
Pain and Healing[joining]


07-05-2013, 12:50 AM
Fuck this, screw everything. He had it, again he had been torn from the pack known as Tortuga, and it simply made him angry. The stoic male had his heart torn from the very back of his lungs out. Tavros had no idea where to go, amenti was his last choice since Tortuga had been taken over by a bunch of screw overs. His lords pack taken over by lithely mongrels who deserved only pain. It pissed him off, and he had stopped caring. The passionate male was ready to move on to a new pack and amenti was his best choice. There was honestly no hope for his world was there? He was not nice, but he knew a thing or two about respect and life, perhaps it was time to forget about Nnoitra and move on. He snorted to himself as the small scarred male arrived at the borders in a heavy limp. He was still injured from his spar. With thick scabbing over his chest, not to mention over his already clear scar. And a few scraps on his shoulders and cheeks other then that he was fine. He was just plain grumpy.

Standing at the border he gave a howl. Amenti was under new leadership correct? That meant they were low on members, and Tavros could amount to something and give his full loyalty. As long as they let him have some fun every now and then after he recovered from his recent spar. His gold eyes looked out, as he kept his head at a low respectful matter. Respect was key after all, and hopefully these wolves would be far more interesting than the new Tortuga rulers. Tortuga was long history for him, he was not an idiot and would get over it soon. Even though his heart was almost in as much pain as his aching joints from his spar were.


07-08-2013, 09:23 PM

Master. It was a title that Deteste had not yet become accustomed to but his duties and privileges were the same. They were defined by his actions and will to do them. It was quite strange that the Amenti and Ludicael codes were so similar when the packs were completely polar from one another. One could not say Deteste was unhappy as the Amenti lifestyle but it was a great change and his mood among members was never much more pleasant that languid. Amenti now claimed to be neutral but it's lingering members had dark histories. It was only a matter of time until he would have to quench some fire of chaos among Medusa's followers. His heart yearned for the mangroves but he was dutiful to the Madame and applied himself ceaselessly to his duties. Especially the one he was most fond of. Patrols.

The red forest was tall and in this moment Deteste found himself staring up, seeking the canopy which seemed to touch the sky and disappear in the morning fog. The forest littered the territory with broken shadow so the canopy evidently existed only it was hardly visible on days where the sunlight was not direct. Springtime had melted the snow and though the sod below him sloshed in some of his steps it was certainly sturdier ground than the mangroves. A return to a more natural habitat for the wolf. A nearby howl broke Deteste's observation, his crown tilting slowly back into it's common place before he thoughtlessly began his trek towards the summon. It was not long before the red woods fell behind him to reveal the man whose call had filled the air. Deteste was brief in his introduction, "Deteste. Amenti Master." giving a curt nod at the end of his sentence with tight lips and stoic expression.
