
Oh! What a Sight


07-05-2013, 08:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2013, 09:30 PM by Eria.)

It hadn't been too long since Gargoyle had claimed Tortuga. Her new home would take some getting used to, but it wasn't anything the fae couldn't handle. She still had a small heartache for the snowy atmosphere, hence the reason why she was visiting the Northern hemisphere. Making sure that she stayed away from its borders, she let her brief past with Glaciem lay to rest behind her. The family she was with now was what mattered; wherever they went, she would go, too.
Eria's paws touched the familiar setting of snow and she couldn't help but sigh. The feeling of stepping into the cold, sparkling diamonds made her shiver with happiness. Even though her heart was with the wolves in Tortuga, a part of her still loved the snowy surroundings. For some reason, however, she had found herself walking towards a part of the North she hadn't been to yet. Located away from the borderlands were pillars of red rock. Her eyes widened at the sight. How did she end up there?
The way the pillars stretched up, up, and up made Eria feel small. Other than trees that were hundreds of years old, she hadn't seen anything so...breathtaking. Her paws carried her through the two closest red pillars, all the while her senses kept her on the alert. When she safely made it through them, she sighed in relief and looked out ahead at her. Blinking a few times, she took in the icy beach that seemed to stretch. Eria was in awe as she walked towards the edge of where the snow met the sand. Tail lightly swept to the left as she sniffed the air and took in her surroundings. She wondered if anyone else would be at such a place.



07-05-2013, 10:30 PM

Pain gripped at her heart like a plague even though she didn't let it show through her thick skin. The gray and black girl sat at the waters edge, her sear green eyes reflected in the water. Eren was in a whole other world of her own oblivious to her surroundings. An echo being heard through the cave, she was singing a lullaby into the beach walls.
"Nennen korori yo, Okorori yo.
Bōya wa yoi ko da, Nenne shina~

Bōya no omori wa, Doko e itta?
Ano yama koete, Sato e itta.

Sato no miyage ni, Nani morotta?
Denden taiko ni, Shō no fue."

Her vocal cords ringing with the cool melody of the nursery ryhme. One her mother would sing to her siblings, but never her, since Eren had such good observation skills she had learned the song quickly. Why she remembered it, she didn't know, but she did and she was singing it now. She was visiting a place that reminded her of the jungle, and she was going on her survival but she wasn't even sure if it was the right thing to do.
Eren suddenly perked her ears towards the sound of soft pawsteps. They sounded the same, as was the scent the same. Was she giving up to some sort of hallucination now or had someone she had considered a friend come here to this free land? She turned her head. "I don't know who in their right mind would be out at this hour, but now that you're here you might as well come out."
Eren said in a clear tone. Though it held no hostility in it what so ever. She sighed and sat back against the wall looking at the water.

[ooc: check here for the lullaby it has translation and the melody]


07-05-2013, 11:25 PM

Eria had frozen when she heard the voice. She stayed subdued in the shadows, nothing standing out except her ocean blue eyes. When she realized that it was Eren whom had spoken and her scent that was in the air, she relaxed. With a cautious air in her step, she padded from the dark shadows of a nearby pillar. The moon shone on the dark fae, revealing the blacks and blues that made up her fur. She really was a sight to see, even though she didn't think about it.
With a few strides in Eria's case, she took her time to get to the other female. It had been awhile since she had last seen Eren, especially since that last time was when she had been attacked outside of the old borders. With that in mind, Eria looked across Eren's closely approaching form. The broken skin had healed, fur was growing back, and it seemed Eren was looking healthier. It did Eria's heart good to know that she may have been recovering very well.
"It's only me," she said in gentle tones as she came into closer view. "And I tend to enjoy being out late at night. You're able to not run into many other wolves when you have a lot to think about." Smile crossed her features as she stopped next to Eren, reclining to her haunches. "How have you been, Eren?"



07-06-2013, 11:35 AM

Eren nearly thought she was going to have a heart attack, but she muffled a deep chuckle when Eria spoke. So it was her, and she figured as much to two of them were up at night hours often well when they had been in the cave anyway. Her tail flicked as she looked at her reflection in the water. She was nothing special, even Eos had said that herself, so Eren would make the most of everything and live her life the way she wanted, energy conservation. If you needed to do something do it, and her body was perfect for those condition in which she could fight, she could hunt. A perfect warrior if it weren't for her disliking the danger she put herself in when fighting. Maybe one day she'd learn to enjoy it but for now, she was just the same. Maybe it was time to tell Eria who she really was too, after all their packs were probably enemies now. Tortugans and Glaciems. So much had changed it made her laugh. Her sea green eyes looking over at Eria, she was tired of hiding who she was if they didn't like her, then so what. That was the apathetic nature special to her.
"I could have been better, doing without my heart aching, but seeing you has confirmed my loyalties to Glaciem all together. It's nice to see you Eria." Eren said with a small smile. She hoped the young girl took no offense to her words. There was none meant in them anyway. Eren would follow Eos because she believed that a girl who was left alone when she claimed a pack was just wrong. Though Eos was probably fine on her own when Eren thought about it, the girl was strong and young. If Eren was into fighting a friendly spar would be nice, but she would rather hunt with her alphess. And her brother, her mate, he too was strong. Strong leaders deserved to rule didn't matter how they got it and there was no avoiding hurting others when you wanted your goal. Eren knew that from being sadistic herself.


07-10-2013, 09:22 AM

Eria was a pretty well-rounded wolf. She was used to being around people that were different, meeting others who had stories of their own. The backgrounds that wolves had, experiences in their past, made u whom they were in the present. She figured that Eren was the way she was because of how she grew up. Eria would be the first to admit that what happened to her family as a pup would be a big factor for her paranoia. Although, lately, it had been lessened from the atmosphere that surrounded her when she was within Gargoyle's group.
It was because of this outlook that she didn't stir at Eren's words. For someone to realize more of themselves because of her made Eria smile. She enjoyed being helpful, even if the results weren't what she expected. The dark fae settled next to Eren, sitting on her haunches and wrapping her tail around her haunches. "It is nice to see you, too, Eren," she replied. "And if I have helped you in seeing where you truly belong, then I am glad to have helped." Her eyes didn't speak, but held a warmth that wasn't easy to let go. Eria caught the scent of Glaciem on Eren's coat, knowing that she missed it, just a little.
