
wouldn't you



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-05-2018, 08:52 AM

Tornach's menagerie had grown exponentially with the spring and summer births. He could not possibly care for them all over the winter on his own, and the hares especially were prone to chewing through the wicker-woven cages if they were hungry enough to try escape. The only reason they weren't escaping all the time as it was, was because they were satiated by the grasses in the moveable pen and the grains he collected over the summer for them and the birds. He'd helped that a little by pressing clay into the bottom third of the big wicker domes so they couldn't chew as easily, but if he didn't keep them well supplied with grains over the winter that clay wouldn't stop them.

So it was definitely time to start thinking about culling them. Unfortunately the weather here wasn't cooperative. It simply wasn't cold enough even with autumn here for the meat to freeze solid enough to store, so Tornach was somewhat at a loss as to what to do with it all to keep from wasting it. If he could get the wolves in the packs around Boreas to show interest, he could trade it to them... but his last attempt at a trade fair had been a miserable failure.

Lounging in the meager shade thrown by the woven-sapling fence holding in his elk, with his falcon friend perched atop it, Tornach observed them thoughtfully to see which young bulls he could feasibly take down alone. The elk were used to his presence and with Aiden's help he could usually gently herd one to the side pen where he could kill it without frightening the rest of the group, but even relatively docile as they were from being raised around him, a large and healthy male elk could be dangerous.

Walk, "Talk" Think

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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4 Years
Extra large
04-05-2018, 11:52 AM

Today he headed towards the range in hopes to explore and find something worth while there. So far since he had arrived he had spend his time primarily in Weeping woods, tall grass plains, & Veteren's Plateau. The woods is where he had settled and begun the task of making his storage dens, the plains had been his main hunting spot, and the Plateau had been a treasure hunters paradise. He liked the south even if he hadn't done much exploring in other areas of Boreas. He had met a few faces so far and he was still as ambitious as ever to build the pack.

His bag flopped against his left elbow as he moved, making it's contents stir around and bang into each other. He had some fruit in there from the orchard, but he also had some metal things he had collected from the plateau. With it now being autumn he figured it was best to start stocking up for the winter so that he would be able to survive and continue to work through his plans for the pack. He didn't meet anyone willing to join yet, but he knew there was more wolves out there to meet and hopefully he would find some willing members.

He neared the range and came upon a sight that he wasn't sure if it was real or not. His jaw dropped in astonishment as the woven fence and woven baskets came into view. Prey of all kinds stored and thriving, something that he truly felt was amazing. Who and what had done this job, he wondered as he stopped staring in awe. He didn't want to get any of the game stirred up, but he wanted to find out who had done all this. For a while he stood with his mouth agape before he slowly moved forward, careful not to stir anything up. Then he saw a tall dark form near a larger fence holding elk. This must be the one who had done all of this, Branch smiled his tail wagging.

"Hello," he gently called out, still not wanting to spook anything.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



3 Years
04-05-2018, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2018, 09:37 PM by Vivienne.)
The rose bring, a sweet scent. With the pain of there thorns.

The goddess walked gracefully her aud, curving sharply and facing towards the water. The cold liquid fighting to reach her paws, she gave a great leap to land far from the river. She faced it with a unworthy lash of her tail, glaring madly at the liquid. She gave a loud growl like, sigh her limbs gliding gingerly across the ground soundless every step her toes spread and curved with the ground not even crunching the weakest of leaves. As she did so her hips shifted and shoulders rolled, her crown tilted to the right so her silhouette looked royal. She then looked around her eyes shimmering, before she arched her tail over her spine and gave a cute sigh. She then began to study the sounds and looks of these world, was it worthy of these goddess presences. As she grew bored of these abyss, she began to grow grumpy. She felt depressed, Oh no, not another episode! she thought with a lash, of unease. Her silhouette tensed as these happened, she felt a urge to cut herself or kill something. Bloodlust took over her, overwhelming power surge though her. Her nape bristles as she curved her crown downwards, and felt a overhaul of aggression pace though her blood tip of her auds to the tip of, her tail. Blood pounded in her auds, heartbeat going faster than a humming birds wings. She lashed her tail for balance as she began to feel, in need of sleeping but she knew she would just blackout and be token over by the voices inside her mind. Yelling at her to go asleep, she let out a frosted growl. As the episode began to fade, in which made her give a meek smile.

As she headed in a hurry, as if to run from her episode she broke of into a silent run. Her legs crossing gingerly, as she jumps over a bolder. Her auds swerving backwards as she then, landed inti a rushed stop. Loud voices came to her reach, and she let out a sigh. She padded towards the sounds, and gave out a voice.

she called out with a bark, her eyes filled with hope.




9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-12-2018, 10:24 AM
The herd was beginning to move fearlessly, some of the older ones lifting their heads to level suspicious stares off into the distance. Tor took his attention from the elk to send his own gaze peering in that direction. What he saw was a wolf staring in amazement at the fences and cages he had made. As Tor began to rise to his paws the other male called out a soft hello, clearly trying to keep from scaring the herd.

Someone else, though, wasn't so thoughtful. The elk bleated and startled in alarm, taking off for the far side of the pen when a smaller gray female barked out a greeting of her own. Tor winced and sigh - it would take some time for them to calm down enough for him to approach them safely, so culling one of the young males would have to wait for another day.

"Good morning," he said politely to them both. Above him he could hear Aiden' s feathers rustle as she took off, the falcon taking a position circling high above where she could keep an eye on both newcomers.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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4 Years
Extra large
04-12-2018, 11:15 AM
He was more then amazed with this establishment that this male had created here, and if the male would let him. The animals seemed weary, but he hadn’t spooked them when he greeted the male. He was glad, cause he would have hated to get things stirred up around here. Though the herd soon spooked as another wolf appeared, barking out and scaring the large creatures. He winced slightly and his blue eyes looked towards the grey and white female. Then the male spoke greeting both of them and Branch remained his distance, not wanting the elk to get more worked up then they were. He wanted them to calm down and relax.

“I’m Branch Wreckage, all this looks amazing did you build it yourself?” He asked his tone still remaining softer and quieter.

He couldn’t get over the work and the skill this wolf had to make this place the way it was. He was curious if maybe this male could teach him a thing or to show him how to make all this possible. It would honestly make his life a lot easier in stocking meat if he could learn to do what this male had accomplished.



3 Years
04-22-2018, 02:29 PM

The woman sighed gingerly, as the man seemed unpleased by her loudness she meant no harm but well that slide down the drain. She lowered her cranial in a sorry, before looking at the fenced in prey. Was these what they were gathering for? Well it was her turn to help, she trotted softly around the fence line her paws making no sudden nosies. She stalked slowly around the fence, before she found a younger male elk one who hadn't developed his horns yet. Only soft fuzzy stubs, that woukd be a easy meal. She then gave a low growl, only a few elk shuddered and took cautious steps away.

She then worked her way under the fence, the barbes tearing at her dence pelt. She pulled out unharmed, yet some of her grey fur had gotten caught on the fence. She then turned sharply at the adolescent bull elk, her auds pinned protectivly to her crown. Chin tucked, hackles raised along her dorsal stripes. And limbs spreading halfway apart, and wheight then settled evenly, upon them all. Knees bended to lower her center of, gravity as she got ready to pounce. She then narrowed her eyes, grey stained brows settling downward om her white mask. As she then aligned her cranial and tail to her, complex spine.

She then without a final warning lashed forth, her back forelimbs brushing the ground a final time before streching outwards. Her paws curving neatly, as she pushed herself at the bulls back. The young bull let out a cry, as she landed most steadied atop his back. She almost yelped as the bull, kicked. She then curved her tail in the thick fur of the bulls pelt, she lowered herself she was in for a ride. She then bite at the bulls spine, as it reared once more.

Walk, "Talk", Think



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-24-2018, 06:49 AM
Distracted by the other male's question, Tornach hardly paid attention when the female wandered off towards the wicker fence. He assumed she was going to investigate it more closely, as he himself would have done, and so set himself to explaining to the male. "Not all of it. The structure over there - " he gestured to the barn " - and some other human objects that I'm not sure what they were for were already here. I built the fence though. It took me years to do it myself, so expanding it isn't really going to be easy. I built all this hoping to trade with other wolves so that they don't have to worry as much about a meal in the middle of winter. I keep the elk and other animals here and they can come and trade me the things I need in exchange for a set amount of meat or hide. I'm still learning how to preserve the meat more easily when it's not cold..."

His explanation was cut short by Aiden's warning shriek, and he threw up his head to see the falcon fold her wings into a stoop.

Fast as a peregrine was, though, it had already been too late when she'd turned her attention from watching for outside threats to watching the one who was already in their midst. The gray female had pounced on one of the older calves and sent the already-frightened herd stampeding away. Terrified as they were at the scent of blood and the bawls of the calf, half-tamed or not they would go right over the fence on the other side! "What are you doing?" he cried out to the strange wolf, hackles raising instinctively as everything that he'd worked for raced madly for the fence and the bawling calf struggled under the wolf's weight on its back.

"Aiden, the herd!" The falcon heard his cry and veered off to cut off the fleeing elk. If she could, with fisted talons and properly timed dives, keep them running in circles and away from the fence until they tired themselves out, they might have a chance of keeping them from escape.

He took off in a spurt of dust for his side of the fence, hindquarters uncoiling like springs to propel him upwards. His forepaws caught the top of the wicker fence, his hindpaws getting a toehold partway down, and he scrambled over top. No time for gates, not now. "Stop!" he barked at the wolf.

He saw blood spurt from the calf's wounds as the female's jaws closed over it's back, and his heart sank. Even if he chased her off the young elk, it was too late for it. Injured as badly as it was, it would not be able to live a comfortable life among the semi-tame herd. He would need to cull it now anyway. He reached the calf's front, stared into its rolling brown eyes, and had to close his for a moment in anger before lunging forward and closing his jaws over the calf's throat, cutting off oxygen and blood until the calf collapsed, holding the vicious grip until it stopped moving entirely, then a moment longer to be sure before he let go and turned on the female wolf with a vicious snarl.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The normally docile, kind male was very obviously riled, the calf's blood on his bared fangs and his deep blue eyes narrowed in fury. "You come to my home and you kill my elk? Didn't the fence make it obvious they weren't fair game for any wolf who wanted a meal? I watched this calf grow up! I fed his mother grass all winter so she would give birth to a strong calf. He could have grown up to sire strong calves and strengthen my herd. I don't know what this bull would have grown into and now I never will!" He stopped, panting, appalled to realize that his volume had risen to a shout. But all the time and energy that had gone into this previously healthy calf... all gone, because some other predator wanted a quick meal and couldn't respect boundaries. A deep breath to calm himself and he continued at a normal, if rapsy, volume. "I only cull the injured or weak from the herd, not the strong! Not the healthy! Not the young, just because they're easy!" Shifting his gaze down to the still calf at his paws, his jaw tightened. All that... everything he'd put into this calf... wasted. And for what?

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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