
Miles away



3 Years
12-24-2017, 04:22 PM
A pair of yellow eyes watched from the darkness inside the cave. She scanned the entrance every second for any shape to pass by. She'd just encountered a rather nasty pair of claws though what it was attached to she didn't know. This poor fool just picked up the pace and fled from the easy land below to the rough terrains of the mountains. Instead of turning to fight.. She had just ran. A sigh echoed through the cave as she harassed herself for the poor decision. Rylee glanced down at her paws and studied the scrapes and cuts all over them. She never imagined how hard the mountain would be to climb. With the adrenaline pulsing through her she never felt the pain until now. She wondered how long it would take before the bleeding would stop or how long before the cold would numb them. Her eyes flashed back up to the entrance when what she thought was movement caught her eyes. 

It was hard to even make out shadows against the snow that seemed to be just pouring from the sky. She imagined winter was almost over when she was down in the valley but now... It was alamost like she walked smack dab into the middle of it. The snow was not violent but it was big puffy flakes that covered everything it touched in white. Rylee couldn't believe the satisfaction she felt just watching the flakes fall in such a slow fashion. Even her own little friend seemed entranced by it. She had thought she might have lost the little annoying creature in the escape but.. She could feel its presence in the cave somewhere. 

The little demon had a plan for her that she did not share... Would. Never. Share. It wanted her to build a pack in it's territory and the rest she wouldn't even listen to. The mad squirrel hadn't stopped following her sense. At least it had learned to stay out of the way and stop talking. A soft anger boiled under the surface when she thought of the squirrel. Who in their right mind would come up and try to talk to its number one predator? Let alone.. The Squirrel could talk to her? Everything was so confusing that she let it drop. She didn't feel like having aching paws and a headache.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.

Daemon I


3 Years
12-24-2017, 09:49 PM

The beast moved through the area with little care for those ahead. Only two had his loyalty and one had it until he chose to end him. His brother was his responsibility to protect and die for. He was the destroyer, the monster of Sparta. Child of the fury and flames. His eyes were fire and anger as he moved. His brother looked tamed when compared to Daemon. He was a massive beast, standing at thirty-eight inches. His head leveled with his spine as he moved, a predator on the move. He oozed confidence and strength.

He could smell a new prey but cared not for acting upon it without first seeing the dame. He would not have ugly or defiant females at his heels as he worked to raise their empire with his brother, who likely would be behind him someplace. They were never too far from one another. They shared many things, looks and strengths, but one thing Daemon and him did not was dames. Reason being, dames preferred the approach of Nabis than the onslaught they got with him. Females always found his passion to be too much for them and defied him, he had always hated that. Defiance could end up with a woman being killed easily enough. He hated defiant women.

He approached the dark dame from behind, on less than silent paws. He cared not if she saw him, only that she realized he was her superior. He could potentially take her as his newest female, though whether he would was yet to be seen. She was not displeasing to the eye from the backside, but she held a damaged look to her that had him somewhat against the thought of taking her for himself. He hated damaged goods, though perhaps he could still use her. He moved around in a circle to her front and stopped there. He watched her, his mismatched eyes keen on figuring her out before he did anything. "Greetings dame..." His voice came, dark and velvety in its way. He made no attempt to hide his darker tones, or his Grecian accent.


I choose to die standing

Rather than live kneeling


Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



3 Years
12-24-2017, 10:52 PM
As sudden as the silence was there it was gone when a set of paws seemed to echo behind her. She felt like a fool. She hadn't even glimpsed the rest of the cave or even checked for scents. A soft huff came from Rylee's throat unwarranted and she licked her maw to keep from letting a full out growl. She didn't know what the.. She took a soft whiff.. Male wanted. He seemed to be moving slow but steady, a rhythm to his stride, One she knew would bring a strong and confident brute. 

She felt her heart drop into her stomach, It was her birth season meaning she would be smelling quite delectable to a male right around this time.. She didn't feel the signs yet though and hopefully she would just not get them this year. The back of her neck prickled and puffed up in defense as the male rounded her side. She hadn't moved yet and still looked out the cave opening trying not to seem at all disturbed by his presence. It wasn't until he spoke that she turned to look at him. Her pale yellow eyes searching his face while her ears twisted against the back of her head. 

"How do you do." She mused in a fearful but playful tone. she wished to not start off on the wrong foot but her fear was ever evident by her posture and trembling voice. Her eyes dropped to his chest not meeting his gaze but once to respond to his question. Rylee watched at the muscles underneath the brutes fur rippled with power she would never possess. In the back of her head she hoped the squirrel found a fun perch to watch the show from. Whatever this brute had in mind for her was definitely nothing she would want.. Or at least so she thought.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.

Daemon I


3 Years
12-25-2017, 12:06 AM
She started and he waited. His ears pricked and eyes watched her intensely. He could not deny the heat scent that swathed her had played a role in him taking the time out of his day to find her. But he was not some mindless brute. He knew how to wait and bide his time. Fertility was a fickle thing and he did not intend on allowing bastard children to roam without knowing their namesake.

Her submissive gestures peaked his interest in her. Submissive qualities always intrigued him. He liked the ones that just rolled over when push came to shove. His head lifted with his interest. Tail raised high as he nonchalantly claimed his dominance over the dame. Her fear fed his ego.

She had no idea he sought to claim as many females like her as he could. To build his empire in willing and unwilling female companions. Though none would achieve much in ranks without proving themselves to him and Nabis. Harkin would likely be their second and given any female of his choosing, though Dae wouldn't be giving up any of his prizes so willingly.

"I find myself to be in need of companionship, care to fill the role?" he did his best to impersonate his brother's much more subtle ways though he likely had failed already. His interest in her had now made her his top target. He wouldn't be willingly letting her leave here a free woman. Submissive dames were few and far between. This one was a special treat as well as her pelt, build, and eyes gave her an appealing look to her.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



3 Years
12-25-2017, 12:25 AM
She wanted to just lay down and roll over from the way he was proving himself to her but something inside her also wanted to snap. A soft bubbling anger rising to the surface under the ebony mask she wore. She didn't know what to say or do when the question was asked. She took another sniff in his direction this one a bit more obvious. She scented for others, for females, or pups.. Just anything to give her a clue about him but all she got was musk and wet dog. Her eyes lifted to his for a moment, Rylee wondered what would happen if she said no thanks. Would he continue his parade or just wander off? He seemed to be in more control then that. What kind of brute was he? Her eyes darted away when she realized she left them up for a bit too long. The pale hues turning instead to the cave entrance.

Rylee let out a soft breathe before asking a question of her own. "What is your name?" She paused hoping to get some time to think of a plan of escape. Her body shifted slowly to sitting on her haunches just in case she needed to flee quickly. She was hoping he didn't notice the short and slow posture but she wasn't very sneaky to begin with. "My name is..." She paused and looked to the floor. Would she lie or give him the truth? Who would know her name anyway? "Rylee.." She answered in a quick way. She felt her body begin to tremble under the weight of his dominance. Her head lowering a little more to the floor and her tail tucking as best it could underneath her. Slowly she wished her change of topic would work in her favor and not against her.  He could pounce at any moment but she would give him a chance to be civil before she took off. Rylee barely knew anything about fighting but she could at least inflict a wound in surprise right? What a bad spot she was in.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
12-25-2017, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2017, 02:52 PM by Dómari.)
ooc:  -crashes-  It said AW and I thought it might be fun to thread Mr. Optimism with these two. If you prefer to thread one-on-one Sam let me know!  I can either have staff fix it or I can send Dóm on his way next post.

Seabound and Aimless at Best

Dómari needed to get out. The raid was over, Celestial had won and the boy was healing well from his wounds but he needed some time to get some fresh air.  This meant treking north through the cold. The sting of the wind, the feel of the snow. It reminded him of home and had been something he was sorely missing.  Not that he wasn't content in Celestial. Celestial was his new home and he'd do whatever it took to defend his new family but time and time again he found himself being drawn back to the past. To his sibings… he hoped they were doing well.

As the young man was exploring the wind suddenly picked up, cutting through his thick coat.  He loved snow! He wasn't a fan of the wind.  Booooo!  He wanted to go sledding but not in this wind.  Not unless he had someone to go sledding with.  A sudden flicker of darkness from the corner of his eye caught his attention.  Oh?  A cave?  Dómari stuck his head in the opening. "Hellooooo?  Any bears in here?"  He waited for a moment and when no reply came he dove right in.  Adventure, though name was Dómari!

Dómari traveled in the dark, ice blue eyes gleaming with the thrill of exploration. He'd missed this. He turned through a narrow channel only to come across two more wolves. One was a small female with a pelt so dark he might not have seen her if it weren't for her golden eyes. The male was more earthen colors.  Dómari smiled.  "Hello!  Do you two live down here?  You know I was looking for some sledding buddies.  You guys wanna go sledding?"

Daemon I


3 Years
12-25-2017, 10:30 PM
She asked for his name and avoided his question entirely. A grumble of distaste at that came from deep within him. He did not take well to her dodging him at all. His lip twitched as he did his best to hold a calmer demeanor with this woman. She was submissive enough that he did not worry much about her fighting back too much should he decide her worth his time, but he would not waste the effort if she did not prove capable of learning her permanent place beneath him. Males were superior to him, and he would never believe otherwise. Women would never hold any ranks that meant much, councils were made for men. Her question was fair enough but he would not give her the immediate relief of learning his name yet. make her think for a bit on answering her superiors first.

His eyes were intense as they burned holes in her skull. Even as she submitted with her posture he wanted to push her to understand he was her superior, to submit completely without him needing to do much. "Daemon Areus." His answer was dry but truthful. He had no intention of hiding his identity from a female. If he took her as his she would need to know his name anyway. Besides coming up with an alias would take too much thought and he hated to think too much.

He was about to push more and see about forcing her into the start of his collection when another came. His ear twitched at the male's voice. He sounded too chipper and happy for Dae's tastes. His eyes moved to the male but he kept Rylee in his peripheral vision. She wold not escape so easily. He gave a snort at the male. He did not live here, what ever made the male think that. His scent was not lingering in these tunnels like a unofficial claim so he could not say he resided here. And sledding? What ever the hell was that? HE was a warrior and did not find himself in need of anything but training. Besides he did not come to make friends so easily. A brow lifted and he spoke with intensity and maybe a slight bit of interest. "The fuck is sledding? Is that some sort of training in these lands?" If it was he was keen to do it and leave the woman behind.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



3 Years
12-25-2017, 11:17 PM
Feeling like her entire body was on fire and that he could almost smell the fear rolling off of her by now, Rylee did what any god girl would do. Slowly her tail gave a slow but easy wag keeping a playful nature. Her body lifting off the ground, just the slightest to crawl toward the male in a submissive way. She had no idea that someone was on their way in and she thought he best way around the brute would be to fake interest and then run. She edged past him just a bit and pushed her nose into his shoulder, her tail waving her scent around her like a mask. She was trying to cloud his judgement with the strong feminine scent that came off of her in waves.

Then suddenly there was yet another male standing between her and the exit. This one though seemed a bit oblivious to the circumstances of this meeting. Her eyes darted between the two for a long moment. The new male wanted a buddy to go sledding.. So he wasn't here for her and Daemon wanted her booty more then he wanted to talk apparently. Quickly she smoldered up to the stranger like she had Daemon. Her eyes darting over to The previous to the new male before speaking. "Sledding? That sounds fun.. I would love to go outside and find a hill top with you..." Her voice was still trembling and terrified but she tried to add a bit of seduction to it. Maybe she could pit the two males against each other and escape?

Though that was the plan sledding was one of the things she used to love as s kid. Sometimes she would sled on a piece of wood other times on her belly. She enjoyed the feeling of the snow under her just crushing and moving out of her path.. It was almost as if she could manipulate it somehow. Slowly she shook her head from her thoughts and moved around behind the male with a bit of flair that women somehow possessed and darted toward the exit.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
12-26-2017, 09:48 AM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari was so wrapped up in his own head he failed to pick up the mood of the cave. This had to be destiny that here he was looking for wolves to sled with and two were right here in front of him! Now, he just had to find a good slope on these mountains. Something gentle enough for a stress free ride but wild enough that it wouldn't be boring. The male looked intently at him and asked what sledding was. Dómari stared at the man. He'd never been sledding? What a travesty! His parents ought to be ashamed.

"Sledding is awesome! You find a hill or a slope with lots of snow then you flop on your belly or an animal hide or a big piece of bark and then you slide to the bottom. It's for fun… although… I suppose you could make it into training." Dómari's brain immediately went to two wolves sliding down opposite slopes and trying to slam into each other. Maybe it would make more sense as strength training. Yea, that would work! "You have to go back up to the top of your slope to sled again so I suppose there's something of a workout there. Especially if you have lazy siblings that make you haul them to the top of the hill. Kind of like strength training. But why would you want to train when you can just have fun?"

Dómari knew the importance of training. If fact that was part of the reason he'd headed north but he believed that training needed to be spiced up with bouts of fun. Sort of like a reward for a job well done. He was about to continue when the woman moved toward him in a way he couldn't quite comprehend and for a moment he was struck dumb. Her scent washed over him but it made him feel… uncomfortable. Something was a bit off but he pushed the thought aside because she said sledding sounded like fun! He grinned. "Yes! I'm sure we can find a good slope. I don't have anything to sled on. I was going to go on my belly but winter is a good time to hunt for sleds. I'm Dómari by the way." The woman moved for the exit and Dómari stepped aside in an after-you sort of manner then turned to the man with a grin. "You coming?"



7 Years
12-26-2017, 03:59 PM

with the Devil ||

This new land was so strange - overwhelming to capture each outline and detail for her orange pomegranate eyes. Angular, gnarled twisted trees would spiral upward in strange contortion with their branches webbing outward like decrepit witches fingers. Birds shied away from winter bite, nestled comfortably with one another in the comfort of their make-shift homes. Small rodent would bolt by her paws, their cheeks filled with their winter meal, still chittering back and forth to one another in boastful of their collection. Ears would fold against the grown of her crown, apathetic sigh watching with quiet spectating stare before the small duo would disappear into the trees. The temptress would then continue onward – going no where in particular, thoughts of the following days forming vision before her eyes. Her siblings have been found, safe and sound and now she discovered more of her blood kin. The wraith woman would move in silence, tea-cup paws would crunch into bed of virgin snow. All she could gather were recent events of her encounter with her uncle - it left a painful sting within her chest and a anger within her bones. What she could not comprehend to – was does her life has to gravitate around her Father. But why? Lowly sigh would dwindle from her lips with a casual shake to her crown. Just out of the corner of her eye did lupine forms capture her attention. The temptress would cease in her tracks. She knew nothing of this place – or the potential dangers that could have easily be lurking through these wall of trees and canopies however this looked like a fun game to play.  "Aren't you a pretty little thing?"
a venemous hiss, masked with honey from angellic lips, a song, a whisper, barely audible yet ever so present, adressing the charcoal woman, innocent as an angel. And why, wasn't she just delicious. Pomegranate optics would switch their attention towards the two men, aknowlidging their presence but remaining quiet, approching the trio within the cavern walls.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Daemon I


3 Years
01-07-2018, 01:20 AM

She was doing her best to escape his intensity and Dae was about to pounce if not for the male there. He needed to be removed first. He was a stupid one apparently anyway. He seemed perplexed by the way the woman tried to flirt with him and Dae could of laughed if it weren't for the low rumble that escaped him. He was going to have to put her in her place and make her his if she kept this up. She was either stupid or that afraid that she thought she could get away just like that.

The description the man gave of sledding earned him a snort of humor. Now this proved the man was retarded. "Fun is for pups with no hope in life of greatness. Training is how one succeeds in life, and will be the only way I take a pack as my own." he spoke of conquest so readily. His brother probably intended to claim land but Dae had a lust for battle, with enough sense to know which fights to pick.

Another came and this one not man nor woman. His eyes moved to it and he judged immediately by the way it moved and spoke. This one was worth nothing more than the dirt he walked upon. It was an abomination and he didn't frankly see why anyone would let it live past welping. It was ugly in his opinion and the way it spoke to Rylee earned it a snarl. He wasn't about to share his next victim. But his attention moved back to the other male as he introduced himself and Dae simply looked at him like he was stupid. There was no reason he wouldn't follow, if only to know where his victim went.

He moved towards the exit and shouldered past the man not caring if he took offense to a much bigger man doing this. Then he was moving past the abomination and as he past he gave it one look. It was emotionless but disgusted all at the same time. Greeks may of been less than homophobic but a male female thing like that to him was unheard of and he didn't like it. He put himself as a shield between it and Rylee. She was his and would need no reason to associate with it. His eyes then turned back to her with more interest. "Lead on then Rylee, aγαπητέ μου." he was less intense with her now.

"Daemon" &"Nabis"

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



3 Years
01-07-2018, 02:29 PM
She watched carefully as her plan all but failed in front of her. Domari didn't even budge as her attempts to perplex him. He just got his deadpan look in his eyes and then brightened at the offer to join him. Maybe this whole male on male dominance thing wasn't as important as her mom made it out to be. That or Domari... was quite a.. Whats the word for it.. Unwise? She shook her head and was about to take her first step into the snow when her eyes locked onto yet another wolf heading toward them. She was unsure what to do so she just stood there like a tree in the winter. Her pelt bristling even more then before. She kept her tail easy and relaxed at her side but encountering so many wolves in one place made her want to tuck it under again.

The strange wolf spoke to her and she pinned that the wolf was female. Her silky tones causing another roll of shivers to spiral down her limbs. She had been ignoring the conversation that was going on behind her. Her eyes and ears fixed on the new threat in front of her. She was trapped now. Rylee figured it would be nearly impossible to stray from all three of them so maybe she could pick one and see if they would lead her away?

She went through the possibilities with each of them. This new wolf looked slender and meek but the tone in her voice said otherwise and she wasn't about to test it. Daemon was definitely out of the question, he was the reason she was all up in arms in the first place. His temper and his personality matching that of a wolverine mother with two cubs. So she guessed Domari was the one she would try to leave with.. Her thoughts were cut short when a figure appeared beside her almost looming over her. She nearly jumped out of her skin and backed up a couple steps into Domari. "Oh I.." was all she got out before she had been turned into the center of attention. Her lead? She didn't even know where the best slopes were and even if she did that's not really where she wanted to go anyway? Fear crossed her face and her muzzle trembled a bit. "I.. Um.. I don't know much about sledding.." Was all she could get out. Her head twisted around trying to look for a better place to sled. She spotted a hill not too far away but it was pretty flat at the top and not very steep either. The hill was covered in snow, so much so that they would probably be knee deep in the white powder. Maybe it could come in handy? "Over there maybe?" She pointed with her nose.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
01-08-2018, 10:08 PM
ooc:  some sledding doggo's for inspriation Here

Dómari resisted the urge to giggle at the man's comments. Rawr, rawr, rawr, I'm a big, tough man. I don't play, mrrr, mrrrrrrr. Dómari didn't understand the point of learning to fight and defend what he cared about if there weren't going to be moments where he could enjoy himself and spend time with what he worked so hard to defend. Though sadly… Celestial had been quiet of late. Dómari hadn't seen his brother Alarik or any of the rest of his family in a long time. Neither had he been able to connect with many of his pack members. He found it interesting that the other man planned to rule a pack Dómari held no such ambition. He didn't have the mind for rule and he knew it. Everyone had the roles they were suited for. "Well, we'll treat it like fun and you can treat it like training. And if you feel you don't get enough of a work out afterwords we can spar and I'll bury your face in the snow." His grin was laced with just the hint if a threat. Dómari wanted to sled, not fight, but his success during the raid had him feeling confident he was a fair match for anyone he ran across.

Movement caught Dómari's attention as another woman entered the cavern. Gee, was this a hot meeting spot or what? She spoke to Rylee and his head would cock to the side for a moment. There was something about the older woman's tone he didn't like but he pushed it aside. The more the merrier when it came to sledding, maybe they could have a tournament or something!  "Hey, there. Do you want to go sledding with us?"

Daemon pushed roughly past him and Dómari stuck his tongue out after the other man. He bounded out after the man and Rylee, beckoning the stranger to come with them as Rylee pointed out a decent slope. "Oh, good eye. That should work fine. We could hunt for bark or something to sled on but I find it works just as well if you go down on your side." Dómari flopped over onto his right side and used his hind paws to edge toward the slope.  "Then you just ease yourself over and slide on down. You want to go down with me?"

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



7 Years
01-13-2018, 09:36 PM
What I had in mind was something like this? If you guys want : click

It is a mini-clip from Alpha And Omega (the animation)

with the Devil ||

Crystal light, gemstone threads. Her peltage glimmers, banner of a tail flying like strands of liquid, like water and rain amidst a dark precipice. She moves like water towards the crowd she encountered just moments ago. What a amusing subject they were discussing, sledding now, was it? "Where I come from snow was a rarity. I am not familiar with sledding. " she spoke with embers from voluptous, ink black lips. So ethereal, her body seemed mutable before she came to a halt within the circle of lupins that, as she can judge, gathered for social interactions. He tapestry was always rippling in the cold wind, an oiled machine without the knowledge of utilization. She knows that she was blessed with her lineage however she also suspects it may be a falsity, a farce, a lie within their group to make them feel better about their cursed existence. Pomegranate optics glanced over at the charcoal man, "I am Nephthys." she mused in angellic sonates, heaven opening their gates as it sounded like the secret chord of David. Raising the her full height, the babe followed the crowd cautiously, it was not like her to emerge in mindless interaction or activities howver she could smell different aromas on the charcoal male, different perfumes mixing into his tapestry that gave way, he was part of a pack and damned be the babe if she was not going to learn more about the packs hidding in this strange land. The striking flair of dark brown and russet grasps her flesh gently, curves nothing but rolling hills as she moved once again, getting closer to the spot the charcoal woman pointed at. Her feminine grace goes unnoticed beneath her outlandish gaze, a vivid conception of pomegranate and orange beneath a cloud of cosmic golden flecks. She was astral, a regalia, straight, a Goddess contained within a mortal shell, light and dark rebirthed in alchemical conjuration as she observed in disbelief as the man fell on his side to demonstrate. "Perhaps a log would be more..suitable?"


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together