
Manifest Destiny (old Glaciems)

Gargoyle I


07-04-2013, 01:57 PM

Masqurading as a man with a reason

My charade is the Event of the season

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle stepped up to the remains of the packland. Disbanded. Such an interesting word. Perhaps it was temproary. Perhaps they were all leaving in searcho f some prey. Perhaps they'd be back. All Garogyle knew was that he still had most of his pack behind him and they needed a home. Desdemonda was an interesting wolf. She'd saved his life and been there at his challenge. Should she return, he would be happy to try to work out an agreement, perhaps something a little more traditional with a pair of leaders, but until then, he would try to make his family comfortable. The land was not as northern as they were used to, but it had it's mountainous range, it had snow at the top and ice.

It would do just fine.

Gargoyle raised back a black helmed head and let out a cry into the air. A long howl made rough from the scabbing wounds at his neck and throat.

(ooc: loyal Glaciems or "Glacias" as Bri has dubbed us, are welcome to post here so that we're all on the same page. Atm Tortuga is considered as disbanded and gone due to Eve's unexplained absense if she comes back I intend on having Des and Gargie share as equal alphas, but for now the party is all ours ~enjoy)

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you Cry No More


07-04-2013, 03:40 PM

She had been true to her word about leaving Glaciem. The family that Crusade and Gargoyle had welcomed her into was the one whom held her heart. Eria had decided, on that fateful day of walking onto their grounds, she would stand true beside them...or behind them..wherever she was asked to stand! Anywhere was all right with her.
Eria's ears had perked when Gargoyle emitted his slightly different howl. Since the battle, he was on the road to recovery, making the usually flexible and deep-toned wolf less of what he used to be. In time, it would all return and she would be one of the many to celebrate. Hell, Eria was excited that now he was better off than other wolves may have been. Pride for her Chief danced in her eyes as she travelled to meet the call.
Dark paws carried the black-and-blue pelted fae across the lands, since the family had been staying at The Snowfalls until further notice. How she heard his call over such an expanse of land was crazy to believe. Eria was full of surprises at times, and she didn't go into it further. With eyes alight, she covered the required distance to reach him.
The scenery changed around Eria during her journey. Snow and ice became grass and living trees. Green grass, bushes, and leaves on the trees screamed at her, dancing merrily in the warm spring breezes that rushed around her. The changes from the Northern hemisphere startled Eria. She had been so used to the white scenery and cold winds that she had missed out on spring altogether. Heart raced as she increased her pace towards Tortuga.
Mount Volkan...she had never seen such a large mountain in her life. Aside from the crystal fortress Glaciem had, she hadn't thought of another one in Alacritis. Now, as she reached the unfamiliar territory, she relied on her nose more than anything to get her to her Chief. Crossing the border lines without knowing it, she kept on and finally caught the scent. Eria released a lone and happy howl, stopping as she did so. Excitement ran through her veins and after her call was sent out, she started up again. Paws carried her towards the scent, towards Gargoyle. When she saw him come in her view, she barked happily.
Eria slowed her run to a brisk trot until she stopped next to Gargoyle. "Chief Gargoyle..." she said, tail shaking behind her in a gentle sway. Customs from the old pack days explained the gentle dip of her maw to the tall giant. Slowly, after rising, she looked out to the land that stretched out from them. "The rumors are true, then? Tortuga has disbanded..." Awe was evident in the young she-wolf's tone.



07-04-2013, 07:30 PM

They had followed the mountains out of the snow and ice down to this new world of rock and stone. She had stuck with the main group on the way here following signs and scents left by their disposed leader. The travel had been slow the injured and young could only move so fast and though midnight had longed to go ahead but she did not wish to leave their little family behind, they may have been been rouges without a homeland but they where still a team, she had herd some of the pups whispering about calling themselves the snow rouges and it was a name that she to had adopted at least in her own head. She heard the alphas call just as she reached the marked border of tortuga, it took her a moment to recognise his voice rough as it was but as she did her heart lifted this was it at last solid proof that she had not simply been chasing ghosts all this time. The scent trails here where old and raged less a boundary and more a faded memory still she was cautious as she stepped inside its lines.

She did not run or race but instead kept pace with the other wolves in their caravan, still it only took a few minutes to reach the spot where the chief stood. He looked the worse for wear scabbing wounds at his throat and she wondered absently if they where far enough south now to find some of the herbs she had learnt as a younger wolf. She was smiling a wide grin across her face her tail beating steadily behind her as she stepped forward dropping a low bow to the male, ?chief,? she acknowledged before lifting her gaze again, ? its good to see you again, though I admit I didn't think it would be here,? they had not been attacked as they entered and the state of the border suggested that this was no longer the pack of killers and thieves that knew from the stories of its past but still she was curious, why here?

Offering another nod she stepped back taking a place beside the black wolf already present in the clearing, this was a new start, sitting here she realised how much she had changed in one year she had become a pack wolf her rules for survival lay abandoned on the path, she had an alpha she respected a life she enjoyed and a pack, a family, for whom she would willing cross miles or tear down mountains, her tail beat against the ground as she sat patiently, waiting for the others to arrive.




07-05-2013, 05:38 AM


Orica was just one little part of the traveling group that they'd become. At first it had been a bit scary, leaving home and journeying out into the world, but then, some of her cousins had already done that! Cross had gone all the way to Seracia, Kairos had snuck out to the battlefield, and though he might deny it, she knew Cross went on all sorts of adventures. Maybe it was just her turn. And she was lucky enough to have her family with her.

Her puppish energy came in fits and bursts and now she was hopping along at the front of the pack with the black fae known as Midnight. Cross had said she was very nice, and Orica knew that just a little while ago, that black fae who wasn't much bigger than her mother had helped take down a bear! A bear! It was hard not to feel a little starstruck, scrambling around beside a wolf like that. "Miss Midnight?" she asked when the mountain they'd seen long ago finally came closer. "Are we almost the-"

That was when she saw him. "Daddddddy!" she shreiked and half stumbling, half leaping, cleared the rest of the trail and leapt up into her father's chest fur, snuggling and whining and standing on tippy-paws to try to get closer to his head way up there. She'd notice how hurt he was in a moment, now, though she was just happy to have him back.


Gargoyle I


07-05-2013, 05:54 AM

Masqurading as a man with a reason

My charade is the Event of the season

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


To her dip of the head, he gave one of his own, outwardly quite calm and blank, but inwardly more pleased to see one of his own than he cared to admit. "Miss Eria. It is good to see you." And in return to her question he shrugged his great black shoulders and swung his yellow gaze about. "It certainly appears so," he rumbled gruffly. Unfortunately he could give precious little else by way of answer. "Seems the gods are finding entertainment in causing chaos among the packs." Again he gave the tiniest of shrugs. It didn't bother him. They'd withstood this challenge. They'd withstand the next.

The ice water was washed from his face however, when a little black and white cannon ball came hurtling out of the spring brush and shot into him, tail wagging and paws wiggling.

For a moment a smile spread across the Chief's face, going almost from ear to earr. "Orica!" he roared, and caught the little girl up by hr scruff, tossing her into the air, and letting her land sprawling on his face. Oops, he'd forgotten he was still recovering. This probably hadn't been good for his neck. He didn't show anything like pain though, he just placed the girl back down and rumbled a low chuckling sound to himself.

Orica was just a forerunner of the main body of wolves heading his way. Midnight was here too now. And Gargoyle returned her generous bow with a nod. She was one of his most courageous braves and he was honored by her loyalty. There were so many faces of his packmates that he longed to see, and yet each one gave him a new sense of honor that they had come. Her words were true enough. Glaciems in Tortuga? He never would've thought he'd see the day. "Luck might have been against me in the challenge, but so long as I am alive, it is my job to give my family a home they can feel comfortable in. Granted, it may take a bit of time to get used to, but it has the slopes we love, the peaks, the caves, the snow." This was one of the elder mountains, the sort that a wolf could travel for days upon and still not come back to where where they'd started. Prey was plentiful enough, too. "And," he added quietly after a moment, "To be honest I could care less about where I tread my paws, just so long as I don't have to walk alone."

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you Cry No More



07-05-2013, 06:08 AM


"Wow," the old she-wolf drawled, as she hitched herself up the mountain. "That she-wolf must've hit you pretty hard on the hard, Gargie." Crusade gave one of her good-natured smirks and padded up to press her head into her brother's neck. Of course she knew that Gargoyle was far from going soft, but it was nice to hear him speak a little of his heart, even if he didn't change that deadpan face of his. "Creator Above, it's good to see you," she admitted. And even better to see him in one piece. Mercianne and Awaken had done their jobs quite well.

And as for the place, well Crusade had been more or less around the world- She'd even crossed an ocean thanks to the two-leggeds that had nearly killed her. She could get used to a new place. And frankly the more temperate climate at the mountain's roots was just what the medic ordered for her old bones. She hadn't said anything, but the cold sap had begun to get to her. Quietly she'd begun to realize that she wouldn't last another Arctic winter. She hadn't cared much, she'd lived plenty long and she'd rather die with her family than live long without them. But now, well now it seemed she could have her cake and eat it too. Despite all the upheaval she felt better than she had in a while. Almost as good as she had in Seracia when she'd helped take down that rogue bull. Maybe, just maybe, she still had a couple of years left in her.

"Goodness knows we've had to move plenty of times before this, and all much farther too." She chuckled. "And though I was starting to like the idea of calling ourselves the- what was it? - 'Snow Rogues', I guess I could fly under the Tortugan flag for a while. Just so long as you're the one waving it." She leaned down to nuzzle the pups she'd brought along with her. Cross was at her side, and though he perked an ear at the mention of the name he'd come up with, he still wasn't anything. Poor dear.

Hmmm. And Gargoyle hadn't been told about the Sixx ordeal yet had he? Crusade hated to spoil a good moment, but she knew Ithurial would be coming along soon. Best to tell him now. "Fact is Gargoyle, we need you. As soon as you'd left for the challenge... one of the rogues got in. That white one who Awaken calls 'Sixx'. Awaken killed him, Gargie, but not before he threatened Kairos and Cross, and-and blinded Ithurial. - The girls alright," she assured him quickly, aware that his first reaction could be severe, "She's healed amazingly, no doubt thanks to Mercianne. She'll be coming along shortly, I'm sure." With her remaining eye she cast her brother a sympathetic glance. She just had to tell him now. Last thing either of them would want was him making some sort of scene just when everyone needed stability. "That crazy new brave of yours, Awaken, has been caring for her, and Orica there wants desperately to help too."




5 Years
07-05-2013, 08:14 AM

Kaala had trekked through the North to the old lands of Tortuga. When she was in the Battlefield, half a year ago, she was offered a home here in Tortuga. She declined, and came to Glaciem. She was extremely happy and grateful now. Tortuga seems to be disbanded, nowhere to be seen. Kaala was happy that way, as most were known to not hesitate in killing trespassers.

Kaala followed the well-known scent of Glacias (XD) to a clearing where Gargoyle and other fellow Glacias sat. When Kaala layer eyes on her leader relief and hope flooded through her veins and a little weight she didn't know was there lifted off her shoulders. She sat down tiredly, taking in her surroundings. Mountains, lot off them. Snow at the peaks, slopes a plenty. It wasn't snowy old home, but it could pass.

Gargoyle..... Was all she could say at that moment. She heard the news of fellow Glacias, and the rogue, and sat there listening. Her brown body shuddering faintly.


07-05-2013, 11:04 AM

Late again, it seemed. Well, maybe 'again' wasn't the most accurate term. Ocena had never been late to something like this before. Then again, she'd never been involved in something like this before. Never been there for a pack to claim the lands of another, disbanded pack, somewhere far from their old home. But maybe Ocena could get used to it. Though she was sure that during her first few weeks she was going to be missing the snow that padded their old territory. She was going to be learning their surroundings all over again, and without the snow cushioning the rough ground, this was probably not going to be the most fun she'd ever had. And yet that still paled in comparison to the thought of the injuries that Gargoyle was still recovering.

Memories of her darling mate crumpled against the ground, dripping blood, made Ocena shudder and pick up her pace, loping across the ground with Galileo in tow as she headed towards the raspy howl that she had immediately recognized as Gargoyle's. Even with his voice dry and rough, Ocena recognized it instantly. It was comforting to hear him summon them all, like everything was okay and nothing had happened and they were still Glaciem instead of the new Tortuga.

Reaching Gargoyle, Ocena came to a stop, settling down daintily at his side. If Tortuga returned, she imagined she would have to relinquish this place and allow its old leader to stand at Gargoyle's side, but until then, Ocena didn't intend to share it with anyone but her children. Orica had already spotted her father, it seemed. The sight made Ocena smile as she glanced down at Galileo, gaze flickering around to seek out the form of Avalon. She couldn't see her other daughter just yet, but it didn't worry Ocena unduly. There were many other wolves who had yet to arrive. It seemed it wasn't just Ocena who was running late. Still, she had missed the news relayed by Crusade, which she was likely going to regret later.




9 Years
Extra large
07-05-2013, 11:23 AM
ooc: Short and crappy. xD

She lumbered through the land, munching on some prey that were popping up with the change of the weather. Before she knew it she could hear he call of Gargoyle, the male she had come to like, and feel a need to stand beside, to watch over his wolves.

She followed his voice, seeing the Glaciems in a new land after finding out he had been challenged for his pack. The land smelled strongly of other wolves, probably a previous pack. There he was, Gargoyle, addressing his friends and family from their old land. Carefully she moved around them, dipping her head in a friendly and respectful manner to them all. Coming to a stop beside Gargoyle, giving a dip of her head to him before taking a seat.


Awesome image made by Clash. <3


07-05-2013, 11:32 AM

Tortuga. Hmm. It wold take time for Tiberious to get used to this place, but maybe it would come with time. Tiberious wasn't as attached to the frozen expanses of the North as some were, but that just made him feel bad. Why couldn't he be a normal pup? But he would be strong for his mother and he would offer her strength. She deserved it, after everything that she had been through. So Tiberious approached the howl of his Chief without a word, his gray and white tail waving slightly behind him as he bounded along. He kind of like the mountainous terrain.

The pup padded up to the scene behind Ocena and Zanire, settling down as far away from the massive form of the bear as he could. Tiberious was rather intimidated by the large creature, though he never would have admitted it. It wasn't that he wanted to be strong, per say, but he didn't want anyone to know that he was scared when he was busy trying to be a pillar of strength for his mother. He could make it work, right? The pup twitched his ears irritably at the tinge of doubt in his thoughts. Of course he could. He was Tiberious. And he would make up for everything that had happened because of him, one way or another.

Maybe here he could train to be a proper healer, too. Ever since Soleil had gotten into his head, Tiberious had been unable to get it out. He wanted to be able to help other wolves. And he would start here by helping his mother.




07-05-2013, 03:51 PM

He couldn't quite understand what had happened. The pack hadn't been doing well. Desdemona. He couldn't explain that one. He himself couldn't keep doing it. He was too old, to tired to keep being the Alpha that he once was. He wasn't healthy enough to lead Tortuga alone. Not without another active Alpha. He had t a family to take care of. Surprisingly enough he had a mate, and he was actually quite pleased with his kids. There wasn't much more he could ask for. Guilt ripped through him like a knife. What would the old members think? A part of him didn't care, but the ones that had been there from the beginning. Like Viridiana, and Tavros, and a few others. Everything had changed and the last thing he had expected was for the old Chief of Glaciem to come claim his old home.

Truth was it was confusing. He hadn't packed up and headed out either. He had thrown everything on pause because the life he'd known had been set into such disarray. His kids needed a place to live, and this was still his home. He was reluctant to leave the confines of the mountain. For now he'd question them. Find out exactly what was going on, and then also inform them of recent happenings. For one the murder of Secret. That death took a heavy toll on him and set him into such a horrible anger. It depressed him as well. He obviously wasn't fit to be a leader anymore. She'd been slaughtered on their own borders. It only proved he couldn't even protect his pack members. That part frustrated him to no end. Perhaps they'd be interested in helping. He WAS going to set that straight before he died.

The male gingerly picked up Grimmjow and carried the child with him. They were growing quickly, and young Grimm seemed incredibly interested in seeing the world. This encounter would show him a few things, as well as allow him to meet other wolves. The Glaciem's would at least, hopefully, be a bit less keen on ripping him to shreds if he had a child with him. He didn't know how they felt about him, but the title he carried wasn't exactly the best one.

Ears pinned back against his skull and his tail stood out level behind him as he slunk among them. Eyes warily eyed them all as he tried to avoid coming too close to them. His presence was sure to bring up questions, especially since he was carrying a child with him. It was overly known that he had a litter.

He slowly approached the younger and larger male before halting a little ways away. He set Grimmjow down between his paws and eyed him for a moment watching as the white and black child observed all the other wolves with wide bi-colored eyes. Had the situation not been so nerve racking for him, he would have smiled.

His white head raised to look into the golden gaze with his own two-toned eyes. Ears flicked as he payed attention to all the other wolves. Muscles were tensed and he was ready to cover his child should they be alarmed by his presence.

"May I speak with you for a moment?"


Gargoyle I


07-05-2013, 08:06 PM

Masqurading as a man with a reason

My charade is the Event of the season

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


The words from Crusade, went from teasing, to thankful, to... shocking. He - he hadn't known. Here he'd been thinking of nothing but his own wounds. He thought he'd succeeded in finding a new home before danger struck. But that wasn't true. He'd already failed one of his packmates, and Ithurial... He'd taken a real liking to the pup. And her to him if calling him 'Daddy' was anything to by. He knew Orica already loved her. But... she'd been blinded? Gods above... Thank goodness for Awaken, and thank goodness for Crusade. No wolf could've delivered it better. The northern beast had collected himself before any of the others started arriving. "Thank the gods she's okay," was all he had time to murmur. They were words drawn from a stiff, heavy chest.

But the presence of more packmates helped. In came Kaala, to whom Gargoyle gave a nod of the head. He noticed she seemed shaken. "Seems you get to be a part of Glaciem and Tortuga now," he rumbled. He hoped that an easy gaze and a gentle word was what she needed. Anyway, there would be more talk when the rest of the wolves rolled in.

And next, ah, next was his beautiful wife. She came in helping to herd more of the pups that would all be yearling soon after the next season change. There was Galileo, and just behind them Gargoyle could see Tiber, Keki's son. When Ocena settled at his side, Gargoyle leaned over to rub the top of his chin on her skull. He never lost the chance to caress the she-wolf he so loved, and this touch was more than just a casual nudge, it was a message that all would be well. Then it was that the earth began to tremble a bit, but Gargoyle knew that tread. "Zanire," he called out as the honey bear strode into view. He was half amazed, a bear, traveling this far for a family of wolves. But then, she'd already surprised him many times. "It's good to see you," he rumbled. But what he meant was, 'it's an honor to see you're still with us.'

No doubt more would be coming, but that next scent was a foreign one. Gargoyle rose to his feet slowly, peering into the shades of brush and stone as a white stranger made his way up the slope. Of course Gargoyle thoughts had raced first to the other white stranger- but no this was not him. This male, he smelled of the land they trod upon. This was a native Tortugan, and more than that, he bore a pup. Gargoyle displayed no sign of aggression. Of course, Gargoyle didn't usually show much of anything.

"May I speak with you for a moment?" The stranger spoke.

Gargoyle took a few strides forward, but remained before the rank and file of his own that had come. "Those that come in peace are more than welcome to a voice," the Chief said in simple, low tones. He was wary but respectful enough. He highly doubted anyone baring a pup was looking for trouble, and certainly not from a gathering of wolves and one bear. Perhaps the wolves here were no longer Glaciems by name, but they retained the same policy of goodwill to those who meant them no harm, and shelter to those who needed it. If Tortuga had indeed scattered, it was possible this male was just looking for answers.


Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you Cry No More



07-05-2013, 09:05 PM

The leader of the group strode forward and stopped. His tones weren't aggressive and Nnoitra took that as a sign he could relax to a degree. Muscles still remained tense, but he slowly allowed his head to raise and his tail to retain the normal position he normally carried it in. He didn't allow himself the luxury of sitting. Instead he nudged Grimm back underneath him, goading the child to stay put while the two talked.

He slowly nodded his head. Of course he wasn't here to stir up trouble. Especially when he was horribly outnumbered. Hell. They had a bear with them. Who the hell brought a grizzly with them? It was absurd to him. Then again he had seen stranger things in his time.

"I'm the former secondary Alpha of Tortuga. Not that it means much now, jut figured I'd share I reigned with Desdemona. With her absence I wasn't able to hold up the pack on my own. I recently took on a mate, and as you see now I have kids. Grimmjow here isn't my only child. We have more hidden in a den in this territory."

The male paused for a minute. His voice was cautious. He wasn't fond of encounters with outsiders. Not since his litter had been born. Lately he'd been a recluse, signifying what the original Tortuga was like. They were, after all, a reclusive, keep to yourself kind of pack that didn't try to mess with anyone.

"I have two rather important subjects to bring to light to you. One of them is a request. I have no desire to be a part of your pack and I'm sure my mate could care less. I am old and have no desire to leave the place I claimed as home. Moving my family wouldn't be wise, so I am asking to live among your pack without interruption."

Nnoitra inhaled deeply. The second part hurt him to speak about. Perhaps he'd grown soft as he aged. He certainly wasn't the same wolf he'd been when he was two years of age and killing for the hell of it just because he could. He'd used to dine on the flesh of his enemies after he'd killed them and left them to rot. Never would he have expected his life to become anything like this. Had his softness gotten one if his old members killed? He couldn't be sure. Eyes closed for a moment before he continued.

"Secondly, a few days ago a wolf entered our territory and killed one of our senior members. His scent still lingers. Perhaps it's a bit foolish of me to be requesting things from you, but I myself am exiting my prime, but I will not allow for this to go without reprimand. I will see the bastard dead before my time in this world comes to an end. Would any of your wolves be interested in aiding me?"



07-05-2013, 09:10 PM

Recently, she had situated herself in the eastern region of the island, thoughts never straying far from the pack her maleficent blueprints revolved around ? a woman obsessed with obtaining what had been torn from her possession due to the compliance of a fallen king she had attempted so hard to forget. But it seemed his memory would live on every time she stole a glance in the direction of the volcanic mountain that had previously been her domain, now in the clutches of an incompetent fool with a confidence that towered too far over her head. But no matter ? if all went according to plan, soon enough it would be the pallid wraith?s own dainty paws to crush that confidence and damn the new sovereign?s kingdom to the deepest pit of hell where it had already been heading under the shift in ruling.

An unfamiliar and demanding howl emanated from the epicenter of Tortuga?s headquarters, resounding across the eastern region to beckon any who deemed themselves fit to pledge allegiance to the one behind the summon, causing her skull to elevate to its highest apex and her ears to cock forward in the direction of Mount Volcan. Metallic eyes flashed with a mixture of astonishment and amusement with the message lingering behind the call, an obvious indicator that the throne had yet again to greet a new usurper. The viper scrambled to her paws, bursting off in the direction of the howl and maneuvering as swiftly as her elongated limbs would permit, a devious smirk plastered to her immaculate countenance and a victorious gleam flickering within her pupils. She breached the borders of Tortuga she had been forbidden to pass, the rancid aroma of Desdemona noticeably faded upon it, tearing into the territory with a lack of hesitance and an overdose of happiness. She entered the fray quickly, sticking to the shadows as she observed the meeting, spotting an elder Nnoitra with a whelp encased within his jaws approaching the foreign behemoth who appeared to be calling the shots now. Desdemona had failed, and even worse than she and Kaien! It tickled the wraith pink to see that her assumptions in Desdemona?s failures had been correct; perhaps she had accomplished little during her reign, but Desdemona had managed to scatter the pack. ? Looks like your incompetence prevailed, Desdemona.

Despite the fact that the ex-queen no longer upheld the crown that Morphine desired to rip from her clutches, her plots to take the pack back by force had far from vacated her mind ? no, she just had a different contender to fuck with. Slyly, her pupils traversed the plains of the male?s features, noticeably damaged, as she sized up her competition that she obviously dwarfed. And yet, despite her height disadvantage, she still felt confident in her chances ? she had fought Kaien before who had over a foot on her and she had reigned victorious, so perhaps she could still manage to hold her own in a battle with this brutish goliath. Giving the area one last glance and offering a smirk to Desdemona?s usurper, she sauntered back the way she came, plots deviating within her diseased mind.

exeunt morphine.

Gargoyle I


07-06-2013, 05:34 AM

So it was that despite a defeat, Gargoyle was still a Chief. He was still the one to make the hard decisions and bear the burden of keeping safe so many lives. It wasn't easy, truth be told, he'd had a moment there in the cave, before he'd learned of the rest of the pack's loyalty when he'd invisioned just himself and Ocena and their pups tucking themselves away into a favored rogue land, or maybe traveling, but always staying together just the five of them. It was in his blood after all, his own parents had spent many years as a rogue couple, and with the help of an orphaned niece whom they adopted as a daughter, they reared a little of five bouncing babies. It was a lovely dream, but a selfish one. There were still many wolves who depended on him. Who were there for him as he was there for them. As he always would be.

With the thoughts of family, and with all the changes, it was with a rather open heart that Gargoyle listened to the white wolf's words. He was still suspicious, certainly. He'd be an idiot not to want to vet a life long Tortugan. But he read no deception or malice in the old male's words. If anything, just weariness. He introduced himself by rank, not by name and informed Gargoyle that he had more family in the territory. A moment later he was asking for a place to stay. Not a pack - no he didn't want to be in the pack, he just wanted to remain in Tortuga. It was... an unorthodox request at best. But one that, surprisingly Gargoyle felt disposed to grant. He didn't answer right away though. In his mind he was sizing up the male before him. In a way, the creature reminded him of Crusade. An old warrior with the burden of time upon his back, one who cared for his family. And yet Gargoyle had no illusions as to what this male most probably did in his younger days. A wolf can hide from sheep, but not from other wolves. Gargoyle knew a killer when he saw one.

But whatever else the male might have been, what he was now was a father. He was just looking out for his pups. Gargoyle glanced down at the little fluffball between the stranger's paws. He could relate that to that.

When Gargoyle looked up again the male was opening his eyes and carrying on with a second order of buisness. Seemed Glaciem hadn't been the only one with rogue troubles. "Not long ago, one of our founding members met with a similar fate," Gargoyle rumbled quietly. "My Braves are always ready to rid the world of a monster. We have work to do with settling in, but then I'm sure a hunting party can be arranged." In this matter, it wasn't that Gargoyle was racing to help the old male, this was simply what his pack did. "As for the matter," he murmured. "It is a request I would not have granted once. To shelter a wolf is one thing, to let him inhabit your territory and bring nothing to your pack's table is another." He paused for a moment. "But we have recently been stripped of a home ourselves, and to do the same to other wolves-" the northern brute shook his head "Is the last thing we desire."

He glanced back at gathering of wolves, eyes flitting to Zanire, before he turned his lizard gaze back round to the white wolf. "I'll give you a trial period. You are free to stay, at the least, until your pups are weaned." Which in most cases meant til they were about six months or so. "So long as there have been no disputes between your family and mine, then perhaps the arrangement you suggest will work out just fine." As with all neighbors, they could end up being a help each other, or just content with ignoring the other. Only time would tell. It was much the same deal he had offered Zanire. It was hospitable, but, from the viewpoint of a pack leader, also wise.

As he spoke with the male, he was aware of vague, watched feeling. But of course he was being watched, he was the Chief in the center of his pack. Yet there was something else. Out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw some slip of a silver shadow, but when he glanced over, there was nothing there.


07-08-2013, 02:33 PM

Ithurial did her best to feel out the territory. Her once golden eyes were now a sickly shade of dark grey and bloody red. The cuts all down her neck and her legs made her look like a walking corpse. She could barely walk in a normal stride. She hadn't know how she'd gotten here. Perhaps someone carried her? She'd been unconcious for three days and had no idea were awaken was. She hadn't seen or heard of him, but she had heard that glaciem was lost.

In her panic she began to wonder were she was. All she knew was she heard her mother's voice say ' it'll be alright. Trust your new parents. ' he voice startled her. She thought she was dead and in heaven. She'd even called for her mother. Only to realize ehat had happened. She was now blind.




07-08-2013, 03:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The whole ordeal of losing the precious territory she and her adopted family lived in had been bad enough. She missed desperately the large, wide cave in which they would all rest, combining their body heat in order to beat back the bitter northern chill. She missed the forests, the snow, the bracing winds and glistening sunlight. What was worse was having to give all of that up completely. She knew the whole of them needed a new place to live, a new territory that they could claim as their home, but she had never expected that it would involve moving.

She had been reluctant about it from the start, lingering as long as she could while the pack began to trickle away, on the move to where they would now reside. But she could only stay away for so long. She had a responsibility that would keep her there, wolves who needed her tending and care, and she hated to think of them relapsing with their injuries because she had difficulty adjusting. Eventually Mercianne had caved and searched the territory at the last moment for those northern plants that she was familiar with and might need still to care for those who needed it. They were carried in her jaws delicately, the yellow-orange petals of the calendula bouncing alongside those of the poppies. Her steps were hurried as she tried to make good time, hoping to catch up with the others as the last stragglers arrived.

As she followed, leaving the snows of the north behind for warmer, denser forests, she began to notice how much of an adjustment would need to be made. It was so warm! Everything seemed to be either touched with the green of the plant life or the grey-brown of earth and stone, nothing brittle or hardy or overly strong. Everything was delicate and comfortable, well suited for the mountainside that they grew on. Merci could only hope to one day be as comfortable here herself.

Turning her attention upon the others as she came upon them, the wolves that she cared far too much for to abandon for a new leader, she spotted their leader, looking strong and powerful despite his recent battle and recovery, alongside his sister. It had been some time since she had seen Crusade among them, the once-Chief having gone out on diplomatic excursions that kept her busy. She smiled around the plants she carried to know that she still looked well. She let her gaze skim over the others, noting the familiar faces and, in particular, one of those in need of her care set to one side, her scarred, tattered face a painful mask of confusion. Quietly, not wanting to startle the now blind wolf, Mercianne tucked her head meekly and set her plants carefully down before approaching her slowly. "Ithurial," she asked gently as she came alongside the young she-wolf, her dark brown eyes skimming across her face and hoping she hadn't startled her, "how are you feeling? Do you need anything?"



07-09-2013, 11:18 PM

Alabaster head turned slightly as his first request went unanswered for the time. He remained quiet about it and didn't show any sign that he was growing impatient. Which he wasn't. He had all day, he just was curious to see if the male would get to that. However, he was intrigued when he began speaking about the rogue problem. He nodded slowly, pleased with the turn of events. The male's help would be appreciated. He could only spend so much time away from his family without having to return to them. He wasn't about to up and disappear for a while without saying anything.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

He was surprising himself. He hadn't expected to have a civil conversation with anyone that wasn't from his pack, well, his old pack anyways. That part was definitely gonna take some getting used to. He had been an Alpha for four years almost. It was very different having the title of rogue over his head. It left an odd feeling within him whenever he thought about it.

Finally his other term was addressed. Perhaps he was foolish for requesting such things from the man. He was Nnoitra Jaeger though. He was one to do such things. Perhaps old age had mellowed him out, but he was still daring and very bold. Intelligent and wise as well. He also had no problem doing something to get what he wanted and what he wanted was a safe and familiar haven for his family without tying them down.

"You generosity is also appreciated. I do not wish to carry the title of another pack, but should you need my assistance in return for the favor all you need is but to call my name."

Ah, but he did not know his name. Did he? He'd had yet to announce it. It was something Nnoitra had always been bad at. Then again names were power and sometimes it was best to be left anonymous. It'd helped him out before, but in this case it would do him more harm than good.

"Nnoitra Jaeger."
