



7 Years
Extra large
06-02-2018, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2020, 04:04 PM by Torin.)
((OOC. This is a mandatory meeting for all members, each individual member that has not posted by the deadline will face demotion. To be counted as attending only a separate post from that character about them attending will count.  Only users with absences posted as of this post (Jake and Keno) will be excused if they do not post, though we'd still love to see your characters here. Deadline for the first round is June 13th! ))

To say he was nervous was an understatement, Torin paced the place where meetings had been held before. He was doing his best to get his breathing under control. It was one of the few times his emotions were plain on his face, though that had been happening more as of lately. He cast a glance at Frostbite, the man was there to provide his emotional support and as Torin glanced at him he took another deep breath. Slowly he slid his eyes closed, pushing that breath back out; digging deep within himself to clutch at that part of him that was ecstatic to be finally doing what'd he'd always sought after, then he slowly opened his eyes. Giving Frostbite a nod Torin finally moved beside the older man.

With all his courage summoned Torin tipped his head back and called for the pack, for everyone. With his voice echoing off into the pack lands he settled on his haunches. This had been a long time coming, his promotion in rank had yet to be made public though some of the pack knew now... His father chief among them. That was still a sore spot and in truth he had yet to really figure out how to handle being around his father now... and it seemed likely he'd be even less happy with some of the news that he had to present; though even he'd have to admit to hypocrisy if he was. And it wasn't as though he was singling his father out... he doubted Jewell would be too happy either.

He'd also have the news of his nephew's return though and he hoped to help make thing lighter because of that. As it stood he knew he had much to be nervous about, though Frostbite's support and knowing that he had backup on these fronts had helped to ease him somewhat. In the end there wasn't anything he could do now.

All that was left was to wait.  

"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

Art by Blue-Onyx
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



9 Years
Extra large
06-02-2018, 06:58 PM

Frost was calm, keeping his casual face as he watched the younger male pace. Since the promotion of his rank Frost had been on a kick to get him out of his comfort zone and really test to see if this was something he wanted to continue. He knew Torin was more soft spoken, and most of the time didn't speak much at all. That could be a problem when he was seeking to be a leader. He could have let him slid, to let him simply sit at his side while Frost himself called the pack. He was teaching Torin just like he would if he had kids. Coaxing him to face his fears and being extremely patient with letting him compose himself. He could see the struggle Torin was having which made him feel more sympathetic to him. He had no problem letting Torin take the time he needed to gather his courage. Frost hoped his ambitions would overpower his fear and anxiety.

Frost knew Torin could do it and he knew that they had to nip this in the butt as soon as possible, holding off could make it a longer and rougher process in the end. When Torin looked to him Frost gave him an encouraging smile still remaining relaxed where he sat. He could imagine how hard it was for the young male and part of him felt horrible for putting him through this, but Frost had to for Torin's sake. With Torin's nod, Frost knew he was ready and gently let out the small breath he had been holding. Tail wagged lightly glad that Torin was going to be able to do this. Torin this settled and called the pack.

He smiled again his senses remaining alert as he waited for the pack to arrive. There was decent amount to go over today, good news and bad. It felt good that an Adravendi was holding the meeting again, that one of the siblings was willing to step up in Rory's absence.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Antubis0



6 Years
06-02-2018, 07:28 PM
speech & thoughts

She had been cleaning up the den she had been living in, making it feel more comfortable and homey. She didn't have any items to put in there, because she had never gotten into the habit of collecting things. It was hard to collect things when you constantly traveled. Although looking at the empty den and realizing this is where she would be staying until spring. It felt horribly empty and it made her frown at the feeling. Shaking her head she finished up and exited her den, figuring she would find something productive to do today. Maybe she could do some hunting and bring some food in for the pack. Maybe she could even go out and get to know some of the other members of the pack.

All these thoughts ran through her mind, up until the howl rang out over the territory. She had only ever attended a couple of meetings in Abaven despite that she knew what the call had meant. Even though she wasn't a member per say, she still felt like she must attend. All other ideas for her day were pushed to the back burner as she headed off in the direction in a quick pace. The spot wasn't horribly far and her timing must have been good because she only spotted two forms. Her uncle and Torin sat waiting and as she approached she smiled at the both of them dipping her head to the both of them.

"Good Morning Gentleman," She said with a slight grin and wagging her tail.

She took a seat in front of them and quietly waited for the others, eager to see the other faces of the pack.

Art by Bleuzye



4 Years
06-02-2018, 09:53 PM
Pain changes a heart, love it in the present.

With her two children returned to her she couldn't be happier, though the recent border incident was still a heavy burden to bear for her. She didn't know exactly where she stood now, if it was on good terms or not, with their leaders. She did know where she stood with Zell though, and it was not on good terms. She wanted him nowhere near her or her family, including Torin.

She hated to say something was up with one of her children though. Blaise had barely spent time anywhere near his siblings or her lately. She had hoped he might be spending time with Torin or frostbite, at least then the bruises he came home with would make more sense but she wasn't even sure then. The bruises were oddly placed and not like nips or bruises from anyone else. How was she supposed to even help him though if he didn't talk to her though. He didn't even sleep in the pile his siblings and her made in her den anymore. If anything she was worried for him, and she knew if she was then her other children would be too if they even noticed the absence of his picking on them.

The summons caught her attention. She had brought her family to the valley to allow Celestin and Bastyan to stretch their legs in a larger clearing where she could see them from all angles. No one would be breaking rules that way. Naeva had accompanied them and was busy with some wintered plants that crept along the roots of trees and such. She was Jewell's quietest child and most well behaved and mannered. She didn't even get bothered or upset when Blaise picked on her.

Her head turned in the direction of her children and she gave them a bark to follow her. She didn't want to be late. With that she rose and trotted towards the meeting place, confident they would all follow.

When she arrived there was no sign of Blaise yet, which caused her to only think he hadn't been spending time with those she had hoped he had then. The look of nervousness on Torins face made her sigh and move towards him. French passed between them easily. "Respirez profondément Torin. Vous ferez bien, vous êtes né pour cela." She smiled and took a seat in the front where her children could easily see and hear. She'd wait now.

Walk, "Jewell "Alois" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



3 Years
Extra large
Athena I
06-03-2018, 03:32 PM

As soon as Breasal heard his brother's howl he was on his feet and hurrying to join the others at the meeting. He genuinely wanted to make an effort to be more active and helpful. He wasn't entirely sure how well he was doing on that front, but it was something that he had been thinking about a lot. He had completed his goal of at least chatting for a little bit with each of his blood siblings so now he had to think of something else to work on. He hadn't been sparing in a while so maybe that could be something to do once spring came...

His tail wagged gently behind him when he arrived and saw that he was among the first few to arrive. He offered Torin and Frost each a friendly grin as he approached. If anything he was just happy to see Torin calling the meeting and that he wasn't completely late. He still felt mostly removed from things going on in the pack and knew very little about any of the drama that had happened as of late. Even though he wanted to be more involved, he couldn't tell if he really wanted to know what was bothering them all. He smiled at Jewell as well even though he really didn't know his adoptive sibling very well.

In an effort to branch out more he trotted over to the gray and white woman he didn't recognize and offered her a smile as well as a friendly dip of his head. "Hello, m'lady! Do you mind if I sit with you?" he said as he settled onto his haunches beside her. "I'm Breasal, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you." He knew pack meetings weren't exactly the best place to make friends, but he wanted to take advantage of every moment he could. Once their introductions were complete he turned his gaze toward the front to offer his brother and Frost his complete attention.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
06-05-2018, 03:56 AM

Silence was a killer, she knew that well enough. Hailey was usually the chipper type but the healer found herself missing people. Mainly she missed Faite, the whole reason she had been in Lirim to begin with. There was no point in her moping, but her mood had taken a nose dive with how tired she'd been. Yet with winter here there was no time to be wasting and she had to pull her weight within the pack since Zuriel had gone. As she got to her paws she made haste to go towards the pack meeting. This time around it was not Frost to call the meeting. It was actually one of Faite's children. Torin, my how he had grown. Hailey had never spoken to the boy but she had seen all of Faite's children before. It was rather breathtaking and relieving to see a valentine back onto the reigns of the leadership. Her fears still gripped at her but she needed to make friends and she needed to become active within the pack.

She approached with a tired smile, as Shiva the owl who had been keeping a close eye on her flew down from above. Landing on top of Hailey as she took a seat rather close to Torin and Frost. "It's good to see you here Torin, Frost." Hailey gave a respectful bow as Shiva hooted and gave a wave of her wing in return. Clicking her beak, a owl's gesture of respect for the two. As Hailey waited to see what Torin had to say, she certainly hoped it'd do well to bring up her moral.




4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
06-08-2018, 12:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 12:01 PM by Célestin.)

Maman had taken them out of the den, allowing Célestin and Bas to stretch their legs. In truth he had yet to notice his brother's waywardness. He had been cooped up in the den for what felt like a million trillion years and so hadn't had much contact with any of his siblings, except maybe Bas.

Right now he was too busy gnawing on a twig he'd found, batting at it with his front paws whenever it jostled free of his grip and then quickly picking it back up. He hadn't failed to notice his mother was worried about... well something. He assumed it had to to do with the punishment he and Bas had been given.

Speaking of, he heard his uncle's call. His head perked, the twig dropping from his gaping maw. He wasn't sure what it meant but as he saw his mother heading off towards where it came from he jumped to his feet, trotting after her before she even barked for the rest of his siblings. He had to stick close to her, otherwise he'd be in trouble again.

As they neared his uncle he could see a few other wolves already gathered, most of them ones he didn't recognize. He hugged the side of his mother's leg as she went up to speak to uncle Torin, staring wide eyed at all the bigger wolves he didn't know yet. How had he never noticed there were so many he hadn't met?

When maman moved off to sit he settled himself beside her. "Qu'est-ce qui arrive?" He asked in his best whisper, which really wasn't all that quiet.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Art by Eerea
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
06-10-2018, 03:23 PM

He wasn't happy. Not at all. His mate had disappeared...and that was the main reason he had been so ill tempered for a while now. It was the second time, not a single word said to anyone. Torin had recently taken up the reigns, and already Zell felt like their relationship was tense. Or maybe it had been for some time, all because of that rainbow brat that did nothing but cause trouble. God forbid Zell do anything around her else he be the one that get in trouble. It was stupid, really. Zell was older, and to be ordered around by his son and feeling disrepescted on top of that, didn't help the stubborn male at all. He wouldn't deny the fact that his relationship with his children was strained, save for Kairi...and though he always tried to act like things didn't bother him, Faite's disappearing and the distance from his children felt...wrong. It was starting to eat him up, but he wouldn't let that show. If everyone thought he was an asshole, then he'd keep up that front. Anything to hide the hurt and pain he held inside...

Arriving at the meeting, he spotted Torin at the front of the small group. Frost sitting with him, and nearby was Breasal and a few others. He said nothing as he moved to sit at the back of the group. Gaze and body cold and rigid. He didn't want to particularly be here. Though he wanted to support Torin in his effort to lead the pack, he felt like he just couldn't be supportive right now. Not with the way things were.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
06-10-2018, 04:24 PM

She didn't know what to do in life. She had kept to herself recently, especially since she was in heat again. It was weird and uncomfortable, and her father had explained what it meant. She decided she would stay in packlands and give up exploring for the season, especially since she wanted to avoid what had happened to Jewell. The only difference if it came to that situation, was that Kairi at least knew how to defend herself. Still, she didn't want to risk it with so many other bigger wolves out there. She missed her mom, her brother Rory...and even Jaidah. Though she hadn't spent much time with her sister or any of her siblings in general, she hoped to change that soon.

She heard the call for a pack meeting, so the girl made her way there. She didn't arrive in her usual bouncy and carefree attitude. This time, her demeanor was noticeably different, and when she arrived to see a small group there, she hung around the back. She knew she hadn't been doing her part, but with the doubt and feeling like she didn't have much purpose, she just didn't feel like she was useful here.

Walk, "Talk" Think




9 Years
06-10-2018, 04:28 PM

He felt like he just couldn't do it. Pulling himself from where he'd been for so long felt almost impossible, but he was taking it day by day. He was still skinny, but he at least had gained a pound or two. It wasn't much, but it was something at least. He made his way to the meeting spot, but when he arrived he noticed Fortune wasn't there. He had distanced himself again, but he felt like it was more for his sake than anyone else's. He liked Fortune, he had to admit that. But he was afraid of losing her like he had lost so many others. He sighed as he made his way to sit at the side of the group, thin frame gently sitting upon the ground as he waited for it to start.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



1 Year
06-11-2018, 01:48 PM
Her mom had taken her and the boys out to the valley. She didn't mind it but there was something wrong, it was apparent with the way Celestin and Bastyan were always crowding the den. It was also the way Blaise had stopped picking on them and was gone all the time. It was strange.

She was laying and trying to figure out what kind of plant this cold loving vine was when uncle Torin howled. Her head turned towards her mother. They were leaving then it seemed. She stood up and watched Celestin leave with their mother and she looked towards Bastyan. "Come on Bassie, Unle Torin is holding a meeting." she didn't get why he was holding a meeting and not frostbite but she was happy to attend. She didn't have the closest bond to anyone but she was glad to attend.

She bounded after her mom. As she bounded into the clearing she took notice that Blaise wasn't there yet but she knew he wouldn't miss this for anything. He wanted to be an alpha so he would attend anything that got him closer to it. She bounded up to her uncle and pressed against his leg for a second. He looked like he needed a hug. Then she was off to sit with celestin. She was all smiles and much like her mother, though she didn't know It, naivety. She couldn't help but be happy and wag her tail.



1 Year
06-13-2018, 06:08 PM
Bas Adravendi

Bas and his brother had been stuck in the den for so long, he had almost forgotten what the outside world was like. While he was gone, the little boy missed his home deeply, but now that he was forced to stay in the same den day in and day out, he had grown out of it. Every chance he could get, he would ask someone to let him go out, even if it was just in front of the den or down to get something to drink. Though tiny, he too needed to stretch his little paws. Finally, what seems like decades later, mother had taken all of the pups out for a stroll, and Bas couldn't be happier. Like a buzzing bee, Bastyan zipped around the area; he would jump over his brother chewing on a stick, zoom past his mother, and come to a skidding stop by Naeva. Blaise was no where to be seen, and while he still cared for his brother, he wasn't as close to him as he was to the other pups. So he didn't really mind his absence. While bouncing through the nearby area, a howl rolled out over the land, and he instantly knew it was uncle Torin.

Naeva brought his attention back from the distance, and he quickly followed the other members of his family to the meeting. He would pull at Naeva's ear as he ran passed, not roughly but in his usual playful manner, before weaving his tiny form between his mother's legs as she walked. Soon enough they arrived to the meeting, and there were more wolves there then he had ever imagined there would be. Were they all from his pack? His eyes got pulled away from the crowd and towards uncle Torin when maman greeted him. Bas would wag his tail rapidly at the older male before jumping up and leaning his front paws against his side. "Tu m'as manqué mon oncle Torin?"


His family members are always welcome in ANY of his threads.



1 Year
Dire wolf
06-14-2018, 03:25 PM
Ooc: omg I totes forgot to finish this draft and post it last night I'm so sry <3

He was being a little stand offish and wanted to stick to himself lately. His mother, according to Zell, should of been girvined. He didn't know why, but he speculated. The little firecracker knew one thing out of everything, uncle Torin wasn't about to truly punish anyone, alpha or Not, and Frostbite wasn't either. This pack needed someone like Blaise to take the reigns. Someone who wasn't afraid to get their paws dirty and earn the respect of others through being a strict alpha. There were too many disappearances for it not to be necessary.

He'd been spending his days trying to train and make himself stronger. It started with a run everyday before his family awoke, then he liked to try to work on his pain receptors by taking out his aggression on trees. He was gaining bruises, scrapes and splinters daily. He didn't see reason to see a healer though. A healer might tell Torin and if Torin figured out why, he might try to interfere. Blaise would be working on becoming an alpha. Whether his siblings supported him or not he didn't care. He would take lirim by force if he had to. They needed a better leader.

A howl called his attention from the tree he was busy abusing. A meeting was being called.

He arrived lastly. He took his time, no need to make them think he'd be bowing to them easily. Not with their lax attitudes. He regarded them with a look that was carefully guarding his feelings, emotionless as he could manage. Then his eyes moved to his family, Naeva was disappointing, Priscilla a promising storm, Celestin a deer or willow, Bastyan a willow or herb and his mother would need to be given something else to do. He didn't move towards them though, none of them would know yet what he planned. He sat off to the side, to himself. A fresh scrape was barely bleeding on his brow but he didn't make a big deal of it. Why should He, he didn't need anyone thinking he was weak when he became alpha.



7 Years
Extra large
06-14-2018, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2020, 04:05 PM by Torin.)
First several paragraphs are formalities, the meeting starts proper after the line break

Torin waited anxiously, his gaze scanning for who would be the first to approach and was happily surprised to see it was Derecho. The girl approached him and Frostbite, giving them both a greeting and Torin allowed a small smile, dipping his head as a return of her greeting.

Next was Jewell and she was trailed by her children. However his attention was drawn to his sister first as she also approached and offered him some words of encouragement. ”Merci.” He muttered, turning his attention briefly to his nephew who was plastered to his mother’s leg; though he was quickly growing too big for that. Naeve was next to get his attention, pushing into his fore leg and he chuckled, gently nosing at the girl’s head. As his attention was on his niece it seemed Bastyan decided it was his turn and Torin jostled slightly as a pair of small paws pushed on his side and the man turned to look at his nephew who asked him a question. ”Chaque jour.” He said, nudging his nephew after his family with his muzzle. As they all settled Cel would loudly ask what what happening and Torin couldn’t help but chuckle.

Still it seemed Priscilla hadn’t made it, Torin had spoken to her not long ago though and he wasn’t all that surprised; she seemed to be struggling and he could forgive her absence this go around. Blaise however…? Well he’d just have to see.

Next to arrive would this time be a blood sibling, his only remaining brother. He inclined his head in response to his brother’s smile, then watched as he moved to sit beside Derecho, Torin’s brows knitted together for a moment, unsure if Derecho had ever mentioned meeting his brother. Still he didn’t have much time to think on it as Hailey arrived.

The woman gave both him and Frostbite a spoken greeting and Torin nodded. "Good to see you as well." It was awkward when he said it but it was a truth, he hadn’t bumped into Hailey much yet but he had heard from Frost it seemed she was eager to earn back her place in the pack and Torin was more than happy to hear that.

After Hailey was… well… his father. There was a strange mixture of emotions at seeing Zell approach. He was still angry, still frustrated, still melancholic about the fight they’d gotten into. But there was also some relief at seeing his father at least had still come, maybe there was hope still.

Kairi was next and Torin frowned as he noted his sister’s lack of enthusiasm. His sister had always been a boundless ball of energy; and this was very much out of the usual for her.

Rin moved in towards the group and Torin felt his concern extend to the older man as well, he hadn’t seen much of him either and that was partially on him but he had some worries that the man might be simply wasting away…

His aunt was missing, though he knew she had been struggling with some illness and so he hadn’t expected her to arrive.

Torin sighed, casting a glance at Frostbite, nearly everyone had arrived. It was probably time. He was about to speak as his wayward nephew sauntered in, a wound visible on his brow and Torin was reminded suddenly of the outburst he’d had at the borders… he would probably need to keep an eye on that one.

Torin sighed, this time when he started to speak he wasn’t interrupted.

"Thank you everyone for arriving so promptly." He rumbled, shooting Blaise a pointed glance but wouldn’t let it linger too long; there was a lot to talk about. "As you may have noticed, Rory has been missing for some time now, as we are currently unsure when he may return Frostbite and I agreed it was time for him to move up to Kalin and I took up the role of Kaliq." He paused for a moment, waiting for that to sink in; he hoped it was clear he hadn’t simply been sitting in the wings waiting for a chance to snatch up his brother’s rank at the slightest sign of bad news but merely been wanting to do what was best for the pack he had dedicated to himself.

"On that note, Both Faite and Rory left with little word and any news would be appreciated if anyone should come upon their trails while beyond the pack. Similarly my sister Jaidah is also currently considered missing; please keep that in mind while outside the packlands, if any of them are found we ask that they be brought back." He glanced at Jewell and her pups and he smiled slightly.

"However in lighter news, Jewell’s formerly missing pups, Célestin and Bastyan have been found and were safely returned to their family. However both are currently not allowed anywhere within the packlands without clear adult supervision; if anyone observes them outside without an adult clearly watching over them please let myself or Frostbite know right away." He didn’t want to shame his Nephews too badly but he was determined to keep up with their punishment and he wanted anyone who might spot them trying to bend the rules to know that they weren’t allowed to do so.

"Additionally I’d like to welcome my aunt Fortune back within the pack; along with newcomer Derecho Wreckage." He nodded in Derecho’s direction, a soft smile pulling at his lips. "She is temporarily staying here as a Sagari, regardless I want everyone to welcome both of them and show them our hospitality." Torin paused and turned to look at Frostbite. "On the other hand..." He would wait for Frost to speak on his aunt who had chosen to take her family from the pack, he knew more about it than Torin did and he didn’t want to be the only one to speak.

Once Frostbite was done Torin sighed again, now- well now was the part he was dreading. "Unfortunately this time we have some demotions to announce… " Torin took a deep breath, as he spoke each name he would seek them out in the crowd. "Rincavornon, Kairi," the next name saw his gaze seeking out Jewell; his gaze pleading for her to understand, "Naeve and finally Fortune have all been demoted to Girvin for failing to contribute." He sighed; he was sure this would only add to the list of reasons his father seemed to have for thinking him unworthy but he wasn’t about to bend the rules for his sister, even the one who seemed his father’s favorite child.

"That being said, an easy way to help get back into our good graces is holding or participating in trainings in any skills you may have. I am going to request that those in Fighting, Hunting and Healing at least hold one training session soon as we have some pups who will soon be old enough to move into proper ranks and the opportunity to discover their talents or passions may be of use to them, as well as helping everyone else to brush up on their skills."

Finally Torin sat back, unsure what else to say or do. He expected he might find some of those who’d been demoted to make a plea, or something… but he wasn’t really sure in all truth.

"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

Art by Blue-Onyx

Once Frostbite replies there is no posting order, though responses are not mandatory. Anyone who wants to speak up or speak to Torin or Frost should post by June 21st. Otherwise it will be assumed they left.

As final reminder, the minimum monthly posting requirements are available on the pack page; if you're ever unsure if your character is in trouble of demotion you can check there, otherwise if you're unsure you can make the requirements contact either myself or Blue and we'd be more than happy to excuse you for that month, failure to contact us and meet the requirements will however result in a rank demotion and failure to meet them two months in a row may result in expulsion from Lirim.
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



9 Years
Extra large
06-24-2018, 07:08 PM

Frost remained with his calm composure hoping that it would help Torin relax. After all Frost was sure the younger male had it in him to become a leader, but it definitely would take him getting a bit more social. Torin by no means had to be like Frost himself, but being a leader did take being social to a degree.

He was pleasantly surprised to see that the first to arrive was his own niece a big smile spreading across his once calm face. His tail wagged in happiness to see her taking to things so nicely here. He had been kinda forcing his company on her lately and he was glad that it hadn't scared her off. Dipping his head in a quiet greeting to her. His eyes turned as others from the pack began to arrive giving more attention and greeting towards Torin then himself. Hailey was the first to actually address himself verbally and he smiled kindly to her, dipping his head. His gaze also found the familiar form of Zell who seemed to distance himself from everyone. Mentally Frost made a note to seek out the man and make sure he was okay, he couldn't imagine what it was like to be in his shoes and maybe having a non family member to converse with would be better for Zell. Besides Zell was really the only other wolf close in age to Frost himself and that was a good excuse to try and talk with the male.

Frost saw Torin's look towards him, his gaze looking to the younger male and smiling at him, giving a nod and again letting him take the lead on this meeting. Frost look out over the pack as Torin began, listening to his words and taking in the body language of the others, looking for signs of members that may need any personal meetings from either of them, or in general anything troubling. Torin was doing a great job being clear and precise with all of his words and giving time for the members to absorb the information that was being given to them. His beaming gaze went to his niece again as Torin formally introduced her to the rest of the pack. Then it was his turn to speak and Torin gave him the cue and he cleared his throat.

"Zuriel, Daelos, Miach, and Kane have all formally requested to leave Lirim and start a new with their father Elias in the east. It had paid visit a while back and all are doing fine. Elias has successfully formed his pack called Ruina," he informed them.

He glanced to Torin then and allowed the spotlight go back to him as he began the worse part of being a pack leader, demotions. It was the worse and most unpleasant part of the job, but it needed to be done. Then Torin wrapped up and his gaze looked over the others wondering if anyone may have something to add.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Antubis0

Since I am vary late for this (appologies real life has thrown me some vary unexpected curve balls) I will be extending the due date for any final additions and or posts from pack members until July 3rd



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
06-25-2018, 02:06 AM

He waited impatiently for the meeting to start so that he could get the hell out of there. Of course, they had to wait for that bratty little boy to show up, and once he did, the meeting started. Zell sat there with deaf ears for most of it. He was sort of listening, but he didn't particularly care about anything that was going on. He heard the announcement about Faite and Rory having disappeared, as well as Jaidah. Honestly, he didn't feel like he really cared that Faite left again. While he missed his missing children, they were grown enough to take care of themselves. Torin went on to talk about the punishment for Jewell's kids, and he could care less about that. He wasn't going to babysit them, let alone keep an eye on them. It wasn't his responsibility, if Torn wanted to play babysitter then by all means, he could with the rest of them.

He was growing increasingly more impatient as his son continued, and when he got the part where the demotions were mentioned, Zell's eyes narrowed. He wasn't so much pissed off at the fact that Kairi had gotten demoted, he was well aware of that reasoning. But the fact that she got demoted for not contributing, whereas Jewell had never gotten demoted. Ever. That little brat didn't ever do anything, and quite frankly it pissed Zell off to a new degree. Jewell wasn't even related to them. She was not a part of his family no matter what anyone might say or think. After that, he stopped listening to anything else Torin had to say. He would not help train those pups, not because of what Jewell said because she didn't scare him at all. He simply didn't feel like he had to. It wasn't his responsibility anymore. Since Torin decided he was going to run the pack, then he could train them all. Though Zell was the best fighter in the pack, he didn't feel like helping them at all. After the pair finished speaking, Zell rose from his position and walked out without a single word or glance towards anyone but Kairi. "Come Kairi. We've work to do." He didn't wait around to see if she was following, didn't wait around to see if he would be addressed. He honestly just didn't care anymore.

-Exit Zell-


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