
A Melancholy Town Where We Never Smile



6 Years
11-15-2017, 09:31 PM

Discomfort? No that wasn't the word. Wayward? No that wasn't quite the word either. Irritable was too overused for her and besides, it felt like she was far past irritable. Was there even a word for how she was feeling? Livid, angry, enraged ... now that she thought about it there were probably many ways to describe it. Adra's lack of presence around her had long since pissed her off and she hadn't seen hide nor tail of Aby either. The child had been a disappointment before, but to up and vanish completely, without telling her, well that was just icing on the cake. Maybe it had been that mortal boy's influence. She hadn't seen the brat since that boy had come along and made a scene at Pyralis' birthing. If she'd had the effort she would have tracked him down and taken his tongue, but she was sure he was long gone by now.

She was searching for something to take her mind some place else, but even Auster had become dull for her without anyone to keep her company. She had her moments where solitude was all she needed. She'd find solace in just her thoughts and she never needed anything more. Then there were the times where she got to pining for Adra and then it just made her angry. He could apologize all he wanted, but in the end he always left her again. Being angry at him clearly wasn't punishment enough. She'd absolutely had it with his disappearing acts.

Today though, the anger hadn't subsided, but she was temporarily distracted. She'd come to the top of a large volcano with a lake on top. While she'd seen a volcano before, there was something that made this one far more entertaining. It was the lake at the top that had her so enraptured. Now this was an abnormality she could get used to. Maybe Auster still had something left for her to enjoy after all.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf

11-16-2017, 06:31 PM

Amon pulled up in surprise upon finding his sibling's scent. It had been one long absent from the land, and given the most recent circumstances surrounding her family, he wasn't surprised. The whole business concerning concerning Ana's "daughter," and Skia's subsequent actions, still brought a storm of grim uncertainty to the forefront of his mind. He had been itching to discuss it with Ana ever since, but the ethereal woman had been hard to find. He wondered if she knew that Andras had found his way to them as well. The only way to find the answers he sought was to find his sister.

Why it seemed like all he ever did these days was track down his wayward family members Amon could not say. He and he alone seemed to be the only wolf among them who possessed the ability to stay in one place for longer than a single day. It was preposterous, but he supposed it was his lot in life. It was some time before he finally found his sister's pale form among the gouts of smoke and steam belching forth from the same lake he had found Malleus exploring not long ago. He greeted her with cool neutrality, wondering at the extent of her guilt. What did she know? What was the truth? Most importantly, would she run? "Anamalech. You've been difficult to find, lately."

Amon sat, but kept his body tense and muscles taut. If she decided to flee from him, the titan was prepared to leap to his paws at once and give chase. Or perhaps, Anamalech was ignorant of the whole business. It was Amon's understanding that his niece had separated from her for some time before her demise. There were more questions than answers at the moment, and Amon was never the sort to be hasty. "I mean to discuss this business between Skia and your... daughter." Amon spat the word as if it offended him, which it did. "How much do you know?"

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



6 Years
11-17-2017, 03:42 PM

It was warm here, almost uncomfortably so, but she didn't mind it so much. It wasn't as though she could enjoy the sun for any long period of time she she accepted this alternative method of warming herself. It probably wasn't the most serene of places to hang out in all reality with all the belching and hot air spewing everywhere and whatnot. The lake was really the only pleasant sight here and she sat before it wondering what had caused such a thing to form in a place like this.

She hadn't noticed his presence immediately. The scents of the volcano wafting into the air had messed up her senses just a bit, but her ears definitely picked up on the heavier footfalls. It was obviously someone very massive judging from the sound. Her pale head turned slowly and just enough to spy who it was before a sly smirk graced her features. What had she done to earn the attention of the family's patriarch? And here of all places. An ear twitched at his greeting and she let out a bitter chuckle.

"Not as hard to find as my wayward brother it seems." But now it begged the question, why had Amon of all wolves been trying to track her down?

She peered at him out of the corner of her eyes as he sat down rather rigidly. He seemed tense and had an air about him as though he was ready to move at any second. If she were a lesser wolf it would have made her uneasy, but instead she was filled with a spark of curiosity. She waited patiently and thankfully she didn't have to wait long before he came out with why he was here. She mused over his words, the way he spat out "daughter", and lastly she tried to remember if she could match a face to the name Skia. Ultimately she was clueless. Finally she turned her head to look back at Amon and her face fell to a more serious look as she tried to figure out what he was getting at.

"Well it appears as though you know more than I, Amon. I have not see Abyzou since the incident when Pyralis' children were born. I assume that pathetic little mortal boy has had something to do with that." She said with a fair amount of venom. "Who is Skia and what does she have to do with Aby?" She was eager to get to the point of this conversation. Mind games were always fun with mortals, but at the moment she wasn't in the mood to play games with her sibling.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]