
No child of ours should have to die for us[gabe and Raph(?)]



5 Years
Dire wolf
12-28-2017, 10:34 PM
Uriel was breaking down and he couldn't bear it. He had left her with Shri and gave her a whisper of where to go, that she would find a home there. Then he was nudging her to shelter so she could compose herself more. He didn't want to see his family shredded as it was.

With tired eyes he had then turned to Gabe and Raph and asked them to walk with him. Gabe would likely come, there had been a defeat to him as he had asked. Samael was no longer there, just a devil to them. To them he was an undefeatable entity of evil. He was Lucifer. He expected Raph to stay with Uri until she was better so Gabe and him could have at least a moment alone.

His paws had thudded like thunder in his own ears. He hadn't wanted to force gabe into tracking him if he didn't have to. He was at the end of his ropes with his brothers, there was constant fear that his brother's would hurt what was his world. He stopped and sat beside a tree. His eyes stayed off His only loves form. He knew he had followed and did his best to make it easy on both of them. His side pressed into the tree as he leaned. He was ready to accept a death he never deserved if that's what it would take to save his children. "I don't know how to make it better anymore. I cannot kill them like father wants, they are my world, they are innocence in my eyes. I can't just accept that because i sinned they are to be condemned. Mine are mine and belong to me, why must he divide us so? I cannot stand to watch my family tear itself apart because i fucked up." His voice was breaking. Raw emotion captured him. He didn't know how to fix anything enough his brothers would no longer hate him. HE wanted to ask Gabe to fall with him so bad but to condemn his brother was to hurt him. "I want you to come with me, Gabe. I would do anything to have you by my side." honesty was the best policy right? He loved his brothers but gabe most of all.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-02-2018, 10:25 PM


Poor Uri. She had been too overwhelmed by it all. Raphael's appearance, full of righteous fury and indignation, had been more than any of them could bear. The herald felt the strain on his mind. Samael offered him a home, and acceptance for who he was. Sought neither vengeance nor penance for Gabriel's transgressions. What more could he ask for?

A life without sin. That was all he dared ask. Yet, it seemed that he might not be worthy. Everywhere he went, the stench of mortal sin followed. Clung to his skin like a stain that couldn't be cleansed. All he wanted to be was the perfect son to his Father. To be a perfect guardian. For his family to be free of strife. It was not meant to be. Why couldn't he be pure, unsullied? What had he done to deserve this suffering? Would Father ever forgive him? It was his only desire in life, to bask eternally in the Lord's light.

He trailed after his Fallen brother. Nostrils flared with each breath, making minor corrections to remain on track. Skull hanging limply between his shoulders, he walked on, trapped in his own psyche. The sharp aroma of deciduous sap stung his nose as he approached the forest of mammoth trees. Soon enough, he could hear Samael. Could smell the tumultuous emotion in his musk. He put on a brave face, lifted his crown high to direct his attention to his brother. The very image of a holy man.

"I don't know how to make it better anymore. I cannot kill them like Father wants, they are my world, they are innocence in my eyes. I can't just accept that because I sinned they are to be condemned. Mine are mine and belong to me, why must he divide us so? I cannot stand to watch my family tear itself apart because I fucked up." The words rang clear in his emptied skull. A heavy sigh was forced from his lungs. He did not know either. The violence of his heartbreak tightened in Gabriel's chest, made it hard to breathe. Choked him. He couldn't force words from his jaws, not now. Not faced with this sorrow. He couldn't, because it was his fault. "I want you to come with me, Gabe. I would do anything to have you by my side."

That was something he could respond to. He knew the truth, the right words to say. "You do not want me, brother." The words rumbled from his aching jaws, clear as a bell. He was so tired, so drained. He wanted to rest for millenia, awaken a deity in his own right. Far removed from these traumas and these old wounds, constantly reopened. "I am no good to you." Worthless, even. Michael hadn't even seen him worth enough to ignore his sins. He bore the marks of his own folly, and he was reminded of his horrible existence with each breath.



Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-02-2018, 11:33 PM
Gabriel was quiet. Sam knew he was there though. By the sound of footfall lightly crunching in the snow and the soft breaths behind him, he knew. Gabriel was a sound he would not forget for the rest of his days. He had been Sam's world once. Then he met Hadraniel and Lailah. Then after they were taken from him, it had been him and his children only. One night stands had been enough to keep him from the solid company he longed for. But then they too Had stopped and his children dispersed. Before he knew it he had found Gabe again. Gabe who did not shun him or push him out into the cold, the one who made him want for unnatural things. Yet he did not take like he knew he could. Gabe had to decide it on his own that that was what he wanted.

Gabriel's voice broke through like a horn sounding his heaven. He wanted so bad to shatter his brother's vision of himself, that he should see what Sam saw. "You do not know what I see gabby. I see a man who tries his damndest to do everything that's expected of him and more. A man who is not afraid to ask for forgiveness, where none should have to be asked for. A man that does not see in the ways others do but with his heart, a heart so pure it would never be mine for I am evil incarnate and cannot take back my deeds. But if I am wrong brother then forgive me for I do not want to be right." he moved gently, lifting himself to be in front of his brother. He wanted to pull Gabe into his fluffier winter coat, to hold him in ways a brother never should. Instead he settled for pressing his tongue gently into his brother's scarring wounds. To cleanse it as best he could. It was his apology for not being there to protect him from an enemy Gabriel could not fight.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-03-2018, 12:56 AM


The herald needn't wait long for a response. There was no horrible clock, ticking away the seconds of hesitation. Samael had always been like that, quick on the trigger. No time for thought or consideration. It was one of the things that had always infuriated the Lord, and amused Gabriel. "You do not know what I see Gabby. I see a man who tries his damnedest to do everything that's expected of him and more. A man who is not afraid to ask for forgiveness, where none should have to be asked for. A man that does not see in the ways others do but with his heart, a heart so pure it would never be mine for I am evil incarnate and cannot take back my deeds. But if I am wrong brother then forgive me for I do not want to be right."

Forgiveness was offered, if without words. For Samael was, indeed, wrong. Though his words were needlessly kind, and doubtlessly honest, they were incorrect. Self loathing had wormed its way into his heart long ago, when everything started to fall apart around him. "I appreciate your kind words, brother." It was softly spoken, just above a whisper. Auds would fall, expression shifting to one of turmoil. He longed for the simplicity of the life that Samael lived, but it could not be. It never could. "I cannot abandon our brothers and sisters, not even for you."

"What good would I be to the family whose lives I so cruelly upheaved, after all?" His words carried a strange kind of humour in their tones, false and dark. The herald was no fool, he was well aware that those children would never accept him. Even if he did take Samael's offer, and Fall from grace, there was no place for him there either.



Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-10-2018, 09:10 PM

Sacrifice everything for what you love

HE awaited with baited breath to hear what Gabriel would say. And when he spoke Sam was disappointed. He took the thanks for what it was but it was the words after he held a problem with. Gabe felt to join sam was to Abandon their siblings. Did he not see? Sam wanted to fix their family. Then he asked a question and Sam could only chuckle.

"Don't you see Gabe? You freed us by helping, we don't fear anything now. But if it makes you feel better than just walk with me. I have someone i want you to meet. Someone you haven't yet, someone that steals even my most volatile child's heart." HE was speaking of his youngest daughter's now. Forfax and Dom stole his heart but Dom the most. Lirika and him would need to come to an agreement over Dom soon. She was so innocent and didn't have a mean bone in her body.

He moved closer to gabe and with a gentle smile took up a place beside him. He knew some of his children would not hurt one he claimed as his. He waited though to see if Gabriel would come with him.

Walk, "Samael", Think

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-14-2018, 08:58 PM
The softest of laughs, bordering on amused, arose from the silken chords of his Fallen brother. Brows drew together, baffled. What was so funny about his role in Samael's damnation? "Don't you see Gabe? You freed us by helping, we don't fear anything now. But if it makes you feel better than just walk with me. I have someone I want you to meet. Someone you haven't yet, someone that steals even my most volatile child's heart." It was a dubious request, which the herald was wont to ignore. Raphael, had he arrived now, would declare it a trap. Perhaps it was. However, the male was curious.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt," he hummed, a half hearted shrug lifting his shoulders. After all, he had come to hear his brother out. To understand what was going on. A soft gesture with his muzzle would be offered, indicating that he would follow Samael's lead. The soft brush of burly musculature against his own delicate shoulder. His brother was close now, leading him onward. He smelled like children, without a doubt now. Many different milky scents overwhelmed the herald, and he dared not mention it. After all, he had damned the last litter. Dare he mention these children, and damn them as well?


walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics

Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-23-2018, 09:36 PM

Gabe agrred to go with him and he gave a smile, even though he knew he couldn't actually see it. His tail waved behind him as he started to lead the way. He was glad for the companionship and the fact that gabe would still trust him enough to come with him to meet his daughter. He walked in relative silence and happily lead his brother to the dangerous pass that was not only a hiding place for his daughters but also a trap for any that weren't lead there by experienced paws, as his were. He knew the way by heart by now. He kept at his Brother's shoulder and kept checking to make sure Raphael did not follow them from where Uriel was. He doubted he would but he could never be too careful. Especially since Raph was intent on backing their father and ensuring he did not forget he was fallen.

When they arrived he looked to Gabe before he gave a short bark, sure that Dom would come, if not all of his youngest. Once Dom surfaced though he was setting a smile on her. Once she joined them he was seating himself and nudging her towards Gabriel, no words were needed, Sam knew Dom was well in tune enough to realize her dad wanted her to meet someone dear to him. "This is Dominika Elizaveta Lunashka-Morningstar." There was no need to inform Gabe that this was his niece, he would put the pieces together himself, of that sam had no doubt.

Walk "Talk" Think

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



2 Years
01-23-2018, 09:51 PM
Her Father's bark roused her and she was eager to see why he called on her. Maybe he had something shiny or special for her. She could use it to decorate her Ma and Da's den she was certain. She looked to her Ma for permission first tough and after she received a nod she bounded towards the snowy entrance. It took a second for her eyes to adjust and once they had she saw her Da with a new man. She hadn't yet met him but if Da wanted her to meet him then he must be okay, because Da was awesome. She bounded through the ankle deep snow to her father, nuzzling his leg affectionately before being nudged to meet the new man.

Da introduced her and she smiled shyly before moving to sit close. Da wouldn't ever introduce her f he was bad so she immediately decided sitting against his left foreleg was okay. His eyes were funny looking and she felt like there was something wrong with them immediately but it was rude to say anything about that. Dom leaned her head over to be touching the Man's leg and she relaxed there, delicately like she would always be. She could feel tension, and she smelled something on the man that she wanted to make go away. She didn't know the word for it but it was like he had no self confidence or something. If he leaned down to her level she would just silently sit there and smile with a wag to her tail.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-23-2018, 10:29 PM
Wordlessly his brother would lead him onward, the soft brush of his waving tail against his own rump signalling his glee. The sourness of his mood was quelled momentarily by his brother's giddiness. Even in this cursed situation of theirs, he found a small thing to bring him joy. Perhaps the herald should be taking a page from his book, damned or not. The pungent tang of sap gave way to the distinctive smell of stone. There was no real way to describe the scent of stones, but it seemed everyone was aware of such a thing.

Snow crunched beneath his paws, the chill of it biting into his pads like sharp teeth. He leaned a little closer to Samael's shoulder, feeling him press back against him. They began to climb, a teetering incline moving ceaselessly upward. Was this a trap? Would Samael shove him from some great height, despite what he had said? Anyone else might thrust him from the greatest of heights, and banish him to Hell. His transgressions against this man and his family had been horrific. Resignation seated itself in his chest, weighted his heart. Should such violence be his end, then he would accept it. Penance for his sins, though Samael denied it.

Before he knew it, a sharp bark boomed from Samael's jaws. It startled him, just a little. Auds flicked back for a moment, and he stumbled on his feet. Introspection was dangerous, in excess. He must remind himself of that, more and more lately. He waited, strained to hear anything from around him. The scents of a small group were scattered about, children and adults alike. Faded milk scent, stronger than on Samael's coat. THis was where the children were being reared, he guessed. It was achingly familiar, like a knife in his guts- he longed for it to be his siblings again, young and foolish.

Tiny paw steps. Delicate, barely disturbing the snow beneath them. Excited, nonetheless, and quick. A child. Alabaster auds would perk, shoving forward to follow the approach of the little one. The scent was female. Samael seated himself at his side, and Gabriel took the hint. Settled himself neatly on the snow, trying not to intimidate another child. Would this one fear his mangled face? He could feel a small form pressing closer to his body, close to his forelimbs. "This is Dominika Elizaveta Lunashka-Morningstar."

"One of your newest blessings?" He questioned softly, features remaining pointed in a direction just away from the pair. Sightless eyes narrowed in concentration, trying to pick apart the scents. "I'm sure she's beautiful." Quietly, the words were meant only for his brother. He didn't need working eyes to know that Samael would make glorious offspring. After all, he had once been a holy creature like Gabriel and the rest. Now he tried to tip his head down, muzzle pointed to the left a little. Her frail form was leaned against his foreleg on the left side, and she hadn't said anything yet. "Hello, dear." He crooned, trying to make his smile genuine. It was hard, his head hurt from crying. "Good to meet you," he assured her, daring to lower his crown so he might nuzzle the top of her head.


walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics

Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-23-2018, 11:06 PM

He watched as Dom did what he knew her to do best, cuddle up to whoever was presented to her. She was a stress reliever without even trying to be and was also able to somehow make the hardest of hearts love her. If he didn't know any better either he'd think she held some of Lirika's god's powers to sense things and smooth feelings. Gabriel spoke and he dipped his head with a statement that would hopefully help Gabe to understand why this one was special. "Your niece, one with a gift if I've ever seen, delicate like a rose petal and just as beautiful if not more." As if to emphasize this when Gabe lowered his head she went to rub her head on his scars. He knew she was as gentle as they came.

If anyone would help Gabe to see he was no monster it was Dom. She'd not seen monster's but she had a great judge of character. As they said though, kids were the best judge of character, and he knew it to be true. He waited to hear Dom declare what he knew to be true. And for her best attempt at cuddling it away. He knew doubt lay within his brother's heart but also something else. He could taste a sadness and he didn't like it. Pride swelled in his chest as he watched and invited his brother wordlessly into his daughter's life.

Walk "Talk" Think

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



2 Years
01-23-2018, 11:29 PM
Her father and the man talked for a minute in her Da's tongue and she let it be. She'd learn those words one day she was certain. She could hear the man taking in scents, like he wanted to do what she did. Though Da liked her to do it but she wasn't sure Ma did. She took in the man's scent and picked apart the different emotions in it. There was Da's happy and proud like always, but this man he had new ones.

She knew anger, frustration and jealousy, along with fear and sadness, but this one was different. It was like sadness but different. She felt like he worried. That was one of them for sure. When he put his face down she aimed to gently nuzzle his scarred face before she sat up on two back legs and aimed to place both tiny forepaws on his snout. The way she handled him was a bit like a healer with a sick patient. No fear was on her and she gave him her voice finally, her foreign lyrics tuned with soft and pleasing tunes. "Sad.... Woorrees...." she then did her best to lay over his snout a bit and nuzzle between his eyes. She wasn't aware that this smelling thing she did was a lot like this man's smelling to see. Her Da knew though, that they shared something.