
Shiney things, Sharp Things



9 Years
11-11-2017, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2017, 08:13 AM by Storm.)

She was filled with pride, though she was also vary scared. Her sons had stepped it up, Tyranis had formed a pack and claimed land. She was vary happy for her son, but yet she had fears of what could happen. He was out in the open now and if anyone wished they could challenge him, hurt him, or even worse kill him. Though if he didn't make any enemies who would want to hurt him. So she suppressed her fears and tried to focus on the happiness of this change. Now that Ty had secured a location she had begun to make herself at home, though securing a nice location was difficult. There was a lot of factors to put into finding the right spot, but right now she had settled on attempting to find a few last minute herbs and trinkets if she could.

She didn't go far from the new territory, one territory over, but as soon as she moved into it she was beginning to regret it. She started off by stubbing her tow into a rock, then scraping the bottom of her pad over dull glass. After this she began to move more slower, more careful, with her head to the ground to help her navigate and work her way through the more dangerous territory. From the short couple of days in the North it made her winter coat kick into gear, preparing the petite women for harsh winter. It wouldn't be long before winter was full blown, but for now she was alright with the light snows the north was bringing. It was easing her into winter.

She was hoping to find a few things that would be useful to her in her new home, perhaps even a few carcasses to take the hide from so that she could line her soon to be found cave with warm furs. She had a lot to do before winter settled in and she was fearful that she would not get it all completed, but she was trying to do her best in the new territories.

"Storm Talk", & 'Storm Think'

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-11-2017, 10:30 PM
He had moved north soon after crossing paths with the little Wreckage girl. She was being escorted by Clay so he had left her as she was, otherwise he would of offered to escort her back to her pack himself. Clay was more than capable and Chinny wasn't truly one to think himself capable of keeping up with a child. Nor did he think he would be good for her development. He had his own problems anyway. Though most stemmed from before he met the wreckages. 

He padded on, his winter coat only just beginning to grow so the snows impacted him more than he would like. He knew though that soon they would no longer bother him. He was hunting the north anyways. He wanted to find a precious herb that he felt the cold would only be able to offer him, though he was not certain this land could offer the berries to him. Of course the name of it was winterberry so where else was he to look but the ever cold northern reaches. 

This place could be deadly if he let it though. His paws stopped as the greyed form of his past caught his deep purple eyes. Storm. Her blindness was all but forgotten as he stood there proudly, herbs from the south draped over his back with a tree branch he had carefully wrapped each herb around. His smile was warm as the sun on his back. "Storm, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. Hope I'm not intruding on your walk." he greeted her in a warm friendly manner, his tail wagging slowly behind him. Enthusiasm for his craft was always there and shown through. 

Text  speech Thought



9 Years
11-19-2017, 09:40 PM

Shuffling about the female picked through the stuff laying on the ground. So far she was only finding shards and broken things, but there had to be something interesting here to decorate her home. it didn't have to be anything fancy since of course she wouldn't be able to see them. In fact if she could find more useful things, such as bottles or jars for her herbs. It would be after the herbs were dried though. Her nose gently bumped a partial bottle. Using her nose she gently went around it taking in it's figure before she decided that it would be useful. She carefully picked it up with her mouth and continued on as she carried it with her mouth.

It wasn't long before her name was called and her ears perked. It took her a moment to match the voice to memory, but when it clicked her tag began to wag and a toothy smile came from behind the bottle being held in her mouth. Lifting her head she listened to the rest of what he had to say before gently placing her bottle on the ground.

"I'd say the same, but unfortunately I can't," she said with a light smile.

Picking up her bottle she moved towards him, careful not to step on any objects in the sand. As she got closer her nose picked up the smell of the herbs and the tree branch they were draped over. When she got close enough she placed the bottle on the ground.

"How have you been Chinny" she said with a grin.

"Storm Talk", & 'Storm Think'

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-03-2017, 11:00 PM
She answered and his grin split from ear to ear. His tail he' bet would fall off if it wagged anymore. It was a pleasant surprise to him to see one of the many wreckages. Though she held a bottle in her mouth and he couldn' exactly think of why she was carrying or collecting it. Her scent mingled with others and one close enough to her own but also a mix of someone else. She had a kid. Not that he didnt already expect that much. They were both older and she was certainly sweet enough to catch someone's attention. 

Her question brought a slight bit of hesitation to him. While she was likely a high ranked  with a mate and a family he had never really progressed his life to anything but a old healer that nobody needed. She deserved honesty from him though. "I've been fine. Been on my own now for a good few years. Never really found much to call home though. It's good to see a familiar face though, and one I don't have to heal for a change." he hadn' seen another wreckage since he'd left. It was only shortly after another litter was born though. He' stayed for half a year after that before he'd left.

He's left with intent to explore a little and then eventually find a place to call home and settle down. None of that except the exploring had really happened though. He' made a few friends in some rogues and then that had been that. He couldn't say he was unhappy with his life though. "So I can smell some kids on you. Who's the lucky guy that snagged your heart? And is one of your kids a young girl with charcoal and grey fur?" he didnt know that this was a touchy subject. He couldn't smell a man though. Maybe he just didn't come around too often. Or at least he hoped that was the case. He' met one girl thus far and now he figured his suspicions had been correct. She' been one of storm's children. Though how she would of ever gotten lost was beyond him.



9 Years
12-09-2017, 06:04 PM

She took a seat in front of him, tail still gently wagging. He was a blast from the past that she hadn't expected to run into, but honestly she was glad to. The women loved to meet new wolves, but those she had already met and spent time with were even better to be around. She was getting older and felt that her time for traveling was going to slowly slip away so she was glad to have run into him again.

She smiled again as her ears took in his reply. He had never settled after leaving the clan and she couldn't smell any other wolves mixed with his scent so Chinook must not have found a mate either. Technically she hadn't either, but at least her kids made her forget that missing piece to her life. Although now her children were grown, finding themselves, and even starting with families so soon she would remember the missing piece in her life. She loved her children and wished that they all could have remained together for the rest of her own life, but once again plans never went as one wished.

Her ears perked to his question. It was still odd for her to answer this question, the father to her pups. She hated the word rape she hated to say she was forced because it made her feel vary weak and vary vulnerable. Though her children had been a major blessing in her life which made up for how the conception happened. Her smile would only weaken slightly, but her tail still wagged. He then asked about one of her children. Just because she couldn't see didn't mean she hadn't had Bass explain what each of her pups looked like to her. Did this mean the girl was alive and well? It sounded like her little Tempest!

"No lucky guy I'm afraid, in fact the conception was.... sorta against my will, but one I wouldn't change." she started off. "It's sounds like the description of my daughter Tempest. Is she okay?"

She was worried about what news he had on Tempest, worried that he may have found her lifeless body and not a living breathing one.

"Storm Talk", & 'Storm Think'

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-10-2017, 01:21 AM
Her reply of how she had no mate and her children were the product of rape brought his hairs to stand on end. How dare some male. Storm was too nice and had already had enough happen to her for this to have happened. But then again, his eyes moved to the skies and the formations about them. No blackjack. It was strange to not see him near her. They'd had a bond before storm left and he couldn't see any way the bird would leave her side. Perhaps he died protecting her. It wasn't hard for chinny to put the pieces together. 

He'd address the problem of that after he told her of his run in with tempest. He gave her a smile and aimed to sit beside storm, with his shoulder touching hers. "That was the child's name I do believe. She had clay's scent on her and some strange woman's as well. Left her with him, figured he'd be able to track her mom down better than me. Last I knew was they were headed to her home pack, though I'd guess your pack here isn't it?" it was rhetorical. He could guess the answer himself easily. 

He lowered himself to lay beside her then. He wouldn' be going anywhere until she had told him of the male. He owed his life to the and family and he'd not let one go on being assaulted without punishment for the attacker. Storm's family had fought for him to be free of his abusive mother. And to free him from her pack of monsters. His fur had grown thick through the years and the scars had faded but he knew they still existed. Mostly though they were mental and stained his heart. "I hate to bring up such painful memories storm but I cannot let the man go unpunished for his crime against you. Do you remember his scent or anything about him? He will not go on without pentence for harming you.... and blackjack as well." she had been hurt and there would be hell to pay. He knew what it was like to feel weak and abused and he'd be damned if she had to feel that feeling too. He was a knightly type in such ways and always had been.