
New Sights To See!


07-05-2013, 10:12 PM

The land surrounding Tortuga was completely new and unknown to Eria. She had only been to the volcano, where the pack was known to reside before. After Gargoyle had taken claim of the land for the family, she had decided to see what else was out there, around Tortuga. If she was to live here, finding out where everything was would be a plus, right?
So, with eager paws and a hungry curiosity, Eria ventured out. Her mind was open and willing to take in the details of her unfamiliar surroundings. Light ocean blue eyes looked every which way, explaining the way her head moved left, right, up, and down like a bird on the lookout for predators. What she saw so far seemed unforboding and welcoming to the young fae. A smile crept across her dark lips at the idea of a nice world outside of the borders and she went on.
It didn't take long for Eria to walk across a set of bushes. Green, large, and filled with yellow and orange flowers, they called out to her. Slowly, Eria walked towards them, becoming entranced at how they smelled and moved in the soft, spring breezes. What else caught her eye was a small trail located between the gap on the ground. Curiosity became ravenous and she walked through the two bits of shrubbery.
What Eria saw made her gasp in awe (she was doing that a lot, lately). A set of waterfalls set against a sunset sky stood in front of her. Beautiful, quiet, and serene, it all made her feel at ease. The dark-furred fae, with all senses heightened, walked towards the grand natural structure. Her eyes ran up to the top of the falls and a gentle wag was given with her tail. "I wonder if anyone else has found this place..." she wondered out loud.




07-11-2013, 01:35 PM

The brute had slowly made his way across the land to follow the rest of the Glaciem's. After Gargoyle had been defeated he knew he didn't have long before they all had to leave. He had no desire to meet the bitch that had one. All he knew was that she was younger and had won by a stroke of luck. That was all. He himself didn't get into fights often. He saw no need to. He was a peaceful creature and often kept to himself. It didn't mean he didn't recognize who the more seasoned warrior was. Gargoyle had merely lost because she nicked an artery causing him to pass out. Now that Glaciem no longer belonged to Gargoyle he had no desire to stay. He'd joined because the brute had offered him a place to stay when he'd saved Asheni's life. The nomad saw no problem in that. He quite enjoyed it. Granted it had upset him when the healer had died so shortly after he'd saved her from drowning he still stuck around.

Now he'd returned to them after taking a short break to himself. He still had tendencies to just up and disappear now and again. He couldn't get rid of the call in his blood. He enjoyed traveling as did many in his family. Vengeance had been that way and so had Shrapnel. He'd heard it hadn't called to Sani as strongly. The male had actually settled down in his home for a time. Shrapnel had too actually but had eventually turned rogue once more. Their father had been the only one to ever stay a rogue for a long period of time.

It was an interesting turn of events to be called a Tortugan. He wasn't prepared for it and it left an odd ringing in his ears. Tortuga. The name itself had originally carried such a ominous tone to it. Most of the characters that belonged to the old pack were shady creatures, but they had kept to themselves for the most part. To hear they'd disbanded had been a shocker, but then again he'd heard rumors that they hadn't been doing well at all. It was a shame really to lose your home. The old Glaciem's knew how it felt. Regardless of their more chaotic natures he couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

A scent intrigued him and it smelled of a mixture of their old home and their new one. It must have been a pack member. Curiously he followed the scent. He was a massive creature. Spring was here meaning more food which meant he could pack on a LOT of extra pounds. He absolutely adored eating. He stood at astounding forty-two inches and on a really good year could reach over two hundred pounds if he was free to eat as much as his stomach desired. It wasn't all fat though. He was built of thick stringy muscles. Granted it meant he couldn't move fast, but long legs surely could propel him with power and he had quite a bit of stamina. So it didn't take him too awful long to find who the scent belonged to. Just in time to hear her speak to herself.

"Well, does discovering it now count?"

He joked lightly in deep tones. Laughter in his eyes as he gave the smaller and similarly hued female a friendly smile. His tail wagged softly before he sat down and made himself comfortable.

"Armageddon Rowe at your service."



07-11-2013, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2013, 07:58 PM by Eria.)

Eria had her mind focused on the falls, but her alert senses did not waver. Her ears quickly turned to the sounds of nearby branches rustling against fur, steps that were quietly muffled by thick, wolf pads. She felt his presence before he even said anything, which was what finally broke her awe to the falls. Slowly, she turned her head and met his gaze.
He was a complete stranger to her, unknown by all the senses. It was not a surprise that her defenses rose and she was quickly thinking about appearing standoff-ish. Before she could do anything, though, the wind came and flowed beneath her nose. She inhaled the current, along with the scent that rose with it. Eria closed her eyes and let the memories of her former Glaciem days appear in her mind. Like a fast slideshow, they came and went, bringing back the feelings she had of her novice days. She opened her eyes and they rested on him again. His words met her ears and she smoothly replied. "It most certainly does, for what if I had never came across this place? Who knows how long it would be until it was noticed by another being?"
A smile broke across her maw, brightening her features and revealing the relaxed composure that came with it. From the actions the male took himself, she made a strong guess that he didn't intend on harming her. After all, he smelled of Glaciem, the one that was under Gargoyle's rule. He was a part of them, a part of the family she had grown to stick by, no matter what. Eria had to raise her maw to look at him, for even as he sat, ten inches was hard to beat.
"Tis a pleasure to meet you, Armaggedon Rowe," she softly said, dipping her maw in a greeting and wagging her tail in honest pleasure. "I am last name, I am afraid." The same wind returned and danced across Eria's form, making her black and blue mixed fur dance in ripples. Light ocean blue eyes twinkled to Armaggedon's, taking in their warmth and humor. "I haven't seen you around the group, Armaggedon...were you lost before you came here?" Curiosity fueled the question she placed in front of the dark male, hoping he would answer.




07-14-2013, 07:44 PM

The man merely grinned as she accepted his comment and retorted with a question. So it did count. It was an odd thing really, but surely accepted. Then again, if she hadn't been there then he wouldn't have found it either. Fate was unpredictable, but it surely was a nice change. It at least felt nice to be able to socialize with another from their group. It'd been a while since he'd had contact with anyone. Things did eventually get lonely. It'd been a shame he couldn't find Kassai, his brother's cat companion, after his brother died. She'd seemingly disappeared. Probably too upset by Shrapnel's death to stick around. Smaller animals did make good companions though. He could see why he kept one around. They helped ease the loneliness.

The girl seemed to relax which was good. Had he any intentions to hurt he he would have done so already and he wouldn't be so relaxed about it now if he still had intentions. Some wolves could sense malice better than others. Tail wagged as she introduced herself.

"No last name is perfectly alright. I suppose my family saw it fit to give me one when hardly of my other family had one. Then again I was only related to my siblings by one parent, so it's okay."

He was fully prepared for the next question she asked. He hadn't made himself very known for certain reasons unknown to all but him. It was okay though. At least they weren't secrets. He wasn't fond of lying either.

"No, I'm afraid I wasn't lost. I just tend to be a bit of a nomad. I enjoy wandering, so when the original Glaciem broke apart I took a break and some time to myself and then took my time joining up with you all. What about you though? How did you come to be a part of the group?"

[ooc: you spelled his last name as Rogue xD It's Rowe. lol]



07-14-2013, 08:44 PM

His acceptance of her not having a last name made Eria wag her tail. To have someone as open as that for their first introductions was a nice way to start the conversation. Eria was eager to see what all could unfold from their chanced meeting. It wasn't everyday that she came across someone that had the scent of the pack. She had only been around a few weeks, but so far, she hadn't seen his face among the familiar maws that made up her newfound family.
His answer was the reason behind her past observations. Now, as she stood in front of him, she gently reclined to her haunches and stunted her own height by a couple of inches. Eria nodded to his explanation for his family's name and she said, "I suppose it is because of your father? Last names tend to be passed down from them." If it was the wrong assumption, there would be no problem with being corrected.
After he explained his absence, she sniffed the air again and took in the small fragments on his fur. "It's obvious on your coat, Armaggedon. I can tell that you explored a bit of Ala before returning to our group." Her tail wagged again and she blinked with hunger in her eyes. "I bet you had a nice time traveling by yourself for awhile. Sometimes, that's all you need."
Eria spoke from experience and then she revealed how fate worked its way into her life. "I was aimlessly wandering around Ala, new to the continent and not sure where to go. All I knew at the time was that I wanted to go where the climate was very cold. Snow and ice were what I grew up around after...I was seperated from my parents." Her voice became soft and sad, as did her eyes. Some of the light was lost from them as she continued to speak. "I came across Crusade one wintery afternoon and we began to talk. She offered me a place within her family and I accepted with my whole heart." The light in her eyes reappeared and she slowly smiled again. "I haven't looked back since. Somehow, it felt right to be with them."
