
It's a Scary World



10-17-2017, 07:46 AM
Twilight was slowly sweeping over the hilly knolls, the spaces between each rounded hump of earth already dark with shadows though the crowns were touched with fire from the setting sun. A normal enough evening for the area, despite the mists that already had begun to gather in the low-lying shadows.

The sun sank lower and lower upon the horizon, and then... was gone.

The instant the last sliver of sun disappeared, a brilliant flash of green light illuminated the sky with an intensity that startled a small group of bison into fleeing. Something in the air had changed. It was like the taste and feel that preceded a lightning strike, yet somehow different. Something... something had changed.

How strange! How spooky! It seems some sort of rift has opened between our world and the afterlife, allowing the living and the dead to mingle for the space of a single thread. A few guidelines to keep in mind: the dead are ephemeral, meaning that they are not solid and so cannot touch the living, nor can they kill them or obviously be killed by them. Unlike Somnium, characters posted together here do not need to have known each other previously or be blood related. We ask that no more than the first four (two living and two dead) characters be posted here. Don't worry if you miss this one! With one rift opened, the fabric of reality may be thin enough for more to open as well...



10 Years
10-17-2017, 10:54 AM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2017, 10:55 AM by Priti.)

She was a being long forgotten by the denizens of this world, she had never had children of her own so she had died as she had lived, alone and bitter. There had been no one to witness her passing, not even a single one of those damned kids of his had come to gloat over her corpse. She had been ready to fade into obscurity, spending the rest of her eternity in isolation, finally granted peace at least.

It seemed fate had a different plan.

Something drew her attention, a wrongness. Something was drawing her towards an anomaly and before she knew it she was... well not where she had been since her passing. For the first time in years Priti found herself in the world she had once been a part of.  




6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-17-2017, 01:07 PM

How long had it been since his passing? Time seemed to stop since the day that cursed rat had taken his life, and though Sin had few regrets...he did regret not being a bit more careful. That carelessness had cost him his life, and that day he had forfeited anymore time he had with his youngest children. He longed to see them. He longed to touch them again...were they still alive? Enigma had visited him once, but his eldest son didn't know their whereabouts beyond them still being around...somewhere. He had to admit, it got rather lonely in this place...and he wished he could see them again, even if it was just one last time...

The man walked along the fields he so often occupied, until something caught his attention. Amber gaze caught the sight of something...different. Something...wait, were those the knolls? "I must be dreaming now..." Was it even possible to dream after you died? Standing there with a certain hesitance, he was unnerved about this strange phenomenon happening before him. Beyond the odd veil, he could see the stars and the hills, the muffled sound of bison and crickets...was this his chance to return?

It took him only a few moments to decide before he eventually headed towards what he saw. And soon, he crossed back into the world of the living. He felt...strange. Like he was here but...not. The gentle breeze that touched the trees also ruffled his fur. He could feel the grass beneath his paws. He could hear and smell everything. He closed his eyes then...taking in everything he had once known.



10-17-2017, 02:11 PM
He was passing through. He needed to make his way about, Philly ever the attention robber had him running about to find her once again. Her uncle or not he was starting to view her more as his own daughter than any other's child. She was turning darker and darker as the days passed and he posioned her being. He fed her dark secrets, and the truth of their family little by little. How those abraven bitches and Adrevendis had dared to wage war upon them.

He had renewed his war paint this morning before moving out. He had promised Philly that one day she would earn her own. He moved into the knolls before stopping. His golden eye bore into the spectral form of his father and another bitch. Then just like that he moved towards his sire. His confusion over this was blatant on his face. "The fuck? Your supposed to be dead Father or did you forget to tell us all something..." he stopped shortly before the man. His fur along his spine was on end and his face while confused was angry. Sin had forgotten him. This was no happy reunion.



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
10-17-2017, 02:51 PM
Philly had set out against her uncle’s orders, growing bolder by the day as she grew. Riker’s words encouraged her, but also frustrated and confused her at times. Why would anyone want to hurt their family? Why was their family divided? Philomena didn’t have the answers to this… but she wanted to bond her family once more. Make them as strong and powerful as she imagined in her head. United they could be something even greater… maybe even the true warriors of justice! They could hunt down those that hurt their family before and carve them down, make them feel as they had once felt. Her little mind was becoming twisted, but the child didn’t know it.

Catching her uncle’s scent Philomena lifted her ears realizing he’d come looking for her before she’d gotten back. The child felt a little guilty… she knew her uncle only wanted her to stay put to make sure she was safe but she already knew all the neat little hiding spaces of where they were staying. It wasn’t as fun there anymore, particularly when Rikeros wasn’t there.

But she didn’t expect to find her uncle with two other wolves… one who looked a lot like him and another who was a pretty she-wolf. Philomena stopped, flicking her ears back as she saw how anger her uncle looked, and instead, not quite noticing the fact there was something off about the two older wolves, edged towards the non-aggressive looking femme. Maybe she knew why her uncle was upset?

“Umm… excuse me..” Philly’s words were quiet, and the large girl glanced towards the two white wolves decorated with war paint. “Are… are they fighting?” She asked the femme, feeling a strange sense like she should recognize the older brute. Was he family too?

  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!



10 Years
10-17-2017, 05:53 PM

Slowly she became aware of the sky above her and the strange geography around her. She frowned for a moment, turning brilliant greens down to her paws. There was ground beneath her paws but she couldn't feel it, there was no cool fall air filling her lungs, there was no wind at least none that she could feel. She was here but she wasn't physically here...

Another... being, came up behind her and more out of instinct than anything else she skittered out of his way. He hardly seemed to notice her however and she slowly drifted away from him. Movement caught her attention and angry speech.  Priti rolled her eyes and would have left the two to bicker amongst themselves if another wolf hadn't directly approached her.

In life she hadn't grown to dislike pups but since her death maybe she had softened some since the innocent question of the girl brought a smile to her face, even as she decided it simply wasn't worth questioning her long main of fur. "It does look like that." She spoke in a soft voice cracked with age and lowering herself into a crouch at the girl's eye line.

She cast a quick glance at the two other wolves. "Where are your parents?" She didn't believe that she belonged to either of them and she couldn't help but want to protect her from these strange wolves.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-18-2017, 01:40 AM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2017, 01:42 AM by Sin.)
ooc//so totally didn't forget about this >.>;

His moment of peace would not be as long lasting as he thought it might be when an angry voice cut the air. Eyes snapped open to see the form of another, certainly not the she-wolf who had entered this world too, no. It was one of his sons, and the alabaster man merely stared at him as his child made his anger known. At first, he felt his anger rising. Ready to lash out at this boys insolence, but the anger soon died rather quickly when he thought about it. He understood why his son was angry with him. After all, Sin had been killed before he had had the chance to reunite with his youngest litter. He had left promptly after the siege, leaving his youngest in the care of his friend Glacier and had promised to return when he had healed from his injuries. He hadn't wanted his youngest children to see him bloodied after that day.

"Do you really believe I am alive? I am sure after all this time you know what happened, Draven...but you...what happened to you?" His voice was calm, concerned as his gaze roamed over his son's scars, the missing eye...had he been attacked by those who had laid siege to Hellstrom? Had they dared harm his son who had been nothing but an innocent child then? For the moment, he had not yet noticed the young girl, instead, his focus was on his angry son.



11-18-2017, 02:48 AM
He gave sin a blank stare. While angry and confused because after all this time finally here was his father before him to answer him why, yet he wasn't truly there. At his father's use of his old name he gave a snort. His tone came with venom as he corrected the man that had given him a weaklings name "Rikeros, dad, Draven died long ago." he heard his father's question and gave a laugh. Like he actually cared what happened to that sweet little innocent boy. The boy that he never intended to allow to be anything. He was just the son of Sin's mistress. Enigma was the true heir of Hellstrom, yet where was he? Sitting on his lazy ass doing nothing.

"I went back to try to help, stupid as I was back then. Got myself kidnapped, taken to some bastard's play house where he trained me to kill or be killed in a fighting ring. Finally got out and killed the fucked not to long ago though. Then I get my ass whooped by Enigma because he can't handle a little name calling." he laughed at that. Out of them all, enigma wore the bitches crown. Forsaken was a psychopath that fell down some rabbit hole somewhere and hadn't emerged since. Ganta was a loser and a lost cause. He hadn't hung with paradox yet. And ganta's kid was as good as his.

Speaking of Which. His eye went to Philly and he gave her a hard stare. "Still can't stay where your put huh? Well while your here might as well come show yourself off to your grandfather." he looked back to sin to give him a nod if Philly's direction. Then quietly stated to him before she could join him, "Took that one off Ganta's paws, been turning her into a true Hellstrom. He only told her of the Lore side."