
Abraxas Puppy


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
11-21-2017, 03:56 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2017, 08:33 PM by Shrapnel.)
So my character Ana has found herself a male to procreate with. Here is her profile - Click and here is the father's profile - Click.

I want to start off by saying that Ana does not intend on telling Dragon about the pups as she intends to raise them by herself so they're not tainted by the ways of a mortal, so I don't expect these pups to have very good alignments. They can range anywhere from neutral range to the evil spectrum - basically I don't expect a goody-goody character to come out of these babies.

On another note please take a look at Fox's original adopt page if you are unfamiliar with the Abraxas family - Click. Ana will be raising these babies to be the perfect children. She'll expect them to follow the family values and obey their superiors. She's not above killing her own children either so if she feels as though her children aren't living up to the Abraxas name then she will erase them from the litter entirely, so Dragon and I aren't likely to choose a player who is intent on making a hell child who'd taint the family name - especially after the Aby incident that Ana is dealing with.

With that being said there will only be a max of three pups in this litter since Ana isn't in a pack. Dragon and I both are taking one, so that leaves only one pup available so we're going to be picky about who gets this pup.

Rules and Expectations
- Dragon and I have the right to reclaim the character if you set them inactive or don't post them after 1 ooc month - though we highly encourage more than one post a month.
- Again, don't make a crazy hell child pup that is going to cause grief for Ana because it won't go over well.
- Dragon and I will be providing a few designs for you to use, though if you're wanting to use your own that's fine. If you do provide your own design then you must agree that it goes with the character if we reclaim it from you.
- If you use one of our designs they must stay on Ardent. If we see that you are using the design elsewhere, or claiming it as your own, then we will reclaim the pup from you.
- All purchases stay with the character as well - so if you buy height, or any other gem store items, they will go with the character to avoid problems in the future if we have to reclaim the child from you.
- Name should follow a demonic or god-like theme.
- Players will get a 25% discount off of height up to 39 inches, a 25% discount off of albinism, and a 25% discount off of other species markings.

Without further ado, please fill out this form if you're interested in the pup! We'll leave this open until we find a player we like. Please delete everything in parenthesis.

<b>OOC Name:</b> (Name you go by on the site)
<b>Name:</b> (What you're going to name the pup. Last name will be Abraxas)
<b>Gender:</b> (Male or female - an intersex character isn't an option as Ana would kill it)
<b>Design:</b> (Link one of ours of one of your own)
<b>Appearance:</b> (200 word description of what your character looks like.)
<b>Personality:</b> (200 word description of what your character's personality is like.)
<b>Plans:</b> (What are your plans with this character? World domination, to run a pack, ext?)
<b>RP Sample:</b> (This is only required for new members so we can see your writing style.)

Design 1 (I might be using this one)
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
Design 5 (I might also use this one, idk yet)
Design 6
Design 7
Design 8
Design 9
Design 10
Design 11
Design 12
Design 13
Design 14
Design 15
Design 16
Design 17 with a Markings Ref

*Added designs 10-16* Dragon

Ardat Lili


1 Year
11-21-2017, 08:12 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2017, 10:20 AM by Ardat Lili.)
OOC Name: spec
Name: Ardat Lili Abraxas (To family, Lili or Ala, to all others Ardat)
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Design: Design 8
Appearance: Lilac, lavender, sand, cream and ash. The colors that shine upon this girls' pelt is anything but spectacular. Cream lace portions of her back, slash from her rear to her underside before hitting the base of her stomach. A tuft of chest fur, almost asterisk-shaped, is also cream. The rest of her body is laced in altering shades of lilac, lavender, sand, and ash.  Most noticeable to her appearance is the star of pure cream on her forehead, like a beacon of light drawing ones' eyes into her. To any onlooker, this poison princess would merely be your average slightly smaller than medium sized wolf, with minty green eyes. Though, these beautiful orbs are usually as sharp as knives, and will send daggers into any who cross her, or her extensive family. Sugar and spice and everything nice; what else would anyone use to describe a flower as delicate as this? Only Ardat Lili Abraxas is anything but a delicate flower.

At first glance, the pup is anything but special; lengthy wobbly limbs, all skin and bones, and above all else she’s rather clumsy. Like all other puppies, Ardat will grow into her size and stride. She will be slim, slender, and built for speed and endurance, not entirely brute force. Of course, not all situations need to be handled with force and attack strength. With pride, the princess will walk with a purpose across the ground, almost gliding. Each step is assertive, and each move is fluid. Every glance is calm, and assertive; the windows to this soul are icy and cool. Upon this predator’s face is no expression, at least not usually. One could say she's brutally honest, diligent, and above all else, she respects and upholds family and traditions.
Personality: Ardat is a challenge, that’s to say the least. This lass takes after her mother for the most part, her beauty is in the eye, but her strength lies deeper than the skin. Given her upbringing, focused mainly on being a diety above all else in the world, the female is rather odd. No, she’s not sunshine and rainbows, still far from that chapter of life, but she’s more refined in a dignified sense, not really an entitled sense. From the start, it’s obvious to all that the child is respectful; to elders, to kin, to any of those that are deemed worthy to her and her family name. Speaking when spoken to, obeying orders from those in higher ranks like a true subordinate, and maintaining a sense of dignity. Though not vain the girl is prideful, and rightfully so, I mean how can one be a god among men and not feel pride?

A rather quiet girl, so the voice is not what carries her, what some would call “arrogance,” it’s the way she holds herself and regards others. Generally, her expression is that of either blankness or distaste, usually the latter when dealing with anyone but family. Her head is held high, stance that of a statue, and her ears are constantly attuned to the world around her. Unless it’s someone of importance, Ardat is likely to maintain a regal stature. Like the rest of her family, she puts herself, and her family, on a pedestal of the highest honor, merit, and attention. Nothing comes between the blood in her veins and the blood of her kin, and for this one can sense the shrewd nature and self-importance that all others in her family have. Ardat rarely interacts with others, and when she does, it’s merely out of the gain she could acquire for herself, or for family.

Craft is her secret weapon, and it may not seem like an art that can be mastered by one so… serious. Knowing her strengths is part of what makes Ardat so dangerous, and as she grows she’ll learn that her skills as a hunter and fighter will fail compared to her other assets. While she is not big, or the strength of any operation, she does have brains, and her knowledge will carry a certain power. No, she’s not any sort of mind reader, or other silly method, Ardat is simply unnerving. To others, the cold demeanor and blank stare will open doors of interrogation that others cannot fathom. To be uncomfortable to others, is her gain, her power, but it’s not for everyone, or everything. Silence, can be deafening.

Above all else, Ardat is one of observation, watching, absorbing, and assessing all situations. In this sense, she can go by in life almost unnoticed or undetected. She’s got an uncanny knack for being able to bring out the truth, because who wouldn’t be uncomfortable by someone just staring at you as you weave a story, not moving, barely blinking, and completely silent? The wolf, even at a young age, can read others rather well, mainly because she doesn’t waste time with meager things. She goes for the meat of any situation, but with a bit of taste and flare. Brute force can only get one so far, but art can get anyone into any situation they desire. 

Unknowingly to the child, she takes but one aspect of her core self from her father; lawful neutral. Despite being an Abraxas child, Ardat is far from your average self-absorbed idol, she is the gavel and the scale. The voice of lawfulness and all that follows; she is the truth bringer, and the one to sentence all others for their crimes and pay their dues. To live under the gods, is to repent for ones' actions. Her cold and calculated demeanor plays quite well into the enforcer roll, with all senses attune to the ways of the Abraxas brood. As she grows, the girl will be all but devoted to her family, her core and self will be bent around the will of those closest to her. For this, and this alone, she’s an excellent pawn in any scheme; fly under the radar, and be the voice of justice.

Plans: Hmm... Ardat for me seems like a background character that has a lot of potential. She could assist in the taking over of a pack or the creation of a pack for being the ultimate decider of ones' fate. Obviously she's not one for fighting, her demeanor is not that of a killer or fighter, but paired with a sibling or relative who excels in brute strength... they could be unstoppable. Visually, I see Ardat seeing herself as part of the family, but also a third party viewer that is sent from the heavens to be the voice of Abraxas law. She's the deciding factor (in her mind) sent to weed out the liars and provide them with their repentance, after all... The family is essentially a deity.
RP Sample: Morning light fell upon the dirt covered ground, it's warmth touching faint hues of cream fur, whispering the promise of yet another blissful day. Mint eyes opened, and the female's head swiveled into the light. Blinking back the bright for a few moments, a yawn broke her ashen lips and produced a flash of ivory fangs and deep pink tongue. Another glorious morning, The thought crossed her mind as she rose, stretching out like a cat, front claws digging into the earth, before shaking off the dirt from her pelt, It's hard to believe it's been two years already. Breaking from the mouth of her den, the wolf watched the world for a moment, assessing what was going on, or if anything was moving. Birds trilled from their high up nests, flitting to and fro to find the fixings for their nests, or perhaps to hunt for vittles for their newborn brood. The thought of family turned her attention to the ridge, and she tested the air for their scents. It had been a little while since any had passed her domicile, but she could smell the worn path of their travel. Mother was up already, moving away from the dens, perhaps to eat or meet with her brother, but it was not her concern at the moment. Her ears searched for the tones of either of her closest family members, and the calls of any of her extended family before setting off in the opposite direction.

Yesterday, she had stumbled upon a fox den, and was curious to see if her sly friend had been roused by the sunlight. Her feet glided across the forest floor, barely making a sound, tracing a path she had known since she could explore the outside of her mothers' den. It wasn't long before she could see the dirt path leading to the clearing, and her nose picked up a faint smell of another. Slowing, and walking rather dutifully, the wolf was determined to see who it was stalking around her domain, but was also wondering what secrets lie beneath the pelt. Altering her path, Ardat circled the clearing, choosing to come from the woods, to have the advantage, and to determine whether or not this commoner was worth her time or not. The wind was in her favor, a gentle gust in her direction, proving that the wolf was still in the surrounding area, and a female. With a tight line formed on her lips, she strode forward. Pride was the name of this game, and Ardat owned the place with her usual stoic flair.

At first, there was complete silence, and all at once the other turned to face her, teeth bared, fur raised, and eyes wild. Ardat gave a rather harsh stare, with a look of disgust, and strode to the rock plastered in sunlight. She took her seat upon the makeshift throne, and let her tail curl almost to her front paws. From this angle, her mint gaze bore into the startled other, and she was not about to lose. The wolf was dirty, her face and front paws were caked in the earth. In a short span of time, Ardat noticed the fox den was tore to pieces, and the evidence lead to this other. Fortunately, the creature was nowhere to be seen, so the likelihood of her swift-footed companion being dead was rather low. It took but a moment for the other to speak, and her shrill tones did little to interest Ardat. How the young don't seem to learn... She mused silently, eyes upon the other. Though she was young, the wolf also looked to be rather bulky, not one to mess with. This didn't bother Ardat, for she was not interested in physical contact. She was merely cataloging this newcomer, and assessing her. Time would tell if she needed to be reprimanded.

"God, you some kind of freak or something?" The words fell upon virtually deaf ears, for Ardat was growing increasingly bored with this female. "Didn't your mother ever tell you that staring is rude, or was she some kind of freak too?" Her eyes narrowed at a comment toward her mother, and the multi hued female spoke in an icy tone, "It's unwise of you to speak of those you don't know," Her tail flicked back and forth, "It could be deadly for you to insult ones family." The other wolf seemed to falter, for a second, before scoffing and retorting some ill-timed jab. It was not worth her time to waste on this mere fool, and she sighed heavily, turning away from her throne. "Hey! I'm not done with you yet!" Over her shoulder, Ardat spoke, one last sentence before continuing on her way, "No, but I'm finished with you." Her goal now was to attempt to track the fox, and no matter how faint the scent was, Ardat decided chasing this ghost would be more interesting than dealing with someone so ignorant.



7 Years
Extra large
11-23-2017, 03:32 PM
OOC Name: Lolaf
Name: Gremory Abraxas
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Design: Design 4
Appearance: Gremory’s mortal heritage is plainly visible as he takes after his father in more than a few ways. Firstly the boy will grow to be much more muscular than his mother. He carries the same power in his limbs and the same barrel chest as Dragon does; his paws will be large even as he grows into them. He is a creature built to house the power of the gods. In terms of his height though he will strike a happy medium between his parents standing at 36” he will still certainly be smaller than most of his godly family.

Much to his chagrin he also resembles his mortal sire more than Ana when it comes to pelt. He is draped in thick, silky earthy hues. His base is mostly a mud brown though he does carry some other colors upon his pelt. The most visible is a charcoal color that paints the lower half of his tail, It also marks his brow and just slightly under his eyes it then runs down the back of his neck onto his shoulders before curving back towards his pine then down the front of his hind legs just under his knees. The same color also marks his muzzle running up into a fade along his nose and along his jaw as well as the back and the rims of his ears. He is also marked by a grey-white. It paints his hind paws, just past his toes on the left and just above his hock on the right leg, it also markes a small spot on the underside of his tail. His neck is a deep grey that then alternates with the same white as before on his chest and stomach. His gaze is a dulled yellow-green.

Personality: Gremory is a god among men and he know it. The mortals are fascinating to him though and he will spend much time among them, learning their quirks and their customs though he will never stoop to pretending to blend in. No he is a god and they will know it. He is a proud creature and does not bend knee to many, primarily he holds his mother in high regard and will play nice with the rest of the family knowing it is expected of him and that he could just as easily find himself dead at their paws. The child is simply certain he can be the one to raise their family back to their godly status over anyone else.

Still the boy has some fears, mortal worries that plague him. He is no fool and knows there must have been a man involved in his creation and he has inklings that he was a mortal man. These thoughts drive a sort of innate desire to prove he’s better than his mortal heritage. He is not afraid to do what must be done. He overcompensates for his self-doubt with cruelty. He will not be reckless but he has little care for mortal’s and their feelings and indeed he resents them; it’d take little to convince him to hurt them.  

Plans: Gremory will be eager to please and will as a young wolf do his best to integrate himself as a valuable member of the family, especially with Amon but will remain more loyal to his mother’s wishes than anyone else's. He may want to raise a pack as he gets older but that could also change depending on development. He’ll probably not look into spreading his genes until he’s decently older (4-5ish) and will be very very picky about a woman he mates with partially to insure she is worthy of carrying his kids but also to help insure his children never have doubts like he does. He will make sure any kids he does have join the family and not stay with their mother’s family.


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
12-12-2017, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2017, 08:32 PM by Shrapnel.)
Alright, just bumping this for now and sending out a reminder that the kids will be born on the 25th! Dragon and I will be choosing a player for the available pup on the 18th to give everyone time to set up their profile and get it in to acceptance before the holidays are in full swing. I also added one more design in to the mix.



5 Years
12-13-2017, 06:22 AM
OOC Name: Croatoan
Name: Belial Abraxas
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral evil
Design: Design 17
Appearance: (200 word description of what your character looks like.)
Personality: (200 word description of what your character's personality is like.)
Plans: (What are your plans with this character? World domination, to run a pack, ext?)
RP Sample: (This is only required for new members so we can see your writing style.)


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
12-17-2017, 08:25 AM
Okay so Dragon and I decided to choose a day early! To be honest this was a super hard choice for us since we loved both your apps!

Without further ado.....

congratulations spec! We can't wait to see what you do with Lili c:

Ardat Lili


1 Year
12-17-2017, 08:51 AM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2017, 08:52 AM by Ardat Lili.)