
Don't need your war machine



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

11-19-2017, 10:58 PM

It may not be the most responsible reaction to his pack disbanding out of the blue to just run off without telling his family, but... nothing was what he thought it should be anymore. This was the only reaction he could think of doing. The logical part of him said that he still had his mother and Jayne to look after and he knew they would both be there for him, but the haunting thoughts of all of the wolves in his life that were gone wouldn't leave his head. He just picked a direction and kept walking till his paws and legs were too sore for him to keep going. With every step he thought of another memory and by the time he stepped into the clearing in the forest just past the land bridge he couldn't stand listening to his own thoughts any more.

He stopped and his legs felt like liquid. Tiburtius didn't know how long he had been walking and he really didn't know where he was, but he just knew he didn't want to be alone. He lifted his head and let out a howl that was just loud enough to reach anyone in the near by area, calling for anyone that might be willing to keep him company. Even if it was just for a short time he wanted some kind of distraction and company. His voice faded into an echo and he flopped onto his haunches with a sigh.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
11-20-2017, 02:35 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2017, 02:35 AM by Shrapnel.)

Everything was so strange lately. The raid was over, but Armai still couldn't shake the on edge feeling that she had. It was like her fight or flight instinct hadn't been turned off since that yearling had threatened her at Celestial's borders. She hadn't even fought in the raid and she just couldn't get her nerves to settle. Mostly she was just worried about the injuries her pack mates had sustained and then the ones who had gone missing. They hadn't been officially announced as missing, but her keen nose had easily picked up on the complete lack of scent of a few of the members that had been at the past few meetings. Had the raid scared them off? She couldn't blame them, but to abandon Talis like that - well she couldn't imagine. Even she was worried about the blow back about the raid, but they were all still alive, and a pack, so she supposed it could have been worse.

She was out past Talis' borders with Nox. She was on edge being out by herself, but her nose and hearing were excellent and she was sure she'd notice danger before it got to her. She wasn't that far from Talis so she was sure she could either make it back to the pack or call someone to help her. Thinking about it now though she was painfully aware how nearly useless she was in a fight. She could heal injuries and illnesses all day long, but she just didn't know enough about self defense to feel comfortable with being out with only Nox. She really needed to talk to Dragon or someone about getting some lessons.

A how drew her from her thoughts and for a brief moment she was vaguely aware of the heavy scent of berries. She inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent, before she headed towards whoever had howled. Had it been at Talis' borders she could have understood why someone had called, but they were outside pack lands so her curiosity was piqued. Nox trailed behind her and eventually she reached the area where the sound came from. She could pick up the scent of the stranger easily enough, a male, and definitely not a Celestial wolf. A loner maybe? Nox's fur bristled in warning as her companion/s crimson gaze stared down the male. She was protective Armai and her unwavering gaze was warning enough that if this male tried anything he was going to lose a few appendages.

"You sound a bit lonely. Do you mind if I sit?" She was still hesitant, but her healer instincts had already kicked in. Surely someone who sounded that sad didn't have any ill intentions. So far he just seemed like someone who needed some company as that was okay with her.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

11-24-2017, 07:44 PM

As soon as the silence took over the space around him again he felt foolish for howling in the first place. If he was lonely he should have just gone back home and found his family. Now here he was sitting in the middle of a place he had never been before calling for a stranger to maybe keep him from being lonely for a little while. It was hard for him to swallow this low that he had come to. Tiburtius was just about to get up and leave before someone could find him when he heard a voice in front of him. His head popped up with surprise, his two toned eyes settling on a gray woman and her feline companion. For a second he didn't know how to respond and his brain seemed to struggle to process her words.

"O-Oh, yeah, of course. I'd appreciate that," he responded awkwardly once he finally remembered how to speak. His gaze shifted to her companion who didn't seem too pleased with her friend's decision to seek him out. He had been dreading someone showing up just moments ago and now all of that was out of his mind. He looked back to the lovely lady across from him and he couldn't help the small smile on his lips. "Um... I'm Tiburtius. It's nice to meet you... Both of you."

"Talk" "You" Think