
Chicken, Chicken, Chicken


07-05-2013, 08:20 AM

There was a strange creature crawling around the dirt, just a few yards away from the dame. Standing at 36' in height she was large, not to mention have a strong muscle build. A small bird such as that would be nothing, not to mention that it looked so stupid specially with those things on its head. Vahva's crimson orbs looked at the bird with an bored expression as she sighed. It flapped its wings moving about in a clumsy manner. The girl had no reason to crouch as she pounced on the chicken it flew up but she managed to grasp its legs and slammed it into the barren rock. The Chicken died quickly enough as she dug her teeth into the meal. It wasn't too bad either. It gave her hunger a break too, that was what was most important. The new Valhallan wolf had enough to worry about without having to be hungry. Not when she had big plans for herself, and wanted to go through the trouble of keeping them a slight secret from her family. While still loyal to Valhalla, and no ill will was bent towards them, Vahva had her own plan to create her family, the way she wished. She pushed the thought away as she started to finish her meal, licking her lips afterwards.
She shook her blue mane on the top of her head and looked around, this place really was quiet. If she hadn't known better it'd be a place to die even though it was right near Valhalla. Vahva could feel eyes watching her at that moment sending a shiver down her spine. Caesar would be somewhere nearby, following her, until she died. That thought made her slightly regret her decision, but she had told the male he could have her corpse. It wasn't like anything else was going to happen to it was there? She sighed and shook her head. Too many things, too many things.



07-06-2013, 06:53 AM

Yang was wandering, and thinking. He had so much responsibility. With Yang, and trying to find a new pack, just surviving generally. He needed to unwind, hunt, maybe have a swim. Although there was little chance of a swim where he found himself now. A barren dustland, with barely a live lizard upon it. He was sitting atop a mound, facing the harsh wind when he caught a scent. It was of blood, and meat. It smelled fresh, and a wolf was there aswell. Maybe there were more. Yang stood up and leaped of the mound and trotted towards the scent.

After a short while, the wolf came into sight. She was a pretty creature with unusual red eyes and a blue name of fur. His heart skipped a beat when he hated eyes on her which caused him to stop in his tracks. She looked almost, troubled, he thought. Yang continued forward, stopping a few wolf-lengths away. He sat and waited, sayingHello. My name is Yang, what might yours be?



07-06-2013, 12:28 PM

Vahva's attention turned to the new wolf who went right ahead to introduce himself, that interested the Valhallan a little bit. She would never have the courage to be so blunt, she'd be cautious at least a little bit at first standing farther away. Yet everyone had a mind of their own after all. Vahva's eyes moved down as she let out a little sigh and sat her body up. "My name is Vahva and I'm from Valhalla. What brings you to a place like this?" She snorted. There wasn't anything mean to be meant but he could take it however he wanted. Not that she cared she could take care of herself perfectly fine if he wanted to attack her, she had no plans to attack him after all.
"I found a chicken but not sure if there are any more." Vahva noted, the bones and blood on the floor along with the marks on her muzzle. No doubt that was the case. She stretched her paws and yawned letting her salmon tongue roll out of her mouth as she felt bones pop. It felt nice as she smiled and stood up with the pleasure of that. What a nice moment.



07-06-2013, 01:54 PM

She dame seemed to be shocked by his blunt introduction, but she responded quickly all the same. My name is Vahva and I come from Valhalla. What brings you to a place like this? Vahva' s question was valid so he replied quickly. Well Vahva, I came here to try and find a pack for my sister and I. You see, we are currently homeless, but considering Valhalla he said at ease.

He looked her thoroughly up and down. She looked strong, a natural leader, very beautiful in his eyes. I found a chicken but not sure if there are any more. The beautiful dame yawned, clicking her bones. That's quite alright. I ate earlier. He brought his paw to his stomach, showing that it was full.



07-06-2013, 02:10 PM

So he was a potential pack mate, it made her smile a bit, but she better keep her pack plans a secret then. Her red eyes flickered, oh good that meant she didn't have to feel like being a nice person and fetch him some food. She sat down and shook her head. "Valhalla is a nice place I'd be glad to see you if you and your sibling were to come. My cousin also lives in Valhalla." She explained with a smirk. She felt like she was doing them some good recruiting members. Yet considering in the end she would be leaving, though that could be a few years from now. Who knew when she would have the strength and followers to create her own pack. For now, she was just a loyal Valhallan. Even though she was there to prove that she was not a mistake. The beta had told her she was not one and that was a start.
"Is your sister with you?" Vahva asked looking around, perhaps they had gone separate ways for a bit. She knew it was possible. She didn't know what siblings did she was an only child her brothers had been still born. Natsu and Dragneel were her only family and she had not even met Dragneel. Family was family though and that was how she saw it. No matter how many mistakes one could make one had to stand by them. Otherwise the word trust was not used correctly in any situation.
