
An Angel of Mercy [Healing Camp]



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-23-2017, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2017, 06:44 PM by Paladin.)
Healers not in the raid should come here unless ICrly they would stay to guard the children of the pack somewhere. Bring Supplies. Wounded wolves knocked out from the Raid come here to be treated.

Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

Paladin had been moving along the borders, placing stones before he went back to the den to curl with his siblings and mother. He was glad it seemed Valor was showing more interest in their mother, because from what he’d heard and gathered, his brother and his father had barely even tried to see her or comfort her. Pity it took their father’s murder to snap his brother out of it. And what had it said of his father’s love or lack thereof for his mother if he could galivant off to their southern relatives when his mate was so clearly unwell and getting worse?

He shook his head quickly to dispel the bitter thoughts and sighed, last stone in place. He’d tried to find the flattest, smoothest ones he could. Ones that would stack together to form a wall like his cousin wished. It was at that moment, that he heard a warning howl up ahead, one announcing intruders, and he broke into a run, then paused, hesitating. They would need a healer if this turned violent, and he realized, as his cousin’s war song rolled like thunder across the moor and toward the Plains, that it would. This wasn’t a single trespasser. This was an attack of some kind.

He shook his head and broke into a swift, ground eating lope. He was undecided, until a spark of insight struck him. He dashed back to the plains, barking out a howl for any healers not already in place. It was urgent, and he maintained the calls until his paws flashed over the ground of the ravine. He gathered supplies he felt they would need, from hides filled with herbs to stop bleeding, to softer skins that he’d try his best to splint any broken bones with, the straight sticks he’d been diligently gathering over the time he’s been home wrapped in them, and carried in the hides that held the herbs.

His jaws full, and extra supplies draped over his back, he moved swiftly, not stopping until he’d staked a place out in the middle of the standing stones in the Moor. Close enough to bring the wounded, but far enough to keep them safe. He just hoped the other healers that could help would get here. Celestial needed all the wolves that could be of help, on both fronts.

He deftly set up the small camp, then sat and waited for the others.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



8 Years
07-24-2017, 08:07 AM

Things were the best they had ever been for Solveiga. She had been saying that for some time now, but it was still true. Each day seemed to get better and better for her. She was in love with a man that loved her back. Her heart belonged to him, and his belonged to her. They had spent an incredible night together in the plains, and within days Solveiga was sure something had changed. Regulus knew it too, by her scent, he said.

She was pregnant. She and Regulus were going to be welcoming children into this world, raising them to be good and loyal and strong. And she couldn't even put into words how excited she was.

Solveiga had always dreamed of being a mother, and now those dreams were coming true.

With spring still in full swing, the little healer spent most of her time gathering more herbs for storage. Considering the awful things that had happened recently, with Marina, and then with Creed and Valor... needless to say, it was necessary to be prepared. And good thing she was, because tonight fate decided to throw another obstacle their way. Solveiga was in the alcove that held her whole supply of herbs, organizing things and checking some of the older herbs for signs of decay. Herbs were no good if rot made them useless, after all.

And that was when she heard the first howl rise into the air.

Danger. Intruders. Multiple intruders, here with bad intentions. Was it an attack? Some kind of challenge or raid? The second howl went up and Solveiga felt her blood go colder still. Laísren. Marina and Laísren were there, ready to fight for their pack. Marina was a mother, and Laísren was still just a boy in her eyes. Please, Solveiga prayed silently. Don't let them be harmed. After allowing herself a moment to gather herself, Solveiga moved into action. She took one of the large, waxy leaves she used for transporting herbs, and gathered everything she thought they would need. Sedatives, painkillers, things for splinting broken bones, herbs for cleaning wounds and preventing infection. All of it. She wrapped everything up in her waxy leaf and quickly left the alcoves just as Paladin sent up a call of his own. Soon after, Solveiga joined him in the moors, laying her bundle down and unrolling it to reveal all the supplies she had brought.

And then she heard one last call echoing through the territory.

"Regulus," she whispered to herself. Of course he would be there. He was the leader of Celestial. But even so, Solveiga felt her ears tucking themselves to her skull and she whined softly. Fight bravely, but be safe. Another prayer, this time for the father of her unborn children. Oh, please be safe. "They'll be okay," she said, this time to Paladin. But it was unclear whether she was trying to convince herself or him. "They'll fight hard, and defend us. And we'll be here for them if they need us."

Now, they would wait.



10 Years
Athena I
07-25-2017, 09:50 PM

The howls that split through the air made a chill go through her. Intruders. Not just one stray loner that didn't know what a pack border was, but a real threat. All the preaching her older brother did about patrolling and protecting their borders that Baine had never really payed attention to... now it all came to life. For a moment she was frozen in place. She didn't know what to do or where to go. Did she go to where the fighting was? Did she run back to the dens and caves where she was sure others would be gathering that weren't fighting? She felt like she was somewhere in between. She wanted to help her brother and be part of protecting her pack, but at the same time she had never really taken training to fight seriously. Would she even be any help?

It wasn't until the sounds of fighting made their way to her that she finally broke out of her second guessing trance. She had to do something. She hurried closer to the border, but on her way she caught Solveiga's scent. The idea of at least being with her friend made her feel better and she gravitated toward her. She found Solveiga and Paladin among a whole variety of herbs and healing supplies and Baine realized this was the healing camp they had set up. Making up her mind as she went, she came over to join them as her ears flicked at a particularly loud snarl. "I've never done any healing, but I'd like to help if I can. Even if it's just running to get supplies or whatever you need," she said as she stopped across from Solveiga, looking over to Paladin as well as she spoke.

"Talk" "You" Think

Valor I


8 Years

08-24-2017, 07:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2017, 03:46 PM by Valor I.)
ooc: edited cause I realized there was a slot open on Celestial's side for the raid and I have the time to throw him in.

A summoning howl broke out into the night and it wasn't long after that more followed. At first the male had been confused, but it became apparent not long after that there were intruders in their home. A brief moment of indecision hit him as to what he should do. He hadn't had a whole lot of fight training, judging by the large scar from the female in the north, and yet it felt weird to think that he should sit it out. On the downside he also knew nothing about healing either so he wasn't going to be much help there either. He supposed he could go watch the pups, but after sniffing around the cave system it seemed like there was enough wolves there already.

Finally he resigned to checking out where the healers were setting up camp to see if he could help out there. He padded across the moor the find his brother, and two of his other pack mates there. He knew Solveiga was a healer and Paladin as well. The group was small and he knew nothing about herbs, but he came to a stop near Paladin and gave him an expectant look. He was ready to help out where he could.

He stood around waiting as he heard the sounds of battle raging a ways away. He paced around anxiously until he decided he'd had enough. "Screw this, I'm heading over there to help." He said before wasting no time. He was angry and hated the thought of being on the side lines while the others fought off the attackers. He was going to help.

-exit Valor-

Walk, "Talk" Think

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11 Years
09-07-2017, 04:50 PM
The brute was bleeding freely from his face and the soreness from the bruising to his right shoulder was setting in. There were deep puncture wounds upon his left cheek, tears made from the Talis wolf’s fangs that were a quarter inch deep… but the worst loss was his left eye. It had been pierced, and the brute wondered as he kept it firmly shut if he would ever see out of it again. Who was he to complain about lack of sight though? He still had his right eye whereas his poor mate, his poor Kalliope, had never had any. Sure Castiel had tried to not focus on that, not wanting to make his beloved feel conscious about her disability… but this was something that had him thinking…  he might need her advice to get used to being blind on one side… and a lot of training.

Castiel felt horribly old too… and like he hadn’t done enough for Celestial. Limping away from the battlefield bleeding… it injured his pride more than his body. He was supposed to be a protector of his family… Hell, he’d been failing that for a while now, hadn’t he? Not only did he fail at his fight in the raid but both of his sons were missing and… Cas heaved a sigh. No, he chided himself, he couldn’t do this. He had to be strong for Kalli and Etain… he had to be there for them as they were there for him. Together they were going to make it through this...

His single golden orb fell on the closest of the healers as he continued to limp along; Solveiga. Near her was Paladin… and Castiel wore a furrowed brow and frown as he approached the two of them. He said nothing for now, sitting a short distance away from the two. He didn’t want to ask for help, though he needed it. What troubled him, he realized as he looked around, was that Kalli wasn’t there. Hopefully she was still with Etain… somewhere safe. Finally he let out another sigh, gaze returning to the healers to utter a single word; “Sorry…”



8 Years
10-01-2017, 05:56 PM

She pushed on retreating from the battle at the borders. Blood was running down her face and her emotions were running high. Her face was vary painful and she could no longer see. She wasn't sure what had happened, she had felt so sure that she was doing great, but once more she had failed. She had failed Marina, herself, and her pack and she felt sick to her stomach. She felt like such a disgrace, but she kept pushing herself on. She couldn't count how many times she had run into something on her way to find the healer camp. She could have fallowed Cast's scent if her own nose wasn't filled with the scent of blood.

She stumbled forward not knowing where she was headed, but she needed to find a healer. She was desperately hoping that things could be fixed, that she just couldn't see now because of the blood and the pain. Was the god's punishing her? Was this their way of continuing to toy with her life? She whined before stumbling again, falling onto her already painful face. This time she didn't get back up, the emotions overwhelming her.

Letting out a small howl she attempted to seek help, unsure how much further she was from the healers.

"Talk" & Think



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
11-11-2017, 11:04 AM
Staggering slightly with fatigue and blood loss, Justice began to make her way to where the healers had gathered when a soft, pitiful howl stopped her. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs, though that splattered droplets of blood from her wounds, and glanced around until she saw a familiar-enough form collapsed a ways away. She padded over to the wolf, ready to help her reach the healers, but when she got close enough to see her through the darkness she stopped dead. Where the hunter's eyes should have been was just a gory mess, worse than what she'd done to Dragon. For a beat Justice locked up, her body stiff and a hot fury rushing through her from ears to toes and nose to tail. She nearly turned right around and rushed back to where the pack still fought with what remained of Talis' raiders to do to Acapella's attacker what they'd done to her, but the faint dizziness that swept her warned her against that sort of stupidity. The bastard could always be found again in the future. Justice could wait. Acapella's wounds could not.

"Come on, 'pella," she said, her voice coaxing despite the roughness fatigue and rawness from shouting had left in her throat. Gentle nudges with her muzzle and shoulder against Acapella's uninjured spots as Justice urged her to climb to her feet. "You need to get to your paws now so you can get to the healers. I can guide you, ok? Just lean on me." Acapella was a little taller than she was, Justice remembered, but not built on quite as heavy lines as the Ancora. She would be able to take the hunter's weight easily, and help her to the healer camp. Surely her brothers, at least, would be there, Valor and maybe Exodus to get patched up, Paladin to do the patching. She could help Paladin and the other healers with the more badly wounded first before she got her wounds seen to.

She hoped neither Valor or Exodus was too badly injured. She'd seen Valor fighting Dragon before she had taken over, then nothing of him after, so he must have gone off to the healers while she fought - not knowing what he had lost in his battle with the Talis alpha, she could not have known that he would not be there.

"Let's get you to the healers, Acapella," she said again, continuing to speak to the injured hunter in a constant quiet murmur of encouragement.



8 Years
11-16-2017, 01:12 PM

It was only a few moments before the soft voice of the younger women came to her. It was another pack member and she was coming to her aid. Relief washed over the hunter as she again pulled herself to her feet, but she was weakened from loss of blood and from trying to run from the battlefield. She was going to guide her and lightly Acapella nodded getting steady on her feet then gently leaning into the women and moving with her, allowing Justice to be her eyes. Her soft spoken words of encouragement continued to ease her and relax her. Emotions began to calm as Justice lead her to the camp.

"Thank you Justice," she said quietly as they moved.

Ella felt dizzy, but since she was being guided she focused fully on trying to not fall, to not collapse. The further they moved the weaker she felt and when Justice finally got her to the camp, Ella collapsed at her side. She needed healing and rest and both would come now that she was here. She wouldn't die tonight, no she had more life to live before leaving this soil.

"Talk" & Think



5 Years
11-19-2017, 07:48 PM

His first fight he had lost and his wounds needed tended to. His left front leg held up he hobbled on three legs away from the raid. He was embarrassed that he hadn't done a better job in the fight. He only hoped now that the remainder of the pack kicked butt. Once everyone was healed up he would need to get back into some hard core training so that next time he could do a better job. For now he had to heal and mend so that next time he can do a better job. Up ahead he could see two other members, one leaning on the other, no doubt traveling the same way. He fallowed at his own pace, his wounds not as major and could wait for treatment if need be. Fallowing the two women to the camp he moved off to the side and waited to be treated, allowing the more serious to get treated first.

"Talk" "You" Think
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