
Blood in the Water



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-15-2018, 12:35 PM

Amon had already cultivated a deep, passionate love for the territories he could now call his own. Everything he saw from the tallest point within the bound of the Empire was his. It was intoxicating. Already his kind stretched the bounds of what these lands could provide, fertile as they were. And more seemed to trickle in every moon. Eury's arrival had been a surprise, certainly. Any of Kronnoah's children were of course welcome among him, but it was a surprise nonetheless. A scent similar to hers, but unique in its own right, seemed to float to him on the wind. Amon could only assume another of his family, one he would likely need a visual of to recall with any sort of detail, had followed her trail.

Before long, he would need to begin formulating his plan for expansion, and the more Abraxas who called the Empire home, the better. Their number would have to swell dramatically if they were to populate and hold this realm, and they would need the mortals to come to their cause. The task was gargantuan, so if more Abraxas wolves had arrived, it was certainly worth Amon's time to seek them out.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


01-15-2018, 01:00 PM
He knew that Eury had left their father just a couple of months ago. She had confided in Mercury of her intention, and had told no one else. Kronnoah initially had been upset of his daughter’s absence, but Mercury had taken the opportunity to explain to him that she had needed to grow her wings, fill in her coat and flourish as an individual. He’d missed out the part about Amon though; Mercury was not sure of their relationship and so he left out the parts that would perhaps lead Kronnoah to come after them.

The older sibling had thought about leaving for quite some time, and Eury had really put the cherry on the cake for the male. As much as he loved his father, Mercury could not stop in his pack all his life – the boy needed to grow and to move on, to develop his own future, not one expected of him. And so he left his father, explaining that for him too it was time to build up his own kingdom. Perhaps one day he’d return, but for now he looked towards the future.

”Amon,” He called from behind the black brute, ice-y eyes watching as he walked forward, standing behind the male and stopping just a few paw-lengths away from him. He’d missed his Uncle, he really had. Expression remained neutral, however, as he dipped his head in greeting. ”It’s good to see you again.” Mercury remarked with a flick of his ear.



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-15-2018, 04:34 PM

Amon was beginning to wonder if he had been mistaken, perhaps he was simply detecting Eurynomes past path here, layered with another. He had nearly convinced himself of this when at last it clicked. A voice sounded behind him and Amon turned, finding a striking figure Amon would not have easily forgotten. "Mercury," he called out as he approached, giving the younger man a short nod in greeting. "It's good to see you well. I wondered if Eurynome had not led others to follow her path." His smile widened into something wider, more genuine.

He sat down, allowing his bulky frame to relax a bit, forcing tension from his limbs. "How have these last years fared for you, cousin? We have done well here. Flourishing and soon expanding, I should think. Your timing is excellent, if you had intentions to join your sister perhaps?" It was Amon's assumption that that was what had truly brought the black and white male to his borders. And of course, Amon would not fault the man if he merely came to visit. For all that the Abraxas were notorious for, their wayward warpaths were driven by wanderlust before anything else. Given that, Amon was always truly curious to hear what had befallen any of his kin in the three years since Amon had left their homeland in search of notoriety all his own.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


01-23-2018, 04:45 AM
Amon failed not to see and recognise who had greeted him at his borders, noticing within an instant the family bond that the pair had. It might have been distant, but nonetheless it was there, and it was unforgiving. He returned the nod in greeting. ”It’s good to see you well.” ”Thank you, cousin. I had hoped to grow a little more than I have, though there is time.” He hoped to be big and strong, though the size of Amon was daunting. Mercury’s head came to just below Amon’s shoulders: he towered over him like a deity all dressed in black. It was truly astounding. If only he had those genes to allow him to grow as tall.

”I wondered if Eurynome had not led others to follow her path.” A genuine smile had dressed itself across Amon’s lips, and Mercury could do little but laugh. His cousin had always been a character, and he expected as much to not change – and he couldn’t be more wrong. ”She left a path alright,” He said in return with a shake of his head and a chuckle: something which was not seen very often.

Amon then asked how the last few years had fared for Mercury, and it was at that moment that the man took a seat. They had been plentiful. ”Well, cousin. I grew up as a role-model to my younger siblings, but soon realised that wasn’t enough for me. I needed to be more than just my fathers puppet.” He explained, maintaining eye contact with the beast. ”It is good to hear that the Abraxas are expanding. I always knew we had potential.” He rumbled, looking out to the horizon then and looking at what Amon had managed to achieve whilst he had been away. Turning back to the black male at the words that spilled from his lips, Mercury nodded. ”Yes. I feel as if I need to prove myself to the Abraxas, earn the family name. My life with my father has not led me to do that yet.” He explained with a shake of his head. It was entirely possible for Amon to become a mentor to the man, a friend, and more importantly, a new father figure in his life.