
Battle not with Monsters, Lest ye become a Monster



3 Years
Dire wolf
04-08-2018, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2018, 06:19 PM by Aaliyah.)
Seizure warning: If you have issues with seizures or any other health problems that are triggered by flashing lights, please do not use the scroll over function on Aaliyah's table! It uses a lightning gif that has flashing lights, please use caution!

if thou gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.
It was with an ethereal grace that she seemed to float across the beach, the darkness enveloping her frame as if it were her mother, holding her close to her breast and coddling her. The air was cool and balmy on the beach, and the ocean was alive with a curious light. The youthful woman had never been here before, and she found herself instantly inamoured with the shimmering break of the waves as the tides churned and filled the night with a soft yet eerie turquoise glow. It bounced off of her own dark pelt, turning the chocolate tones into a deep sea green, and the lighter ashen brindling into a light blue spectacle. Ruby colored eyes were made into an almost violet color, though it was clear that they were red.

Her multi-hued pelt was tossed and tangled by the lightly salted breeze that brushed delicate fingers against the dark skin of her sides and throat, causing chills to spread over her entire body. She shook the feeling off and moved shadowy paw in front of shadowy paw until she was standing on the edge of the ocean, looking out into water that had no bottom. Something struck her then, and the young goddess began to laugh softly under her breath. Desire, a need to possess, the same yearning that filled the hearts of her kin with a brightly burning fire blazing in her soul. A stirring she had never felt before took her over then, and the newly formed adult grinned to herself, Yes, this will be mine one day. I need to start my work. I will not finish until I have seen the fires of pride in my father's eyes until I have taken my place in the Fallen One's light. Growling with aspirations she couldn't voice just yet, Aaliyah looked down the coastline and let her eyes take in everything they could while her gaze wandered thoughtfully over this new place. Where to start?

"Spoken." Thought. "You." Walk.
Beware: She has a god-complex and really only likes family, mystical beings and gods like herself. You've been warned!

The character you are currently reading is Aaliyah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Aaliyah's profile!


04-08-2018, 06:37 PM

The void of darkness that filter thought there fur, made them smile. They trended gracefully over the earth, there mane strikes the air as they speed over the terrain. Bits of the terrain clumped to there fur that grew around there crescent toes. There bright orange paws where set off, like fire. There crown drew back as there lushes mane flung out to the right, as they came to a sharp stop.

There nostrils flared, with unease as they picked up the scent of a new lupine. There hackles rose, the long fur having a way of bristling. Making them look bigger then there fur already made, them look. They sauntered in the long grass, hiding themselves deep in the greengage. As they followed the scent of these strange, lupine. There blue orbs scanning the parts of the world they could see though there bangs. There pink noise lowering to the ground, as they lifted there enormous paws off the ground, there stalking began to become slower as the scent got stronger. They curled there toes into the ground as there fur stood on end once more, they glared at the woman.

They where a safe sixty feet away from the woman, they began to trend slowly up to the woman. Before letting out a chilling, voice. "Hello strange woman, who are you?" they asked, as they scrunched up there body so they tried to look smaller. There fur made them look sixty inches tall, and it bugged them.

"Talk" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf
04-08-2018, 07:10 PM
Seizure warning: If you have issues with seizures or any other health problems that are triggered by flashing lights, please do not use the scroll over function on Aaliyah's table! It uses a lightning gif that has flashing lights, please use caution!
if thou gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.
As she stood plotting, another was stalking her, though she had no inclination that there was anyone there. That is, until the wind shifted and brought a foreign scent to her nostrils. There was a curiosity in her eyes as she turned around to see a...giant ball of fur? It moved toward her, and she could only guess there was a living creature under all the brown and ginger colored hair. Glimpsing blue eyes beneath the forelock of the seemingly large creature, Aaliyah raised a brow as she was addressed by the hairy creature, her head lifting and the right portion of her upper lip was raised with indignant disgust at the stranger's tone and manner. "Hello, strange woman, who are you?" It asked in a voice that she supposed was meant to intimidate others. Little did this creature know that her father was the only being she would ever be afraid of.

Dark brows furrowed her forehead and she scoffed at the creature as it attempted to hide its mass, "You have the gall to call me strange, yet you look like that...You have the pleasure of addressing the princess of the Risen Empire and a direct descendant of the Fallen God, I am Aaliyah Abraxas and you will have caution and compliance in your tone when next you address me...whatever you are." Though her tone was even, her words were caustic and harsh. The beastly woman lifted her hackles briefly and then looked down her nose at the creature before her. Maybe it could be useful in getting to her goals, perhaps she should try and used a bit of tact, but thing being would have to prove worthy of it. It didn't even smell like a wolf, which in her eyes, made him less of a being than any mortal wolf could be. Just what was this thing?

"Spoken." Thought. "You." Walk.
Beware: She has a god-complex and really only likes family, mystical beings and gods like herself. You've been warned!

The character you are currently reading is Aaliyah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Aaliyah's profile!