
Don't Dream It's Over



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-27-2018, 07:19 PM

It was moments like this that he was grateful for the thick coat of fur that he inherited from his mother. He hadn't spent much of his life living in the north, but he was certainly built for it. His large paws crunched through the snow easily, his toes spreading and acting like snow shoes and keeping him from falling all the way through the deep layer of snow for the most part. If he was at his full weight he might have had more trouble with it, but as it was he was fairly thin compared to how he used to be when he was living in a pack. All the traveling he had been doing combined with a lack of a steady supply of food had made him slim down quite a bit. It was hard to tell through his fur, but he could tell a difference. He just hoped that Jayne was doing okay without him.

He stopped as he reached the frozen shore line and frowned. Ever since they got separated worry had been nagging at him. He should have never let her go off on her own. Even if the path had been too narrow for him to cross with her, he should have insisted they find a different way to go. He had expected to find her on the other side of the mountain pass waiting for him, but she wasn't there. He had waited for her for some time, but after a while he had begun to look for her in the area around the mountain. Where could she have gone? It was hard to track her scent with all of this constant snow fall and any footprints she would have left behind were quickly covered over.

Tiburtius sighed and wondered if he should start heading East to try and find his mother. How could he face her now though? He had promised to watch over his little sister on their trip. He couldn't just show up without her. As his ears flicked back against his skull he turned and kept walking along the shore, hoping that he could loop back around the base of the mountain to search the other areas in the north before he tried searching anywhere else.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
05-27-2018, 09:06 PM

Life had been constantly throwing her loops since Mortar's last disappearing act. She had done her best to stay in the range as long as possible, but when a white soon to be mother moved in she took up her leave. For a while she had been unsure where to go next. She wanted to find Mortar, but each place she searched she came up empty. He was her only friend left and he disappeared, which seemed to be a pattern her life constantly fallowed. Everyone seemed to come into her life and then to simply disappear making her wonder at times if she was cursed. Ever wolf since her mother's death had come into her life for an amount of time and then simply disappeared without a trace. Mortar had pulled a few small disappearing acts, but had returned. This last time felt like years ago and since then she had withdrawn herself into a shell.

The once happy healer had been withdrawn and rather skittish of strange faces. Which in turn meant she hadn't made any new friends. She wouldn't admit it, but she had slipped into depression and hadn't even treated herself with an herbs. She was much slimmer, barely eating unless she was absolutely starving, but she still had her thick luscious coat to keep her warm. It was how she survived the winter alone. So how did she end up here of all places? Living on a bitter cold shoreline in the bitter cold North. Today she was feeling it was a lot colder then normal and her pathetic den was not helping her stay warm at all. So she drug herself out into the snowy shoreline hoping some movement would help to warm her up.

She wasn't aware of the large male up shore from her, instead she moved out over the shore towards the water. She then turned around and headed back towards her den.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-27-2018, 10:23 PM

He had his dual toned gaze settled on the ground in front of his paws as he walked. He started to wonder what he might do if he wasn't able to find Jayne. He had to keep some kind of hope that he would, but considering how many other wolves in his life had disappeared for one reason or another. Jayne was a different case since it was very possible that she had simply gotten turned around and ended up on the wrong side of the mountain they had been traveling through, but he thought back over all the times his brothers had vanished, how Amalia had disappeared, how the pack he had been in had dissipated unexpectedly, how both of the women he had loved had left without a trace... The more he thought about it the more discouraged he became. He remembered now why he had forced himself to only focus on Jayne and their journey. Without that distraction his thoughts just swarmed and overwhelmed him.

It was really just by chance that he glanced up from the ground and his eyes landed on the blue-marked woman that was walking across his path. She was maybe a dozen feet or so from him and he had to wonder how he had managed to not noticed her scent or the sound of her paws moving through the snow before now. Even though he never really worried about predators or other wolves since he was large enough that most wouldn't bother him, but that didn't mean he shouldn't be more aware of his surroundings. He stopped before he managed to infringe on her personal space any more than he already had. "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," he said apologetically has his gaze found hers.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
05-28-2018, 04:12 PM
It hadn’t occurred to her that she would get any company today, in fact as long as she’d been here it seems this place was completely deserted by her kind. She hadn’t thought about the fact it was winter and most would be staying clear of the north. She hadn’t at all been paying attention to her surroundings, which for a loner like her was reckless. She can ntinued to move, staring ahead like a zombie, blocking out the world around her, and consumed by her thoughts. She wondered if she was doing something wrong in her life or if she was simply having a lot of bad luck. She was more inclined to think it was bad luck considering how her childhood started out. She hadn’t even noticed the male come to a stop, only when he spot did she skid to a halt and threw her head in his direction. Bright green eyes met with his dual gaze and for a moment she was absolutely silent her mind in a slight state of panick. Normally she would shy from strangers, but being the lack of companionship for so long left her with a strong desire to have the company of another. Inner turmoil made it difficult for her to form words. She would just stand and stare at him before suddenly dropping her gaze to the ground.

”No it’s okay I should’ve been paying attention and not try and hog the whole length of the shore,” her words were quiet, though her tone pleasant like it normally would be.

She looked up and looked around them, wondering what else she had missed in her ignorance. After looking around and spotting nothing else she looked back to him, seeking to lock her eyes with his again. Something about the two different colored eyes was comforting and drew out the curiousity in her. Mortar had also had two different colored eyes, but this male had different color from his. Looking over the markings on her face and looking for any signs of injury, a habit she had been doing since she had learned about healing.

”what brings you to the middle of no where?” she quietly asked.
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-29-2018, 10:21 PM

Something about the shade of her eyes was incredibly interesting to him. He couldn't remember ever seeing anyone with eyes that were as bright a green. His father's eyes had been a darker, more emerald green and of course he had some of that in his own gaze. Somehow that caught his eye more than the sky-blue markings that highlighted the features of her face. He didn't really think too much about her looking around them, probably looking to see if there was anyone else around. Finding another wolf in this mostly abandoned area did shake him out of his thoughts for the most part, but it was still hard for him to really focus.

Part of him had expected her to turn and keep moving once she had dismissed his apology so when she asked what brought him here he forced himself to refocus on her again. "I'm hopefully just passing through... My little sister and I were traveling through the mountains-" he motioned with his head back over his shoulder the way he had been traveling from, "and we got separated." He hadn't really spoken to anyone other than Jayne in so long that it almost felt strange to be sharing this with her. How could he possibly be the same wolf that had loved so readily and had been so attached to the wolves in his life?

"What about you? I wouldn't think that this would be the ideal place to hang out normally.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
05-30-2018, 10:50 PM
The male was much larger then her, though the way he held himself she knew there wasn’t a way he could be a threat. It made her relax more, her mind feeling more at ease about socializing with him. She would still be a little weary, but there was no harm in actually chatting for once. Something good had to come from thier paths crossing. Her eyes traveled to inspecting his fur color and patterns. The combination of colors were handsome and the white marks on his face made his dual gaze stick out. Looking back to those eyes as he began to speak.

He wasn’t alone technically, or at least hadn’t been. Her eyes looked to the mountains he had come from and winced slightly. No wonder they had gotten separated, those mountains looked rough to travel. She could sympathize with being separated from someone that close to you and her green eyes softened a bit. Though she bit her lip holding back the sympathy she wanted to share. Maybe he didn’t want it? It was too soon to tell for sure.

The question then turned to her and his comment on the territory made her sigh quietly before looking around. It wasn’t the best place to live, but she didn’t like traveling alone and really had no idea where to go.

”Believe it or not this is where I’ve been living,” she replied. ”Not much of a home is it?”
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]