
Don't wanna fight no more


05-15-2018, 12:05 PM

The moon was high in the sky, round and full and seeming to fill up the sky above him. The stars seemed so insignificant in comparison. His head was tipped up to peer at the night sky from the perch he had created for himself on top of one of the larger rocks. The pale, white light made his teal-hued fur seem more silvered along his back and brought out the lighter flecks in his golden eyes. He was resting on his stomach with his forepaws crossed ever so neatly, seeming like a picture perfect statue in the silent surroundings.

He let his head lower once again to rest on his forelegs so that his gaze could scan the world around him. Sleep was evading him thus far and he wasn't entirely motivated to force himself to sleep. Without any kind of structure or expectations it was easy to let himself just wander without purpose, sleeping and eating whenever he pleased. Part of him liked the loose and unstructured state his life was in. He'd never had a reason to be tied to one place and wanderlust was certainly in his veins. He did wonder at times what the draw of living with others was. There must be benefits to it if so many packs took up so much space around here. He knew little about them or how they worked, but it seemed logical to assume that they were-

"something else to be a disappointment," he thought to himself as he let his eyes close for a moment.




6 Years
05-22-2018, 10:02 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2018, 10:04 PM by Derecho.)

speech & thoughts

Her silver blue eyes looked at the bright, full moon. It was beautiful and it calmed her down and helped to clear her mind. She had been in Lirim for a little bit now and winter had just begun, but she couldn't help but slip away. She had forgotten what it was like to be within a pack, but she was all to familiar with the life of a loner. The life of wonder lust and travel. She couldn't back out completely from Lirim, not yet. Though all the information she was learning was a bit overwhelming and she just felt she needed some fresh air. Part of her was feeling suffocated by the attention she was getting from her uncle, the constant meals left at the mouth of her den. Though it was a wonderful thought and gesture it was strangling.

Tonight she wasn't able to sleep so she slipped away from the pack borders and into the night. Her travels led her here, where here was she didn't know. So far though the large rocks within the territory seemed highly interesting. Little did she know the history behind this place and what truly tied her here history wise. Though none of that really mattered, what did was the comfort she found in the night. The silver of the moonlight shined off her form, highlighting the silver that was already on her body. She lowered her gaze and quietly moved forward, gliding through the maze of rocks in stealth.

She wasn't looking for any particular place in the garden, just somewhere or something that would capture her attention. When that was happen it was unsure, but right now she was vary satisfied in wandering.

Art by Bleuzye


05-23-2018, 02:27 PM

When he reopened his eyes his gaze happened to land on a wolf in the distance that looked nearly like a ghost in the night. The moonlight was so kind to her, making every hair on her body shine, especially around her neck where her fur seemed to be lightest. In the quiet night as he watched her wander through the rock-filled garden of sorts he could have believed that if he blinked she would be gone with a whisper on the wind. However, she seemed very much real since he did in fact blink and she continued to remain in his line of sight.

Something about the mystery of her made him curious. Since sleep seemed far away he decided to take the chance and explore his own curiosity of this stranger. He hadn't really been interested in speaking to anyone since he escaped his captors. It seemed worth the effort to see if she'd even humor his company. He rose to his paws and made the small leap down to the ground. With a quick shake of his fur he padded off in her direction. He curved his path so that he could approach her from the front rather than behind her. He was conscious of how large he was and the fact that it was the middle of the night. If he was going to make himself go talk to someone he didn't want to scare her off at the first word.

His gaze caught hers and he was just further convinced that she was a specter when he saw her silvery gaze. With the moon-lit backdrop of rocks and the dark, star speckled sky above them she could easily blend into he darkness with her shades of gray that seemed to perfectly match the world around them. It made him feel like his world had been desaturated into only black and white. "Hello," he greeted as he got closer. His voice was naturally deep, a rumble of a noise that was slightly rough from lack of use.




6 Years
05-28-2018, 09:31 PM

speech & thoughts

The moonlight gave light to the surrounding area making it easier to see things in front of her. For a while she was completely alone, unaware of the male that was nearby watching her. Zipping around the large stones in the garden. The night was so refreshing and the wild air smelled so good. She hated that she had felt so smothered in Lirim, but she knew it would settle soon. Her uncle was just excited to get to know her and to know that he had more nieces and another nephew. The freedom of being without borders for tonight would revive her and she would be good to go for another few days before she would need another trip. She would be spending the entire winter there. That would be plenty of time for things to settle down, she was sure of that.

Her blue silver eyes landed on the larger form of a wolf that entered her path. She slowed her pace, not afraid of the possible interaction, but not wanting to just run into the stranger either. Eyes took in his form as they approached each other. Then his deep voice rumbled a greeting, a voice that matched his rather large form. He was a bit bigger then Torin and he had a rather heavy build. Some may view him as intimidating, but Derecho had always had an open mind with strangers unless she felt in danger. Plus the way the moonlight was dancing on his teal colored fur made her curious of such a beautiful color. She lifted her silvery gaze to meet his amber gaze. She slowed to a stop giving some distance between them.

"Hello," she replied back. "Sleepless Night so far?"

Art by Bleuzye