
The Rotten Core Inside



7 Years
Chrono I

04-25-2018, 07:27 PM

Location: Cedar Falls
Herb: Alfalfa

Interested in observing the surrounding lands of the pack, Aranea would make her first stop at Cedar Falls thinking it would be a great source of herbs and the closest at that. The Canyon provided a great deal too, but the river starting to dry up was having her thoughts spinning. If the river in the stone ravine was starting to dry up, they had to find another source of water, at least for a season or two. Or so she thought.

She would walk up stream towards the sound of the crashing water. It was a quiet fall though, a very gentle flow of water that was falling from the cliff. She would breathe in deeply to the scent of the evergreens, soothing her body and soul almost to a tranquil state. She would approach the small pool of water, her eyes slowly moving up the flow of the free falling body of water. She wouldn't realize the tears coming from her eyes until she blinked, a few moments after admiring the beauty. But that wasn't why she was crying. The crashing sound of the falls, the physical view of the falling water, it reminded her of home. And Waterfall Peak wasn't her home, her children were.

Dropping her head, she put her paw to her face to wipe the tears away and start her scout. She came across a few things: Horsetail, Valerian Root, and Alfalfa. She was still sniffing around until she caught a rather close movement in her peripheral vision. She would nearly jump, but immediately drop her guard as she was staring at this very sickly looking dear right before her. It was thin and bony, it didn't even have the energy to run from her. It seemed to just have given up on life and was living it's last days as well it could. That or it was just looking at her like "put me out of my misery".

She would turn to walk away from the deer, as it was walking away from her too, and would go back to the Alfalfa. Maybe if she took this back to the pack before it was withered and dry like the herbs back home it could be distributed among the members to keep the weight on them if there would be a drought.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead