
Run This Town


09-07-2017, 03:32 AM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2017, 03:35 AM by Shrapnel.)
ooc: So I know Celestial is full so he's not joining. I just want this to be where he learns about what happened to Creed/small family reunion. It's set after the raid, therefore I won't be posting Valor since he'll be in hiatus until the results of his fight is posted. Until then any pack member is free to hop in.

It'd been so long since he'd been home.

Well was it really home anymore? His pelt had long since lost Celestial's scent and his only home in the past year had been wherever he could find a spot to sleep. He'd spent the majority of his time traveling the lands in search of his missing siblings. The guilt of leaving Justice and Regulus to find Creed and Valor on their own had left him a long time ago. He'd originally planned to go with them, but at last minute changed his mind. Knight and Exodus had been missing for far longer and nobody had been searching for them. It'd been an honorable and noble choice in his opinion to branch off and go on his own to find them. They were his siblings after all.

Not everything had gone to plan though. He'd had no idea where to search for either of his brothers and in the end he hadn't been able to find them. Instead the young male had gotten himself quite lost. At first it'd been depressing being on his own, especially after realizing he hadn't been able to track down Knight and Exodus like he'd originally planned. Eventually the depressed dimmed down and he just survived.

He could see what Justice had been talking about when she'd returned home. Living on your own certainly forced you to learn how to fend for yourself. He'd managed to pick up on a few things. Like how to defend his prey from other hungry predators who wanted to steal it and how to hunt on his own. Eventually the days turned into routine for him and he became mechanical.

He almost hadn't known he was close to home until some familiar landmarks in the desert became apparent to him. The closer he got to Celestial the more and more excited he got. After a few days more of journeying he'd found himself back at the not so familiar borders. The scent was as familiar as ever, but the appearances had changed. Since when had the pack claimed the moore? When had that wall sprung up? His large form paced back and forth beside it a few times before he stopped to sniff it. The scents of multiple members caught his attention. Well it seemed as though they'd all banded together to build it at least. That was interesting.

He paused at the wall and peered over it. He was a loner now so going inside definitely was out. As much as he wanted to see his mother and siblings, as well as their father and Valor if they'd been found, he knew that wasn't possible without an invitation. Oh well. He found his voice coming to a halt in his throat though. Howling just didn't feel right. How was he supposed to act? Coming back and saying "Hey I'm back." as though he hadn't gone anywhere in the first place didn't feel quite right. Why did this feel harder than it should be?

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
11-13-2017, 02:35 PM
A long, sweeping stride brought the young Ancora along the border on her solitary patrol. She was still acting as a warrior rather than healer, since the healers had been too busy since the raid to hold training, leaving her without real knowledge in the subject. Solveiga was pregnant with Regulus' pups, so they were down a full-time healer, and Kavdaya was still... well, comatose, which left basically just Paladin, Kalliope, and a partly trained Domari to take care of all of the injured from the raid, some of whom were pretty bad off, as well as monitoring Solveiga's pregnancy and treating the normal injuries and ills of a pack. So instead of making waves over it, Justice was just keeping her mouth shut and trying to be patient.

Her only injuries during the raid had been to her face, so it had been no hardship to take up the slack for more grievously injured fighters so they could rest and heal. She'd have some scarring once her face finally healed, and a notch out of one ear, but she wasn't in any danger of infection from the wounds. Not like the few in the pack who'd been maimed. She had taken up more of the slack taking care of Kavdaya as well to free Paladin up more for his duties as a healer. With Valor kidnapped by their backstabbing cousin, it left very few of the litter left to actually care for their ailing mother now, even though the pack's hunter made sure to keep them supplied with food for her so they didn't have to take the time from their duties to hunt as well.

As she came along the border wall, a fresh scent stopped her dead in her tracks and made her bristle. Not because the scent belonged to a stranger, but because she recognized it all too well. She continued along the wall in a stiff-legged stalk now, until she came upon the familiar form standing on the other side.

"Oh so you come back now?" she spat out without waiting to see if he'd noticed her. "You run away and abandon us when we actually needed you and now that we don't you decide to come crawling back, is that it?"