



1 Year
12-25-2017, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2017, 05:02 PM by Aurélie.)
Come n get her! -mean to my chars- >0> down for any kind of interaction!

The world was achingly quiet. There was a chilling wind whisping across the horizon, and behind it the shadowy forms of large mountains dotted across the endless gray. There was a hushed snow that fell upon the dusty gravel, and her paws had long grown worn and bloody from the trek. She did not know where she was going. Behind her were the endless trees, a thick and heavily-scented forest she’d been careful to avoid (or rather, sneak carefully through, avoiding any sort of suspicion or recognition). Her breath was lost in her chest, her fur long withered and half-wet, a blanket of snow curled onto her back. Where once it might have melted, now Aurélie had been over encumbered by the cold, and no longer had the body heat to melt it. Flanking the side of the endless field was a mountain range far sharper and clearer than the others in the background, and she began to head in its direction, if only to have a reference point, a beacon to tether her. Admittedly, she was afraid, fearful to lose herself in a potentially endless desert if she were to follow the fleeting and flat horizon. Thus, her traveling remained on the outskirts of the battlefields, and kept her even between the un-scalable and steep cliffs of the mines and the harrowing desert to her right.

Each step forward brought with it a further desire to collapse, to rest, to lose herself in a sub-consciousness reminiscent of her life before all this happened. One moment they were there—and the next, they were gone. Aurélie had long exhausted all her tears, and had instead fell into a emotional purgatory. A young heart yearned for guidance, but always the maidenly fickleness strived for independence. You are too young to be alone, she thinks, and she knows it is true. Her legs were not quite yet trained to run, and her skills not honed enough to hunt anything but field mice and sick, small deer. Her head was lowered to be level with her shoulders, and her tiredness was evident in her lanky gait, once-voluptuous elegance now subjected to a terrible sluggishness. Nearer and nearer was she to facing an entire collapse.




6 Years
12-25-2017, 09:28 PM

Aggie had been wandering through this place of death for a reason, she told herself. Every corpse she passed, every long-forgotten pile of bones she was forced to step around, was all the reason she ought to need even if it were the one thing that nearly forced her away. The land of the dead was no place a mortal should be treading, and she knew that. Not to mention all of the unsavory sorts she might find awaiting her. Aggie stopped and let out a huff. She would not let fear overtake her. If the spirits were angered with her by coming here, she would have to make it up to them by doing her damn job.

From a young age Aggie had felt drawn to the arts of healing, had wanted to pursue it from her earliest memories when the Jarvela had taken her and Jouko in. She wasn't going to achieve anything ever if she never applied what she learned or practiced. To her it seemed utterly logical that she would be able to tackle anything she found there, or at least she could try. And anyways, she had Ylva to help, and the Red Panda was certain to help her fill in any blanks, so it would be fine... right? Aggie noted that it would probably be prudent to construct a shrine for her spirits at the edge of this accursed place, just in case.

When she saw a slumped figure up ahead, she assumed the worst. She had yet to see a living soul anywhere, but plenty of corpses. She took a steadying breath, then went to investigate. The woman was some sort of autumnal construction, and seemed nearly toeing the line between this world and the next. Aggie cursed gently under her breath and rushed forwards. "Hey? Miss? Can you hear me?" Aggie turned to Ylva and murmured, "Let's get her some water." Aggie turned back to the smaller female, a small frown marring her features.

Ylva tugged at the small sling Aggie carried over her shoulder, and produced from within its depths a wad of moss. On the ground beside where Aggie sat, the panda began to pile snow atop the moss. She curled her body to wrap around her construction, using her body heat and breathing to begin melting the snow for the moss to capture. Meanwhile Aggie did the best examination she was capable of in just a moment. The girl seemed near her age, but frail and malnourished. "Are you ill?" The winter was a bitter one, and heavy snowfalls had made hunting difficult. Aggie had been born in a world of constant winter and lived entirely in a northern clime before this, so to her she had never felt more at home. She doubted the other fae would sympathize. At the very least, Aggie hoped she'd be able to help.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
12-25-2017, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2017, 09:41 PM by Dómari.)
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari was a glutton for punishment. He'd travelled to the battlefield for one purpose and that was to get back into battle shape. They had no idea if Talis was going to try again now that Regulus was occupied with pups. He had to be ready. Dómari paused for a moment to gaze at the horizon.  The crisp chill and silence of winter seemed like such a contrast to the noise that had been rolling around in his head at home. The walk and travels were doing wonders for his spirit. He hoped to pick an opponent that would give him a good challenge and contrary to Celestial rules he wanted a private fight. He didn't care to have anyone from Celestial trailing him. Dómari had proven himself enough to the pack as a warrior.

The scent of wolves caught his attention and he immediately followed it. Maybe there was a pair of wolves already engaged in battle.  He sprinted off quickly only to come across two women, one who looked a bit worse for wear but he didn't smell blood on her.  "Hey?  Are you two ok?" Oh man!  Dómari wished he had more advanced skills as a healer.  He was too much of a beginner to be of much use for one thing. Another was that his storage den was to far away and in the middle of winter plant options were limited.



7 Years
12-26-2017, 02:59 PM

with the Devil ||

The winter wind howled through the desolate marsh and bit at the demoness frozen skin. The bleak grey cloud overhead reflected perfectly her grey mood inside. These short days, these long nights, the dampness that crept into her weary bones and made them ache for summer again. Each tea-cup paw broke the frosted puddles that lay embedded in the hardened earth. The world seemed to lie barren and lifeless before her as if God himself had put it to sleep. Feline embodiment of acute elegance graced the lands, she passed trees that shivered in the bitter wind, naked branches adorned with snow. Clusters of twigs, gnarled and twisted, extend like the very hands of old man winter, ready to catch the soft falling flakes. Against the dark mossy trunk the brilliant white drifts rise in soft curves and fall again to the hidden ground. They were the trees of storybooks, of paintings and christmas cards and as she passed them she could not help but imagine that it will be some time before the trees awaken and when they do it will be a slow stirring, gradually growing unnoticed buds until finally the delicate papery leaves and blooms within are ready. Before she could even drink all the scenery in the demoness nostrils were invaded by different aromas and perfumes that lingered, so strong she could almost taste them on her coral tongue. A eyebrow rose in interest as she creeped, a predator, reptilian movements were made towards the source; with feline precision she haunted, creeping up behind what appeared to be two lupines, directing their attention towards a third one that appeard to be a deteriorated mass, more dead than alive.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together