
Change The Way You've Lived For So Long



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
05-31-2018, 08:44 PM

She took a normal run across the lands of Ruina, if anything to keep away from the one's tracking her or keeping an eye on her. She didn't want to be here and she wasn't holding back that fact. But she was complying for now, or at least creating a diversion to find a way to sneak out. She wasn't completely dumb but her attitude got in the way of most if not all of her plans. It was hard for her to hold back her feelings, that was for sure.

She stopped at the base of the mountain, looking up the narrow path to the top but wouldn't bother making the climb. Instead she would begin to slow to a walk, sniffing her surrounding for no particular reason. She would come across some berries (Elderberries) on her scouting and wouldn't stop to think what they were before eating them. She struck her tongue out for a second from the tartness, but it wasn't horrible so she'd survive.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
Athena I

06-08-2018, 12:01 PM

ooc: Just gonna liquid time a bit to be a like a week or two after she had the pups~

The pups were getting big enough to be without her for a few hours so with Daelos as a watchful babysitter she left the citadel to stretch her legs. Her body was still recovering, but she was able to at least take a leisurely walk through the territory. She made her way down from the maw to the lower portion of the volcano in an attempt to get away from the bitter cold for a moment. The one good thing about the volcano was that even in the winter the ground was at least slightly warm. The snow dissipated into nothing the further she went from its base which was a nice change from the snow covered mountains. She still wished that Elias had chosen somewhere a bit more hospitable to plant life, but she respected his reasons and would happily live here as long as he willed it.

She just happened to glance further down the mountain as she came off the path she usually took from the maw to the volcano and spotted a young girl, maybe a year old or so from what Zuriel could tell from her vantage point, seemingly eating something from a bush. Knowing what she did about herbs and plants, she immediately became concerned and picked up the pace of her steps toward the girl. By the time she got down to her the tri-colored young woman was already making a face at the undoubtedly bitter taste of the berries. A quick look at the bush and what berries remained told her that it was just elderberries that she had consumed so Zuriel relaxed a bit with a sigh. "You should be more careful about eating berries like that," she instructed as she came to a stop a couple of feet away, her tone stern but not unkind. It was very much the same tone she had used with her children when they were younger and one she was sure she would use all too often with her newly born pups once they were old enough to get into trouble. "These are elderberries. They're main use is to strengthen your immune system so there's really no harm done this time, but many berries look just the same and can be quite harmful or poisonous."

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
06-12-2018, 07:14 AM

Viper wouldn't even flinch to the woman's presence. Only turn her head to to take a look at her with an eye to her shiny pendant before her face. Viper's own face was kind of neutral, sour if anything. She may have seemed disturbed that the woman interrupted her exploring, that of which she wasn't supposed to be doing to begin with.

Wiping her muzzle to her forepaw, she would then maneuver her body to face the tall lady, her eyes kind of narrowed as if she were examining her more. She thought for a moment if she she tell her "No one tells me what to do lady." But then again, she was pretty nice regardless of her more stern and motherly tone. "Ah, yes. I guess I should." She looked to the berries for a moment, slightly confused. She didn't know what an immune system was, but obviously it wasn't a bad thing. She was tempted to eat more but the bitterness was a little too much to go in for another bite.

She looked down at the charcoal ground before speaking, "Aren't you ganna yell at me or somethin?" halfway through her speech she would raise her eyes back to the woman, eyeing her pendant yet again on the way up, and tilt her head waiting to see what would come next.

Walk "Talk" Think