
homeward bound


04-12-2018, 06:33 PM
It had been too long. Fortune had moved with the herds, as always, but she'd moved too far. She'd gotten lost, and then far more lost. More lost, and then caught up in a herd of mule deer. One of them had stepped upon her, and for a while, she'd thought she'd die on the spot. Fortune's not so grand adventure... wandering healers, gypsy healers, they always take their toll. They'd patched her up as best they could, she'd earned their trust. Hunting and roaming with them until she could get the directions to return home. To return to Boreas. To return to her family. Fortune Adravendi, her name would outlast her wanderings. She would return home.

Several years older, but still confident. Forward. The brave hasn't changed in too many ways, but she moves a bit more slowly than she had in her youth. Her heart is a bird, fluttering like the butterflies in her stomach. The new scar on the back of her head was well covered by her fur, but the one on her muzzle was slightly more prominent. A deer's hoof, carefully stamped across it. Such was the mark of a hunter.

At the border of the Emerald Valley, the land that she'd been privileged to call home for so long, she tips her head back and calls. It's meant to be for Faite, but whoever else was home... well, they would hear her. Her mind flickers to Rin, to her nieces and nephews, to Zell. She owed them an apology, an explanation. Would they be mad? They had every right to be. Nervous excitement fills her stomach, squeezes at her heart. She wanted so badly to come home, but would they welcome her? The brave would be patient. Fortune missed her family.

shock & awe



7 Years
Extra large
04-12-2018, 07:18 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 10:43 PM by Torin.)

The pack had grown silent again, that Rory was missing was driving the young Adravendi mad. He couldn't help but wonder how they would proceed, would he be elevated to take his brother's place? Would Frostbite seek to rule alone for a time, holding out hope for his brother's return? How long could they manage that? Frost had made it clear that he did not seek to supplant Faite or her children but rather aid Rory til he had deemed Torin ready to lead beside his brother. These thoughts plagued his mind and he knew he'd likely need to speak to Frostbite soon. He refused to be left out of this discussion, his rank be damned.

Still some things had picked up, Hailey had returned to the fold and it helped to put Torin's mind at ease that another healer had been added back into the roster... His aunt had been scarce and Star... well he hadn't seen her since Jewell's pups had be born. Another reason he had to speak to Frostbite, he hadn't failed to notice the way the two of them had looked at each other and he had no doubts that Frost probably wanted to search her out, get some answers.

Little did the young Adravendi know that another of their long lost pack mates would find her way back to their borders.

The call was for his mother, and Torin frowned. Who exactly would be calling for Faite? Rory had gone on their various pack relations meetings... and yet there it was, someone seeking his mother. Maybe it was her brother, the red man Torin had never met and he simply didn't know she was gone again, looking for a friendly family reunion.

Regardless Torin's curiosity piqued he trotted towards the source of the call, a vaguely familiar scent reaching him before he saw her; he paused mid step for a second, trying to place the scent in his memory but it was hazy, from his early life. Even more curious now he approached again with renewed vigor; and when he saw her his brows shot up in sudden understanding.

"Aunt Fortune." He rumbled, deep baritone rising slightly in surprise, he stood tall, much taller than he had ever been when he had last seen her and though a slight smile was tugging at the corners of his lips his body language spoke of his uncertainty.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Risketch



9 Years
04-13-2018, 01:00 AM

He was dreaming, and it was none too pleasant as usual. The shadow of his brother haunted him at night, almost every time he closed his eyes. It had been years since he saw his brother. Been years since he spoke to him. But every night, his brother found him. Every night was a nightmare of flashing fangs and hate filled eyes. Every night Rin thrashed in his den, unable to wake up until someone disturbed him or until the first rays of the sun filtered in. It seemed the only time he could get any amount of real rest was during the day, but it still left him tired enough to where he fell asleep at night. He was tired...always tired. He wanted it to stop, but he couldn't. His demons haunted him for as long as he could remember, and he didn't think they would ever leave him alone until he was dead.

The sound of a distant howl began to overtake the snarling of his dreams. Muted at first, a distant echo until it steadily grew louder. Tired eyes flew open to see that there was light outside, heavy breathing and the sound of that howl the only things he could hear. Who was that? He laid there for a moment until the howl died away, and in a state of confusion he remembered. Pulling himself unsteadily to his feet, he stumbled his way out of the den towards where that call had come from. He stumbled over rocks and gopher holes, but he did not stop going until he spotted her. At first, he was in disbelief. But the longer he looked, the more he recognized her.

Fortune had come back! He wasn't sure why he was so happy to see her. Maybe because at one point, she was the only one in the pack that he had spent any real amount of time with. It hadn't been much, but...he didn't forget. And for the first time since he could remember, the skinny, bedraggled males tail wagged. Slowly due to his lack of energy and sorry state, but it wagged. He headed over, watching as Torin had arrived too and greeted her. Rin stopped a few feet from Fortune, staring at her and afraid to blink. Feeling like if he did, she would disappear in a puff of smoke. "Fortune? Is it really you?" He was happy, to finally see a friend again.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Extra large
04-15-2018, 04:54 PM

He was clean on the opposite side of the territories finishing up his round of border patrol. Things have been quiet around the pack, even Jewell's pups have been scarce. It was worrying, especially with Rory and Faite being scarce. He was left with most of the duties, but it kept him busy. Since his talk with Zuriel he had been feeling better, but it was still hard to move on from the fact Dust wasn't here anymore. He supposed that though he would never ever forget her that maybe it was time to try and move on. The hole in his heart needed filled so he had to be open minded. Maybe there was another female out there for him.

His head perked at the call, it was faint from where he was, but he could hear it. It was a call directed to Faite, but why? He wondered who would be calling Faite? Someone who knew her back when she was in charge of the pack, or family maybe? Being one of the alpha's he would have to go see for himself who this was. Besides he doubted Faite would reappear to answer the call. So turning his body he took off in a run with his long legs carrying him across the territory in quick fashion. He cut straight through the pack lands.

He was soon to arrive and pleasantly surprised to see both Torin and Rin there. He moved up beside Torin and his eyes landed on a familiar face. His tail wagged and a grin spread across his face. He hadn't spent much time with her but she was here briefly when he first arrived in Lirim.

"Fortune! Glad to see you!"

"Talk" & 'Think"

Art by Kanvos


04-15-2018, 06:17 PM
A year and a half since she'd seen them all. Since she'd seen her family, since she'd been home to Lirim. Still, Fortune's eyes set on Torin, and her entire face lights up. He was a man now, and his voice reflected that fact. The brave closed the gap with her forward, confident gait, approaching him softly. She reached out softly with her nose, and would allow the young man to choose if he'd meet it or not. It's hard to know, when you've been away for so long. "Torin, how big you've gotten," the typical 'family member that hasn't seen you recently' reaction.

And then... well, there he was. Rin looked a bit bedraggled, but Fortune supposed time would do that to you. Something strange washed over her system... relief, was it? Something greater. Like there was a warmth that was spreading and rising in intensity, and... hell. She wouldn't give it heed now. She wouldn't even think about it, because now wasn't the time. Fortune knew that was a lie she'd tell herself. Stepping back from her nephew, she moved closer to Rin, greeting him with a soft touch to the cheek. "It's me... I... we'll talk about it later, okay?" Fortune owed him an apology, and maybe had some things to discuss in terms of feelings. That, or she'd chicken out about it. The latter was a bit more likely. This feelings thing, she really was no good at it.

And then Frostbite. Fortune stepped back from Rin, nodding to the almost-stranger. "Good to see you as well," and then a breath, surveying the small group that had gathered with confusion. Was Faite mad? Well, Fortune supposed she had every right to be. Still, even if she was upset, in the brave's mind she would have still come. "Where's Faite? I wanted to apologize, to ask her if I'm welcome back home." Fortune ached for her sister, her best friend.

shock & awe



7 Years
Extra large
04-17-2018, 10:50 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 10:35 PM by Torin.)

His aunt strode forwards and Torin watched, standing tall where he was. She reached out to him, her muzzle lifted and Torin hesitated for a moment; he wasn't physically affectionate very often and when he was it was seemingly reserved for Jewell or her kids. After a moment he reached out as well, gently pushing his muzzle against the side of her own before retreating, a small sign he was happy to have her back. She spoke and Torin couldn't help but chuckle softly, he hadn't really felt like he had changed that much but then he supposed that could never be true. He now towered over his aunt when she had once stood taller than him, if his mother had been around he probably would have felt more like he had in fact grown quite a bit... but then she wasn't so-

Rin approached and Torin stepped back, allowing the elder his space. He waited patiently as Rin spoke and gave the pair little heed. He turned his head, scanning for Frostbite, or if he dared to hope, his brother. As much as Torin was certain that she would be accepted back into the fold with open arms but he certainly didn't want to overstep his bounds.

Finally Frostbite approached and Torin moved to stand slightly behind and off to the left of the older man. His aunt spoke and Torin felt a familiar pang in his chest, it was a good question. One he had often pondered himself. He stood silent for a moment; then the words flowed from his lips, better to hear it from family than from either of the other two men. "We- We don't know." He sought to meet his aunt's gaze and hold it, his expression soft and hiding the real pain that lay beneath what he was saying. "She left some time ago to find Zuriel's missing children, she returned with Miach in tow and... we haven't seen either of them since really." He paused, a deep sigh rumbling through him. "Rory took up the position of Kalin, he appointed Frostbite as Kaliq," he gestured at Frost before continuing, "And I took up the rank of Iliff." He fell silent, watching his aunt. He doubted that'd be an easy pill to swallow but it was better to get it all out in the open first. As for Rory? Well there'd be time to figure that part out soon... They hadn't figured it out yet obviously.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Risketch