
Paint It Black


11-16-2017, 04:10 PM
ooc: Set a couple weeks after his family thread.

Okay so maybe wandering off on his own hadn't been the greatest of ideas. Winter in Auster had never bothered him, but he'd already noticed the change in temperature quite noticeably the farther north he got. He had the thick coat of an Ancora so it would take extreme temperatures for him to even feel it. No, it was the lack of insects here that irked the hell out of him. He'd come up here to see new things and instead the cold had sent them all away. Of course he'd just had to come up here as winter was just starting. It was just his luck.

Well it was a little late now to head back. He'd already taken the plunge so the way he saw it he wasn't going back now. So he'd wandered around for a bit longer when he came across a rather odd scent. It was thick across the terrain here and after a moment of investigation he recognized it as the scent of someone he knew. Odd. What were the chances he'd run into that male again here of all places?

Past that he didn't really pay attention to all the other scents that scattered across the area. He had a vague idea of what a pack was, but rules and regulations had never been explained to him. So he didn't think much of it and passed right across the border without a second thought. Maybe he'd get to come across Tyranis again? It'd at least make up for the fact that he hadn't found anything else worthwhile here.




4 Years
11-22-2017, 08:54 PM
The scent he had followed had been familiar although he couldn’t quite place where he had first come across it. As he investigated the scent of the intruder his mind flashed images of feathers drifting toward the ground and the smell of bird lice, but what that meant was far beyond him.

He bounded over the felled trunk of a once mighty tree and touched his nose to the ground again. More than the familiarity of the scent there was something about it that struck him as similar to his brother’s in a way he couldn’t quite place. He chuffed, attempting to clear his mind and carried on.

As the scent drew closer his pace quickened, eager to get to the bottom of whoever the intruder was and deal with him accordingly. He stopped at the top of one of the many hills in the woods and looked down at the tri-colored male. “You?!” He cried in a mixture of surprise and bewilderment. It was the boy he had met on the island with all the birds on one of his frequent brooding sessions back when he lived in Abaven. It had only been a few months, but to Tyranis it might as well have been another lifetime. It took some concentration but eventually the boy’s name came to him: Legion.

speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


11-27-2017, 03:04 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2017, 07:21 PM by Dragon.)
He had followed him. At first, unsure as to whether or not he should follow his mother, but in the end...had obviously decided not to. He had parted with her, the woman saddened that two of her children had decided to go off on their own, but he had promised to find her and visit. Wherever she ended up. With that, he tracked his brothers trail Northward, and it seemed like a pretty long journey. Not once had he been able to catch up, the sights of the lands were wild and struck his curiosity one too many times! He didn't realize how big the world outside of Auster was until now, and he was glad he had made his decision.

As he journeyed further North, he began to realize it was getting colder. But not as cold as he might have been if he had a shorter coat, but thanks to his mothers blood lines, his thick and wildly fluffy fur kept him pretty warm. He could see his breath come out in a fine fog, fascinating him to no end. But his enthrallment with that would soon come to an end as his brothers scent finally grew stronger! Had he finally caught up to him!? Kicking himself into gear, he sped up until he spotted his sibling standing in the snow, and not far from him was another wolf. Someone he didn't recognize. He raced right up to Legion's side, a grinning at him. "Finally caught up to you! What're you doing? Who's that?" Like Legion, Reinhardt had no idea about packs. They had been loners since they were born, his mother not having bothered to explain them yet. Maybe she had a reason for it, maybe not. All he knew was that this place certainly smelled like a lot of wolves, and he was pretty curious about it.


12-02-2017, 06:57 PM

Legion hadn't exactly been expecting to run into the male so soon, but he suppose he shouldn't have been surprised. Tyranis' scent was plastered all over this territory after all. His crimson gaze lifted upwards to spot the tall and dark colored male. Confusion flitted across his face and his head tilted to the side as one word left Tyranis' mouth. Did he not remember who he was? Maybe that was the case. It had to be why considering he hadn't greeted him with his name like he was accustomed to with other wolves who he'd met before (which really wasn't that many.) Maybe he just needed a reminder.

"Legion." He said softly with a fair amount of clarity. He was absolutely sure Tyranis had forgotten his name.

He paused for a moment, unsure of what he was supposed to say next, when the attention of another approaching caused him to turn his head. To his surprise, it was Reinhardt who had shown up rather than one of the other wolves that seemed to be in the area with them. His eyebrows knit together for a brief second as he tried to figure out why his sibling had followed him.

"This is Tyranis." He said before turning to look back at the other male. "This is my brother, Reinhardt." There, a simple and painless introduction. As to Rein's other questions, well he couldn't answer that. He really wasn't sure what he was doing here. Instead he awkwardly stood there and waited for someone else to speak up and break the ice.




4 Years
12-14-2017, 10:10 AM

“Right.” He muttered as the male gave his name, the word seeming to slip from his lips accidentally. He opened his mouth to ask what had brought him to the north when another wolf, clearly related to Legion, beat him to it. Legion introduced the male and all Tyranis could manage in response was a simple, bewildered “Hi.”

The realization that the two were trespassing came to him in a flash and the wide-eyed confusion shifted abruptly to assertion. “Whatever you two are doing here you need to wrap it up and leave.” For a reason he couldn’t quite comprehend his demeanor around the two boys was uncharacteristically informal. “You walked right into my pack, technically I’m supposed to claim you two as prisoners.” He said, the threat clearly hollow; he had no desire to do such a thing to a wolf that hadn’t done anything antagonistic to him or the brother he had just met.

"Well...Unless you want to stay." He said, mostly to himself, the possibility of gaining two new members occuring to him almost as an afterthought.  

speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  