
Moon Bright, Night Black



12 Years
Extra large
12-18-2017, 06:20 AM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2017, 06:24 AM by Regulus.)
(I won't be posting with Aurielle yet until her last donation is sent and processed, so feel free to go first, Req)

Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

It was high time the children saw the outside world. He’d talked it over with Solveiga during the night while the twins slept, and now, as morning rose and he returned from a predawn patrol, he grinned to himself as he padded up into the main chamber. He’d wait until the sun was well over the horizon, naturally, but he was itching to see them explore the ravine for the first time.

Yawning, he slipped into the alcove, settling behind Solveiga in his usual spot and draping his head over her shoulders to gaze down at their two children. One moon bright, the other blacker than night. And yet so unique in their own ways. Aurielle’s muzzle was a dirty brown, but he was sure that would fade away with age.

Come Spring, her training would begin to groom her as a leader. But even before then, some of the training would begin already. He was far behind in calling a meeting for the pack. A great deal had happened, and he knew he’d have a lot of talking to be when he called it.

Outside, the sun rose high enough, and as he spotted his daughter stirring first, he grinned, leaning over Solveiga to nudge at both of the twins with a large crimson muzzle. “Hello, younglings. Guess what?”

A grin was cast aside to his mate as he waited for their responses.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years
12-24-2017, 07:44 PM
I just wanna be by your side
Time was going by so fast, and day by day their children grew bigger and stronger. And Solveiga loved them, so very much. She never knew her heart could feel so full. It brought her joy to watch them explore their den, stumbling over each other and stumbling over their own clumsy paws. She and Regulus could already tell that the two of them were forming their own individual personalities. Both were very intelligent, gentle and soft-spoken, but Aurielle had little a temper when pushed too far by her younger brother. Aramis, on the other hand, was more reserved. Solveiga had to admit that he seemed an awful lot like her, while Aurielle was more like her father. Regardless, it was interesting to get to know them day by day and watch them grow and learn. And today was a big day for them. Today was the day they would leave the den for the first time.

Being the protective mother that she was, Solveiga worried a bit about letting them outside. What if they got a taste of the freedom and decided to wander too far one day? She still remembered when she had caught young Laisrén trying to do just that. But she knew Aurielle and Aramis were both obedient children, and hoped that would be enough to keep them safe. All worries aside, she was excited for them, and smiled brightly when Regulus woke them to tell them the news.

She couldn't wait to see them stumble around in the daylight for the first time.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
12-27-2017, 06:20 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2017, 06:22 PM by Aurielle.)
Aurielle Adravendi

She’d been having a wonderful dream… Running alongside a white wolf with deep, fathomless sapphire eyes like her father’s, and a warm, wise smile. She’d known through some deep, dream world knowledge that it was her Great grandmother her father spoke often about. No scary dreams could touch her while Erani was there.

Her great grandmother had whispered softly spoken lessons to her, but as the beautiful, wise face faded, colors and impressions kaleidoscoping into each other, the memories of the dream became less distinct. She could remember them, of course—she remembered all of her dreams, some very clearly, like the one about biting a monster on the tail, making it roar like thunder.

But the certainty she’d had in the dream that it was a real place she was in with her ancestor faded. Just a dream, nothing more. Dual hued blue eyes fluttered open at her father’s deep, warm voice, her ears perking slowly. Finally, she responded, because she could practically feel her mother itching with delight, ”Whuh?”

She lifted her head to peer blearily up at the vibrant crimson face she so loved, a smile pulling its ways onto her features as her energy started to fill her small body. There was something new about to happen, she could feel it, and the excitement at the possibility of a surprise woke her fully and sent her to her paws, stumbling over Aramis as she propped her front paws on her mother’s back.

“What is it, Da?” Her eyes flicked between her parents’ faces, noting the pleasure on both their features. She thought she could recall them murmuring together while she’d been dozing off last night. Something about—a gasp of delighted revelation escaped with a bounce of her paws.

“We’re going outside?!” The squealed words were loud enough to no doubt wake anyone in the cave system, and she thought she heard a muffled, drowsy snort of laughter from a few alcoves down, and Paladin’s voice muttering ‘Good morning to you too, little one…’

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



4 Years
01-03-2018, 10:07 AM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2018, 10:14 AM by Aramis.)

The young boy slept soundly, paw and ear twitching every so often as he dreamt. He was perfectly content, curled up between his sister and his mother in their safe, warm den. Of course, he was curious about the outside world, but even as a pup Aramis kept his curiosity in check in favor of safety and obedience. But today was different. He woke gradually, yawning and blinking the sleepiness from his crystal blue eyes as his sister did all the talking for them, which was typical. She was usually thinking the same thing he was, anyway. He looked at his beloved parents, head cocked slightly to the side as he wondered what they had planned, when suddenly Aurielle squealed with excitement and sent a burst of adrenaline through his little body. "Outside?" he echoed, quickly getting to his paws as his little tail whipped from side to side.

He was an obedient child, but as was mentioned before, he was still curious. This den was lovely, warm and safe, but whenever he watched his parents come and go he wondered what was out there. His interest was especially piqued by the rich and captivating smells that clung to his mothers fur. Whenever he asked her what those smells were, she replied that they were "erbs" or something like that. When he expressed further interest, she always smiled softly and promised to teach him more when he grew older.

He couldn't wait to grow older, to get bigger and learn more about the world. There was so much to learn, for him and for his sister. "Can we go now?" he asked, tail still wagging rapidly behind him. His eyes moved from his father to his mother, and he pounced gently onto her side. "Mama, you come too?"