
If there is such a thing as miracles



11 Years
04-14-2018, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2018, 12:46 PM by Castiel.)
They weren’t getting any younger… and Ronen and Viho were still out there somewhere. So, without a word to his nephew, to anyone but Kalli and Etain, Cas had left. He felt badly for doing that to Regulus, but some small part of him wondered if his nephew knew he was going if he’d want him to go. He was what, eleven now? And on top of that he was blind… though thank the stars for Kalli helping him with that. Besides, they had Etain with them, and together he was certain that the three of them would find their sons. Castiel knew, somehow, that they were still alive. They had to be.

Castiel could hear birds, and goodness only knew how many of them there actually was. Castiel flicked his ears back, pressed close to Kalliope as they walked. He was slowing down, however. They’d been wandering around the west for some time… and it was slow going with not one, but two blind wolves in the company. Etain had her paws full for certain, especially being handicapped as well. But Cas was certain that, as a family, they could make it through anything.

“Kalli… Etain… do you smell that?” He asked, his ears perking. Had his eyes not had a film of white over them they’d be shining. His tail began to wag, and Cas was sure he was either going crazy or some miracle had happened. “Isn’t that Viho’s scent?”

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.



9 Years
Athena I
04-14-2018, 01:06 PM

When Castiel told her that he was leaving to look for their sons, it was easy for Kalliope to agree to go with him. She couldn't imagine letting him go off on his own, especially not after finding out that he was going blind. Of course she had been quick to teach him her tricks of the trade, so to speak, but she still worried over him. She had tried to convince Etain to stay in Celestial and continue her studies with the healers there since she knew how much Etain had been enjoying that, but it was understandable for her daughter to not trust the two of them being on their own. Kalliope had been on her own for years, but she wasn't nearly in the shape she used to be. Whatever that illness had been that had been plaguing her for a few seasons now had drained her energy. She was feeling a bit better now, but she still wasn't up to the level she used to be.

She walked with her side to Castiel's mostly just for her own peace of mind. Last thing she wanted was for him to run into something or fall into something or for him to get lost. Of course Etain was watching them, but it was still comforting to have him next to her. She noticed when he started to slow down and she matched his pace. At his realization she quickly lifted her nose and sniffed the air. It had been so long since she had seen Viho, but a mother would never forget her boy's scent. A smile stretched over her face and relief nearly knocked the legs out from under her. "It is... It is! Viho! Viho!" she said, her voice getting louder and calling out to him as she started calling his name. Her tail started wagging like crazy, unintentionally hitting Castiel with it in the process.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Athena I
04-14-2018, 01:20 PM
Etain glanced over her shoulder at her parents that were walking just behind her. She had her doubts that this expedition away from the pack would actually lead them to anything worth the risk of doing it, but she wouldn't dare take this away from them. Neither of them were in good health any more and if all they wanted was to find their missing sons... well then she would help them make that happen. All of this stress from her brothers being missing and their combined illnesses and her worry over her own disability impacting her ability to help the pack had made her a bit pessimistic oner the whole thing. She could have just stayed home, but she would have never forgiven herself if her parents got hurt or lost on his mission of theirs.

Just as thoughts of doubt were swirling in her head her father pointed out the presence of Viho's scent and her mother started calling for him. In pure disbelief, Etain tried to smell for his scent and she did catch it even though it seemed faint over the smells of the damp earth and the birds. Of course her parents had better sense of smell than she did, but she couldn't' deny that she smelled it too. She stood there for a moment unsure of what to do, but finally she lifted her muzzle and howled for him so that he could hear her over the sounds of the bird song around them.


04-14-2018, 01:39 PM
A familiar voice caught his attention and his head popped up to listen. He was walking through the bird-filled trees with the hopes that this was finally the right way to get home. If he was being honest with himself he probably could have made it home by now, but he wanted to go at Elpis' pace and he was enjoying his time together with her. He knew that she could certainly stay with him after he found his family if she wanted to, but he also didn't want to keep her from finding her family either. He promised that he would get them both home and he meant it. He was admittedly a bit protective over her so the second she got tired or hungry he stopped their trip to take care of her. After everything she had been through she deserved it. At least that's how he felt.

However, when he heard Etain's howl it felt like their journey was finally over. He looked to Elpis with a smile and kept walking, peering up ahead till his golden gaze finally landed on his family. He spotted Etain first, but he saw his parents standing just behind her as well. His tail wagged happily behind him and he glanced at Elpis with a big smile. "That's them! My parents and my sister!" he said before he trotted forward to go and greet them. It felt like a whole lifetime since the last time he had seen any of them. He quickly gave his smaller sister a quick nuzzle before going to his parents and pressing his face into the fur on his mother's neck, feeling suddenly like a pup again.


04-29-2018, 09:57 PM
The howls for her companion were unmistakable, and, in a way, it made Elpis feel a pit in her stomach. She had gotten used to having Viho by her side, a friend she could count on. Ever since Forsaken took them she’d been relying on him. She’d had always worried about him reuniting with her family… about how different her life would be. Thanks to Viho she’d learned some things… but she wasn’t confident in her own skills. But it was more than a survival thing she worried about. She’d miss the male… she couldn’t imagine a day going by where she couldn’t talk with him. Did that mean she was just too dependant on him?

Elpis gave a small smile though seeing how happy he was. She didn’t know what had happened to her fathers and brother… if they were even still alive. Her gaze fell as Viho moved forward to greet his family. She hung back however, not wanting to look at them. Her heart started to feel heavy. Was today going to be the day that everything changed? Was she just thinking selfishly? Shouldn’t she be happy that Viho had reunited with his family?

Well, she was happy, at least to a degree. But sad too. It was a mixed feeling… because she felt like she didn’t belong here.