
Plots and paying for my addiction

Echo I


4 Years
01-21-2018, 02:42 PM
Two purposes shall be served here! First, to get more love for some less loved characters of mine(aka anyone who isn't Iskra) who desperately need the attention. Second, so Monster may continue hoarding gems and paying for additional characters to neglect :'D Yay! Now, on to the characters!

Pup(summer) / Chaotic Good / Single(is babby) / Technical loner, seeking refuge in Abaven

Currently living in Abaven after the Abraxas takeover of Dragoste, Caelestis is still somewhat in the process of adjusting to these major changes in her life. Despite the unexpected turmoil, the girl is as playful and bubbly as ever. Often times she doesn't quite act her age, a trait that will carry on as a yearling before eventually fading in adulthood. The girl is spirited and difficult to keep sitting still. Wandering is her favorite hobby, much to her parents' chagrin.

Current plots: Living in Abaven temporarily while her parents decide if they're staying or not. Other than that Caelestis doesn't have much going on.

Looking for: Anything! Friendships, adults to harass for lessons and games, crushes, enemies, partners in poor decision making.

Not interested in: Plots that cause her permenant damage. I may be slightly flexible if it's interesting enough, but for the most part I'd like for her to make it out of puphood in one piece.

Amos Allantide
One year(Winter) / Chaotic Neutral(may change soon) / Single / Loner

Son of two wolves who never got along and were never up to any good, Amos does manage to be a bit lighter in alignment than them. He hasn't had a lot of experience with wolves outside his immediate family, but he is always looking to interact and see some new faces. The boy is generally easy going, though he does hide a bit of a temper under that relaxed demeanor.

Current plots: At the moment he's been forging a friendship between himself and Aurielle, so he spends a large amount of time hanging near Celestial's lands waiting for his new friend to be able to come outside and have some fun in the big wide world.

Looking for: Skill point threads, fighting and other types of lessons, crushes(?),enemies, friendships, anything at all really.

Not interested in: Death or dismemberment. Most other things are fair game if they interest me.

Echo Sandhound
Two years(summer) / Chaotic Neutral / Single / Loner

Not an easy girl to get along with, Echo is absolutely and undeniably always in it for herself no matter the situation. Certain that her best friend in the world betrayed her, leading to her subsequent exile from her homelands, Echo has some serious trust issues and considers herself allergic to friendship. At the first sign of danger she will drop what she's doing and book it. If you're too slow to get away, well, sucks to be you.

Current plots: Basically nothing, aside from her friend who I'm adopting out showing up eventually and making Echo lose her mind lol.

Looking for: Idk, anything at all, nothing is too crazy for monster.

Not looking for: Don't break her, and probably no babies for a while. Other than that most things go, I'll let you know if theres something I'm not interested in.

Four years(summer) / Chaotic Good / Single / Loner

Lerato's had a rough start which has effected how he lives his life now. The man hides in the shadows, always seeking to avoid contact with others if possible. A wraith that wanders the woods at night, even if he is seen it is rare to hear him. Of course, he only hides because he is sure that no one will accept him and his disfigured face, beneath which remains a good-hearted and gentle wolf.

Current plots: None.

Looking for: Close friends, someone to build up his self-esteem again, skill points, possible love interests, anything else.

Not interested in: I'll know it when I see it.

One year(autumn) / True Neutral / Single / Loner

Maple hasn't really done much with herself. Part of that's cause she's kind ofvery much is a nervous wreck half the time. She's tiny, sweet, and very much an introvert. The girl has little to no confidence and no real direction in life. All she wants is to be able to relax a while, if her stupid brain would let her do that.

Current plots: Nada.

Looking for: All the things! Friends, crushes, a mate, a pack, someone to make her less afraid of the world, someone to terrorize her, literally all of the things!

Not interested in: Do not squish tiny floof. At least not until she's accomplished something so I can say it was worth having her x'D

And that's it! If you guys can think of fun or unique plots I am ALWAYS down. Heck, I'll kill off all these kids for a good, juicy plot. I'm not kidding.



4 Years
01-21-2018, 02:48 PM
I have a plethora of muse for Jewell so maybe meeting Amos on the border of lirim since she doesn't want to leave the territory

Then I have Sam who's down for lots of stuff

Finally I have Arwen who needs a love interest so Iskra can have a stroke XD

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.