



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-02-2017, 01:25 PM

It had been a long journey back from the battlefield. Amon had crossed the leagues between where he was and where he was headed with all the speed his limbs could provide him. The crisp winter air invigorated him, burning his lungs as they worked to sustain his punishing pace. Of course, the titanic man hardly noticed. He felt as though the Fallen God himself hovered just overhead, he could feel the pride in his deity's gaze. It had begun. They had succeeded in their first step. It was in truth the first of many, but it was one done. He was eager to see how he would be received, and what waited for him back within the pack's bounds. His pack, now. The beginnings of an Empire.

Coming to stand on what once was Dragoste's borders once again, he tipped his head back and let out a victorious howl. It was one that beckoned all wolves to come forward and learn their fate. At the moment, Amon was of the mind to spare the mortals who lived here. After all, vast as his family was, there was no use for an Empire without those living in it. His mission was to show these wolves the way of the Fallen God. His deity promised power to his followers, each and every one of them, and untold misery to those who might reject him. Amon was confident that allowing these mortals to know truth in his light was his true purpose in this endeavor. He knew at last that this was his god's intention for him.

And my, oh my, did he ever delight in the promise of untold misery. Amon sat tall, proud of the fearsome visage he projected. A wolf of indomitable size and strength, his coat still an unmarred landscape of soot and coal, free of and wounds. He was, of course, splattered with blood... but it was not his own. In particular, he called for any ranking members of Dragoste that still remained. He intended to offer them the same deal as Ganta, except in this fight it would not be one versus one. Oh no, Amon led too many dogs of war for that, and he knew his brethren were ravenous to route the nonbelievers. The inquisition they had begun would resound for ages.

Amon beckoned his family, now the victorious champions of their efforts that day. The right to lead had been ceded to him, and by extension the Abraxas at large. It was time they decide once and for all where they would be settling, and round up the mortals who were wise enough to come with them. Dispatching the rest would not take long, and he made a mental note to send out a party of scouts to track down any who had managed to get away. For now, they had a hierarchy to establish, and an Empire to raise.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
12-02-2017, 01:41 PM
You Made Me A Believer

Mist spilled from Pyralis' mouth which was split in a cruel grin. Her golden eyes gleamed in the light of a full moon as the clouds shifted in the sky. The Abraxas were victorious and now they would claim their prize. Part of her worried for her children. Were they doing ok? It seemed Asharya's independent spirit got the better of her as she hadn't followed them to the Battlefield. She sighed internally. It was just like Asharya to disobey her and run back to help her brother with Dragoste. She'd heard of the mother's curse, of having a child just like you were so you could know your mothers pain but in truth she felt a bit of pride. Her daughter was growing independent and free-spirited.

Her steps slowed and she fell behind Amon. How had time moved so fast? It felt like just days ago her pups were nursing at her side and now she felt as though her time as a mother was coming to an end. That quickly. Pyralis felt her heart stir but she could not name the emotion nor did she wish to entertain it. Lifting her head up high she picked up her pace to fall in line with her brother as they made their way back to Dragoste.

When they arrived Amon howled out his victory. A sound that would surely haunt the dreams of the remaining Dragoste members and they learned their alpha had fallen. Pyralis moved to take her own seat and wait for the others to arrive.

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Extra large
12-02-2017, 01:48 PM

It seemed she hadn't had the same luck as the rest of their family when it came to raising hell and messing with the members of Dragoste, but, that just meant she could be quick in responding to Amon's call. A thrilling chill ran down her spine as she noted the sound of victory ringing across the land. The deed was done, the king had fallen, and the land was theirs. Hurrying to meet their triumphant Patriarch, Razi stopped going through the den she'd finally stumbled on, racing across  the territory that was heavy with the scent of fear.

When the newly crowned king of the land came into view Razi slowed. Pyralis was at his side, as she supposed was the norm when the woman wasn't off wandering. Not that Razi had any room to talk anymore. Taking a seat, she waited for the others to wrap up their terrorizing of the locals so things could really get started. Glancing over at her older siblings, Razi quietly mused, "It could be a bit, some of our kin seem to be busy with the pack wolves..."




3 Years
Dire wolf
12-02-2017, 01:49 PM

She'd dutifully followed Amon from the battlefield. Silent and darkened eyes always watching. She would from now on be working to be the second. Whether she needed to challenge for it she cared not. She would have a piece of this empire one way or another. She made haste to stick to Amon's heels like the hellhound she was. Once he made it and stopped she did as well. She stopped behind him, her head dropping and hackles bristling in anticipation of what she felt would transpire. There would be much fun to be had. Amon had taken the life of their leader and would likely have rebellion on their paws. She shook in excitement at the prospect of such a thing. While she loved to play the thinker and do things slyly Amon had taken those chances out the window.

If these mortals were like their own family war was the only logical thing they'd do to retaliate.

It was exciting to think of.

She paid little mind to Pyr as she waited for the mortals to answer Amon. His call had been a signal none could dispute. He was the leader of this place now. If they didn't wish to have their pelts hang in the dens of their new masters they would come and quickly. She waited with a devilish grin upon her features.  Things were about to get interesting.

She'd melded to the shadows, allowing nothing but her mere outline to expose her. She knew intimidation tactics may be the best here and employed them for now.
Walk, "Talk", Think



3 Years
Dire wolf
12-02-2017, 02:01 PM

Gaios heard his father's call and perked upwards. He had been victorious! Knowing he wanted the attention of the entire family, Gaios had turned and raced towards the call. If the old geezer wanted to chase after him, well, fine. At least he would have a good excuse for being late. The pale boy arrived to see his father an aunt Pyralis sitting close together. His breath caught upon noticing the blood on his father's pelt. He could not smell any blood except that of the mortal who had been Amon's opponent, and with astonishment Gaios realized his father had not received a single wound. His eyes widened and as he sat down across from the two elder wolves, he realized his respect for the man had deepened ever more.

To Gaios there had really been no doubt that Amon would succeed. It hardly seemed possible to equate the word 'failure' alongside any of his family members, least of all his father. Also in attendance were two more of his elders, Razi and Skia. Aunts, or close enough to it. Gaios hoped that the rest of his family members would arrive soon as well. If the Dragoste wolves were wise they would forfeit their fights and make haste. Gaios knew it wasn't generally wise to keep a group of his kin waiting. "Congratulations, Father," he said once he'd settled in place. "Did he put up much of a fight?" It didn't appear so. Then again, fully convinced his father was a God himself, Gaios supposed it was possible that Amon would come out of most any fight unscathed.

"Talk" "You" Think

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!



8 Years
Dire wolf
12-02-2017, 02:46 PM

Andras approached his brother blood dripping down his face from a deep cut over his eye, and even more blood flowing from his mouth. His matted coat was soaked; his white underside stained a deep and vibrant red. Mist billowed from his mouth in thick puffs as he chuckled, approaching his family with a wide, twisted grin. “You know Ammy He purred, stepping toward his brother with a child-eater’s grin. “I had my doubts about this place, but that was before I found myself with a reminder of the lands I left behind.” He said with an air of appreciation.“A member of a royal family no less, and quite a specimen.” He tittered. “He’s S L E E P I N G at the moment.” He half-pured and half growled and let hot air hiss through his teeth. “I doubt anyone else has done better.” He finished, raising his head proudly and casting a quick glance over his family, daring them to object or say otherwise, Although the name Beaufort was unknown to the rest of the family, Andras knew they were giant beasts with pure lineage much like themselves, and took a special pleasure in the thought of a Templar of Bromos being used as breeding stock and then casted aside when they were done with him.

"Talk" Thought You



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
12-02-2017, 03:22 PM
Instead of going to the battlefield Malleus had lingered in Dragoste's lands and monitored the comings and goings of the pack wolves. He hadn't interfered with their movements; merely watched and waited for the return of his family. His goal had been to make note of which wolves (if any) fled the packlands with the intention of relaying that information to any members of his family who might be interested in a hunt. He'd have stopped any truly interesting members, but seeing none, much of his time had been spent simply observing.

The howl that had surely shattered the hopes of the Dragoste wolves hadn't come as a surprise to him. Not for one second had he doubted that his father would be victorious. Dragoste's leader had gone up against a son of the Fallen God. It couldn't have ended any other way. Foolish pride had been his downfall. What, Malleus wondered, would become of the Dragoste wolves? Had his father's rage been sated with the fight, or would he rain fire and fury on the rest of the mortals here? Malleus couldn't say, but he was excited to find out.

After reaching the meeting place Malleus paused on the outskirts to assess the situation. Much to his surprise no one appeared to be injured. Amon's howl may not have surprised him, but the lack of injuries definitely did. He blinked, surprise flashing across his features, and then eyed those who'd left for the battlefield more thoroughly. Nope, not a single one that he could see. How odd. His look of surprised morphed into one of amusement and he smiled softly to himself before padding closer.

Approaching his father, he dipped his head in greeting. "No doubt you have done our god proud today, Father." After taking a step back Malleus moved off to the side and sat down. His gaze was eager as it roved over the gathering wolves. Today marked the beginning of a new era.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.


12-02-2017, 04:13 PM

She had paced vigorously around the borders of this pathetic pack while she waited for Amon to get back from his challenge. She was impatient and on edge, and mostly annoyed that she hadn't run into anyone to terrorize. Boredom was the enemy at the moment and the longer she stood around and did nothing the more volatile she was likely to be once she did find some body. She refused to interfere with someone else's venture. She had smelled the younger godlings on the wind accompanied by the scents of two of the Dragoste wolves and her sister, but Nova wasn't going to bother herself with the likes of old men. If they couldn't handle their own fights then they had more training to do. Others of her family had wandered off in search of the rest, but she couldn't blame them for the possibility that they probably found these pack members first. Instead she found irritation in the fact that this pack wasn't even worthy of being called a pack at all. They were puny, and insignificant, and overall she was glad they had started with them. 

Eventually Amon's victorious howl rang forth and Nova hurried towards the call. She arrived in time it seemed, but far later than she would have liked. She glanced towards Amon first to find him drenched in the ex-alpha's blood and un-surprisingly he didn't have a scratch on him. She flashed him a prideful grin before bringing herself over to Malleus and standing beside him. She had far too much pent up energy and aggression to sit and wait. Secretly she was hoping to see some Dragoste wolves show up to contest Amon's claim to their pathetic lives, but all she could see was the massive horde of her family. How disappointing.

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
12-02-2017, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2017, 04:18 PM by Ashiel.)
ooc:  keeping the results of Ashiel's fight with Inverno super vague

Panting, Ashiel got to his feet and shook the dust and blood from his coat.  The fight with the mortal was over and he stood there for a moment, heaving cool air into his lungs as he took stock of the situation.  Surprise flickered across his face when he heard his uncle's call.  He wasn't surprised that Amon won but that he'd done it that quickly.  How was the older man back already?  Ashiel moved swiftly to answer the call, ignoring his injuries as best he could.  He would not show any weakness in front of his family.  He saw his mother and dipped his head in greeting to her and also to his uncle.  Taking a seat next to Gaios he marveled at how Amon appeared completely uninjured. A sense of awe and reverence passed over him.  His uncle was truly a creature of magnificence. It also showed that Ashiel still had a ways to go. That old bastard had been tougher than he'd thought.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



6 Years
12-02-2017, 05:06 PM

Ana had found herself with nothing to do as Amon had headed off to battle. She was half tempted to follow him, but she knew she would have no role to play at the battlefield. She had no doubts that her younger sibling would come away victorious so she was already confident of the results of the fight before it had even begun. She had crept around Dragoste's territory uncontested when Amon's howl captured her attention. Her pale head lifted towards the noise and a grin wrapped itself across her face as she recognized the victorious tone.

She headed towards where the others were gathered and happened to notice a couple of them matted with blood. Her gaze traveled to Amon first who was covered with blood, but none of it happened to be his own. Her nose wrinkled as she thought of the strange looking male. What a shame that he was all bark and no bite. It didn't look as though he'd put up a fight at all. "What a shame. I was hoping hear about how grand of a fight it was. Did the pathetic little mortal just roll over for you, brother?" She said with a chuckle before moving over to Andras who had a fair bit of blood on himself.

"Well look at you. Did one of them actually manage to put up a fight?" She asked before sitting down next to him.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



7 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-02-2017, 05:11 PM
Having trailed beside his brother, sister, nephew, and the young cousin who had accompanied them, Apollo took a place behind Amon as the new alpha called the family together. Why behind and not joining the fathering crowd before him? His alert bearing and roving gaze said clearer than anything that he was there to guard his brother's back, as he always would be. It was his duty and yes, his obsessive ambition, to follow as his litter mate lead and protect him. Not even their family was exempt from his watchful eyes as he sought for possible dangers and would be enemies, though he was far more expectant that a friend or family member of the former alpha would prove the more likely threat. Still, he was not willing to rule out the possibility and was more than willing to remove a threat before it could strike, family or no.

His only response to the elder Andras' childish posturing was a hard stare and a faint disapproving flick of his ear. Had he gained nothing but ill manners and lack of impulse control in his time away? Perhaps Apollo simply expected too much from the older members of the family. Amon's children seemed to display an appropriate manner, even the younger litter, and even Pyralis' litter seemed to have turned out quite well considering their undoubtedly... unconventional upbringing. Well, Pyralis had gotten good results with them so perhaps it had not been so unconventional as all that. He, regrettably, had not been around to observe, so he could hardly judge simply from her past shenanigans. She at least seemed to have grown into a sense of responsibility. Apollo could unashamedly admit that he was terribly proud to see what his two elder litter mates had accomplished in their time here, and prouder yet of Amon's victory today.



6 Years
Extra large
12-02-2017, 07:04 PM


Oh goody, Amon had slain the king. He hadn't been much, despite the allusion that he was possibly related to a horse. How else did one acquire a mane? No doubt it had only taken mere moments for Amon to crush him beneath his might, and snap his neck betwixt his teeth. Kaine wished they could have been there, but there had been other matters at hand. No bitches to take, no dogs to claim by force either. All in all, boring. They should have tried for that angry brown man, but he had seemed like the kind to fight several times over before submitting. Kaine didn't have time for that. At all.

Now, the beast lumbered towards the summons of his brother. Blood had yet to sully his pelt, not that they would allow it to linger for long. This pack had been less of a challenge than they had hoped for, and now they were disappointed. Gathered around Amon were the loyal members of the clan, waiting for the prodigal son to address them. He already looked the image of their Fallen God's chosen one, a looming thunderhead spattered in gore and brimming with violence. The golden deity couldn't wait to hear what he had to say. They prowled into the thick of the group, and settled down on their rump.





4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
12-04-2017, 04:11 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2017, 04:11 PM by Seth.)
Seth had trailed dutifully if irritably behind his pale uncle as he'd gone first to the battlefield, only to turn around and immediately return to the lands they'd just left without him even having seen anything. By that time he was lagging further and further behind his much taller relatives until they'd long since gone out of his line of sight, and he was limping as he forced his aching, twisted body to keep hopping along with his herbs, muttering a constant stream of expletives under his breath. What he wouldn't give for just a bit of fermented fruit right now to take the edge off. He would gleefully do murder for it at that moment.

He raised his stunted muzzle though as his uncle's call rang out to call the pack together. Well, no rest for the wicked, then. He'd be needing to attend, if only to show support for his uncle's easily-won victory but possibly also to tend to any wounded after. He trudged on, and finally came into sight of the gathering group.

He wanted to flop down right then and there, but dared not to show the weakness. So few of the Abraxas showed any signs of blood by sight or smell that he knew most had been denied the battle they craved altogether and like throwing chum to sharks, they would be all too likely to turn and take it out on the slightest provocation. So instead he just sat gingerly and eyed his younger cousin Ashiel, who seemed to show some wounds from battle. Good, he'd proven himself then. He'd need to in order to survive in this family, that was for certain. Seth wouldn't embarrass the boy by fussing over his wounds in front of everyone else (that would be far more dangerous than flopping on the ground, for certain) but he would keep an eye out for him until he could treat him. Seth, after all, was only alive on sufferance and would need to earn that keep.


12-04-2017, 11:20 PM
Like some of her kin, she had opted to not indulge in the middle of it all. There had been plenty of them to intimidate the alpha, and now...he was gone. She couldn't say she felt sorry for him, well...maybe just a little. But the foolish male had been the one to lose his head and decided he'd rather die than take a loss. It turned out he took more than just a loss. She didn't know if the guy had a mate or anything, nor did she really care. All she knew now was that they had succeeded in taking a pack, and their conquest had begun. Amon had prevailed, and when she arrived among those gathered, she was surprised to see that her brother had not a scratch on him. Eyes narrowed in thought. Had the alpha opted not to fight at all? Interesting.

The woman took a seat among the rest, gazing around, the usually vocal woman had nothing to say for once. The anticipation for what might come was too great, and she needed to focus so she didn't miss anything else. The empire would rise no doubt, and she wanted to help and secure a role within. While she didn't exactly hate the mortals they lived among, she certainly found them to be quite useful...



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-08-2017, 11:26 AM

Amon waited patiently as his family trickled in. They all seemed to be in signs of good health, with only a few showing signs of having participated in any sort of combat. It would appear that the wolves who had made up this pack were of a similar caliber as it's now-deceased leader. Had they folded so easily in the face of their assault? Amon chuckled. So much the better. Razi commented that some of their family and certain pack wolves may still be tied in combat. No matter, the word would get out regardless. Gaios asked if his opponent posed much challenge, and Amon answered by simply gesturing to his unmarked form. "Merely a lesson that it is unwise for a mortal to test a god," he murmured. Hopefully it was a lesson he need not teach often. To kill what might have been a loyal subject was simply a waste. Andras was leveled with a neutral stare, as Amon refused to react to either his theatrics or the ridiculous stylization of his name. "Well done, Andras. I would like to look this male over later." Then at his eldest son's words, Amon smiled. "I believe we have all made the Fallen God proud today."

Patience expended in waiting for the stragglers to arrive, Amon began to delve into the the final conclusions of their confrontation. "Our God was certainly looking down upon each and every one of us today. His guidance allowed us this resounding victory, and we will show our thanks by using it to our greatest advantage." He looked slowly around the circle, meeting the eyes of each wolf he was able to do so for. "I have considered everything said at our last gathering. This territory is not suitable for our purposes. I do believe settling in Auster will provide us a more stable climate, and as it is less densely populated prey will run in greater numbers. I would claim Cattail Creek and the Grapevine Cathedral. The former will ensure us a source of water even in the dry seasons, and the gnarled forest of oak has a plethora of den sites and is difficult to navigate without knowledge of the terrain, and as such easily fortifiable. The lands are near to the ocean, so even in the worst of scenarios we will be able to reposition ourselves in a way that is defensible, where we cannot be encircled entirely."

Perhaps it was not necessary to explain his reasoning, but Amon felt that with a group of such strongly minded wolves it would do no harm. He would welcome criticisms to his leadership, as long as they were founded in solid reasoning. Of course, he would also welcome any to run their mouths without having thought through their words, if only for the joy of cutting them down. "This pack will only be the first of many. I intend this to be a capital of sorts, a well populated and defensible land where we may always find refuge and a safe place to train and rear young. I suggest we take a short period of time to recover from wounds and regain our strength, and establish this first packs foundations before making any more large moves. Obviously, we must be vigilant in the moons to come. Enemies have been made today, and I would have us get words to the surrounding packs before word of what happened today reaches them through other tongues."

Amon raised his head and his voice. "We offered the wolves of Dragoste a chance for peace. It's leader decided their fate without consulting for the opinion of any other than himself. He demanded that a life be lost today and he paid that price, but the others who lived beside him have not yet been offered a chance to find a place within our Empire. As such, it is paramount that they are afforded this courtesy." A small smile curled onto his lips. "We will find them. Rewards will be given for showing escapees what it means to defy the Fallen God, but doubly so to those who return to our borders with converts willing to join our cause... As for the loners of this land, I would caution that we not be unduly heavy handed. We are not crows, we have no use for corpses. Empires are built on admiration and fear in equal measure."

Growing impatient with all the things Amon felt he should not have to say, counseling wisdom that they ought to know for themselves already, he found himself eager to call the meetings end. "If you know now what service you would like to provide the Empire, proclaim it now. If you feel you deserve a rank of more substance feel free to step forward, but I would not see any fights until we have arrived in our new lands." Amon stood and waited to see what path his family members would choose for themselves, and what ranks he would need to focus most heartily on recruiting for.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
12-09-2017, 02:06 PM
You Made Me A Believer

Pyralis sat still and patient as the family trickled in. The rush of excitement had finally left her and she was left feeling an eerie sort of calm and contentment.  When Ashiel arrived she grinned as she noticed his blood-stained face.  So he'd managed to find a battle after all? Excellent. She'd discuss the battle and how her son had fared after the meeting though regardless of his answer she knew he needed more training, especially if he wished to pursue his ambitions.

She looked around as everyone else settled in and her brows knit in irritation as she realized that Asharya was no where to be seen.  She was going to miss the meeting!  Pyralis growled lightly to herself though she was hardly surprised.  Asharya was every bit her daughter and the girls young and youthful spirit seemed to carry her off with the wind.  Pyralis doubted that her daughter was in any danger though there was always a flicker of worry in the woman's gut when it came to her children.  She'd have words with her daughter later… and likely a good fight.

Amon began the meeting and Pyralis listened intently as he stated that they'd be staying in Auster, claiming two areas that she was already familiar with based on her earlier exploration.  His reasoning was sound and she nodded in agreement, though she was partly biased.  She'd spent so much time exploring Auster she already considered it something of a base for the family.  Yes, they'd certainly made enemies and she could only imagine how the story was being retold but the fact remained that they were given a chance.  The alpha did not have to die.  He chose to make death the ending of his story though she knew others would frame it as a senseless murder. Not that she honestly cared either way. Fear could be just as useful a tool but if they were to spread their legacy they couldn't go just wiping everyone out.

The question moved to to roles and ranks and Pyralis pondered where she'd like to be.  This was a difficult question for her.  She did not really consider herself a pack wolf, at least before children.  She'd been so wild and prone to wandering she couldn't really see herself in such a role but after having her pups, raising them despite her wandering ways she'd found herself enamored with the idea of a pack. A place to return to after a weary or thrilling day of wandering.  Of course, she also had her children's ambitions to consider. The family was gathering in a group and growing larger with each passing day. They all had strong wills and personalities and the lure and advantage of power had begun to grow in her eyes. Amon should know that by now if he gave her an inch by thunder she was going to take a mile.

She rose to her feet, standing tall and proud, her tail up in a dominant position, her usual grin adorning her face. "I have two ideas in mind for myself, my dear brother. Namely, I wonder if you intend to consider a second-in-command? If so, I put my name forward. Of all our family I have done the most exploration of these lands and despite my wandering ways I think it can be said that I have been there for you and the family when I was needed. I have already begun to speak and negotiate with some of the mortals here as well and I dare anyone to question my ability to fight." After all, had she not been one of the first to follow him to this new land? She had diligently explored the new land, she'd found herself a suitable partner, raised two wonderful children. Could any of the other Abraxas lift their current accomplishments above hers? Though, she knew many in the family might consider her an odd choice. Hell, she considered herself an odd choice! But she was there, she was responsible when it counted and of everyone at the meeting she'd been the one most consistently by Amon's side.

"I have no delusions about my tempestuous nature. The rank of Lead General is not something I could maintain long term. I desire too much to wander where my spirit moves me so my proposal is thus. Give me the rank of Lead General until the summer. This should give the family time to settle into new lands and give you time to test them, watch them, and choose the best candidate for the position. Many in our family have only just arrived in these new lands. I don't think we need to be hasty with that position." With her own experience in the role she'd be able to pass on wisdom to her son and aid him in building his own kingdom while also ensuring a certain amount of freedom for herself. After all, as Lead General the only wolf she'd have to answer to would be her brother. "After that my preference would be Scout Primary.  Again, I have done the most thorough exploration of these lands.  You could find no one better. If you have someone else in mind for Lead General though I promise I won't take offense, just give me the rank of Scout Primary. Feel free to give me any test for either of these positions that you like. I will not disappoint you."

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
12-13-2017, 02:57 PM
Seth listened intently as his uncle spoke, careful to completely mask his self-satisfaction when the patriarch said he would be claiming lands in Auster. Thank the Fallen God, he thought sarcastically to himself. Just the thought of spending a winter in these northern lands with his joints and his stunted bones aching from the cold was a nightmare in the making. Yes, he would gladly take the southern continent's dry season heat over that.

He waited for his chance to speak up after his uncle opened the discussion to what they might want for ranks. The best time would be somewhere in the middle of the various relatives, he felt, rather than irritating anyone by jumping in with a declaration immediately or risk offending Amon by staying silent until dead last and seeming to see it as unimportant. But only Pyralis spoke up, and she seeking to be second in command. Seth quickly blanked his expression lest it betray his horror. Surely that was a joke. Pyralis WAS a great trickster, after all, and it would not be unlike her to joke about such a thing. But she seemed entirely serious, and the dwarf nervously touched his tongue to his nose in thought. She wouldn't be a disaster as second. Unlike some in his family she might have been unpredictable but she was a silver-tongued creature and more than capable of talking the new pack's way into the good graces of the other packs if she felt inclined, which would almost certainly give them a time of peace in order to prosper as they would need to. Of course she was also capable of plunging them into immediate war. It was, in his opinion, about even odds. But that wasn't, and never would be, his decision to make or to protest. Still, he could perhaps do a bit of his own to push things towards the "time of peace" possibility.

A glance around showed that no one else seemed prepared to speak up, so Seth sighed internally and cleared his throat. "I would be best suited among the healers, I believe, Uncle, though I am not among the most learned and do not seek a high position," he began unctuously, tilting his head deliberately in an expression of modesty that gave him an innocently pup-like appearance. "I do not wish to be presumptuous - " partly because his idea would mean a great deal more travel for his poor stunted body than he preferred - "but if I may make a suggestion, it might be beneficial to send... well... perhaps myself among others to the other packs to spread word of your victory. I have an... unassuming appearance, and as both a healer and obviously no threat physically my presence may put them at ease until such a time as others of our family are ready to extend the invitation that the unfortunate Dragoste rejected."



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
12-13-2017, 10:18 PM
For several long moments after his father finished speaking Malleus sat frozen in thought as he debated not only the position he wanted, but the position he deserved. Were they one and the same? His personal advancement was in lockstep with the advancement of the Abraxas. So long as he stuck with his family his future was inevitably linked to the group's. For him to do well they had to do well and vice versa, so whatever position he occupied within the pack had to be something that maximized his usefulness. And what maximized his usefulness didn't necessarily equal what he wanted.

As he kicked around what he should say, others began to speak up. First Pyralis, whose interested in the secondary position both intrigued and worried him, and then Seth, whose suggestion managed to alter Malleus' forming proposition.

He waited until his cousin finished speaking and then cleared his throat. "Seth's suggestion about traveling to the other packs is an interesting one." While he wasn't entirely convinced that the childlike gimp was the best for the job, he had no problem giving credit where it was due. Malleus had the sneaking suspicion that the little man was shrewder than he let on, but that was a musing for another time. "I volunteer to go with him." He could offer a level head - something that was a bit of a rarity in their family - and muscle should things go south. Whoever went with Seth couldn't count on the dwarf to be much use in a fight, so they needed to be someone capable and versatile. Which he was. That conclusion wasn't simple braggadocio; it was the product of careful scrutiny and merciless evaluation of skills on his part. He wasn't prone to narcissistic ego stroking and knew exactly what he was capable of.

As for what position he wanted... "I too have healer training, but I think I would be of more use elsewhere. I can best serve our family by filling the role of a fighter. You trained me; you know what I am capable of. I will serve our family to the best of my abilities in whatever position you see fit to place me in." He didn't particularly care where his father chose to start him off at. Whatever position he found himself in, Malleus wouldn't be there long. Hard work and tenacity would see him to success and he had no doubt his efforts would eventually lift him to the higher tiers.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
Extra large
12-14-2017, 04:37 PM

Amon spoke and they all listened with rapt attention. Yes, it was clear to Razi that the decision to call him leader was not a bad one, the way they so easily followed his lead was evidence enough to her of that. Though, there were concerns she held onto for now. As others began to speak up about what ranks they desired Razi would mull over her own decision. Things had changed for her since she arrived in these lands. While her hunger for knowledge never lessened, her desire to master the healing arts was dying. And with there being plenty of others around who took interest in such things, Razi figured it would be of little consequence for her to alter her course.

After Pyralis spoke, seeking out the role of second, Razi was certain of what she wanted to do. To have loose cannons in positions of power was an unsettling prospect at best. This family, riddled with personality aspects that prevented cohesive thinking, would do best if those who kept level heads had more weight to their voices. Others spoke, the unassuming little gimp, and one of Amon's sons. When they'd each finished speaking Razi decided it was time to speak up, and stake her claim on her desired position. Lifting herself to stand tall Razi let her words ring out, "I would like to be considered for an advisory position." Though higher ranks hadn't been her original desire when this whole thing began, she figured it couldn't hurt to try for one and show some ambition. "It seems to me if we are short on even tempered individuals that having someone who can think clearly and not let their own pride distract from sound thinking is a good idea, and I believe I can be that someone. I'll gladly work for it, and if you do not think me ready for a higher rank I'll accept something along the lines of a scout or information gatherer."

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
Extra large
12-14-2017, 07:30 PM


Amon took his place on the throne, as he was so entitled. Among the throngs of their blood that had amassed in such a short period, it was delightful to watch them struggle for recognition. Kaine deserved nothing insofar, they had not participated in any brawls, nor taken any slaves. What good was a godling who did nothing? To claim they were worthy would be blasphemy. Goading a fight from others was neither a worthy task nor an honourable one, in the family.

As the others spoke, they noted Pyr's claim on the secondary command position. Good, she deserved it. Having provided the first of many children born in the lands, and scouting the lands better than the rest, she had been a dutiful child of the Fallen God. A grin would spread across their face for but a moment, a nod of the head in pride for their sister. She was quite the creature, and she deserved greatness. The voices petered off, leaving a gap in which Kaine could insert themself.

"If I may request, oh great and mighty ruler," A shit eating grin tweaked at their lips. Oh, Amon would have their head. Antagonizing a king was foolish, but Kaine only meant it in fun. "I think I would rather enjoy a scouting position, as well." That would be the end of that, unless Amon denied them. After all, there were many other clamouring for their own titles and positions. To delude themself with the thought that there was time at all to say anything else would be just as foolish as teasing the new king.
