
What is Dis?


12-05-2017, 09:11 AM

The traveling so far she was finding was not to her taste, but if she was honest there was no way she would get back to the clan now. They constantly moved and the time it would take to get back to them, where she had last known them to be may mean they are long gone from here. So this meant she was left to wander into new territories. Sticking to more colder climates for the sake of herself and her companion. The bloodlines in her gave her a thick coat and her companion was the same. They had only recently entered the lands of Ardent and had vary little interactions here in the North. Both didn't mind though, but they were also not liking the lack of structure and leadership to fallow since being a loner. Her whole life had been fallowing orders and without that and a family or pack structure she was at loss of what to so. Maybe she should seek out some packs and find one to join? Though the thought of seeking out a pack just wasn't her thing. She wasn't going to dwell on such thoughts now, with winter approaching her and Boris would have to find shelter, food sources, and water so that they can survive the winter.

Today the larger women was on the hunt and her snowy companion wasn't far behind. Together they would find a suitable place to lay low the winter, then in the spring they would work out finding a pack. The traveled down to a more wooded area, one that they thought would be suitable for northern prey to survive the winter, but before they could enter the territory, Iolanta stopped dead in her tracks with her nose to the ground. She sniffed the newly laid markers and her nose wrinkled in disgust, silver eyes narrowing. What is a pack doing in the north and of course they had to claim one of the better Northern territories. She snorted lifting her head and looking around with her silver gaze. The Snow leopard came up to her right side his tail twitching as both mulled over what to do. With no one nearby wouldn't it be easy to slip in the borders without being noticed?

The larger women snorted again and turned towards her left tracking along side the border markers as her eyes looked around. They were alone for right now, but the new markers made her curious as to what pack settled in the north. She made a quiet notion with her head, one only her companion knew, they split up. He moved away from the borders and took cover and she moved further down the border marker. This was in case she would be attacked for being here. She found a suitable spot before she lifted her head and let her deeper feminine howl ring out, calling for the leader of these lands.

"Talk", 'Think", & "Boris"



4 Years
12-14-2017, 10:42 AM

Tyranis met the call with a howl of his own, then dashed off to greet the newcomer. Unlike some of the wolves that had joined their ranks this one seemed to have the decency to call for him at his borders rather than simply barge in and wait to be hunted down.

He arrived at his border and was struck immediately by how closely the stranger resembled his mother; If she had been considerably smaller and blind they could almost pass as sisters.

“Greetings.” He said amicably, careful to stand on his side of the border in case the meeting went awry and he would need to use force to drive her away. She was larger than himself by had learned from Acere how to fight opponents that were larger than himself. He noticed a scent on the woman that made his brows furrow. She smelled of cat, and quite heavily, he suddenly felt exposed; afraid that he had walked into a trap and at any moment a hidden creature would spring out and attack him.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


12-15-2017, 09:11 AM

She had been here a few days prior and had been surprised to find the newly laid markers for the pack borders. At the time there was a male near the borders, but he was little help in providing information. He had even offered to call the alpha, but Iolanta had declined it. She would call for him herself, just as she did today. Something about this pack made her stick close to the borders to continue checking things out up until today. There was something familiar in the scent from the wolf himself who laid the strongest markers.

The return howl was vary quick to come, her ears perked at the deep vocals of the young male. Drawing her curiosity more. When the male arrived the somewhat familiarity in his scent lingered to her nose making it twitch. He greeted her with simple words and she dipped her head lightly in return not wanting to disrespect the new king. He didn't seem at this time to poise a threat and she felt that that unless she did something wrong then he wouldn't chase or attack her. She looked behind her and let out a bark calling for her companion to come out from hiding.

Slowly the large snow leopard emerged from a pine tree nearby, climbing down it with ease and then jumping into the soft snow. The cat stayed there, keeping his distance, but remaining in the male's sight so he knew that the creature was there. She turned her bead back to the male before taking a seat where she stood attempting to show him that she was no threat to his pack.

"You leader?" she asked. "Interest in this pack if you have room for more?"

"Talk", 'Think", & "Boris"



4 Years
01-15-2018, 02:34 PM

He relaxed once the woman made it apparent she wished to join, but kept it carefully hidden under a mask of seriousness. It seemed quite a few of his members were keeping pets and he wasn’t sure if he appreciated that. Wolves were superior to all other animals but to have so many in Dauntless displeased him.

He kept these thoughts to himself; he would let the feline stay within his borders, for now, Dauntless was quickly growing and needed new members every day, they couldn’t afford to be picky over what creatures they wished to associate with, no mater how inferior they were.

“There is always room in Dauntless for the strong.” He said, his head raised proudly as the wind whipped through his plush fur.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  