
Bugs, but no Thugs



7 Years
11-12-2017, 08:35 AM

Patience was the key because she knew Dragon had a lot to handle being the leader of this pack. After the meeting she had hung out, though was respectful and gave everyone their proper place. She did not want them thinking she was here to intrude or to cause any trouble. He had a few meetings to attend to, so she stayed where she was and looked around at the new faces she hoped to be getting to know. Then they began to trickle out after discussions were over and such. She watched as the rest of them parted ways and disappeared into the thick jungle brush. Then she was alone which at this point didn't bother her much at all. She was in pack lands so she really shouldn't have to fear any danger. She didn't know how long Dragon would be but honestly she didn't feel right poking around the territory until she spoke to him. For all she knew his ranks could be filled up and he would have no room for one more.

She assumed Dragon had seen her at the meeting and didn't howl for him in fear of interrupting his current business he was attending to, so she patiently waited and occupied herself with some of the bugs that lived in these parts. She had settled into laying sternally as her eyes searched for any nearby bugs, when she found one she would thoroughly investigate it. This occupied her time and made her forget that she was waiting for him. He would be back, and there was no rushing him.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-15-2017, 11:48 PM

He had not missed the woman's presence at the meeting, though he'd been much too busy after to really address her. He had gone to find Valor and Gryphon first, and now he was returning to the meeting spot to see if the woman was still there. To his surprise, she was. And he assumed at this point that she was looking to join the pack instead of just checking it out, why else would she have stuck around? Kimahri sauntered on his left while Shiva brought up the rear. His two companions eyed the stranger with interest, tails and ears flicking as they drew closer. Once Dragon approached her, he dipped his head. "Thanks for waiting, and welcome to Talis. I assume you're here to join?" The earthen alpha went straight for the point, curious as to what she'd say. They had lost a lot of members it seemed, most of them having disappeared without a word so he wasn't quite sure what to think about that. He also wasn't sure what he'd do if he saw them again if they decided to come back...

Casting that aside, he offered a smile to her. "I'm Dragon by the way, what's your name?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



7 Years
11-16-2017, 08:53 AM

There was currently a small bug crawling on her left front paw and she watched it. It was a lady bug something she had already seen before although she liked to watch the little creature. Laying her head on her leg and gently blew some air at the bug making it flutter his wings and take off. Flying away just before Dragon approached. Her blue eyes looked over the alpha and his two companions. The cats were large and could defiantly do some damage. She was curious how one comes to create a companion from another animal. She had seen a few wolves before with an companion, some including her family back home.

She pulled herself up into a sitting position, her tail wagging as she focused back onto the brown alpha. He greeted her and gave her his name. Respectfully she dipped her head with her tail still gently wagging.

"Yes I believe I have made the decision to join if your accepting new members, the loner life I'm finding is not for me. I'm Zinnia Wreckage," she replied with a smile.

She was so used to the structure and the company of her family in the clan that traveling around alone since she had left made her realize that she hated to be alone. She hated not having the company of others and hated not having more of an opportunity to form relationships with others. Though when everyone is related it is easy to form relationships compared to what it may be with members from this pack, but she was willing to try. Her eyes curiously went to the cats again, not nervous of their presence, but curious.

"Does your companions have names? And is it customary in you pack to have a companion?" she asked, she couldn't remember who all at the meeting had companions, but she felt like she needed to ask to be sure she didn't have to go searching for one before she joined.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-17-2017, 01:17 AM

He'd caught her playing with a ladybug, and part of him thought it was cute in a way, though he kept his amusement hidden as best he could. He listened to what she said with eagerness, a grin lifting his maw to show a toothy smile. "Welcome to Talis, Miss Zinnia Wreckage. It's nice to formally meet you," He dipped his head in a polite greeting, "And yes, we are accepting new members, as a matter of fact. " Especially since Esa's whole family disappeared... He did wonder what happened to them. Arke had said Steel had shown up where the healers were waiting, but Dragon hadn't seen much after that since he'd still been fighting.

He was distracted then, when Zinnia asked about his companions. He glanced back at them for a moment as they in turned looked at each other, and then at her. "Of course! On my left here is Kimahri, and on my right is Shiva," Both felines dipped their heads to her, though remained silent for the time being. Dragon returned his attention to her then, "Companions are not required for you to join Talis. In fact, I didn't meet Kimahri until sometime after we moved here, and Shiva we met recently. The others in the pack who have companions is Armai and her Snow Leopard Nox, and my mother Avalon and her bird, Tanaraq."

His tail flicked as he glanced at his companions again for a quick moment, "It's an odd sight, isn't it? To see a wolf with companions like this?" At least he thought so. The only other wolf he'd seen with a companion remotely close to his was Armai with Nox. "So, He looked at her again, noticing just how much smaller she was than him. How had he missed that? Ah well, "Is there anything you'd like to know before joining?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



7 Years
11-19-2017, 08:36 PM

His smile made her own bright smile appear, that and the fact he was accepting new members. As he looked to his companions she perked up and peered around him at the two beautiful creatures. She fallowed where he motioned with either names, wanting to make sure she would remember them correctly. Smiling politely at both of them in the process. Her attention went back to Dragon as he answered her companion question. It was a relief to hear that she would not need a companion to be apart of the pack, and really only a few others had them which made her feel a lot better about everything.

"It is, some of my family had them, in fact my family thought highly of companions, but I've never had the experience. My great great grandmothers, all three of them, had them, but those companions were a lot more....... Petrifying." She said lowly with a light smile.

She had no doubt that the cats could defiantly be forces to be reckoned with, but the creatures she spoke of looked like creatures from some nightmare. They were old and more may scars and could even be described as looking like experiments. She shuddered slightly and shifted in her spot thinking about them before her attention focused back on Dragon.

"No I think all my questions have been answered, is there anything you need to know of me? Any particular ranks your looking to be filled? I can kinda hop were needed" she asked.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-01-2017, 04:12 PM

A brow quirked up in interest and curiosity. What kinds of creatures would be considered petrifying? He was really curious now. Glad to know that she was familiar with the concept. It was unusual to him at first, but quickly grew accustomed to it after meeting Kimahri, and he was glad he did. Although the cat was brash and constantly trying to get him into trouble, he wouldn't trade him for anything. And Shiva? Well...he was still figuring her out. So far he knew she got incredibly jealous and possessive, but he guessed it was just a woman thing. "I'm curious as to what would be considered petrifying, I know Kimahri looks odd when he's been soaked, and he can sometimes be petrifying when he's pissed off, but..." He assumed she meant petrifying as in...scary looking, or something.

It seemed she had no questions to ask him, which...he was okay with, to an extent. He was going to explain to her anyway. Although he welcomed new members, he figured it'd be best to let them know what they were getting into. He knew things had changed since he took over, and the members that had joined under his mother's rule were shocked, he was sure, when he took over and changed a lot of things. "Well, I know your name is Zinnia Wreckage, and that you've come looking to join. What are your strengths and weaknesses? There are a lot of positions available in Talis, I just like to ensure everyone is placed in a rank they'll be happy with. At least, until you decide you want a better one, anyway. Are you a hunter? A fighter? Do you prefer working with herbal remedies? There's positions for trackers, guards, scouts...the list goes on." He looked her over, wondering if she'd do well as a hunter. If she wasn't sure what she wanted to do though, he'd test her to see where her strengths lied.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



7 Years
12-05-2017, 09:19 PM

He was curious at her meaning of petrifying and she wrinkled her nose as her memories reeled back to those companions. Her left eye twitched slightly as she remembered their personalities and particular markings that made them stand out from one another.

"They weren't normal..... None of them were nice, all of them were heavily scarred and just looked like my great grandmother's twisted experiments." she replied.

He then went on to asking about her strengths and weakness'. He wanted to be sure she would get a rank she was happy with, which was respectful. Something she felt she would be completely comfortable with. It made her question herself, what really would be a suitable thing for her to do. What would make her the happiest? Though the clan had been structured, it had been way different then a pack, at least that is what she thought. She was raised to be adaptable and had been one of the wolves who was adaptable to pretty much anything, a go with the flow type of girl. So what would she do?

"Well I can tell you that my fighting is my biggest weakness and a rank to deal with that wouldn't be for me. I am a strong hunter and I love to navigate, but I am also vary skilled with herbs something that every member of my family was taught. So I would do great in a hunting rank. Even a scouting rank if it doesn't need great fighters. I also have to say my nose is my best asset and my father's greatest gift to pass onto his children." she replied with a grin.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-11-2017, 12:56 AM

He'd hold back his laughter as she wrinkled her nose, and twitched her eye. It was cute...and pretty funny. When she explained how they were in regards to looking petrified, he chuckled. "I see, I don't know whether I would have liked to see that or not," He was always curious and fascinated by the oddities of the world, though he hadn't encountered too many of them save for the star wolves, but they were far from ugly. He didn't think he had ever really seen anything ugly enough to consider it petrifying. "I've seen some scary things in my lifetime, though perhaps not as bad as you just described." Kimahri rumbled, though he was clearly interested as well. Still, neither of them would press her for more of the gruesome details.

He waited for her to think about what he had asked her, and as he waited, his gaze roamed over her to try and assess her body type. She looked agile enough, perhaps she was fast on her feet? She didn't look like a fighter...there weren't any visible scars that he could see, anyway. And as he made his assessment, she began to speak. He listened carefully, and his hunch was right. She wasn't much of a fighter, but perhaps she would do well with Gryphon...he was after all, the only true hunter left in the pack after Esarosa and her family disappeared. "Alright then, I've decided to try you as a hunter. You'll work with our other hunter, Gryphon. He's kinda grumpy, but he's not so bad when you get to know him," He winked at her before continuing, "I am going to teach you some fighting though. All pack members should know at least the basics to defend themselves in the event you need to. And it's mandatory for Talons. They're the bounty hunters, and trackers, as well as an extent. It's a risky job, so it's mandatory for Talons to know how to fight. But since you're a hunter, you don't have to focus on that too much."

Hmm...he felt like maybe she should know more about the pack. After all, maybe that was why some had left? He wasn't too sure, whatever the case, he'd tell her anyway. "I want you to be aware that we at times, raid other packs. You're not required to raid, but I figure I'd let you know so it doesn't come as a surprise whenever a raid meeting is called." He was somewhat nervous about telling her that bit of information, but he would be straightforward and not lie just for the sake of recruiting. "So, since we've got that squared away, do you have any other inquiries? If not, then you're free to go and explore the territories and mingle with the other members. Some of them are...a little antisocial, but I'm sure they'll warm up to you in no time. As for me, you can always find me around the castle. I sleep in one of the rooms, and I'm pretty easy to find."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.