
[Marvel] Choose your own way



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-24-2018, 01:47 PM
He moved with his daughter hopefully hot on his heels. He had stopped and found her, told her to come with him, that he wanted to talk to her alone. He took her far up north to the holy place he had found some time ago, when he had first started deciding he would rule a pack. His daughter knew by now that she was going to be a princess just like the rest of her siblings. What she didn't know though was tgat he didn't expect her to just go along with the shaman her mother was bringing. He wanted to know it was what she wanted not what her mother wanted for her. He stopped in the doorway and looked back to his heels where his dauvht should be. His pace had been slow and leisurely to keep her from tiring out before he brought her to the house of the gods or god whichever was true.

He let her take it in before he strode forward and dropped the rabbit he had caught on the way at the altar. He had decided to start this talk with a lesson in his beliefs. "Come Marvel, place the bird I caught for you to offer here, it shall give us good weather in our future. And the rabbit will give our hunters swift feet when they hunt. Many mouths will be fed this way." his voice was gentle yet firm with her. His nickname for her was used easily instead of her name.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



5 Years
Extra large
01-24-2018, 10:35 PM
Da was leading the way for an adventure! The colourless nymph plodded through the snow after him, trying to keep her paws in his tracks. Otherwise it was too much work, and she got tired. Mama had taught her that trick. Before she left. Why was mama going so far away? Even though it hadn't been too long, the little one missed mama. Fresh blood stained her lips, dripping from the warm carcass of a small bird. With its body clenched in her teeth, it was hard to focus on the pretty stuff all around. Wide eyes drank in the scenery as they moved even further north. There was nothing up here, except snow and ice. Where were the mountains? They were back there, already. Until now, she hadn't considered that the mountains weren't a backdrop for the entire continent.

Up ahead, loomed an immense... thing. Was that a small mountain? Leery gaze would narrow at the strangeness, and she looked to her Da. He didn't seem afraid. In fact, her father was entirely unperturbed by the monster that lay up ahead. He did pause, for a moment. The youth caught his gaze flicking back toward her for a moment, before he continued onward. Her Da wouldn't lead her into danger without getting that weird look on his face, though. It must be safe. She kept her head high, and trudged after him. No one would see her afraid.

Ever so faintly, she could smell her family here. As she stepped through the ravenous, gaping maw of whatever beast lay in this wasteland, she could only look up. The overwhelming air of power rolled over her like a wave as soon as she entered. It was like when she saw the wolves in her dreams, the ones who talked to her and showed her things. It made her want to be quiet, and listen for them. Auds tipped back, wondering if they watched her from above. Would they approve of her?

Thud. The soft body of the rabbit in Da's jaws dropped loosely onto a flat stone deep within the belly of the strange, possibly dead monster. She stared blankly at him as he spoke. "Come Marvel, place the bird I caught for you to offer here, it shall give us good weather in our future. And the rabbit will give our hunters swift feet when they hunt. Many mouths will be fed this way." He had a strange look in his eyes. She stepped cautiously forth, gangly limbs out of proportion to her growing body. The carcass lolled from her jaws onto the dais, and lay still.

"Who's the hunters?" She questioned softly, scrutinizing her Da. She didn't know who they were, at least not by that name. Who hunted for them? Wasn't it just Da?

walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-24-2018, 11:08 PM
He watched as she placed the bird on the offering stone and he nodded. It was good to offer spirits things if they in return would aid those that sought it for such fine offerings. He may not believe Abba was a god but that did not mean he did not believe in them entirely. If his travels had taught him anything, it was that they existed but he didn't know which were the real ones.

He turned his eyes on Marvel as she spoke a question. Her English was improving every day and he was proud of that. "the hunters are those that when I claim a land as our home, take up the rank to ensure everyone is fed. Though for now it is Mammon, Sathanus and I who are the hunters. Our fighters, or protectors, are Leviathan, Sathanus, and I. And our healers are Uriel, and Gabriel if he so desires the knowledge." he explained each and gave the names of each ranked member within their family for her benefit. He lowered himself to lounge on his side and be more on level with her.

He wanted to approach this delicately and not hurt her or lirika's feelings but the words escaped him. He wasn't sure his daughter should just be some holy woman without being given the choice first. "This shaman your mother is fetching, did she tell you why she wants you to meet the shaman?" he would start there he guessed. It was as good a place as any.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



5 Years
Extra large
01-24-2018, 11:28 PM
Pride swelled in her chest when Da gave an approving nod. Yay! Her tail wagged a few times behind her, excited. He looked at her in earnest when she asked her question, and he didn't take very long to respond. "The hunters are those that when I claim a land as our home, take up the rank to ensure everyone is fed. Though for now it is Mammon, Sathanus and I who are the hunters. Our fighters, or protectors, are Leviathan, Sathanus, and I. And our healers are Uriel, and Gabriel if he so desires the knowledge."

It took a few moments for her to digest the words. Run them over in her head and translate them back and forth until they made sense. Sathanus wasn't much of a hunter. She never brought them anything to eat! She was angry enough to be a good fighter though. Mammon did a good enough job of keeping them fed, that was half the reason she liked the bigger lady. Da was the best at bringing them food, though. He alwys had something to eat. Uriel? Oh, the strange lady, big like mama, who had come that morning when Da called for them. She had smelled like dirt, kind of. Was that what plants smelled like? Huh. Gabriel was her.. uncle? Yeah, that was right. Why wouldn't he want to be part of the family, though?

Titanic form, wreathed in ivory, reclined so that her father might regard her more closely. The young pup met his brimstone gaze easily, holding it. "This shaman your mother is fetching, did she tell you why she wants you to meet the shaman?" He asked, and there was a weird tone to his voice. What was that all about? She shrugged, eyes flitting back to the dead animals on the dais. "Said Svarog blessed me, that holy wolf should teach me the ways." She mumbled, gaze returning to her father's features. "Excited to learn 'bout plants an' stuff." Was uttered next, bobbing her head vehemently. It was going to be so cool!

walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics