
Brother, Brother, Paws Heading for your Back!



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-31-2018, 02:34 PM
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

Exodus was home, and he was very relieved. Their mother’s loss had hit all of them hard, and each had their own way to grieve… he just wished that it had been to draw closer to the family that remained. He padded through the plains, devoid of his usual gathering hides, nose to the ground as he sought out his brother.

It took him well over an hour to cross the land, following the wall. Exodus was clearly taking his return seriously, and his duty as a Legionary. Paladin grinned, picking up his pace to a light lope and racing up one of the ramps that led up onto the wall.

And there he finally spotted his sibling’s monochromatic Ancoran frame ahead, with those distinctive green tear marks passed down from their grandfather. He let his own frame drop low as he picked up speed, before he veered suddenly to leap off the wall at his brother’s back with a shout of “Hoi, Xodus! An Guarde!”

May as well test his sibling’s reflexes.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



3 Years
02-01-2018, 12:02 AM
Exodus padded along at a decent pace, never one to move too slowly. Perhaps in his youth he'd been a little lazy, one for sleeping in and meandering at a leisurely pace, but he was past that now. He took his duties seriously, and he wanted to continue to impress the Archangel, as well as do his part to keep Celestial safe and cared for. He followed along the outside edge of the wall surrounding the plains, pausing only to leave a scent mark before continuing on. He was alert, looking out into the distance for anything unusual, but his ears were just as attuned to his surroundings. He heard paws scuffling over stone, and he turned his head to look over his shoulder to see his brother creeping along the top of the wall toward him. He grinned, glad to see Paladin, but also wondering what he was up to.

As the healer leaped off the top of the wall toward him with a playful battle cry, Exodus ducked down and took several steps backward, letting Paladin go sailing overhead without connecting. His grin widened. "You're sure feisty today!" he stated with a chuckle, "Bored with counting herbs?" He teased lightly, a boyish giddiness overcoming him as he anticipated a wrestling match with his brother. He had to admit to himself that he'd been in an all-too-serious mood lately, and it had been much too long since he'd spent quality time with Paladin. His responsible side screamed at him to stay on task and partake in conversation that would be of benefit to his personal progression or the pack's well-being. But his instinct told him it was time to take a break and just enjoy the moment.

With a playful bow, Exodus bounced toward Paladin - he looked like a ridiculously over-sized child as he performed the move, but he no longer cared to keep appearances at the moment. "Well, come on then, Pal," he taunted his brother playfully, "Show me your moves!" He maintained his bowed position, dark charcoal tail waving high in the air. The differences in their lines of interest as apprentices had, in a way, forced their life's paths apart somewhat. The moments were few and far between in which they were both able to spend the time just being family. Yes, all of their training and their duties were geared toward keeping family safe and cared for, but it wasn't the same as simply spending time cultivating bonds. For Exodus, this felt like a rare but much-needed opportunity to remember what it felt like at its core to be a brother, not just a pack mate.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-12-2018, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2018, 07:11 PM by Paladin.)
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

As Exodus ducked backward, Paladin grinned and angled his body to twist, coming front paws first to the ground already half turned to face his brother, swinging his front end around to face Xodus as his hind paws landed, neatly settling into his defenses as he went, paws settling equidistant beneath his shoulders and hips. His head and tail fell level with his spine, hackles bristling along his spine in mock severity as he let his ears fall back to his scruff as his brother bounced forward, making what had been five feet into three feet between them.

He winked at his brother’s comments, chuckling, “I’m a Cleric! We train in both fighting and healing, so it’s always good to keep my skills sharp. Can’t let the Legionaries have all the fun, can we? Welcome home!”

His elbows and hocks bent slightly to lower his center of gravity and loosen his joints for movement, claws flexing and digging into the soil for traction as he sought to lunge forward with a laugh and close the short distance of three feet between himself and his brother, hoping to catch Exodus still bowed.

His weight shifted to his hind legs as he brought his front legs forward in a pounce, aiming to bring both front paws down between Exodus’s shoulder blades and pin him to the ground. Simultaneously, he ducked his head down, chin tucking naturally to cover his throat as his jaws opened and snaked down, aiming to grab his brother by the scruff of his back, just behind the shoulders, hoping for a firm grip.

Instinctively, his tail flicked to tuck between his hind legs. Didn’t need to smother Xodus with a full view of that area.

Paladin vs Exodus for Play Spar, Brotherly Wrasslin' Match!

Round: 1 of 3

Height: 34"

Build: Medium
Notes: Distances agreed on by Shadowed :D (edited to add height/build, overseen by Luns. Thanks Luns!)

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



3 Years
02-14-2018, 11:11 PM
Exodus watched as his much more agile brother twisted mid-air and landed neatly in front of him, battle-ready in a simple shift of movement. He chuckled as he heard Paladin's words, nodding his head. "Fair enough!" he said with a laugh, and to his brother's welcome, he responded, "Thanks! Great to be back!" His shoulders rolled forward, the skin bunching up around his scruff as he prepared for a friendly spar with his brother. His ears folded back, tail tucking neatly and nails digging into the ground for traction.

As Paladin rose up on his hinds and brought his forepaws forward, Exodus shifted his weight to his hind legs, preparing to move. He reared straight upward just as Paladin was attempting to pin Exodus with his forepaws and make a bite for the back of Exodus' shoulders. Exodus was trying to counter the move, hoping that the back of his own shoulder blades would shove past his brother's forepaws, while Exodus swung his head upward and aimed the upper part of his head (between the ears) for the underside of Paladin's chin. He hoped to leave a mild bruise and stun his brother slightly, all the while displacing Paladin's attack. As he did so, Exodus' forelegs came up, balancing his weight evenly on his hind legs as he tried to wrap his forelegs around Paladin's neck. The left foreleg reached for the right side of Paladin's neck, right foreleg aiming for the left side - both right above his brother's shoulders.

Hoping to have his brother in a firm hold so that they were both upright, chest to chest, he then tilted his head to his own left, jaws parting as he aimed a light bite for the front right side of Paladin's neck. He inhibited his bite, not wishing to seriously harm his brother in play, looking to leave a moderate bruise with no punctures. Eyes narrowed and muscles tensed, he prepared himself to react to whatever Paladin tried to throw at him

Paladin vs. Exodus for Spar
Round: 1/3
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy