
Jewell x Kaine kids for readoption



4 Years
04-16-2018, 09:44 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2018, 09:46 AM by Jewell.)
I have 2 available for readoption. Both are boys and I would like it to remain that way. They will need new appearances as theirs were not given to me to readopt out with them. Their personalities may change but must remain on the lighter spectrum. Icly they are missing and will need to be threaded as being found by a member of lirim, though I am open to other ideas, such as perhaps if den is willing, Kaine finding them. I would prefer they return to lirim though. Names may be changed. These kids primary language is French but the have a grasp of English as most of lirim speak English.

Toulouse Emil Adrevendi- male | height to be determined | born in spring
Would like him to remain on the larger spectrum as he was one of the largest of the litter. Has yet to be played.

Montagué Carlisle Adrevendi- male | height to be determined | born in spring
Would like him to remain on the smaller side as he has been played as the runt.

Designs(please do not use your own)

[B]OOC Name:[/b]
[B]who your applying for:[/b] Toulose or Montagué
[B]Name changing?:[/b] What you would like to change their name to(must be french)
[B]Design:[/b] please chose one provided by me
[B]Appearance:[/b] 150+ words
[B]personality:[/b] 150+ words
[B]plans:[/b] what have they been doing? What do you want to do with them?
[B]role play sample:[/b] 200+ words

I reserve the right to reclaim these kids should you fall inactive or leave the site. All art for them shall also go with them.



5 Years
04-16-2018, 10:33 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2018, 08:17 AM by Serene.)
OOC Name: LadyLuna
who your applying for: Montagué
Name changing?: Bastyan / Bellamy

Appearance: Bass has always been a bit on the small side, being the runt of his litter, but is slowly but surely growing into himself. Because he was the runt, he will always be small, his adult height reaching a mere 22 inches. Even smaller than his petite mother! Though he may not be as tall as his other siblings, he is rather fine tuned, with strong muscles lining his form. Bass will never be as thick muscled as the other males, so he has to work on his speed, his endurance, being able to land quick and numerous hits rather than one swift blow. He will be quick, agile, and with hard work he will pack a mean bite!

His fur takes after his mother in mostly; medium coat length with a base color of fawn tans and a lighter underbelly that also marks his muzzle and under his eyes. This would be the only indication of his relation to his sire Kaine, as Bass will not acquire any of the strong Abraxes genes, like some of his larger siblings might've. It's not all bad though, as Bass has adopted some of his mother's breathtaking markings instead.

Running along his back and shoulders, down to the very tip of his tail, is his families rainbow stripe. Starting as a vibrant red around his shoulders, the colors effortlessly blend into orange, yellow, green, blue, and his tail is even a lovely pink! On top of his face sits a pair of dazzling green limes, casting out a curious gaze as he watches and learns.

personality: A kind soul is the basic building block of this young male. He is selfless in his desire to aid those in need, and his ability to assume the best in wolves until further notice is admirable. But the most defining part of his nature, despite his absence, is his loyalty to family. Yes, sometimes siblings fight, and maybe a word or two are said when they shouldn't have, but in the end blood is blood and Bastyan knows that family is one of the most important things in life. The wolves you are related to, are there for you when you need it the most, and (in most cases) will never turn their backs to you.

Bastyan is still a pup, so even though he was out on his own, and deemed himself a man, he is still a very playful kid wanting to run around and play all day. Play fighting, rough housing, and training are some of his more favored activities. But at the end of the day, the little runt loves to snuggle up close to his mother, who he thinks almost like a goddess of. She who has always been there for him; to love him, nurture him, and help him learn about the world. He is a big mamas boy, though he will never truly admit it.

(In the future)But this young man isn't all sunshine and rainbows, despite his appearance. In fact, it's his very appearance that makes him a little bitter on the inside. Bass has a bit of a short wolf complex, which isn't unusual in male runts. Most guys are bigger, stronger, and physically superior in nearly every way. Well Bastyan is determined to make that not true. He is a generally nice guy, with a honorable gentlemen personality. But when he is bullied about his height, he can become aggressive or hostile. Perhaps this is where his sire's bloodline comes into play. As it is the Abraxes's way to have a temper, though it will be only seen on rare and provoked occasions.

plans:  If approved for adoption, I would like to plot out that Bastyan left to prove himself, that even though he may have been born a runt, he is still one of the strongest, bravest wolves in the litter. I would say he left to be out in the wilderness on his own, learning to fend for himself and prove he doesn't need to rely on anyone else.

I would have him return to Lirim mostly on his desire to be with his family again, but he will mostly try to hide this aspect. Instead, I imagine he will return and say he did "just to prove he didn't die" or that he "came back to help the pack". I expect it to probably be a pretty emotional return, seeing how long he has been gone and how worried his family has been about his absence. He'll probably be pretty emotional too, but will try his best to hide the fact because he's "a big boy now".

In the future, I would like Bass to be a fighter and/or a hunter, using a skill that would continue to build on his desire to prove himself a man. But I would also like him to be a social butterfly, trying to catch up and reacquaint himself with everyone in the pack. No matter how long that takes. Eventually he will probably want to go on more adventures, and probably bump into his future wife while doing so. Though I imagine him finding a mate to be a rather daunting task, as he will also think himself inadequate. But with a lot of reassurance and patience, I would very much so like for him to have a least one litter (I mean look at him he's too fricken cute not to have puppies).  

role play sample: 200+ words
He had been wandering for days now, trying to find his way back. Back to the place he knew he belonged, surround by the wolves he cared most about. He had left in such a rush, did he even stop to think about the consequences? No, of course not. Because he had been too selfish to even think about what this time away would've meant for his family. But he needed to, he had to prove himself, and so he did. Bastyan had left the comforts of Lirim, of his family and friends, and had gone out into the world beyond their borders. He had survived. Though it was tough. Lime eyes glazed over as he thought about that first horrible night away from home, lost in a sea of bitter cold and trembling in fear. He was just a pup back then; thinking that every rustling leave was out to get him, that the wind was whispering his death. The male could almost laugh at it now, not even recognizing such a kid as himself.

Yet, despite all his desires to be on his own and to survive the wilderness without aid, he lacked company. He lacked that need of feeling complete, like he was a part of something, rather than just floating around in the world without a tether to it. He would never admit it to his brothers, but Bastyan missed home. He missed the warmth of his mother's embrace, and the laughter of his siblings. He missed feeling like he was a part of something. So the runt was making his way home. Past the tall pines and snow capped mountains, through lush valleys and over a land of sand. Lirim called out to him; he could hardly remember where he had been in the past week, yet somehow he could feel which direction was home. Like a homing beacon was planted in his heart, Bass new which road to take. Short legs moved quickly over the terrain, the young male only stopping at night to rest. He needed to get home, because even though he had proved himself able, he was still just a pup. And every pup needs his family.




4 Years
04-16-2018, 10:43 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2018, 07:29 PM by Wyvern.)
OOC Name: Lolaf
who your applying for: Toulose
Name changing?: Célestin
[Image: OMUHCLR.png]
(Custom design approved by Asena)

Appearance: While not a totally hulking beast Célestin is visibly more Abraxas than he is Adravendi, he will stand an impressive 41 inches tall and when fully grown he will be quite the tank, his form will be weighted down by all of his bulky muscle which will be clearly visible beneath his short, coarse pelt.

As for his pelt that is where his mixed heritage will shine through, while the base of his coat will be a deep chocolate brown reminiscent of his father most of his markings are clearly directly from his mother. A brilliant spectrum of color: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and Pink in that order running along along his spine, with the red starting at the crown of his skull and the pink at the tip of his tail. A few flecks of these rainbows sneak down the sides of his body as well, the orange and yellow, on his upper foreleg; blue and green just slightly below where they run along his back and violet and magenta just above the hock of his left back leg. The rest of his markings are more natural in coloration. A light grey cream color feathers the whole length of the underside of his tail, runs up from his nose to between his eyes in a blaze and marks his back left paw. A pure, clean white marks the underside of his eyes, running just past the outsider corner, the rainbow on his back is also marked by six splotches of white along his back. The same white marks his toes and just slightly up his back left paw, flecked up slightly beyond that.

His gaze is eerily familiar to one of his adoptive family, the center of his iris is a orange close to the orange of his father's eye and the outer part of the iris is a brilliant blue like his mother's eyes.

personality: The boy is nearly the opposite of who his mother is now. He is more akin to who she was before, he is endlessly friendly and as he grows will be a little charmer. Célestin loves meeting new wolves and he will always approach strangers with the intention of making them his friend. Not that he will have the naivete of his mother, he is clever and grasps that the world won't always be kind but he is what can be called an optimist, believing there is good in all and hoping to bring it out in those he meets. As he grows and matures Célestin will be a bit of a flirt, he doesn't appear to have much of a filter when it comes to expressing his earnest feelings.

The boy while determined to do his best to protect those he cares about is really a pacifist, he prefers not to use his strength against anyone else though will do his best to remain well trained just in case.

Célestin is also wildly competitive in most other ways than fighting, he is determined to be the best he can and especially with his family will often find himself pitting himself against them. That aside he is strongly attached to his family; they are the few wolves he'd willing fight for and while he may not always get along with them will always love them.

plans: Célestin decided to go on an adventure and simply got too wrapped up in all the new wolves he met and all the cool things he saw; he hasn't yet grasped that his disappearance might negatively affect his family. 
As for plans, I'd love for him to return to Lirim and try to intigrate himself into the pack. He'll wanna meet all the wolves in the pack. 
If Blaise is determined to become an Alpha than so is Célestin and will seek to compete with his brother to prove his alphaness. 
As for the future beyond that I'd like to see him have a few potential whirlwind romances before finally having a family of his own but nothing much beyond that. 

role play sample: Célestin rolled onto his back, his forelegs rigid and sticking straight into the air, he flopped his head to the side and allowed his tongue to loll out of his gaping mouth. He closed his eyes and for a moment held his breath. 1. 2. 3. One eyelid flew open to peek at his uncle poking around. Squeezing his eyes closed again he counted again. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. He peeked again, his uncle was now heading towards him, Célestin could see his paws approaching and he closed his eyes again. 

Closer, closer, just a bit more. 

The feeling of a cold nose pressing against his side. Now! With a graah! unleashed from his lips he leapt to his paws, launching himself at his poor helpless and definitely surprised uncle's face. The boy giggled as he slid down the man's face.

"I gotcha, didn't I? I did!" He gloated, watching his uncle's face, a cocky grin plastered on the boy's face.

"You got me." His uncle admitted and Célestin bound to his paws and turn. His comically large paws nearly tripping him up as he sprinted away from his uncle, scanning for his brother. "Blaise, venez venez." He called searching for his brother, he had managed a sneak attack on their uncle which meant he was a master of stealth so his brother needed to know.

Wyvern's companion Farai is a Pibald Leopard of the same age and is always with her unless explicitly stated otherwise.  

[Image: xcqB3Q8.png]

Linart by Pimsri
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



3 Years
04-16-2018, 06:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2018, 06:55 PM by Vivienne.)
Ooc name:Bear
Who are you applying for: Montagué Carlisle Adrevendi
Name changing?: I will keep Montagué if i have to, but i would prefer Chévaliér
Gender: Male
Design: These one

[Image: 7KlBxZp.png]
His size will be around 17" inches coming from a smaller side, and to be a light boy weighing maybe around 60-85 pounds. The boy holds a rainbow of colors...Literally his coat starts with a deep red, reminding him of blood slowly fading into a orange, it takes very little of his coat before a sunshine yellow spurts from the coat a green flowing down his legs and down his rib cage, with ease his front paws are sky blue, his waist holds the same sky blue which then quietly fades to a darker blue before reaching a purple that ends on his knees within his legs and half way down his tail before the rest of his body is painted with pink. Little clouds seem to splatter among his forum, on creating a slice right from her dark blue eyes. These colors fade with a darker hue, only making the runt stand out even more he hopes one day they will become more of a lighter color. As his clouds fade into a lighter tone of the colors, they burst into he loves this way the color down his fur, like a thick wad of paint yet find a way to blend so sweetly into each color. And how his face holds those markings that make his eyes stick out even more, that stain the pupils of his orbs.
Personality: He has the imagination of a will of a wisp as they say, he will grow into a mighty warrior never to betray his loved ones and to the ones who do will, never see the light again he isn't going to stand to see his loved ones hurt never....Among the world he would die for his loved ones. His beauty is great, but himself he is a warrior. He wouldn't care to get hurt, if his loved ones is still standing from his point of view everything is a new friend at first but if they take a turn, he will always think they are a enemy. And his loved ones will never be, he hopes they all grow into a strong set of young ones. And he wouldn't let that go to waste. Because of these he will probably stay closer to his family, and loved ones the ones he trusts to very very much. The ones he holds so dearly to his meek heart, yes he may be small but he is a giant inside. He may seem weak but that is because he never usually has a reason, to be one to hold aggression. He will always be there for the ones he trusts no matter what, ever happens.
-Live a happy life
-Make him master fighter via points
-Get him to become a alpha
RP Sample: The boy hoped effortless over stone, paws tracing each one slowly. His orbs bright with excitement, he loved to play. His back legs careened upwards, as he lept over bank. He gave way of a small yip, as his back limb slipped into the mud. He growled lowly giving a small lick to it. He then set back of to find his mum, his tail brushing the ground slowly, as he made a jump over a log. His auds swerved to retreat to the front of his, crown little sounds of birds and frogs pecked away effortlessly. He gave a low growl, as the noises became overwhelming. But as these happened a most great song, filled his ears "Maman!" he cried, leaping up and down before sprinting as fast as he could in the detection of that song. His tail lashing around, as he ran in a happy ball of fluff to only fling herself at her mother once she entered the clearing.

A small voice spoke up from inside there small den, his siblings he ran over his tail lashing out slowly. He poked inside lowering his front half to stalk his sibling, he flung himself atop his brother who gave a yelp, "Pas juste!" he growled, trying to throw his brother off whom only playfully bite his neck. "Votre souris morte!" he growled lowly, his tail brushing the ground. "Bien je vais céder!" his little brother said once more, with a push at his chest and a quivering whimper.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-16-2018, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2018, 07:56 PM by Dragon.)

OOC Name: Dragon hear me roar!
who your applying for: Montague
Name changing?: Beaumont
Design: The one above (approved)
Beau is on the small side of things with a meager 25" in height. He's not the tiniest wolf in the world, but he is considerably smaller than his siblings. He'll never grow to be as large as them but what he lacks in height he makes up for with speed and agility. Beaumont is a beautiful male, and what makes him stand out from other plain looking wolves is the top coat of ice blue reminiscent of the glacial waters in the north. In fact, should he ever visit the north lands then one might find it hard to spot him since he tends to blend in well to snowy surroundings. Along the lower half of his body is a dirty white, close to the lightest ashen color. Blue covers the entirety of the top part of his body, covering his face like a mask and cascades all along his back, shoulders, and sides and stops just along his tail. Glacial blue rises up the front of all four legs, the tip of his tail, and lightly tapers down his neck.

Intermixed with the icy blue on his back is a darker blue, effortlessly mixing together like the ocean. His eyes are the same glacier blue as his fur, and he's also inherited the color pigments on his skin from his mothers side with a blue nose and even his claws hold the same color. He is a beautiful beast to say the least, with a thick coat and proud stature. His voice is soft yet firm when he needs to be. His ears are often standing at attention, always erect no matter the situation. His tail is bushy, with thicker and slightly longer fur growing there as well as on the back of his thighs, elbows, and even framing his head and neck. While he may be small, the male is bulky and it shows most on his chest, shoulders, and hindquarters. Thick powerful legs carry him easily across the lands, large paws easily carrying him over the deepest snow.

The male generally keeps his coat well kept and clean and his grooming habits are nearly an obsession for him. He doesn't like to get dirty, but if it happens then he will rush to clean himself up as quickly as possible when he gets the first opportunity to do so. Another thing of note is that Beaumont often walks with a regal stride, even though he has no inheritance that he knows of, he walks with a proud gait with head held high.
personality: 150+ words
plans: what have they been doing? What do you want to do with them?
role play sample: 200+ words

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



1 Year
Dire wolf
04-17-2018, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2018, 03:22 PM by Blaise.)

Toulouse goes to Lolaf with her application of Célestin! You will be sent the password to the account as soon as staff reset it <3



4 Years
Extra small
04-25-2018, 08:50 PM
I will be closing this tomorrow night after I get off so get in ur apps and finish them

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.



1 Year
Dire wolf
04-27-2018, 07:55 AM

Montagué goes to lady Luna with her application of Bastyan. I will pm u the password.

@bear- while I liked your app, it felt like to me you were trying to play off of Blaise's personality. Advice for the next time you apply for something, try to be completely original. Make your own out of what you are given. And when you are told they are missing try to imagine a reason for this.

@Dragon- I would of loved to continue reading yours but as you didn't finish I couldn't go with your <3 better luck next application <3