
I'm feeling what you're feeling



9 Years
Athena I
04-15-2018, 09:00 PM

Oria weaved through the rocks that dotted the mostly empty landscape until she found one that was a bit lower so that she could hop up onto it. From her higher vantage point she peered out over the other rock fixtures, a soft smile on her lips. The wind caught her fur and made it ripple in the breeze, catching the feather dangling off of her bracelet as well. She closed her eyes and let herself savor the feeling for a while. It was hard hard to believe that she was already eight years old. All the traveling seemed to keep her in shape and kept her feeling younger than she actually was, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she wouldn't be able to keep up this level of adventure any more.

Hymn had mentioned finding a pack to live in and even though she was still on the fence over the whole thing she knew it was probably the right thing to do. Maybe she would be able to put her healing knowledge to use if nothing else. She opened her emerald gaze again and turned her gaze back toward the ground. She hopped down again and glanced around, looking to see if her mate was near by. Sometimes she got lost in her own thoughts and wandered off on her own. It was a wonder that he put up with her at all. She grinned a little at the thought and lifted her head to let out a gentle howl for him. Now to see if he was actually near by or if she'd have to go looking for him.




12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
06-02-2018, 07:03 PM

Hymn had yet to really find his last child, Octave; though all his children had still managed to slip away from where he had last seen them. Though he was confident they'd show up when he called for them. His mother and her traveling companion had moved further south and west. He had wanted to follow them; to keep his mother close so as not to lose her but he didn't want to call the family together about potentially joining the pack it seemed they were headed for until after getting a chance to talk to his wayward son.

With all these thoughts of his children he hadn't spent as much time with his wife as he wanted. Not that it seemed to be causing any problems yet; still he didn't want it to become a problem so he'd decided to try and track Oria down.

He was just approaching the large boulders when he heard her call for him and Hymn couldn't help but grin. He would pick up his pace, first a trot, then a loping run as he sought out the woman who had called for him. He rounded a boulder and bright ceruleans landed on her form. He chuckled, slowing as he approached her. "You looking for someone miss?" He teased, moving to stand before the stone she stood upon. With a gunt he launched himself up it's side, his height making it an easy leap. Once he found his footing he approached his mate, looking to nuzzle at her neck.  


Art by Sterling-Raven

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



9 Years
Athena I
06-08-2018, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2018, 12:58 PM by Oria.)

A short time passed and just when Oria considered getting down from her perch to go in search of him her mate rounded the corner and appeared in her line of sight. "You looking for someone miss?" She grinned and chuckled at his statement while her tail wagged gently behind her. "I'm not anymore," she replied in her slightly accented tone. Any accent she may have had from her homeland was mostly gone at this point, but it still sometimes showed its face when she was very happy or angry. She shifted slightly to the side so that Hymn would have more room to join her on the boulder and she watched as he leaped up beside her.

She smiled and moved toward him to return the nuzzle to his neck as well. "It's good to see you again, my love." Pretty much her whole life she had been naturally independent so she never felt bothered or upset by being left to her own devices for extended periods of time, but she was still joyful when they were reunited. Maybe it helped that she had fully matured and grown into her own by the time she met him. She felt blessed by her gods to have met such a loving yet understanding man.

She took a small step back so that she could see his face again, smiling once again when her gaze connected with his. The bright blue gaze he possessed had been one of the first things that had drawn her to him. "I was wondering... did you still want to join a pack here? I think I've used up my wanderlust... at least for now," she said with a teasing grin. She knew the search for their ever wayward children had taken up most of his time and she had to admit that she felt a bit guilty for instilling such a love of exploring in each of them.




12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
06-08-2018, 08:37 PM

Hymn chuckled lightly as she responded to his question, a smile on his face.  "Glad I could be of some service." He responded. Then they were embracing; her nose pushing into his own fur. "I missed you." He cooed, his voice soft and genuine. They were not attached at the hip as his mothers had been; not that he'd have any other way. His mate's independence was one of the the many things that he loved about her; though it'd be hard to find something about her he didn't appreciate.

They pulled away and his gaze met hers, the smile on his face widening. Gods she was gorgeous. She spoke, asking the question that had brought them here in the first place. "My mother seemed committed at this point about joining a pack, and I would like to join with her at some point... if you're alright with that. Your my family too and I don't want to foist anything on you you don't want to do." As much as he wanted to stay connected to his mother he knew he would follow Oria to the ends of the earth if that's what she wanted and he could understand the wanderlust she might feel. Their children came by it naturally, he hadn't exactly been known for sticking around in any one place too long once he was old enough to take care of himself.


Art by Sterling-Raven

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3