
★ Rattlesnake Attack [Healing event]



04-09-2018, 05:20 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2018, 05:20 PM by Ardent.)
Healing Event

Oh no! You've come across an NPC wolf in a bad situation; obviously ill and not doing well. Symptoms seen include the following: Two puncture wounds, difficulty breathing, vomiting and nausea, blurred vision, excessive salivating, numbness in the face and limb, drooping eyelids, and muscle weakness.

The NPC was bit by a rattlesnake and probably doesn't have long to live without some intervention. Do you find a way to prevent the venom from affecting the NPC, or do you simply help ease their comfort before their quick death?

Skill Claim form

If you complete this thread with at least 3 rounds each, you can claim extra skill points in healing for participating in a random event! Only the first two participants are allowed to respond. Please be aware that if you take more than three days to reply you might be skipped that round!

Note: you cannot claim other healing skill points for this event. <3

[b]Skill[/b]: Healing
[b]Points claiming[/b]: 20
[b]For what?[/b]: Participated in a healing-related random event (rattlesnake bite)
[b]Proof[/b]: <a href="LINKHERE">click!</a>

[*code]+20 - <a href="LINKHERE">Participated in a healing-related random event (rattlesnake bite)</a><br>[*/code]



5 Years
04-09-2018, 06:33 PM
Lydia skipped along the redwater rocks with a new bounce in her step. She'd enjoyed meeting Corentine and hunting for lamb's ear. She'd had some tucked safely in a wrapped up rabbit skin that swung from her mouth as she maneuvered her way through the west. Lydia had yet to decide on a more permanent place to make her residence but she was quickly deciding that the western territories got just a bit to hot, except for maybe the gully. That was still a possibility.

Lydia curved around another rock formation only to notice an older man hunched over. She immediately paused, wondering if he'd seen her when he suddenly threw up, his limbs were shaking and she could hear his raspy breath. Her ears flicked forward. Oh no! "Sir, excuse me, sir are you-" He fell onto his side and her ears flicked back for a moment before she moved forward to begin assessing his condition.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
04-09-2018, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2018, 07:46 PM by Malleus.)
Upon spying the (ill? wounded?) wolf as he stumbled around, Malleus broke from the path he'd been on and padded closer. He was cautious as he approached, his gaze sweeping across his surroundings. At a distance he couldn't tell what was wrong, but he was determined to find out. If it was bandits he needed to know for his own sake. Perhaps his motives were largely selfish, but at least he was willing to investigate. If he could help he just might, but he wasn't making any promises.

"Is everything alright, friend?" he called as he approached. The closer he got the more apparent it became that the wolf was ill and not wounded. Malleus eyed the stranger as he considered his next move. To help or not? He wasn't in a hurry to return home, but did he want to waste his time helping a mortal?

He decided to do it. At the very least it would give him more experience in tending to his own people. Perhaps this encounter would earn him a mortal ally. Assuming, of course, the stranger survived.

Before he could get to the wolf, a familiar female beat him to the man's side. Pyralis' old slave. What was her name again? ...Lydia? Yeah that was it. He studied her carefully and then deliberately continued approaching. He didn't know under what circumstances she got her freedom and it didn't hurt to find out.

"He's snake bit," the titan boomed confidently as he closed the last few yards that separated them. "Those are fang marks on his right front paw, aren't they?" The wounds were small and puffy, but unmistakable.
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
04-15-2018, 10:21 AM

Lydia turned her head at the sound of claws clicking against the rocks only to freeze in horror as she beheld Malleus Abraxas. Her heart started to hammer in her chest. No… She blinked as he mentioned that the man was snake bit. She quickly bent her head to examine the swollen, bleeding wound on the man's paw.  Lydia felt a sense of guilt. Here was a dying man and she was worried about her own safety. They needed to tend to him first and then maybe she could find a way to slip away.

Lydia nodded.  "Yea, looks like it. No idea from what snake not that it probably matters.  Here, can you help me prop him up against that rock over there, to keep the wound below his heart?"  She moved to seize the man's scruff and hauled not knowing how much good it was really going to do with the venom clearly in the man's system now. Suddenly, he was awake and tore himself from her grip with a wild scream as her mouth dropped open in shock.  "LET GO O' ME! Confangled hussie! Oh OW!  No, oh spirits the fucking snake!  OW!"

Lydia shifted around in front of the man, doing her best to speak soothingly. "Sir, please we're healers. We saw you faint and we want to help you. Please." She looked up at him pleadingly as he glared down at her then glared at Malleus.  "Fine. Don't got nowhere to go anyhow." She could see he was clearly in terrible pain as much as he was trying to hide it but she felt terribly bad for him. There was no cure for a snake bite. All they could do was treat the symptoms and home it was enough. The shaman in her former pack had managed to create anti-venom from a captured prey animal and the venom of her own serpentine companion but Lydia did not know how and it wasn't like they had the time.

She helped the man lean up against the rock and moved over to Malleus. "Malleus, I have some lamb's ear to treat the swelling and bleeding at the bite site but that is all I have.  Do you have anything that could help with his other symptoms? You wouldn't happen to know what grows out here would you?" The closest area she could think of would be the Wolfpaw Lake. Did anything even grow in the Redwater Rocks?

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
04-17-2018, 08:36 PM
The woman's horrified expression wasn't lost on him. His eyes narrowed minutely as he studied her. If she'd left the grip of the Abraxas on relatively good terms his presence shouldn't have been so horrifying, should it? While he'd been only semi interested in helping the stranger originally, he was certainly invested in the situation now.

The whole possible fugitive situation took a backseat as Lydia began to poke around the patient. He didn't know her well, but she didn't strike him as the type to abandon someone in need. If he had his guess she'd stick around until the patient was out of the woods or knocking on death's door.

She took charge of the situation - something he was perfectly fine with since they both knew she trumped him in experience - and asked if he'd help her move the patient. He nodded and was on the verge of grabbing hold of the man when he suddenly come around and started to put up a fight. Malleus was tempted to pin the man down and make him behave, but Lydia took a gentler approach. Coolly he regarded the man as he glared up at him. Although Malleus said nothing his gaze promised hellfire if the man directed abuse Lydia's way again.

In response to Lydia's question Malleus shook his head. "I'm not familiar with this area, but I'll have a look around." Perhaps he should have been worried that Lydia might bolt, but he honestly doubted she would. If she did, she wouldn't have much of a head start and he had no problem leaving the mortal man to succumb to the venom in pursuit of her.


He wasn't normally a fast moving creature, but knowing time wasn't on his side sped him up a bit. In no time at all Malleus came back with a huge bundle of plants. He'd picked pretty much every medicinal plant the nearby lake area had to offer. "I have boneset, which might help with the pain and I've heard its been used on snake bites, and I have valerian," perhaps its sedative properties would help the man, "Cannabis," similar idea, "Marigold, meadowsweet, and whole dandelion." He shrugged apologetically. "There doesn't seem to be much out this way."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
04-30-2018, 08:56 PM

One good look from Malleus and the old man immediately started behaving better but Lydia still couldn't help but worry over what to do with him. Lydia nodded gratefully as Malleus said he'd take a look around. She busied herself with trying to keep the man calm as he muttered to himself and occasionally broke out in a wail. When he did she'd firmly push him back into the shade of the rock Malleus had helped lean him against. She was a good deal smaller than the old man but in his weakened state she was able to push him back into place. So help her if she had to she was going to sit right on him!

By the time Malleus returned the victim was lying on his stomach, staring forlornly at the sand. Lydia stared at the mass of herbs and despite herself she smiled. "Wow, this is an impressive haul. You've been studying!" She quickly started going through what he had, lowering her voice so that only Malleus could hear. "Ok, can you go ahead and take care of the boneset and valerian? He's doing a bit better now but he's still understandably stressed." She set the cannabis aside. "I'd like to try what we have here first before resorting to the cannabis for the pain." It was the herb she was least familiar with and she didn't want to accidentally overdose the man and cause him mental distress or to put herself in an unsavory situation.

Lydia turned her attention to the marigold and the dandelion. The marigold would act as an antiseptic and the dandelion could help ease the inflammation of the wound. Together they would both hopefully ease the man's pain. Steeling herself she quickly set to chewing the two herbs into a paste. Years of practice helping her to bear the bitter taste without making a face. Bending down she applied it to the man's paw as he wrinkled her nose and gave her a disgusted look. Eyeing the meadowsweet she shifted from paw to paw. She was most familiar with it for digestive issues and she was struggling to recall if it could be used for anything else. "We could also use the meadowsweet as an astringent but I think the marigold and dandelion should be good for now." It would probably be good to have a back up.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
05-16-2018, 07:08 PM
A bit caught off guard by the compliment, Malleus blinked in surprise, but before he could formulate a response Lydia was back to the business at hand. In response to her quiet query he gave a shallow nod.

Dutifully Malleus plucked the boneset and valerian from the pile and dropped them at his paws. He halved the boneset and held one half and a clump of valerian out to the injured male. "Eat these. It will not be pleasant but it will help you." Normally boneset meant for internal use was steeped to make a tea, but they didn't have time for that. The valerian too was generally steeped, but they were working with what they had.

The rest of the boneset Malleus popped into his mouth. In addition to being used internally boneset could also be used topically. He thought it might pair well with what Lydia had already placed on the snake bite.

Once the leaves were mashed into a paste Malleus placed a small amount on top of what Lydia had already mixed. He carefully mashed it down and worked it into the mix of marigold and dandelion.

Now what? As far as he knew there wasn't much else they could do. Perhaps they could move him closer to a source of water or something. Ultimately his body just needed time to rid itself of the toxins.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
05-19-2018, 11:33 AM
ooc: sorry for the short reply!

Lydia looked back at Malleus as they finished attending to the man. His expression was clearly what she was thinking. What now? Her gaze fell back upon the man. This was the part she hated, now they began the wait. "Well, we've done what we can. Maybe we can find a shelter or something to move him to. Somewhere out of the sun, maybe near water. The illusion Oasis is to the east the Wolfpaw Lake to the southwest. Is the lake closer?" That would probably be the best they could do but at least Lydia did not have a pack to return to. "Once we get him settled I can look after him. I don't have a pack or anywhere I need to be."

"Talk" "You" Think