
Dusk and Fireflies [Eren]


07-05-2013, 05:02 PM

The sun was setting over the low , rolling hills. Flint sat atop one such mound and surveyed the land around her. This entire realm was rich with life and diversity, something that pleased her deeply. Not that the stony wolf would ever admit that, of course. To be a part of a system so vivacious made her feel like a pup again. All she wanted was to roam and run and hunt and howl. Her spirit tingled with the thought of it all. Below her a small herd of large, cumbersome bison milled about. They had cropped the grass fairly thoroughly but still they rustled about. The smell of them was have repugnant, half enticing. She hadn't seen such a fulfilling meal since she had left her own pack so many moons ago. She missed the hunt desperately. Even the new calves were painful out of her reach without a pack to wear out and distract the mothers. So instead she scoped out the herd, thinking about what she would go for if she had a pack once more. Above her the azure and pink sky glowed, dimming in the east as the sun fled into the west.

Speech, Thoughts


07-05-2013, 07:59 PM

Heaven could boast all it wanted about team work. Eren was already plotting to take down one of the children on her own. No, nevermind that, she would need numbers if she were to have done that. One hit by those horns and ribs could be snapped her lungs could be ripped out and even worse her heart could stop. Plus, the waste of energy just wasn't worth the effort. She stood up down crouching down and sighed catching the scent of the other wolf who was on the other side of the herd. Her ears pulled forward as the Glaciem wolfs head tilted, what was a young small female like that doing out here all alone, near a herd of bison at that? Eren made her way across to the female and stopped a few feet away, she didn't want to get too close, in case she thought of her as a threat.
"Hi, you alone too?" Eren called, though she didn't have to speak too loud, she wasn't on the other side of the herd anymore. the little creatures crawled about as did the bigger ones. It kind of scared her, she was so used to jungle and open snow terrain rather than this thing with a bunch of animals that could attack her. Then again, she had gotten tigers where she lived, those things had been a pain in the butt to fend off, Eren had been able to get away by hiding in rivers and climbing trees though.


07-05-2013, 11:49 PM

Flint's ears caught the traces of an approach before the voice intruded on the quiet of the sunset. Her nose quivered as she tried to pick up any traces of the wolf's scent. She could tell the voice was female, but anything else was carried away by the wind. Miffed, Flint threw a glance over her shoulder. The wolfess' eyes caught Flint's attention first, they were a luminescent shade of green she had never seen before. Her build was small and her fur was dark, and she seemed to have a kind countenance. Flint's instincts only mildly twinged so she shrugged and said, "Not any more, apparently. How about you, wandering the hills strikes your fancy?" Flint turned back to the sunset and waited for her to respond, thinking about the odd surplus of wolves in this land, and the great variety between them. She had never seen another place quite like it in all her years. She wondered what this young wolf would be like, if she would be just as unusual as the others.

Speech, Thoughts


07-06-2013, 11:47 AM

Hardly, this place made her feel uneasy, but exploring was all she needed to gain the information she needed to survival. She didn't give a crap about this female, but she'd be nice because she'd done nothing to her after all. Eren was nothing special in her eyes in everyone's eyes possibly. She inched closer wind waving through her hair as she offered a friendly smile and dipped her head. "Not so much wandering as much as gathering information. If only my pack was bigger and we could go on a group hunt. But for now we fend for ourselves until the queen speaks upon us." Eren laughed a little bit, the queen. Strong, valiant, that was for sure, Eren wondered if she really could follow such a woman. She probably could since she really didn't care much more or less. Eren was alright anyway, as long as her health wasn't in danger she had nothing against anyone, not to mention fighting took too much of her energy and she never found it 'fun'. Nothing was fun to her really.
"My name is Eren I'm from Glaciem in the north." Eren greeted, names were a good thing to exchange weren't they. You remember the name and face, and scent of everyone you ran into. At least, that was how Eren did it, she was smart with a very good memory at mind. She shook her fur free of any dry grass, and flicked her tail. Be comfortable, if she wasn't then she wouldn't talk properly and there was nothing to hide. This female wasn't an enemy so far.


07-06-2013, 01:24 PM

This she wolf, while seeming oddly monotone on the surface, also seemed like she would do well enough for company. Flint offered no argument as the stranger moved slightly closer. As she began to talk, Flint gave her her utmost attention, soaking in any and all details about the land she was still coming to know. The fact that this young female was 'gathering information' intrigued her and she decided it was worth further questioning. When she was fairly certain her guest had finished speaking she replied, Eren, then. I'm Flint. I know how it is, my old pack used to hunt stags and elk large enough to feed us for weeks. I haven't eaten that well in years, unless it was scraps."

Flint's stomach rumbled at the thought of a fresh meal. She wasn't even hungry, but the transition from the finest hunter in her pack to a lone rodent-eating Rogue was a hard blow and one she still, years later, had not grown accustomed to. Belatedly, Flint realized she had distracted herself yet again. What type of information are you looking for, exactly?" If Flint had any of the information the small wolf was searching for she would consider giving it up. It seemed a fair reward seeing as she found herself enjoying the quiet, calm wolf's company. It was the sort of companionship she enjoyed, the simple, non-committal type. Contentment for contentment, in a way.

Speech, Thoughts


07-06-2013, 02:44 PM

Eren looked back at the bison, two wolves wasn't enough to take them down even as much as she wished it. So she would be no help to the girls hunger. It made her slightly upset, but she had to make the most of it. she gave a bit of a smile though. "I haven't been to ala for very long, I'm exploring finding whats best to eat whats not, herbs that will come in handy. Stuff like that." She explained on the information part. Truely since considering Eren ate a deer yesterday but she had another wolf with her to help. Speaking of which there was a rabbit nearby judging by the scent. Yet, she wondered if Flint would like to have some rabbit or not. "Though perhaps we should hunt down some deer sometime. You could come to Glaciem if you'd like we need the members." Eren said.
"Though I give fair warning if you can't take care of yourself Eos won't accept you." She warned with a tilt of her head. You had to pull your own weight. It was harsh, but it was life and Eren was totally fine with that. After all, she had her own thoughts. It was an interesting thing after all. She happily flicked her tail, she was getting good at speaking with others. It actually felt natural now, and she was also a bit more happy since she had met Kypsis. Though it didn't look like it, she looked monotone and bored. Even though she was far from it.


07-06-2013, 03:44 PM

Flint blinked as she realized that this young wolf was also staring longingly at the bison before them. Flint glared at the large sacks of meat below them, milling about, taunting them. She forced herself to tear back into focus as Eren began to talk once more. Damn, she thought. Can't help her with that. I'm awful with plants, they all look the same to me. She would have said as much but the female continued on. Her offer for a true hunt was deeply tempting and Flint licked her lips despite herself. To taste fresh meat after the hunt once more... Even the thought was sweet enough to make her paws itch. She stretched her forelimbs out in front of her and said, A hunt? Very tempting. You have the aura of a hunter too, it wold be fun to run with you." She rolled her shoulders, never overly eager to jump into anything, even a hunt. "Perhaps."

When Eren mentioned joining her pack, Flint paused. Overall the idea seemed... off-putting. As desperate as Flint had been recently for companionship, her soul still ached for wandering in these wide open places, unlimited and unaligned with the larger forces of this land. At the same time, if Eren's pack was so small that they couldn't hunt even a bison, perhaps she should lend a paw. It had been a long while since Flint had thought for others besides herself, and it was a hard train of thought to slip back into. Self-sacrifice had never been her strong point, even among her family. And yet, the older she grew, the less her youthful urges seemed to drag her about. A home, a family? It was powerfully enticing, so she automatically shied away. She must not be impulsive, she must not commit. "A pack, eh? Curious line of thought, that." She knew she had given Eren very little to go on, but at the moment that did not concern her. The young wolf might not have realized it, but she'd just set Flint's emotions aswirl.

Speech, Thoughts


07-08-2013, 02:08 PM

Eren smiled, hunting was indeed fun and it was the best thing she could do. One of the rare things she considered fun, because she was surviving off of it and there was no other reason. No play involved at all, and something she could connect to rather than be confused about it this entire time. Eren shifted her weight slightly and sneezed a bit from the grass. Picking up the scent of some deer along the way, what luck could strike them. Slightly ignoring her note on the pack Eren nodded her head. "Come on, you can think about it later. I don't want to push any ideas onto you." The girl noted as she walked off in the direction of a herd of deer. There was a male with two females and a small baby, grazing on the grass as the dark colored wolf crouched down attempting to hid herself among the grass.
She wanted to go after one of the bigger ones, the females, but they needed to isolate her. Eren cut off to the side as she watched them, highly alert. She waited until they got close enough and jumped out as they began to scatter, targeting one female she charged herself against it, flying off from the rest of the herd. Her paws hitting against the dirt as she came up to the side, trusting flint to give her all the support she needed. Dragging her teeth on the rump of the animal and digging her back paws into the dirt the animal started to kick as Eren struggled to hinder its movements. Pulling down on its hide and tasting blood within her mouth only making her even more hungry.


07-09-2013, 04:47 PM

Flint was grateful that the smaller female didn't pressure her any further. Instead she took her by surprise, taking off into the wind, chasing after the scent of deer. Flint's instincts lit like a spark in a dry meadow. As she followed Eren along buffalo and other game trails, every step blew more fuel into her fire until she was a blaze of heightened senses. When they came to the edge of a clearing, Flint caught sight of the small herd. The hunt had been Eren's idea and the smaller female had taken the lead getting them here, so Flint was more than happy with letting her take the lead on this final push as well. Flint watched the black wolf as she picked her target, one of the larger does. The herd was grazing rather close together, so Flint knew what she had to do.

As Eren took off after her target, Flint ran a hard line between the doe and the other wolves. The buck, the other female and her fawn took off one way while the target doe sprang to the opposite side. Flint was hard on her heels, watching as Eren leaped for the startled cervidae. Eren tore at the doe's hindquarters so Flint leaped at her shoulders. Their combined weight dragged the bleating doe down, and Flint ended it with a quick snap at the jugular. With huffing, self-satisfied breaths Flint stepped back, a sly grin on her face. She listened to the crashing sounds as the rest of the deceased deer's herd crashed through the underbrush. As Eren was a pack wolf and Flint was simply a Rogue she had the right to eat first, so she waited, to winded to verbalize, so she just hope Eren would catch on.

Speech, Thoughts


07-10-2013, 06:44 PM

Eren was glad that they had been able to pull down the deer. Digging her teeth into it, this was the second chance she had gotten to eat before her friend who had helped her catch it. Strange feeling, but it took her over after her instincts kicked in in her survival ridden brain. Eren finished her part of the deer, muzzle stained in blood as she looked over at Flint. Dipping her head she moved back and flicked her tail. She was tired of being judged for who she was, so for the most part she might as well been herself besides for the slightest secrets that she kept. Her eyes moved over towards the sky, spring meant rain, and she could see rain clouds coming in by the looks of it. Her ears twitched as she smiled at Flint.
"That was a nice hunt, I thank you for the help." Eren hadn't eaten much of the deer, since she never ate her fill, she ate just enough for her survival. So much of the savory parts of the deer were still there. As she stood up shook her fur stretching her muzzles. While she didn't know much about flint, she was getting better at speaking with strangers. Probably would be a skill she would need to live in the world she did at the moment.


07-10-2013, 08:22 PM

The saliva had begun to pool in her mouth by the time Eren finished her share. It was hard to restrain herself but she held back for the sake of making a good first impression. She had been highly ranked in her birth pack, more so than her siblings at any rate, and usually ate just after her parents. She was only second in this arrangement, but it also meant she was last. To a certain degree in grated on her nerves, but she had made the conscious decision to step back and allow Eren first bite, and that was how it was. Not to mention by the time the female thanked her and stepped away, Flint was too excited to do anything other than dive in. She tore at the meatiest bits, tearing and chomping and relishing every bite. The fresh, copious amounts of meat had been foreign to her for all too long.

It wasn't until she was fit to burst that she stepped back. The large doe had been two much for just two wolves but Flint knew scavengers would be on it as soon as the two wolves left the area. If it was winter they might already have been there. In the coldest of months when she was traveling through a series of frozen lakes and forest, she had had a small flock of ravens following her. She remembered the bird's garbled caws fondly. They had been company in otherwise lonely days. With a shake she pulled herself back to reality and looked to Eren. "That was wonderful, thank you for the hunt." Flint took a few long, languid paces away from the deer and flopped down, enjoying the heat from the earth. "I can't remember how long it's been since I've been this full." She paused a moment then, "Did you eat enough? There's plenty there." She watched the smaller shewolf with interest, feeling a certain kinship after sharing a hunt and a meal.

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