
no light, no light

Zephyr I


10 Years
12-26-2017, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2017, 08:48 PM by Nyx.)
Well... shit. Zephyr wasn't sure if he was more afraid of the whereabouts of Caelum and Caelestis or of Caelum's reaction when she found out he left Inverno to be ganged up on by a group of strangers. That was, if she found out. It wasn't like he'd never withheld information from her before, right? Eh, he'd figure that out once he found her and made sure she was already. Dragoste and Inverno be damned -- so long as his mate and daughter were safe, he'd be fine.

What was even happening, he had no clue. All he knew was that his family had left the den for a late-night adventure, and the next thing he knew, a group of strangers had been at the entrance to his den. Zephyr had ran away as fast as his paws would carry him, and now that he neared the edge of the pack's borders he found himself panting heavily as his gait slowed. All he cared about was getting to his family, wherever they'd gone, and nothing else.

note: set immediately after Abraxas wolves harassed him at his den, and post-Amon killing Ganta

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
12-26-2017, 07:00 PM
With his nose to the ground Malleus prowled along the border. He ghosted through the trees, weaving through them with the rolling slink of a predator on a mission. The former inhabitants of this pack were scattering as the news of what was happening to them spread. As expected some were fleeing the pack altogether, but Malleus had no intention of stopping them unless they seemed too good to lose. The rest he would allow to go - for now. It was entirely possible that his father would later give the order to hunt them down.

He caught sight of the form of a wolf up ahead and made a beeline for the stranger. As he neared and the wolf's features became clearer, Malleus began to mentally put together a list of pros and cons. Too many cons and the male could leave. Too many pros on the other hand...

First con: the man was old.

First possible pro: he was old and alive for a reason. If the former alpha was any kind of tactician, he wouldn't keep an old fart around for sentimental reasons. Perhaps the old geezer had a valuable skill of some stripe. Malleus was keen to find out.

The man slowed - the sad little codger was probably winded - but Malleus moved to stand between him and the border anyway. "Leaving so soon?" he asked smoothly.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.

Zephyr I


10 Years
12-26-2017, 07:29 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2017, 07:32 PM by Zephyr I.)
Somehow, Zephyr had expected to get away without any issues - or perhaps he was just being optimistic. What had happened to his family years ago wouldn't, couldn't, happen again. He slunk through the dark, navigated through the willow trees that had slowly become familiar over the last few seasons they'd spent here. He hadn't been thrilled about the idea of joining a pack initially, though it had seemed like a good idea to keep their offspring safe.. but now? Now he wasn't so sure.

Once he heard the voice of someone, he slowed, against the pull of his paws to keep rushing forward. Zephyr wasn't at all opposed to running instead of fighting - which was made evident by him abandoning his packmate earlier - but he wasn't sure running was such a great idea if someone was trying to stop him. Who knew what these wolves were capable of? He certainly didn't want to risk his family's lives on it. He slowly turned to face Malleus, sneering slightly, his ears flattening in annoyance. "Why, there something worth staying for that I don't know about?" Zephyr retorted easily, his voice more level than he expected it to be, as he started to catch his breath as looked the young male over carefully. "Was in a bit of a hurry to go find my mate - I think she might be in heat. Was hoping we could bang out a few pups tonight. Don't think this old body has much more baby-making left in it, what do you think?" Zephyr grinned, not so much attempting to lie as he was being a smart-ass. He quirked a brow, hoping his face didn't fully betray the worry that threatened to creep through.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
12-26-2017, 07:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2017, 08:03 PM by Malleus.)
The thought of this old geezer, wrinkly balls bouncing away, atop an equally old lady was almost enough to cause the titan to step aside for no other reason than that he couldn't bear to look at the man any longer. "Well," he said slowly, still struggling to get rid of the ugly image in his head, "I was going to say staying might indeed be worth your while, but when pitted against that I'm not sure staying wins out."

He eyed the old fart speculatively. Perhaps his usefulness in this pack had earned him a younger, more fertile mate. If so, she could be of interest to the Abraxas. "I think," he said casually, "If you are concerned about the success rate, there are those in my family who would have much better...luck." The word 'luck' was said softly. Malleus watched Zephyr carefully as he tried to decide just how much to push the old man.

Malleus sniffed dismissively, his gaze briefly darting way from the man as he took in their surroundings. "Where is this lucky lady?"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.

Zephyr I


10 Years
12-26-2017, 08:39 PM
Though the stranger hesitated, he did respond quite quickly - Zephyr wasn't sure he'd been anticipated his words and wondered if he'd caught the younger man off guard. Either way, he found his grin growing just a bit.  "I'm not sure much is more worthwhile than the warmth of a woman, but I'm glad you won't argue with me on that point," Zephyr chuckled, wishing his anxieties about Caelum's whereabouts would fade as easily as his demeanor had shifted.

His suggestion made him scowl, frowning slightly. Even envisioning his mate cuddled up to Inverno for warmth in the time they'd spent apart made him feel uncomfortable - the thought of another male having his way with her made him feel downright queasy. "Perhaps, though she isn't getting any younger herself," he shrugged, acting nonchalant about the whole thing. The truth was that he figured they'd never have more children - hell, the last time they'd tried they'd lost two, though he'd decided that it was worth it for the perfect girl they'd created together. But it wasn't something that'd be happening again, he was sure of that; but it didn't hurt to jest about it anyway.

His question earned a slow shrug.  "Ah, I'm not sure. My nap was disturbed by some young hooligans who were picking on a packmate outside my den - I think I saw someone aiming for his eyes?" He shrugged, as though it didn't matter much, and he almost found himself wishing he cared more about Inverno's fate; his careless demeanor wasn't all that feigned, truth be told. "Who the hell knows. Anyway, for some reason violence just really gets me going, but... my love is nowhere to be found, so here I am." Who knew if Malleus would even believe him. His story was only partially true, but there was truth in that he was running to someone rather than running from this pack takeover or whatever the hell was happening; he still had no idea.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
12-26-2017, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2017, 09:29 PM by Malleus.)
Interestingly enough the idea that his mate might be raped by the invaders didn't seem to bother the man as much as Malleus had thought it would. He'd meant what he'd said to be taken as equal parts warning and threat, but the man didn't seem all that concerned so Malleus wasn't going to bother with pressing the issue much further. He would allow himself one more jab and that was it. "Then maybe it's her last chance. Perhaps," he said softly, "It shouldn't be wasted on you, old man."

Alright, alright. Enough talk about raping old ladies. The idea of one of his demented uncles pouncing on a little old woman was giving him the heebie jeebies.

He took in the news that there was fighting among the wolves with keen interest. There were few young wolves around (unless, of course, the old man was calling anyone younger than himself 'young hooligans') so it was likely that the hooligans involved were his younger cousins. He hoped they were fairing well; Ashiel in particular. It would do the boy some good to win a fight. "I'm not surprised. The little ones are probably itching to prove themselves. It's a shame your packmate didn't have the sense to you." He'd seen a packmate getting attacked and done nothing. Old and a coward. The cons list was growing.

Oh god, more old people sex talk. Malleus eyed him up and down. He doubted the veracity of the man's story for no other reason than that he assumed the libido of the old guy was about as low as the morning tide. "Here you are." He glanced towards the border then back at the man. "Running away without knowing where your mate is. What if," he said slowly as he searched the man's eyes, "You are running away from her and not towards? What if...she has already been found. In such an inviting state no less. What then?" He suspected the man knew where his mate was. And if he had his guess, there were others with her. The man had mentioned them having more pups. Perhaps he simply referred to his older children as pups...or perhaps the geezer had young ones currently. Malleus intended to find out. How the man answered his question would determine the titan's next course of action.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.

Zephyr I


10 Years
12-31-2017, 02:08 PM
Zephyr had longed since learned that showing concern, showing fear, it was all weakness - and showing weakness was dangerous. Instead he shrugged off the implication that Caelum was being raped, knowing well enough that she hadn't been followed - or at least he was somewhat sure she wasn't - and also knowing that causing a scene would do him no good. Instead his words, implying that she shouldn't waste any potential chance for future pups on him, forced a grin from him.  "But the difference, say, between you and I, is that I have more years of experience with women - especially her," he chortled somewhat light-heartedly.  "Four litters now, believe it or not."

Zephyr was just as happy to leave that topic behind them, moving on to far more interesting things. The older man let out a snort at his words.  "They seemed eager enough, that's for sure. I'm sure my wife will have my hide for not staying and helping, but.." He shrugged, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor easily.  "I'm not sure what your friends - or family? - want here, but it's all yours. Won't get a fight out of this one. I can promise you that." The way he'd said the younger ones implied that this one was part of their group, whether family or otherwise he wasn't sure. So much had changed, he realized now - once he would've fought tooth and nail for lands he called home. Now, he didn't give a damn where he lived, so long as Caelum and Caelestis were safe. They wanted Dragoste, or its resources? Take it, for all he cared!

Malleus shifted his talk back to Caelum again, elicited a slight frown. He had ran once from Caelum, in a way, when she had ran from the invaders back in their old back.. he'd fled just as she had. Now, though, was different. He was running for her, toward her, definitely not away from. "You really think I'd be running away from a woman who's put up with my shit after so many years?" Zephyr raised his brows, slowly shaking his head.  "I did catch her trail going this way, and I don't think at this age I'll have much luck finding a mate as lovely and faithful as her. I don't give a damn about the rest of this pack - I'll run from them all day. But not her, I'm not losing her. Wouldn't you be running after your true love too, hmm?"  

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
01-01-2018, 08:31 PM
The more he talked to the man the more bizarre Malleus found him to be. He was all too willing to joke about serious matters and far too genial in the face of criticisms directed at his masculinity. Either he was startlingly flippant about the well being of his mate, or he knew he had no reason to be fearful. That, Malleus suspected, coupled with cowardice that the man had long since embraced were the reasons behind his bizarre nonchalance. Perhaps the latter was also the sole reason behind his longevity and no other. He supposed it was possible to survive on docile mousiness. Maybe the man was proof of that.

Malleus found himself shaking his head as the man spoke. Gutless, spineless, useless. This one was not a keeper. He doubted he had any redeeming qualities his father would find worthy. Their conversation had been interesting, that was for sure, but every moment standing here with this coward was a moment better spent sniffing out other escapees.

Finally he spoke; ignoring some questions and answering others. "They're family. Conquest is what we want. This is this first volley in a war we will wage from coast to coast. If you intend to run from us every chance you get, know this: this is nowhere you can run. It's only a matter of time before we have it all." He eyed the old man for a moment as he debated his next words. "Take this message with you: the Abraxas aren't without mercy. Packs who submit to our rule will be taken over quietly and no harm will come to the inhabitants. Resist..." he gestured to their surroundings, and then said firmly, "And this is their future: a dead alpha and so much unnecessary violence."

He stepped out of the man's way. The old fart was welcome to leave. The only use the Abraxas had for him was his ability to spread the word. "I hope you find your mate. "Bang out" a few more pups if you will; when they inevitably come under our care I'll turn them into fine little soldiers."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.

Zephyr I


10 Years
01-10-2018, 11:58 AM
Being back with Caelum had certainly brought Zephyr back into a shadow of the wolf he'd once been. His mouth moved faster now, and he found his mouth almost moving more easily than it had even when he'd ruled his own pack - now only two wolves were watching him, his mate and daughter, rather than nearly two dozen. He was nothing at all like the broody, snappy wolf he'd been without her, and he saw now that even this stranger wasn't quite sure what to make of his antics.

His flippant demeanor grew a touch more serious at the younger man's words. They were family, and wishing to rule the continent from coast to coast. Interesting. Guess we'll be living in the damn ocean, then, he thought bitterly to himself. Zephyr wanting nothing to do now with wars, with territories or anything of that horrid nature. "Damn right I'll carry that message with me," he answered simply, but gruffly. He might as well pass on the word, at least to someone, so he could keep this damn boy and his pack off their backs - he wanted nothing to do with the Abraxas. "A dead alpha, you say? Hm."  He'd become desensitized to death over the years, despite the image he kept buried deep inside of his dead children, so long ago. Ganta had seemed nice enough, but nothing worth crying over. At least to him. Surely he had family who would mourn his death, but.. Zephyr simply shrugged, moving on from the matter.

He was nearly surprised when Malleus moved out of his way. He didn't seem interested in him any longer, which pleased him more than he dared let show. "Hey, I'll give it my best shot!"  Zephyr forced a wide grin to his face, raising his brows. "Good luck with this conquest of yours, mister, uh, Abraxas,"  he dipped his head before turning and moving quickly away - definitely running to his family and not running from the carnage left here.

- exit Zephyr -

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