
Old Scars / Future Hearts

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
03-07-2018, 09:26 PM
The small femme was fit to pop, her stomach bulging with the children she carried. They had been making their way closer and closer to the pack where Clay’s cousin was… but they hadn’t quite made it yet. However the cavern they had found brought Kait a bit of comfort… as well as Clay’s near constant presence. But still the fear that the demon king might come after her made the femme nervous. No, she thought… he wouldn’t care about her. But the children she carried… Kaitlyn flicked her ears back, gaze shifting to her bulging gut. She wondered if she was carrying children as big as her first litter again. That alone had been hard… and she’d been lucky to have not had any complications…

Clay was hunting, she believed, and so Kaitlyn was alone for the moment. But the moment she felt the slick wetness between her hind legs she knew she had to call for Clay. Something felt… off. She couldn’t place why just yet… there was a bit of pain but that didn’t seem like it was out of place…

The female began to take in deep breaths, trying her best to remain calm. She howled for Clay, her voice holding a tone of urgency. She shifted uneasily on the temporary nest Clay had made for her, whimpering every so often. She could smell a bit of blood, but despite her body trying to do what was natural for it in this situation there didn’t seem to be any progress… no pup being born. It actually felt like whatever was trying to come out was way too big… Oh Gods, Kait thought to herself.

What if there was a pup stuck because it was too big to come out?

Kait shifted uncomfortably before feeling a sharp pang of pain that brought forth a yelp from her lips. Fear gripped her… something was wrong… something was very, very wrong!

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
03-16-2018, 07:50 PM

He grunted before dropping the small doe to the ground, his eyes looking around and scanning for any other wolves nearby. Kait was getting close to giving birth which had put him more on edge. He was worried about what all could go wrong, but he had managed to keep his thoughts and most of his emotions hidden from her, she didn't need anything else to worry about during this time. Huffing the large male picked up the small doe and begun to drag it back. He was sure she would be hungry whether it was now or later he wasn't sure. He himself wasn't hungry, his gut was in knots.

Her howl made him stop, his stomach dropping with the slight urgency it held. His ears flattened in concern and he picked up his pace, the large male trying to quickly cover ground while bringing his kill with him. It would be needed he knew it would be. He wasn't to far from her and when he was close he heard her surprised yelp, worrying him even further. Dropping his kill he rushed to her side wondering what was wrong. He was never present for a birth before, but the way he was acting worried him.

"What can I do?" he asked.

"Speech" & 'Think'

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
03-16-2018, 08:07 PM
Not too much more time passed before Clay was at her side, and thank goodness he was there. The small female wanted to curl towards him instinctively, but another bit of moving brought another cry of pain from her lips. The small femme lowered her ears, parting her lips as she tried to find the words to speak. “I don’t know…” The femme was shivering, pain and the scent of blood increasing her anxiety in that moment. She wasn’t sure how Clay could help either, and that wasn’t good… for either of them.

“I think one of them is stuck… It’s probably too big…” Kaitlyn glanced behind her body, keeping her ears pinned flat to her skull. “I don’t know what to do… It hurts to push… and there doesn’t seem to be any progress…” Kait gaze shifted back towards Clay, her voice barely a whisper. “I’m scared… I don’t know what to do…”

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-16-2018, 09:19 PM
The howl he heard had been farther off than he thought. He had been laying with storm, enjoying the sun and describing what he saw to her in detail, the way colors looked as light reflected and shifted. He was at peace doing this. He found it easy to forget alot when he described things for her. Though he knew when she layed with him she felt his many scars from his abusive mother, which probably bothered her but he was aware she didn't say anything for his comfort as well. It was best the past stayed there.

He had left her in their orchard sanctuary, taking only what he figured he might need. The howl sounded like that of a female so there was no telling if he would need the motherwort he brought or not, but he did so just to be safe. He told storm she could come if she wanted but if she didn't want to he would be back before sunrise.

When he arrived he knew right away. The scent of birth and pregnancy was pungent in the air. He approached slowly, with a slow wag of his tail. His purple eyes slid from the female to the male with her. His scent told him his hunch as he had closed in on the dinning site was right. Clay Wreckage was here, possibly even the father of these children from the way she smelled of him and he clung to her. He gently laid out his herbs and sorted out the motherwort andc a few poppy seeds. He wouldn't give her the poppy if he could help it but it was what he had on hand for pain and sedatives.

He tore a few leaves off the motherwort and laid them to the side then took two more from the stalk and laid them in front of the dame. "chew these. I'll need you to relax and calm yourself." only After she had calmed down and chewed the motherwort did he move and place a gentle paw on her abdomen applying a gently pressure to feel for her pup. He had heard her say she thought it stuck or too big and for such a small female he was surprised to feel such a large child under his paw. Likely to be just as large as he himself was one day. He after all stood a full fourty-five inches, though his build wasn't near as heavy as some though he was still a heavy man. "My name is Chinook Tezca by the way, friend of the wreckages. As for your pup, it seems large and if you should have no qualms with it, I will aid you to bring him into the world. I just need you to push while I add pressure behind him to help. It will likely hurt though...." he looked to clay then her. This was their decision, but if he did not help the litter would likely all be lost.

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
03-21-2018, 12:54 PM
Clay didn’t get the chance to answer before a man arrived, coming in smelling of herbs. Kait tried to shy back, whimpering, his size intimidating her at first. The only man that size that Kaitlyn trusted right now was Clay… but the other didn’t seem hostile…

In fact he seemed to want to help. Cautiously Kait lapped up the leaves, chewing them, though her eyes were still widened as she watched him, laying as low to the ground as she could as he checked her abdomen. The moment she felt the bit of pressure she whimpered, closing her eyes as she tried to breath in and out.

Hearing his name, and the fact he was a friend of the Wreckages, gave her a bit of comfort. She didn’t hear an outburst from Clay to deny this... and he even offered to help her bring the little one into the world. She glanced towards Clay, giving a small nod before looking back to Chinook.

“I… I don’t care what happens to me…” Kait confessed. “But please… don’t let them die. It’s not their fault…” Kait didn’t lift her gaze again, focused on the ground. She just wanted these little ones to be born safely...

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
03-21-2018, 01:34 PM
Panic was clear in the male's eyes as well as pain. He didn't like seeing her in pain and he absolutely hated that he didn't know what to do to help. He was only ever taught healing basics because he didn't have an interest in it so he didn't have any knowledge of how to aid in childbirth. He body was stiff as he looked down at her, her scared eyes looking to him making his stomach knot up more. He was feeling like he could puke with his internal stress from the situation. Though his held breath was soon released and before he realized it a clan member was at her side. Chinook a face he hadn't seen since he had left, but he knew the man was a healer and could help. Though his emotions were still running in overdrive as Chin and Kait began speaking, going over the situation to figure out where to go from here.

He didn't deny Chin's words, his emotions making a lump settle in his throat and his stomach was still churning. He needed to sit or lay down, but he didn't want to be in the way. So he settled down wrapping himself around Kait's front half, keeping his head close to her's. Her words scared him even more, she didn't care about herself, just the pups. Was it really that bad? Would she die right here while trying to bring these children into the world? He tried to remain calm, worry still evident in his eyes, but he closed them and gently pushed his left cheek against her left cheek trying to provide what support and stability he could muster under this stress.

"Speech" & 'Think'