
Fast Flying Messenger



12 Years
Extra large
10-30-2017, 03:23 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He was growing restless, and it showed. He wanted to get going. He had things he needed to be doing, packs to visit with, since he hadn’t done a round of them in several seasons, if not far longer. That brought to mind an issue that he’d left lying far too long.

He’d promised Baine a trip to see the other packs, and a promotion. He wasn’t able to keep his promise at the moment for a visit by his side to them, but he could give her something to do, and a promotion. She had done what she could during the raid, and the work had not gone unnoticed. Now she could spread the word of the raid, as well as gather any news of Celestial’s allies, as well as their family in Fiori and Lirim.

A sigh escaped, one of countless sighs that had been filling the cave—no doubt the others were damned tired of the noise he made in his stir-crazy musings. He wanted to go on this trip, himself, but certain healers had him under limited activity. He attributed it mostly to Solveiga’s anxiety, and Paladin, being worried in his own right for the pregnancy of the pack’s Consort, was agreeing way more than he ought to. But that could just be Regulus’ disgruntled view of it, he had to admit.

He made his way down to the end of the ravine, trusting his pale sister to be nearby as he let out a long howl for her. He had much he wanted to pass on to the other packs on the northern continent, and he hoped she could remember it all. He didn’t doubt she could, though.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



10 Years
Athena I
12-01-2017, 07:45 AM

Since the raid Baine had kept herself busy with doing patrols for the most part since the raid. At least doing that made herself feel useful and kept her paws moving. She had realized shortly after the raid that he muscle tone she had worked hard on in the early days of her training to be a messenger had started to slip away. It gave her a focus and a task to work on which certainly helped. Anything to keep her mind busy was helpful really. For the longest time she had been feeling down about pretty much everything, but if she could pull one positive from the raid it would be that it shook her out of her “woe is me” funk. She was still jealous of Regulus and his growing family since she still had yet to have even a slight interest in anyone... but that was a personal problem. That wasn’t his fault.

As she started to muse over this yet again, her older brother’s howl made her stop in her tracks and listen with interest. It had been a long time since he had called for her and she honestly couldn’t think of a certain reason why he might be calling now. She wasn’t all that close to the dens since she was out doing a patrol, but as soon as his howl ended she turned and took off at a full sprint toward the dens to make up time. At least that muscle in her legs she had been rebuilding would come in handy for the moment. Baine was only slightly out of breath when she slowed to a stop in front of her large, red brother. "Hey, Regulus,” she said with a slight smile. "What’s going on?”

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
12-04-2017, 06:28 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He smiled as he saw his white and rose sibling arriving. He was glad to see her, other than the fact that he needed her assistance in spreading the word to other packs.

“Hello, Sis.” He paused to consider how to move on with the words he had to say, then grinned to himself. Well, he’d made the decision on the fly, during the raid. Any wolves of Celestial that had made sure to help in any way during the raid, from setting up and manning the healing camp, to ensuring the elderly, crippled, and young were in one place and guarded, were to be promoted, as long as they’d also worked hard enough on their other skill, were they a dual skill rank like Clerics, Paladins, and the like.

“One, since you made yourself useful at the healing camp, you’re being promoted. Welcome to the rank of Harbinger, Baine.” He grinned at her, leaning to swipe a big, slobbery lick over her muzzle and cheek in typical older brotherly fashion.

Straightening, he sighed, brevity waning slightly as he almost pouted. “And two, I won’t be able to take you to the other packs. Not while I’m healing. But the word needs spread about Talis. We’ve allies that would like the warning, certainly, and Fiori, especially, since they’re family. So, I’m sending you on a messenger run. It’ll be hard, and I suggest you take someone with you. I suggest Domari, Gwenevere, or Mask, maybe Rasiel. Someone who will be able to fight if something or someone tries to attack you along the way. If you have anyone else in mind, feel free to ask them.”

He paused for a long moment, formulating the message he wanted to send to each pack, and hoping she’d remember them well.

“For Lirim, warn Faite of Talis, tell each detail about the raid that you know—Talis’ Leader’s willingness to attack packs with members of their own family in them, which says they won’t likely care about those they make connections with in the slightest. In fact, this warning is for all of the packs. Give them the name of Talis’ leader, Dragon Ancora. They’ll remember it.

“Tell her I we all say hello and with love, and share our news. Solveiga and I are expecting, and so forth.” A smile rose unbidden to his features at that particular tidbit – always did – but faded as he went on.

“Alert them that we may ask for their help should this all boil down to a siege on Talis. War isn’t savory, but not only did they attack us in a raid and leave lasting damage on several of our members, they kidnapped Valor. A yearling at the time. That is an act of war. Share this news with each pack that is an ally to us. Fiori, Abaven, Lirim. Fiori was led by Leo, last I knew. Abaven by Bass Destruction. Things might have changed, of course. Bring any news and changed back to me, though I’m sure you already knew to do that.”

He frowned quietly to himself, lining up his thoughts. “If leadership had changed in any of the packs, inform them that Celestial was an ally before their leadership, and we’d like to continue our alliances as long as the values of their pack remain the same as before. If they don’t wish for an alliance, we’re content to remain neutral or at least on good terms. If they don’t start problems, we won’t. Also let them know that once things have settled down enough around here, I’ll visit them myself to see for sure where we stand. Don't say anything about how many here are injured unless in your gut you feel them to be trustworthy with that information. If you feel that they’re open to it, build a rapport with them. We can always use more friends in this life, alliances or no.”

He grinned at her, settling back. “Is there anything you think I’ve missed, sis? Feel free to bring my attention to them.”

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



10 Years
Athena I
12-04-2017, 09:55 AM

Baine settled down on her haunches as Regulus began to speak and as soon as he told her that she was being promoted her eyes widened with surprise. Her mouth opened to speak, but she didn’t quite know what to say. Luckily the sloppy kiss he gave her snapped her out of it and she giggled from his usual brotherly affection. "Thank you, Regulus!” she replied, ginuinely excited about the new position. It made her feel like she was doing something right which wasn’t something she had felt much of recently. Maybe this could be the turning point for her to finally get her life rolling.

As soon as Regulus began to speak and give her all the information that she was supposed to take to the other packs she focused in to absorb all of it. Her expression was serious and attentive as she took it all in. As he listed off the packs she was supposed to visit she was happy to know she at least knew generally where they were. Her wandering and trips around the continent had at least given her that much information. The message itself wasn’t a difficult one to remember, she just hoped that there wouldn’t be any trouble in delivering it. She nodded when he listed off some of his suggestions for who she might take with her. Part of her just wanted to go on her own since she knew she could travel faster that way, but she knew she wasn’t the strongest fighter and if someone were to attack her she wasn’t positive she’d be able to protect herself. She’d have to find one of the fighters soon and get that set up then.

She smiled a little and shook her head once he was finished. "No, I think you got all of it from what I can tell. I’ll find one of the fighters to go with me right away.” She got up to leave, but she stopped and turned back toward Regulus again. She leaned down and pressed her nose to his cheek as her tail wagged happily. "Thank you again, Reg. And feel better soon!” With that she ran off with a new determination, already trying to decide who she would ask to go on the trip with her..

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
12-18-2017, 05:41 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus nodded as Baine absorbed his information, then chuckled, calling out to her back as she began to bound away. Yes, he wanted her to go as soon as possible, but he also wanted to spend time with his pure coated sibling first.

“Hey, hey, now! You’ve got time before you have to go. I wanted some sibling love, first!” He laughed and sprawled out on the ground, front end propped up, offering his side for her to nestle into if she wished. His vibrant forepaws shifted to cross before him, and he cast her a smile as his head cocked.

“How’ve you been holding up?” The raid had hit everyone hard, despite the win. And for a peaceful, gentle, sweet creature such as Baine, it must have been even harder to see her pack mates hurting, and their own family blinded, completely in Acapella’s case.

Gods knew it hurt him to see it.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]