
Got a name for you girls



7 Years
Athena I
05-15-2018, 12:29 PM

His trip through the desert got him wondering what other areas of the continent he might enjoy. It was almost like a game to see if he could find anywhere that interested him more. So far the oasis he had enjoyed with Echo was still top of his list, but since this half of the land seemed to be getting warmer while the northern half was getting colder... it was certainly giving the desert a run for its money. He could imagine that during another part of the year the trees and foliage were probably much more green, but for the time being everything seemed quite dried and browned. Some of the trees were fairing better than the grass which seemed to have completely shriveled and dried in the heat.

This probably wasn't the preferred climate for most, but Pyre was soaking it in. He kept to the fine line of sunlight between the shadow of the trees around him. The thin line of light made his vibrant coat even brighter, making him stand out obnoxiously against the background of the trees. It was something he had come to accept about himself and certainly never tried to hide. The woods seemed to be densely packed with trees and brush and without any real destination in mind he let the naturally formed paths guide his steps. It was like a maze and he wasn't entirely sure where it was taking him. His wandering paws didn't really mind though and he was content to enjoy the clear, warm day for the time being.




2 Years
05-15-2018, 02:59 PM

Her path brought her back to auster once more. There still was no sign of Iskra for her to track but she knew sooner or later she would find her adoptive mother once more. Besides now she had something great to share with her. She had fought someone and won. She walked with a much prouder step now thanks to that. Iskra would be so proud when she found out too. Ugly face had started it and she had finished it.

She padded slowly through the Wraith s woods. Her pulsing fur would soon be the only light. When she reached the darkest parts of the woods that was. Right now the light was giving a halo effect to her with her direction. It didn't take long and she was stopping, before her heading in her direction was a new face. His fur, bright and vibrant, like hers. Though his was like a living flame where hers was a reminder of the night sky with a touch of the sunrise on her back ankles. Though hers was still mire vibrant with its slow pulsating glow. His eyes were a dull blue, where hers was a golden galaxy. He couldn't even be that much older than her either. She watched him Though, waiting to see if he might be of more interest than just a pretty face.


[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



7 Years
Athena I
05-16-2018, 01:45 PM
Pyre paused and squinted at a tree that seemed too familiar. Of course it was hard to tell when they all looked pretty much the same. The more he looked at it though it seemed like a moment of dejavu. In this tangle of a forest he began to realize that he was quickly getting turned around and losing any sense of direction he might have had. With a thoughtful hum he made note of a particular branch on this tree that looked oddly like a rabbit and continued on. He made an effort to go a different direction this time, but somehow he still ended up back at the rabbit tree. “Ah hell,” he muttered under his breath.

In an attempt to change up his path, he turned around in a 180 degree turn and started walking that way instead. He didn’t go far though since another wolf’s scent caught his attention as a breeze came through. He glanced in the direction of that scent and his paws stopped again. Since the trees created so much shadow it was easier to pick up on the soft blue, pulsing glow that he caught a glimpse of though the trees and brush.

He was too curious to not investigate it further. He padded toward the trees, following the scent of the stranger even though he couldn’t quite figure out how the two would be tied. When he spotted the young woman past one of the trees he didn’t really know how to respond at first. It was almost like a chunk of the night sky had fallen on her - glowing star and all. “Oh... Hey there,” he said as his eyes found hers. Not exactly the smoothest intro, but he didn’t know what else to do when he suddenly stumbled on a glowing space wolf.



2 Years
05-24-2018, 06:44 PM

Smooth introductions must not be this guys forte, that or he was too shocked at the glow of her pelt. She didn't exactly think it was the unnatural coloring since he like her was as unnatural as they came. Regardless she dipped her head to him, the only hello a mute could truly give. A wave of her tail came in the same instant. Maybe he had some sort of social disorder if oh hey there was all he could think of to say. She could understand disabilities one hundred percent. In fact if she ever got the thought to make a pack she'd probably ony accept the disabled wolves. Though that sounded like work and work wasn't any fun.

She padded a little closer so they would be within five feet of each other and sat firmly there. She wanted to figure him out, like he was now her newest puzzle to complete. As much as she liked to create trouble she was into figuring out puzzles just as much. Plus he didn't look half bad.

A thought formed then. Iskra had been ignoring her in favor of the cat man. What if she turned on the charm and brought a boy home. Iskra might lose her shit and start paying more attention again. And if that didn't work she could just drop a boy on their face and feel no guilt about it. She'd be damned if Iskra got to disappear on her and forgot about her just like Ily had been. That's what she felt was happening now, Iskra was moving onto to next lost puppy and completely forgetting her. It wasn't right nor was it fair. She wouldn't just sit idly by and let such a thing happen either.


[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



7 Years
Athena I
05-24-2018, 08:58 PM

The dip of her head and the wag of her tail seemed friendly enough and she moved closer to him even though she never actually responded to his greeting. He knew it was a rough start to a conversation, but he figured she could have at least given him an equally bland response. Either way, he returned her smile with a slight grin of his own as she came over to sit across from him. There was still a fair bit of space between them, but it was easier to see her full coloring now that the foliage wasn't between them. There was a splash of coloring similar to his own on her back legs, but mostly the vibrant blue stole the show. Being able to see the faint glow of her fur up close didn't make it any less strange, but it was starting to grow on him.

"Sorry for barging in on you like that. I've never seen anyone with fur like yours. You really took me by surprise. It's really interesting and beautiful." There we go, that's more like it. He smiled a little now that he had regained his composure. He knew he wasn't exactly the most natural colored wolf in the world by any means, but she certainly beat him out when it came to eye-catching coloring. "I'm Pyre," he said to introduce himself, leaving the floor open for her to do the same. She'd yet to say a word so far, but he assumed that he had just had such a strange start to this conversation that she hadn't felt like saying anything yet.




2 Years
06-10-2018, 10:06 AM
She sat there and waited for him to regain his composure. It didn't take long for him to once she was seated across from him. Then he amended his greeting and she gave a shrug to the first part. It wasn't really intruding when he didn't rudely do so in her book. Besides she liked the company. She lifted her paw and gestured towards his own coat. It was lovely as well. And the way her blue pulsed off it made for an interesting combination.

When he gave her his name she nodded again. She couldn't really think of how best to give her own name. Most wolves didn't seem to know what to do when they met her. At least he hadn't caught on, yet. She could at least give him another moment before she decided to ruin his talking time. She counted down in her head. Iskra was the only one that when she figured it out hadn't completely made her feel like a freak. She still spoke enough to her to make her feel like she wasn't mute, that or iskra liked to hear herself talk that much.

It was time to burst his bubble if he hadn't already figured it out. She opened her mouth a couple times before snapping it closed and shaking her head. Her tail kept wagging though. Hopefully he didn't decide he had better things to do after that.

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



7 Years
Athena I
06-20-2018, 10:47 PM

When she gestured toward him with her paw his gaze followed the motion to glance down at his own chest before he looked back up to her once again. This seemed to finally begin to put the puzzle pieces together for him. He somehow understood the meaning in this motion, that she was returning the compliment he had given her, but it wasn't really until she gestured with her mouth opening and closing and shaking her head that he really understood. His brows lifted with surprise, now understanding why she had been so silent. "Oooooh, you can't talk," he replied just to confirm his own understanding. He had never come across someone with that kind of disability so he wasn't quite sure what to make of it. He was very much a talker so he couldn't imagine always being quiet.

In the long run though he supposed it really didn't effect much other than how she communicated with other wolves. She still seemed healthy enough and capable of taking care of herself so it didn't bother him in the least. "Well then! I guess I better pull out all my best jokes, huh? Maybe even the bad ones. Plenty of quiet air to fill, huh?" he chuckled and gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Ah well, you'll just have to walk away or something when you get sick of me." All in jest of course. He'd like to think that he was pretty good company, but he'd also never had to take control of the conversation quite so much.

"Do you want to join me while I explore this place some more? I'm pretty sure I've just been walking in circles, but maybe there's just a few trees that all look the same."
