
My heart keeps beating for you


07-07-2013, 09:50 AM
Night had fallen upon the land as the brute made his way to a somewhat dry spot of land. It was Spring now; Winter had passed once more. After summer and come Autumn, his and Ookami's children will be yearlings. It felt as if the three of them had grown so quickly; but they're not going to be pups anymore. But that was a season or two from now. He would relish the time he had with his family. Then possibly there would be more children to raise. A small smile appeared on the man's face as he sat on his haunches. The sky was clear in some places where there weren't clouds. His aqua blue gaze settled on those stars that peeked out.

With his eyes trained on the sky he wished upon the stars. Wishes he'll keep to himself. Wishes that will never come true. Wishes that are useless. But wishes that will give him comfort and hope. It has been a while since Thane had had a PTSD attack. He was thankful for that; his mind trained on his family and those he loved instead of the past. He was able to control it more though. What would be better on this night then? He had just the idea. Why not share the stars with his beloved. After all, teas on a starry and snowy night did they meet and become inseparable. That night did he ask her to be his beloved. And so tonight he wished she were here with him. Thane hadn't seen her in a few days but he had been out as well. It was Spring and a rather warm night, sort of humid yet calm. The crickets and frogs could be heard from the distance.

The brute sat there and thought to himself for a few moments. He then raised his muzzle towards the sky and parted his lips to bellow out a call for his beloved. Ookami would come, he knew she would. And if not then he would wait until the end of time for her. Wherever she may be he would be sitting here waiting as their children slept on this calm night. Because his heart beat for her.