
Monsters In The Dark


04-20-2018, 02:19 AM
He had never been here before. But what he saw so far was quite fascinating. Rusty bits of metal were littered everywhere, most half buried by the sands of time. What caught his attention the most was a huge metal contraption, dusted over and rusty. It was broken, of course. But it was the biggest thing he had ever seen. Walking up to the rusty old tank, sniffing at it for a good while. When his nose touched the cold metal, he jumped back as if expecting it to come to life. After a few moments, he realized that his creature was dead...probably. He was feeling bold, so slowly he placed on paw on it, then two. After testing it by touch, he leaped onto it and climbed to the top where the barrel was, and there he looked out over the world from a new perspective. How long had these things been here? Where did they come from? He had never heard stories of humans before, so he wondered how something so alien and unnatural ended up here. Were they animals? He didn't know.

Text speech Thought



6 Years
Extra large

04-27-2018, 11:17 AM

He had come across large metal structures before, the ship in Auster being the largest he'd ever experienced. He didn't know what made him but some part of him knew they were made by something. Demons, perhaps? Some part of him wondered if there were more things like this in the afterlife, if Ruina's kingdom in the Underworld was made of metal too.

He wanted to know, but that curiosity would be sated in due time.

He moved with well-trained grace, long limbs carrying his wide-splayed paws delicately like the legs of a Doberman silently carrying it around the junkyard it was bred to protect. His gaze met each metal device with studious intent, but the large tank in the center of the field drew his attention. It wasn't until he saw the tank that he thought for a moment that these might have once been battlegrounds. The thing was huge and looked capable of withstanding nearly anything thrown at it- how hard would it have been for wolves to take one down? Could they have been able to? How did you take down an opponent made of metal?

He was curious, but an eerie feeling kept him at bay. He had no intentions of getting closer to it and risking summoning it to life after all this time. With everything that he'd witnessed in his life, nothing really seemed to shock him anymore- he would not be surprised if this device was waiting for him. He had every intention of getting out of the field and continuing on his march without looking back - until he saw another beginning to climb the tank.

He'd missed the scent, the wind working against him and carrying it away from him, but as he looked over the young man he recognized him immediately as one of his sons that had been in Aures' company. He was climbing the very thing Elias was doing his best to avoid in this field, and that issued a sigh from him almost immediately. Where was his sense of caution?

Elias came to a distance of twenty feet from the tank and Rein and called out, "What are you going to do when that thing wakes up?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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05-09-2018, 05:55 PM
He was focused at surveying the lands from his new vantage point, he hadn't really noticed the approach of someone he had met only once but didn't remember. Not until the large male called out. Rein turned to look at him, a vague sense of apprehension and confusion as he tilted his head. He slowly gazed down at the thing he was standing on, almost ready to flee should it move. He waited. But nothing happened. The steel beneath his feet was cold, and no life seemed to come from it. Was it hibernating? Maybe it was just dead? He looked back up to the man, studying him with a curious gaze. "I think it's dead, see?" He turned around and started to scratch the top of it, his claws making a strange screech and scraping sound that was starting to hurt his ears. He stopped after a few scratches, shaking his head to rid himself of the strange sound. Well, if it wasn't dead then he didn't know what to think. It made weird sounds when he scratched it, none he had ever heard before. Still, he wanted to keep investigating it, and if it did come to life then he was sure he'd be quick enough to flee. Turning to look at the man, he raised a brow with a mischevious grin, "You scared or somethin'?"

Text speech Thought



6 Years
Extra large

05-09-2018, 06:10 PM

Rein began scratching the steel surface of the army tank and immediately, Elias grimaced and flattened his ears to try and dull the sound. He had the sensitive ears of a hunter, and that sound was by far worse than most he had ever heard. He shook his head once it was done, unintentionally mirroring Rein exactly while they both tried to rid themselves of the feeling the sound left behind.

He observed Rein's red and blue gaze when he looked at him, a breath escaping his teeth some as he thought of the demons that might inhabit the boy. He lifted his head with a smirk when Rein questioned him, "I respect them. I want to survive, and I do not waste time with foolishness. I do not think these things were ever living at all, so how could they be dead? They smell of underground metals, and yet here they are.. on the surface, lying in wait.. what brought them here?" He flicked an ear, curiously watching his son.

"There are too many questions revolving around them that I do not know the answer to, and until more of the mystery is solved- I will be avoiding them. They are here for a reason, and I will not disturb them." He turned to look toward the direction he was heading.. thinking.

"You're one of Odett-- er, Aures' children, if I am not mistaken." He nearly forgot she had changed her name.

"I am Elias Praetor, your father. I was hoping I would run into you again when you were older, and now here you are. I wanted to know you back then, and I still want to know you now. I will be securing a pack within the Eastern Mountains, you should come and find me." It appeared Elias had his heart set on getting out of these lands and continuing with his work, but it was clear by the way he looked at Reinhardt that it was hard for him to just simply walk away.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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