Since Fiori there had been a lot that had happened with the male. He had lost his sister and the remainder of the pack. After trying to find everyone he decided to try and expand his search and when that failed he had left the lands to try and find Riv. When all efforts failed there he had returned to Boras and was slowly beginning to be reunited with his extended family. Though Holly was still missing and things still were not the same, he was at least feeling a little bit better at this point. His travels have slimmed him down, he wasn't as heavy as he used to be, but the hunter knew how to keep himself fed. The travel built muscle and shaped his metabolism to be faster. He was in his prime, though his life had been a complete mess so far. Through all the mess he had still came out strong and with a will to push on in life.
He was unsettled with were to go or what he was going to do, but he still had some time to figure that out. He was thinking he wanted to go somewhere new, where new memories could be made. Hopefully memories that would be better then the old ones. Even though it was winter he boldly made the decision to travel and even bolder move was to the north. He wanted some new scenery and maybe even find some new faces to get to know. Though he had learned by now not to get his hopes up.
He moved towards the treeline of the large forest, his bi colored gaze looking up to the tree tops, trying to judge exactly how tall they were. They were impressive and massive in size making him feel like a simple ant compared to them. Huffing lightly the male lowered his gaze and continued on, checking out the sites and the smells. He was curious about this place and what may come from his trip to here.