
Rising Hell And Spitting Fire



7 Years
12-21-2017, 12:37 PM

The black night gathered against the stars like the smothering of wet velvet to naked skin—dark and decadent, wholly oppressive, choking the midnight hour, for even the moon glowered only dimly from the heavens, merely a cut of silver in the accumulated gloom. Unrest plagued the grave eve, as flies to the dead; there was the unsettling shift of small feet in the forest undergrowth, the slithering hiss of wind through the dark canopy, the low and ominous call of an owl, his round eyes glaring like coals through the trembling leaves. On this night, nothing slept, as the passing days had brought tempest rage and brutal storm, a natural and hellish uproar of earth and sky, with pain and pestilence honed on the unwary. In that land of virescent beauty lay a disc of brightest blue. Like a mirror on the wall it was oval and flat, the surface forever guarded from the winds by the crown of lush hills around. At the edge the land met and carried right on as a perfect reflection. Looking up into the sky and down into the water was just the same.

OOC: Sorry for the sucky starter, I need to hurry to work.

" words of a god"

html by castlegraphics;
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together


12-21-2017, 01:15 PM
Run, devil, run
Still, silence in the middle of this desolate winter. Her arrival seemed to be announced a few days prior to her actual stepping paw on the lands that had been ravaged by a telling avalanche. Egotistical mind had worked out from a few days of exploration that the earth had trembled and the snow had dropped as a result, a perfect announcement of the destrustion the belligerant goddess was capable of, her smile had seemed never ending once she had found the distaster area. Black flag was raised over her hips as she strode through the oppressive dark toward the only reflective surface that could be seen from her vantage point on the hills.

Hard, reptilian eyes zeroed in on the dark shadow of a wolf striding down to the lake below. Hackles raised on her spine in a heartbeat, and she watched the hazily familiar colors of the wolf float down the banks. Shaking her crowned head, Sekhmet descends, her paws barely seeming to touch the top crust of the snow as she made her way down. Yellow eyes were forever trained on the dark wolf as she made her way, dark tail flicking first left then right in an aggressive display. Long legs ate up the ground at a trot and she pranced sideways the closer she got to the wolf, a trait she had developed when intimidating her younger siblings into submission. Her tail waved in aggravated fashion as she clenched her jaws and flashed the blonde lopsided crown on her head, golden eyes trained on the increasingly familiar wolf.

She came to a halt as she studied the other, cold and calculating eyes scanning over the wolf. A soft growl escaped as Ba'as looked over the body of her estranged sister, her emotionless gaze locking into the magnetic depths of a distinguishable combination of colors. Black nose twitched as she took in the mixed scents of male and female, and there was no longer any questions about who she had stumbled upon. Deserter, coward, left to die... Sekhmet released a deep, guttural growl at her sibling, finally recognizing Nepthys fully. "How many times...I have dreamed of seeing you again." She said the words on a cold voice, monotone and hard, but to the ones who knew her it would sound almost like relief.  "Yearned for it...left us...Seth is still lost because I wanted to find you...No where." She raised her lips, revealing the pearly white weapons she hid beneath those black curtains.

Oh, she wanted to lunge for her sibling's throat, to feel it between the knives of her fangs. But, it was an instinct for her to hold back when her family was in her sights. "Why here? The gods lead me to you now? You think it is a sign?" The aggression seemed to ebb, for now, a huff of crystalized air was sent forth from the dark goddess and she regarded her sister with a somewhat reluctant smile. At least she found Nepthys as she had wanted to, in the beginning, maybe they would see Seth again soon! The darker woman seemed to relax, though she wasn't sure if Nepthys would be mad enough to try fighting her. She kept herself guarded, but it was almost as though she had flipped a switch in her mind to avoid the attempted murder of her family.

"Speech." Walk. Think.



7 Years
12-21-2017, 01:52 PM

In the ancient time, lupines uses the magical symbols above the night sky for navigation her mother used to tell them. These star pattern saved a lot of lives in the old age, even some of the Moriartys. Some stars fade and some shine like a glowing light bulb. Each of them has its own unique shape, level of brightness and size. Some stars are bigger than others and showing they are the king of star. Sometimes, many stars appear at once above the dark somber sky, and they look like rice grains flowing above out into the galaxy, into the alien world and feed them, this was such a night, only the sky and stars as her witnesses. As the temptress analyzed these dust like particles after she took her gaze away from the lake, it was like they were slowly swimming above her crown, she began to raise her luxurious tail and been struck by a desire to touch them. Noise. Erect auditory system rotated towards the source of the noise before lithe reptilian bodice followed. Golden pools, measuring planets in size with their own magnetical pulla glanced over yet another hallucination, another eerie phantasm of her imagination. It was only when the charcoal demoness spoke that the temptress took a step back, her once cold and remorseleas visage now painted with a glimmer of surprise and awe. Growl. Why was she growling? Her own sister. After so long. She could not help but notice the dominance displays she performed, she remained an artist but the temptress was no longer a cub that was easily indimidated by her sister, life chiseled her in iron and pain; luxurious tail curved over her spine elegantly, they were equal now and she proved so by emitting a low, guttural growl from the back of her throat. " Sekhmet," she cooed, venemous words spoke with a kindness unlile her, " You are here, right? " she qurstioned, dainity paws approching closer, intimately " This is not another hallucination?"

OOC: I love it! I LOVE IT!!!

" words of a god"

html by castlegraphics;
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together


12-22-2017, 03:04 PM
Run, devil, run
Memories were funny things, some were clouded by hate, others by an intense love. They had both grown, almost even with their builds and weight, though Sekhmet would forever be the heavier of the two. With a flick of her black tail, the darker woman grinned as her sister growled back, showing just how much she had grown. "I am really here, Nepthys. Your mind is not playing tricks." Though her voice remained cold, she knew Nepthys would understand there was love in the tones. As if to prove her claims, the heavier female moved to her lost sister and didn't hesitate to close the distance between them fully. Curling her neck around the multihued shoulders of Nepthys, Sekhmet embraced her.

She had only gone off to calm down, but when Ba'as returned to the scene of their reckoning, she had found nothing. Both her brother and sister had left her. Still, she could not deny that she had missed her siblings, after all, she loved all of her family dearly. Should have stayed with them, I am the oldest. Last mistake I will ever make. Smiling almost sadly, Sekhmet squeezed her sister and stepped back. One obsidian paw raised and stretched out in a spoiled move that was very youthful coming from Sekhmet. "I have missed you, little sister." She seemed happy, even if she didn't fully show it.

OOC: Soooo, sooo sorry this one sucks lol. I didn't imagine her with emotion, so it's a bit awkward lol

"Speech." Walk. Think.



7 Years
12-23-2017, 12:54 AM

She turned every moment they spent together into painful memories. They are sharp, and cut right through her everytime she thinks about that time. Even the sweet good moments they all had are now turned into a knife that kills her already broken heart and twisted soul. They pierced her soul; they made her skeptical about people and love. And she hate them. She fucking hate yhem for that. They turned her into this broken mess, and even if the temptress won't see them again, their touch will be with her for years, or maybe for the rest of her life, who knows. Were where her siblings when she needed them the most? Where was her older sister? Yet she found herself at a lost of words, all these negative emotions that haunted her all these time suddenly ceased for a moment, the burning fire within her veins became ice cold as the charcoal demoness confirmed her thoughts, it was no hallucination; this was as real as her. "Where have you been all this time?" a whisper, solemnly left out between voluptous, pitch black lips. Apparently she can blame evolutionary biology for her painful memories. Oh, how she wish sh3 could put them in the garbage can where they belong and forget. Or better yet bury them deep underground. She came to the conclusion that our brains are hardwired from ancient times to remember the bad, awful and soul-eating stuff more to help keep you alive. Which is ironic really, now what she needed the good stuff and the good stuff seem to have appeard before her. A sigh came forth between parted lips, a roll of her curvaceous hips was all it took for her to his the soft blanket of winter underneth her. The soft touch of her sister was returned almost instantly, without a second thought, instinctively, and her scent, God, het scent was so familiar, it was like home.

" words of a god"

html by castlegraphics;
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together


12-23-2017, 09:42 AM
Run, devil, run
The dark goddess couldn't focus on the past, if she did, the loyalty she felt toward her mother would have caused her to fight her only line to family that she had left. While Sekhmet was guilty of the same crime, she had come to feel oddly protective over the spoiling corpse of her mother, and had been forced to leave the sides of her siblings for a while. She hadn't meant to stay gone, but life often throws even gods curve balls. The rage she felt, the fierce possession over the body, the instinct to kill the wolves who fed off her...It had been too much. "I had to leave for a moment. I didn't want to be gone so long...I was foolish. And you? I came back and you were no where..." She avoided the aggression that bubbled up within her, the main action of her sister helping to cool the fires she had clung to in order to survive.

Instead, as Nepthys curled back around her, she buried her face into the thick ruff of her multi-hued sibling and inhaled deeply. "Nevermind, do not tell me. I am only glad to have found you. Never leave again, I will stalk you if I must." A soft laugh and a tighter squeeze were given to Nepthys, and Sekhmet emitted a rumbling growl that resembled a purr. How soon would Seth be found? She worried about her brother, but for now, she allowed the reunion with her sister distract her. Running her chin along the dark fires of Nepthys' fur, Ba'as smiled and curled possessively around her sister as she sat in the snow. This season seemed promising for brighter futures, perhaps it was all about the location. This place was rather magnetizing to the young goddess's eyes.  

"Speech." Walk. Think.



7 Years
12-23-2017, 11:15 AM

Night came like the spell of an enchantress, water to stone, earth to iron, green grass to frosted white. There was no hint of warmth left, nothing of the past autumn or the kiss of the vanquished sun. The hours promised to pass slowly yet steal their body heat with indecent speed. The harsh winter came whispering sweet nothings, luring heat from tired muscles until they could rest no more. It caressed the temptress skin until it stole the pink blush and replaced it with blue. And above was the beauty of the stars, the clear night allowing the meagre heat of the day to leave unhindered. The only notion of brightness came from a full moon that reflected in the snow flakes that slowly but certainly began to fall, and even her light was a chilled silver beam. But nothing of these mattered. The russet temptress was above all confused and in awe, the Gods above bestow upon her a miracle, a gift, one that to turn down would be madness. She has questions of her own, as auditory system flinched once Sekhmet's question reached them. " Now it is not the time for--" her angellic voice interrupted, crown would lean into a nod afterwards, her sistrr had the same thoughts, now it was not the time for questions. All in due time. But there was one that teared at the back of her mind, screamed, tooth and claw, demanding an answer, " where is Seth? Have you met father since?"

OOC: Sorrrrry! Replies will be terrible in context until I get back home on 26th. ;-;

html by castlegraphics;
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
12-25-2017, 04:55 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2017, 04:55 PM by Horus.)
A soft scent flooded the brute's nostrils. Its fragrance drawing him like a moth to a flame. Sparks flew in his brain as memories flooded back to him. The scent reminded him of his lost soul, one the yearned for the old like were he sat as a king next to his brother. Ra.. Oh the memories of the sun god himself. The golden hues of his pelt and warmth of his soul still lingered around him and would for as long as it took to find him again. During all his mind wandering, Horus realized his paws had taken light through the trees. His destination unknown but the scent trail wasn't quite old yet. 

He followed the traces as fast as his long, limber legs would carry him. His frame seemed graceful in the long strides almost like a silk fabric bustling in the wind. The white and creams in his pelt made him stick out like a sore thumb as the rays of the sun began to slowly fade over the horizon in front of him. The trail became clearer and more obvious that it wasn't exactly what he was hoping for. The scent held a feminine twist but still held the raw power of his godly brother. 

Who? It wasn't a family member he knew yet it was so familiar.. And then there were two.. Two simple yet powerful scents that twisted together and mingled almost perfectly as if they would become apart of each other. Horus skidded to a halt and tasted the air even more. This couldn't be? Had his brother continued the line? How had he not know.. He would have felt it in his bones wouldn't he? Slowly his body finished the last mile up the trail until his eyes caught sight of a figure disappearing over the side of a hill. It was way to dark of a pelt to be Ra, but his curiosity was plagued now. He wouldn't be able to just walk away from this one. He quickened his pace just slightly still trying to be a little bit of a sneak in the process. The fresh air hit him first and the idea of water was almost too enticing. 

The voices that echoed through the darkness weren't of anyone he knew. They were forced and rough, even through the generations his family hadn't changed. A tight knot formed in his chest, these must be his nieces. From who Horus didn't know, only that they came from the line of Ra. Slowly he slipped down through the same trail the other had taken down to the beach. His paws heavy and easy on the sand as if to alert them to his presence without interrupting their little get together."Well.. I for one have a question. From Ra i know you are from... But from Amunet you are not. So who dear nieces do you come from?" Horus drew strength to his voice but it was still charming and weak to their ears. His body was very malnourished and most could see the tips of his ribs and hips through the fluffy and unkept fur but that didn't stop the strong family traits to hide. His head was held in a high fashion but not to challenge, while his tail stayed easy and relaxed behind him.
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me. 


01-18-2018, 02:05 PM
Run, devil, run
Nepthys mirrored her thoughts, denying her the knowledge of what happened. Sekhmet understood, knew that those memories would be painful to bear, her own were bad enough. She could only imagine the things Thys and Seth had seen, but they were both correct. Now was not the time for these questions, and Sekhmet didn't really wish to think on her sister's next questions either. There was no way around these, however, and an almost sad sigh left the dark one. "I haven't seen or heard of father since we were made to leave, and the same goes for Setekh. I take it you haven't seen them either. " It was then that she caught the sound of another approaching from behind her, and she turned to see a male, hearing his words and returning her golden gaze back to Thys.

"It does not matter who we come from, only that we are known to Ra as his children. Who are you to know which god it was to give us breath?" Her hackles rose like black knives as she stared at the male who claimed to be their uncle, having no early memories of the male, Sekhmet was not likely to trust him. The only memory she had of Ra's family members were sharp teeth and frightening loud voices as they cursed her mother and siblings for ever existing. Would this supposed uncle be the same?

"Speech." Walk. Think.



7 Years
01-19-2018, 05:54 AM

Blithe lips, inky black, pouting as her older sister spoke softly, she felt the compassion that coated her voice and the saddness that was buried inside their sould, digging within their very being for their family was incomplete and they did not know if Setekh, their little brother, was alive or not however she could not help the warmth she felt on the soft tissues of skin, a warmth that was spreading from her very core, her older sister was alive, they were reunited, she was not alone anymore -- she felt adoration, anatomically speaking every creature possess a heart and she was sure she had oe somewhere inside her bodice and if that was true she could swear her heart was slowly filling with joy and shivers ran down her spine, her bodice pushing into her sister as she breathed her in, nostrils filling with her scent, registering, remembering and analysing. You could see the content upon the ghastly, alluring visage of the babe. The temptress was purring gently in her sister presence, her chest rumbling with vibrato. She was affectionate. Adoring even, such a rarirty and yet her father always told them family is above all else for them. How peculiar to remember his words in times like this. She mentally shook off the thoughts of her father, orang epomegranate optics glancing over at her sister. You look like a mother dragon like this, Ba'as. she purreed sweetly, mocking her older sister in a playful way before she gently nudged her shoulder. A sister love. A sister understanding. They had disagreements, many of them and there will still be times when the two of them might argue and fight but maybe..just maybe, she can trust Ba'as not to vanish again from her sight. What are we going to-- Her words have been cut by the voice of another. Male. Older. Powerful. What did he said? What was this scheme? How did he knew her father name? Who are you?

" words of a god"

html by castlegraphics;
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together