
Bones Turned to Stones



2 Years
01-04-2018, 11:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2018, 11:47 AM by Enya.)

Weary paws touched down on the soil, tasting the wet touch of springtime on the grasses as her paws said a silent thanks that no longer were they crossing snow and ice. Her pads had been cracked open several times, and still they were tender, despite her wounds healing over and, thankfully, avoiding infection. It showed in her gait, slow and meticulous, and she chose her path wisely, avoiding any rocks or bramble that might irritate her paws. As she traveled, she noticed that her terrain around her began to change. No longer did the grasses show in fields of green, but grew sparsely, for the textures beneath her shifted from lush soil to harder and more firm rockface.

The she-wolf started to turn, knowing full well that she shouldn't risk reinjury of her paws on such terrain, but something sticking out of the rock face in the distance caught her eye. It looked like... a skull? The female's stomach grumbled at the thought, reminding her that it had been weeks since she'd had anything decent for a meal. Her figure showed it, too. Sure, she was tall, and her fur was thick, but it was also clumpy and falling out, her winter shed hardly maintained and groomed. Her hip bones protruded slightly upon closer inspection, and her muzzle was more defined than plump. She was malnourished, living on rodents and birds when she managed to snag some, living on sticks and what vegetation she could find when she missed her hunts. So, forgetting about the condition of her paws and wincing as her gait picked up, she trotted in a brisk pace straight to the skull. There was no scent of meat in the air, but that didn't mean that at least some part of it wasn't edible. It took her time and whimpering effort to cross the rocky terrain to the bones. When she neared, her gait shifted from a brisk trot to a straight bolt. Her mouth was already salivating, and her saliva was dripping from her jaw. As she neared the skull, she noticed something peculiar about the piece. First and foremost, it was quite larger than she had anticipated. She was surprised to see that the skull its self was the size of her, and now understood why she could see it from such a distance, and why it had taken her such a trip to arrive. Secondly, she noticed that the skull wasn't exactly resting with an entire body behind it. No, the skull itself was exposed, having been cracked from a rock, it was only exposed partially. What would be a nose, and where eyes would go, were exposed from the rock face, but the lower jaw, which was somehow still attached, along with the back of the skull, was still sunken into the rock, shielding the bones from the female's hungry teeth. Enya took a moment to appreciate the strange structure, never having seen anything in it's existence before, but then promptly reached out to some of the exposed bone and bit down. There was a satisfying crunch... then nothing.

Not quite understanding that years of exposure to the elements causes bones to wither away and become brittle, Enya reached up to the skull and bit at it again. Another chunk of it broke off and fell away, tasting like dry dirt in her mouth. Growing angry that there was nothing to gain from her venture across the lands, Enya began to grumble under her breath, reaching up to break off another piece of brittle bone, only to toss it to the ground angrily. She had dislodged three large teeth from the skeleton by now, and all three laid at her paws. Food was right in front of Enya, but it wasn't food at all. Suddenly exhausted from the lack of nutrition and her exertion of energy to get to this waste of time, she plopped down on her rump. Her angry growls turned to a whimper, and her head dropped down. Of course she couldn't be the lucky one to find a free meal.

Ooc// first post, hope it's alright! All replies appreciated <3 I usually am a fast replier.  

[Image: 2hnqhaq.jpg]



2 Years
01-04-2018, 03:18 PM
Finding this place to be rather interesting in the first place, Horus discovered another cool trinket he wanted to add to the growing pill of necklace items. He had them stashed away here in Auster in a secret location only known to him. The green gem among the pile of bones and teeth or his recent prey. He was looking for something else to fill the void of his empty neck when a scent caught his nose. It was a scent he hadn't smell since he entered this rotting area. Food... His tummy rumbled with unintended noise. He could tell form the scent that it was fresh and headed up from the valley below. maybe a creature with a sense of adventure? Whatever it was it would get the little thing killed.

Horus trudged through the snow though it wasn't as thick as it had been before. His paws still became tender to the touch. The ridge itself was in view now, and the prey he was after right in front of him. It was strange though that he could see it from here. It looked like a blotch of color against the side of the rock face. Hehehheee.. He mumbled to himself. Rock face. Since it was a skull? He shook his head and continued on his way.

It wasn't until he was right up on the creature, about 3 bear lengths away, that he noticed he was stalking another wolf. Irritation flattened his ears to his skull as the scent should have given it away. He just wasn't a good hunter and that was the end of that. He was about to turn around when he saw the wolf do something weird. She was eating the face off the ridge? His jaws clamping around the bones and breaking them off? Was that even satisfying or nutritious? He took a few steps closer at an even and nonthreatening pace. He was sure she could scent him now and if she turned around all she would see is a gaunt looking wolf. His ribs poking out and his hips showing in the back. None of this was new to him though he looked this way most of his life. Instead what would catch her attention was the creamy tones of his pelt and the matching yellowish gold eyes that sunk into his skull a bit. "What in the world are you doing? Other then desecrating a landscape that's been here for.. " He paused and took a big sniff. "Generations?" He finished the sentence but the only scent that he really picked up was hers. It was strong and yet very weak at the same time. He wondered where she was from.
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me. 



2 Years
01-05-2018, 05:35 PM

Grumble grumble her belly rumbled, and the she wolf groaned and shifted as she stared down at her aching belly, twisting to look behind her right front leg leg. Sure enough, as soon as she turned, she jumped up, startled, huffing as she spun around to see another wolf approaching her. She had been so engrossed in her disappointment with the skull and her grumbling stomach that she hadn't even caught scent of creature walking blatantly up to her, let alone heard the patter of his paws on the rockscape. Her fur bristled instinctively as she turned to face the stranger, squaring up and eyeballing him with her purple eyes. First she took in his face, noticing that his, too, was sunken in, and was not the plumpness of a well-fed wolf. Then there were his ears, which were flat, and not perked, and set her on edge. In all her time, she had not seen a wolf with naturally folded ears. In her world, and in her wolf language, flat ears meant aggression or fear, though this one, she could not figure out. He seemed neither. In fact, he seemed almost in as bad as shape as she, really, skin and bones with hardly the muscles to keep moving. Did his hips protrude more than hers? It was hard to say, with the thickness of coats. Maybe it was her imagination. Maybe it wasn't. The two definitely stood in quite contrast with one another, one dark, the other light, and yet they were both the same, both big and both small in the same way. Then he spoke, and though Enya wasn't going to come close to letting her guard down, she decided that he wasn't out for blood... yet.

"Looking for food" she stated very matter-of-fact, her voice holding an edge to it of weariness. She was no stranger to harsh ways, and if her history was anything to tell by, she knew a rogue could be dangerous when hungry. She should know better than anyone. She straightened herself from her sudden spin to better address the stranger and backed up another inch, putting a safe distance between them, just out of pouncing range. If there was to be a fight, she decided, it was going to be on her terms, not his. "I could ask the same of you" she pointed out after a short time, pausing after her sentence to give him an opportunity to explain himself. She thought to ask him if he knew where any food was at, but then second guessed herself. A wolf in his condition wouldn't share his meal with her. She was a loner, a nothing. Why would he care about a nothing? He wouldn't. That's why I have to care about myself she thought quietly to herself, before finally continuing on. "Why have you come so far to find me? Are these your lands? Your... bones?" She was going to call them useless trash, but she didn't want to offend the male in case they were one of those crazies. She'd come across those, too, in her past. Wolves were fun sometimes.

Ooc// Thank you for the reply!   

[Image: 2hnqhaq.jpg]



2 Years
01-06-2018, 11:39 PM
Horus nearly laughed at the surprise and the sudden jump. He couldn't hide the easy smile that crossed his muzzle. She was a cutie that's for sure though he wondered if the appearance she had was because of the harsh environment or a disease like he had. A punishment for the deeds of his father's he supposed. She was a beauty to look at and he could only imagine the framework she would have if she did have a healthy look to her. His eyes scanned hers as she did him, noticing every detail she let him see. She held a thick coat and her accent was a bit different then others he'd met on his journey through the country side. He giggled to himself wondering if she was conparing their height and weight for fighting purposes. She would soon find that he didn't attempt merger ways of combat. Instead he would intend to slay her mind rather then the lavish body.

After what seemed to be hours but only just mere moments the she wolf replied with an attitude that said exactly what he wanted to hear. She wasn't as naive as he suspected at least. He tilted his head in a youthful way when she asked him a question in return. A look of amusement flickered over his expression but he tried to hold a calm and cool demeanor. His tail was hanging very loosely behind him and yet his head was held high and his ears perked up a bit when she finished speaking. He didn't want to seem at all threatening.. At least not yet. "Well you could say I'm looking for the same thing.. Something to satisfy a desire.. A hunger for shiny objects.. But food would do the trick too." He paused for a moment which he guessed she took as his finish because she began to speak again. More questions.. She was a needy thing wasn't she?

He waited but a somewhat emotionless expression when she choose to question his motives but waited for a moment to respond. His eyes seeming to try and burn holes into her skull. Horus couldn't help but use the time worn method of making a wolf feel a bit uncomfortable. "Well.." He paused and waited to see if she would budge in the slightest, just a bit of a sign of un-comfort would put a flame in his heart. "I wouldn't say I came all the way out here to find you.. I was looking for something more.. Stringy." He mused before pulling back like he might have offended her. "I don't mean that finding you was a waste. On the contrary I enjoy a good bit of company. As for owning this particular piece of.. Um.. Beautiful terrain.. I do not. At least not yet." He put on a pitiful grin but a somewhat playful and devious one none the same. His body moving to take a step closer, his eyes never leaving hers but in a daring way. "These trinkets and planes mean nothing to me. In fact to be honest i think its a bunch of garbage." His tone had remained the same through the conversation but his ego was starting to edge its way into his voice. "Would you instead of looking at this perishable place.. Maybe want to try hunting with me in the lands over the hill? I hear there is plenty of prey in that area."
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me. 



2 Years
01-08-2018, 09:07 PM

As he answered her question, Enya began to second guess her opinion that maybe he wasn't one of the crazies, because he certainly answered like he was. She quickly glanced him over again, sizing him once more, trying to see if, it came to it, she could take him down. She felt confident. He spoke again, pausing for an extended period of time, leaving Enya hanging on his word as he left it floating on the air. She began to wonder if he forgot what he was going to say before he finally piped up again, stating that he hadn't exactly come looking for her persay. He revealed that these were not his lands, but dared called them beautiful, and at this Enya couldn't help but scoff. A field of empty plains weren't very pretty, at least in her opinion, especially when it came to housing nothing but brittle tasting bones. Then he stepped forward, and like a mirror, Enya took a step back. No no no she thought, letting a small grin slip across her muzzle. He spoke again, contradicting himself from just seconds earlier.

Then he changed direction all together and suggested that the two of them get out of here. Her eyes narrowed at the male in suspicion, but her stomach rumbled loudly , encouraging her in the idea of a hunt. Then she remembered her paws, and her ears flattened. She couldn't hunt and chase down prey with her paws still in their condition. As it were, she had been living as a scavenger. "I wouldn't be of much use, but I'm willing to give it a shot" she admitted, looking briefly away from the male back in the direction she had come from, back to greener lands. Her stomach rumbled loudly again and she looked back at the male, half expecting him to start chuckling at her comically loud grumbles. "I mean, what type of prey do you have in mind?"

[Image: 2hnqhaq.jpg]



2 Years
01-13-2018, 03:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2018, 03:39 PM by Horus.)
She didn't seem to budge an inch at his attempt. That was a bit unsatisfying. Maybe his words were needing some work or his mood needed to change? He ignored the thought for now and let them float away when she took a step back in mirror to him. This caused a flutter in him that he didn't know was there. The little game they were playing made him want to do nothing but keep playing. She was such an exquisite butterfly in his eyes, flitting about and showing off her colors.A flicker of joy crossed his expression but then faded, still showing the almost emotionless look. She seemed interested in hunting so he would take her to his little set up. True he wasn't a good hunter but he had laid out a few traps near a rabbit den earlier to try and grab their attention.

Her voice brought him out of his thoughts once more when she noted her usefulness. He wondered why she was unable to hunt and figured it might be that she was sickly like him. The idea making a settling spot in his stomach since he hadn't noticed the way her gate was. The sound of a rumble echoed in the quiet between them and it did almost make him lose his composure. Though he held it together and only let another flicker cross. If she was observant she might notice but he was quick to send the emotion away. As soon as that happened, as if to cover the noise, she accepted his offer well what to him meant she was accepting his offer.

"Rabbits, Assuming they haven't finished off my setup and moved elsewhere." He mused and waited for the questions that were soon to follow. He waved his tail at her as he turned toward the field he'd just arrived from. He was hoping the trap would last but he hadn't been there in a few sun lights. In fact he hadn't even ventured that way since setting it. "I have to confess.. I'm not that big on hunting either. I have neither the stamina or the weight to take down large prey. So I settle for smaller ones which still satisfy." His voice was now a bit sad but not in the same moment. It was almost like a tune that has been heard so many times that the emotion of it just rolls over you in a easy fashion.

(Sorry i haven't posted in so long D: Life got busy.)
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me.