
Of Little Scamps and Tired Mothers



12 Years
Extra large
01-24-2018, 01:09 AM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2018, 11:46 AM by Regulus.)
Set maybe an hour after Sufferin' Snorkelblatz thread!

Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He’d escorted the vibrant young Jupiter to the edge of Dauntless’s border, teaching him words of the Old Tongue. As he stopped, his haunches lowered to the ground. He’d gotten his young temporary charge’s mother’s name from him, and now he tilted his head back and sent a polite howl out for an Artemis.

As he lowered his head he glanced down at Jupiter, a faint smile playing over his jaws as he marveled at how different the boy was from his own twins at home. Aurielle and Aramis were a pair of angels, while Jupiter here was a livewire of energy and mischief.

If this Artemis hadn’t gone grey yet, it was only a matter of time. The boy’s appearance did raise a memory, though, of meeting a massive male, Mithras Aeris. That wolf had been a magnificent sight to behold with his celestially painted coat.

His pack had taken up residence on the very same land Lirim now claimed, and Regulus quietly wished that he’d gotten more of a chance to interact with Mithras and his family more. While he’d only met the one, Mithras had seemed like a good wolf.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



4 Years
Extra large
01-24-2018, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2018, 11:21 AM by Artemis.)

Hearing an unfamiliar how split the air would not normally be much of a concern, except that this stranger was definitely calling for her. Artemis' head lifted and tilted, trying to make sure she wasn't mistaken. She would not be so lucky. With a sigh and a groan the astral woman rose to her feet. What was it now, she thought wearily. Her bones seemed to ache with an age she had not possessed before childbirth. There was no illusion in her mind that whatever this stranger was calling her for had something to do with her children. The call was a polite request of her presence, so she doubted they were any danger.... Yet, anyways.

She supposed it was possible that this was a social call. It wouldn't be unheard of, but that didn't mean she didn't doubt it. She would recognize Angelus' voice, and it definitely wasn't one of her sisters. Upon arrival, Artemis was surprised to see a man who could match Angelus in size, even if he was very different in his appearance. Startling sapphire eyes held an amused light while he looked over... Jupiter.

Of course.

Her silver eyes narrowed at the young pup, one brow arching in a delicate curve. "Jupiter, I hope you're not going to make this kind gentleman explain to me what exactly is going on here." Oh, she had a mother's fury brewing in her belly; the sort that was a mixture of fear and giddy relief and searing anger at all the possibilities the situation could have held. What if Jupiter hadn't, come back, hmm? What then? The little twerp thought he was immortal, and Artemis had never known a fear like the fear of losing a child.

She turned to the large red man and with both fury and overwhelming relief in her eyes, she said quite sincerely, "Thank you. And whatever trouble he caused you, I'm sorry. Can I pay you back, somehow?" She wasn't sure how Ty would feel about her finding a meal for a stranger, and a stranger who smelled strongly of another pack at that, but if he'd come to bring her son home it was the very least she could do. Artemis' limbs shook ever so slightly. She felt in desperate need of a nap, but not until she could find somewhere secure to stash her eldest son and keep him for a while.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
01-27-2018, 04:37 PM
Jupiter skipped along beside Regulus without a care in the world. He was learning all kinds of new things from Regulus. One day soon he was gonna go to the other continent just like Regulus had. Maybe instead of going back to the forest after Regulus left, he'd go to the second continent instead. There was still plenty of time; the sun was still high in the sky. He could make it home before dark. It was gonna be great. He couldn't wait!

Oh, and there was his mom! Jupiter perked up. He had so much to tell her! It had been a great day so far. He'd left Dauntless, nearly been eaten by mountain lions and talked to a stranger. His day had been jam packed and he wanted to tell her all about it.

Rather quickly her face had him rethinking that idea. Maybe telling her about his day wasn't a good idea after all. She seemed kinda peeved about something. Apparently while he'd been off having a good day, she'd had a bad day or something. It seemed like she had a lot of bad days. Sometime he felt kind of bad for her.

"Jupiter, I hope you're not going to make this kind gentleman explain to me what exactly is going on here." Hm. So she wanted to hear about his day after all? It was funny how her face was saying one thing but her mouth was saying another. Regardless, he was happy to tell her. "I made a new friend," he said brightly. "These big cats were gonna eat me and this monkey guy but then Regulus used magic to stop them, and now they're his friends."

[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.



12 Years
Extra large
01-28-2018, 04:12 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

The striking woman that arrived to his call was definitely Jupiter’s mother. The same vibrant, astral blues painted her form that painted her son’s, but she bore silvery eyes that told that story of a stressed mom who was nearing the end of her limits of what she’d deal with from rambunctious kids. He’d seen that very same frazzled expression on his own mother’s face. Admittedly… he was probably the cause of it sometimes.

Her first words were to her cheerful son who showed not a jot of remorse in his response, only the bubbling excitement of having had an adventure, and he didn’t seem to get that his mother’s anger was from his actions. If there was any enlightenment, Regulus bet it would be in private. This woman looked to be the kind that could dole out a damned good chewing out.

The boy’s conviction that Regulus had used magic had the crimson Archangel mastering his expression, tongue catching in his teeth as he glanced back toward the big cats that sat apart, Artashir still looking embarrassed as his pale mate cast him a glowering look.

Regulus supplied a clearer response, starting with an introduction. “I’m Regulus Adravendi, Archangel of Celestial – a pack in the Western region of this continent. I was exploring in the forest just north of here, and heard a mountain lion, and your son yelp… so I acted. Turned out, these two cats were looking for a companion to serve, by my description… So… I have two companions.” The last few words conveyed the puzzlement he still felt over the turn of events.

If he could have scratched his head, he would have been. But he finished his story with a gentle smile, “I decided to escort this fellow and his new friend home. Don’t worry about repayment, though, Miss Aeris. I have two children of my own at home, and I know I’d go mad with worry if they disappeared on adventures without my knowledge of where they were…” And even more worried, because neither Aurielle or Aramis would disappear without notice. That just wasn’t them.

He paused, thoughtful expression flowing across his features with a slight frown. “I do worry that my daughter sometimes forgets to be a child. She and her brother are our pack’s only pups, so they have no one but themselves to play with.”

[Image: T8yHvja.png]