ll be time for that, no?” The french dame chuckled softly. This was definitely going to be interesting.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-08-2017, 03:52 PM

The thunder rolled and lightning crashed in the sky above him. His coat was slicked down to his frame, though it didn't make him look any less intimidating. His scars were more prone, on display now more than ever for the whole world to see. He walked without purpose, thinking about the boy he had met on these very lands. How was he? Had he managed to go through with what he had wanted? Had the boy grown stronger? There were many questions running through his head when a howl pierced the air. Slowly, his head lifted in the direction of that call. That call was hauntingly familiar. He swore he could feel his presence. At this point, Acere didn't think it was just coincidence anymore. It was had to be.

Lumbering in the direction of that call, he spotted a black and white form heading towards the caller, and so Acere fell in behind him but at a distance. Upon arriving, he noted a group gathered around...him. Acere had made it in time to hear the boy speak, and for one reason or another felt himself swell with pride. He'd done it. The boy had achieved what he wanted. Though his interest grew further when Ty described his vision for the pack. It familiar. And it was at this moment, he no longer had any doubts. He was staring at a spitting image of Elias. Perhaps not in appearance, but in all other ways. And with that alone, Acere decided here is where he'd stay. "If I may be so bold, I'd like to elect myself...or challenge whoever I must. There is a lot I can offer, and plenty of knowledge I can teach. I may no longer be a king, but my dedication has never waned." His decision had been made.




4 Years
11-08-2017, 06:37 PM

Naudir's head snapped to the side as a voice spoke of family, her family. She eyed the older male for a moment, trying to place him but nothing came to mind. As far as she knew she had never met this man. Did he think himself a child of Odin as well perhaps? "I do not know you stranger. Why do you throw out connections of family so freely?" He spoke his name but again it did nothing to stir connections of family though she did recognize the connection to Imperium. "I know of Valentine Imperialis, ruler of Imperium, but he is no relation of mine. If you wish we can discuss this matter at a later date." She turned her attention back to the meeting. That was the topic and the matter at hand and she didn't not wish to be distracted. When all the wolves had gathered the young leader spoke.

Naudir listened with patient interest as the boy told his tale. She gave him points for acknowledging his weaknesses but it still did not lessen his inexperience, especially that he would simply entrust them to decide among themselves who would be his council. Was this an honest gesture or did he already have 3 wolves in mind and wanted and this decision merely a farce? Naudir decided she would play along. Perhaps the young alpha would grow on her and she would have a chance to share her own hard-earned wisdom. If anything else it would allow her to keep an eye on the lands of Yfir and to make sure that their sacred and burial sites remained undisturbed. A little extra power would help with that.

Two wolves spoke up to offer their services and Naudir stepped forward as well. "Your line of thinking is familiar to me. I was originally a member of Yfir and while our heirs could be blood related to the alphas, the rank of 'heir' was available to the most qualified of the yearlings regardless of blood. Your tactics are unusual and you've piqued my curiosity. Allow me to offer my own wisdom to your council. Yfir has long since disbanded but you are settling on terrain that was once my home. I know it well. In addition I am well-travelled, particularly in the north and my companions, Branwen and Balthazaar, were once the companions of Inga, our wise woman. They have much knowledge and wisdom to share if needed." Of course she would have no problem proving herself either. For the moment she kept her connection to the gods silent. She wished to glean more of this young alpha before entrusting him with her gift.



4 Years
Extra large
11-09-2017, 07:14 PM

Artemis had been hanging back. And by hanging back, she supposed it would more accurately be called straight up hiding. She was pressed flat, her belly to the ground and her ears pinned flat. Hell, have you seen her coat? She had learned long ago that stealth came with a few extra challenges for her and her kin. It was difficult to catch every word being said, so creeping a bit closer seemed necessary. She was no fool, she knew the call for a pack's gathering when she heard one. The wolves had trickled in from every corner of the country, and she had eyed as many of them as she was able to. Unfortunately, at the distance she sat, it was nearly impossible.

She sighed and stood, shaking debris from her luxurious coat. She could always decline if it didn't seem to suit her, right? Since the disbandment of Crew, she had wandered without purpose. Her only real goal had been trying to keep track of Iskra, but she may as well have attempted to capture smoke. As for Leto, she'd seen not a trace. But the life of a loner was not necessarily one that Artemis felt suited her. She didn't mind being on her own, far from it. She only felt there was something missing from life without friends or family near at hand. Besides, she was growing older, and perhaps it was time to curb her more adventurous urges for the sake of something more... solid.

Well, she could at least give it a shot. Again.

She came to the scene just as a strong, dark coated male began giving a speech of sorts. Born a bastard, who'd always felt the urge to lead. Fair enough, Artemis didn't care a lick about someones birthright. He went on to tell them that he believed in utilizing someones strengths, and ensuring they are to become as powerful and capable as they were born to be. She pursed her lips, allowing the words to sink in. Well enough, then. Ever the impulsive fae, her mind was made up. "You're a stranger to me," she began, voice filled with the sultry kind of confidence she'd come to cultivate within herself. "I don't care about that, honestly. You promise to allow wolves to fill the role they are best designed for. Don't let my coat fool you, I've felled plenty of prey that never saw me coming. I'll rip a wolf to shreds just as easily." She let her molten silver eyes scan the crowd. She was content with who she saw there, if they were to be her future packmates, not that she would admit it outright. She pretended to be unimpressed. "I'll join your ranks as well, if you'll have me."

It wasn't much of a speech, but she hadn't planned it to be. The understanding of character and ability would not be decided in a night, she knew that much. The future would help them unfurl who would and would not be capable of their asserted skills. Artemis was confident in hers, so all that remained was to wait. She looked over the crowd a second time, wondering who else might have ought to say. An ember of excitement began to burn it's way through her, starting from her stomach and working its way out to her limbs.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
11-12-2017, 10:25 PM
Ashmedai's interest was quirked. Kid talked a lot of shit, but Ash would let him finish. After he did, several others spoke up. Ashmedai chuckled a little.

"Okay okay, I hear you with that 'fair opportunity' stuff. I saw you in Abaven and I'm not gonna say the Destruction family's got it all figured out 'cause they don't, but I seriously doubt Sparrow was gonna let you stay a messenger forever."

Ashemdai shook his coat, "That said, I wouldn't be caught dead living in that pack, so I can't blame ya. But I'm a little confused here. You say that the alpha was put in place not because she was worthy but because it was her birthright... right? You say you think the strong should rule- I gotcha there, totally agree- but then you go on to say that you are young and have little experience."

Ashemdai took a deep breath, "I mean, I like the idea of your little trio counsel, but I wanna ask what makes you fit to be the leader. Don't take it the wrong way, but you told all of us why you formed the pack, but didn't tell us much other than there wouldn't be an heir which isn't, like, I dunno, a totally crazy thought where I'm from- where my father was alpha."

Heck, Valentine had elected Angelus to be the next alpha but Angelus was obviously the biggest and strongest and deserved that roll. Ashmedai was sure that his brother was worthy and that it wasn't a blood thing.

"You denounce blood heirs and yet your family, I assume, stands at your side. What ranks do you intend to give them? Will they have to scrape their way to the top or will they get high ranks simply because they are your kin?"

Ashmedai was honestly curious. This boy called upon strangers to gather and form his pack with him. The strangers agreed and all the boy had said was that there weren't going to be heirs and that he was offering three high-ranking positions. Ash was willing to bet that those three power-holding positions were what made most of them agree without a second thought.

"But, after you explain a little, I am interested," Ashmedai said as if to reassure those around him. "I've traveled to each pack in existence and was brought up in a powerful pack. I fought in a war and we won. Because I also feel like I know what I'm doing, I wanna get in on one of the three advisory positions. I'll take on whoever I need to."

Ashmedai flashed a smile to those who had offered the position before him. He was curious to see how this went. Would the alpha explain himself, or would he loose his temper right away in front of all these potential pack members. He truly wanted the boy to rise up and become a strong alpha- the other packs could be so boring- but a lot of that depended on how he reacted to those around him.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



4 Years
11-12-2017, 11:21 PM

He was pleased to see the old male he had met on the battlefield, and was further pleased by the cerulean huntress who chose to make herself known. All seemed to be going well until Ashmendai spoke. At first he was furious if only because he had known Sparrow however he had, but when he begged the question of where his family would stand, he began to calm. He supposed the man deserved an answer, and he was after all, quite strong. Stronger he suspected than the gargantuan male he had met on the battlefield.

“I promised the position of my second to my brother, without whom I could have never hoped to stand before you all as a would-be leader. Otherwise, my mother and my…” He faltered as he looked over his shoulder at Aranea. What was she now? She had followed him here, from Abaven where she had been living so comfortably, and the way he felt around her, weightless, and somehow as if there were a bird in his chest beating its wings furiously as it tried to escape from between his ribs.. “…My mate.” He said finally, the word slipping from him as if he hadn’t even known he had said it myself, then all at once everything returned to him, and he was standing in the middle of a storm regarding his followers.

“My mother and my mate will have to earn their rank just as anyone else; my mother will need to prove herself as a healer, just as Aranea will have to prove herself as a navigator.” He said firmly, the look of cold determination once again on his features as he spoke. “This is just as much a law for me as it is for all members of Dauntless.” He explained.

The hatred he had felt for Ashmendai was slowly beginning to dissipate and was slowly being replaced with respect. “It will not be me who decides which of you will be on my council, but yourselves. There will be a formal election, and it will be up to you, the people of Dauntless, to decide who is the strongest, who is the most responsible, and who is the wisest.” He said firmly. “If this sounds agreeable than follow me to the North! To Waterfall Peak! Where we shall thrive as one! As Dauntless!” He roared proudly, lightning crashing and illuminating his proud form in the darkness.

Without another word he leapt down from his perch, among his followers, and walked, boldly, northward.

-Exit Tyranis-

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
Chrono I

11-13-2017, 02:36 PM

If You Can't Stand The Way This Place Is
Take Yourself To Higher Places


Aranea would only stand beside the boy and listen, but it may not have seemed she was hearing anything at all. Many wolves were for Tyranis' thoughts and plans, and she was too not only because it was a worthy way to rule, but because she felt like she had to.

And as she wallowed in her self-pity, the man from Abaven put in his two cents and she would be nothing but surprised by what Tyranis called her. His mate. Her heart fluttered to the thought and it made her happy for even just a second. But her outside shell would show little difference. It was enough to side track her for the thought that his brother would lead beside him and she was only a lowly peasant by means. Even just in her head...

Tyranis would go to lead the wolves to their new home under his rule, and she would follow beside him with her head held low. Still the thought of being his "mate" stinging at her nerves.

-Exit Aranea-

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
11-14-2017, 02:00 PM
So, basically the boy didn't answer any of Ashmedai's questions other than saying his brother somehow earned the rank of second. Of course he did. Yup. Ash totally believed that, somehow, this other boy had helped his brother to make this pack.

He sure seemed sure that the girl at his side was his mate. Not. The girl looked just as surprised. Ashmedai was beginning to think this Tyranis was living the "fake it till you make it" to the extreme. Ashmedai couldn't blame him, but he didn't feel confident in this kid being his leader.

Apparently he would also, somehow, abide by these rules of earning his place or elections or... something.

So, there would be a formal election then? So the boy wanted to build a pack on skill... and elections. Did that mean any of the ranks could be challenged for or would they all be elections? He didn't even mention anything else about his pack.

All they were told was that the leader was apparently tired of weak packs, didn't believe in heirs, and was going to have elections.


With more questions than answers, Ashmedai decided to play follow the leader. Perhaps things would become clear in time. If not, then at least it would be interesting to watch.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.