
Voices In My Head Again



4 Years
06-03-2018, 07:48 PM

He had returned after the storm had passed over. It was slightly milder as far as temperatures today and this time Bones had been willing to accompany him, as long as Chasm allowed him to ride on his back. The snow was too deep for the small marsupial to maneuver quickly. Chasm had been fine with the request and soon the two had left their den. He had decided he needed to meet with this man that Nova was now living with. The man who was teaching her to be a proper women, which Chasm wasn't sure what in the world that meant.

His main concern was his sister's safety and he did not want her hurt in any way. He headed back to the orchard, where he had found her the other day and he paused looking around. He was right at the border of the orchard and he looked for the male to be at the border. When he didn't see anyone he moved forward a little bit, carefully. He didn't know this male, or his size so he was careful that he wouldn't be ambushed. Bones was also vigilant on his back watching for movement of any kind.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015

Daemon I


3 Years
06-03-2018, 08:18 PM
He left Nova to nap for a bit after bringing her a treat one didn't normally find in the winter. The plump juicy pheasant was hopefully enough to keep her happy and content to stay put in the den so he could step out for a bit. If he stayed near her heat scent right now he may end up doing something he would come to regret. Women as much as they were subservient to men in his vulture, were to be respected and left a choice of their body, though they were expected to still bare young before they were five years old. He'd be asking before he did breed her, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy touching her and her scent in the mean time.

Perhaps he had feelings for the young girl who permeated his coat. Perhaps he had a respect for her, but she had promised him herself and he'd die to keep her safe, that much he knew.

He padded on, eyes peeled for any that may try to take what was his. He stopped when his eyes found a rainbow backed male. His ears pressed back and his hackles rose. His approach was slow and he gave the male plenty of time to turn around. It was obvious to him that Dae was protecting something here. Though from the males scent there was a slight recognition of family to his pastel colored bride. "If your here to try to make her unhappy once more then turn around and go back to where you came. Or option two you speak up and state your piece then I'll decide whether your safe to let her be around." his tone while deep and loud was kept neutral. All training he had to become a king and warrior went into this. He knew she had been reluctant to be proud of her namesake so something within her family upset her. Daemon wouldn't risk her happiness if this boy was the problem.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



4 Years
06-03-2018, 08:35 PM

He hadn't gone unnoticed for to long, but how could you miss a wolf with the colors of the rainbow on his pelt. His bi colored gaze looked at the male as he approached the same pace that the male did. He wasn't turning around, not until he was sure this male wasn't having intentions of hurting his little sister. Though there was one problem, Chasm had never had any real confrontation with anyone so he wasn't sure how to act or what even to say to the male. The male did look protective, but it wasn't enough to convince him. Then the male spoke and Chasm knew Nova hadn't told him much about her family. For him to think Chasm had made her unhappy. He huffed his ears flattening slightly as he stopped, giving a respectful distance between himself and the other male.

"Not me. Mother and a few of her litter mates along with the pack had made her unhappy. I had practically raised her and her litter mates since they didn't have a mother and our mother fell apart," his voice was surprisingly neutral, though the male didn't know the history so how could Chasm take offense.

"You must be the male she is living with?" he asked.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015

Daemon I


3 Years
06-03-2018, 09:05 PM
He flicked his tail at the other man's words. "Figured it must be her mother when no other woman was on her pelt when we met.... But if her littermates have made her unhappy then do me a favor and inform them they are not welcome unless they come with intent to try to fix what they must have done." dual colored eyes met the other man's as he spoke. There was no I'll intent but a clear warning rang out. Make nova unhappy once more and he'd have no problem making them all pay the price.

The other asked if he was who she lived with and he snorted. As if it wasn't obvious. Her scent was all over him. "Daemon Aureus, future ruler of Sparta, and husband to Nova. Or I guess in these lands it's mate. Though some of the meaning is lost there I feel with that word. And you are?" he needn't inform the male that Sparta was a place where monogamy was sometimes rare.

He eyed the equally tall male, as he relaxed his hackles. He had much to do. This male should either walk and talk or speak quicker. He needed to see if Nabis had returned yet, or if Makani was hanging around any male in particular. He also needed to make sure his den was still safe to house a female in heat in. "I apologize but I need to be moving. Novas fighting skills are not to my liking yet, and from that I must payroll to keep her safer. Walk with me, for it seems you've something on your mind if you've come seeking me out." he turned then moving to walk a good sized circle around the den. It would span at least 300 feet wide if he did this the way he liked.

He kept it to himself that he wasn't returning to the den yet, so he could clear his mind in the crisp winter air.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



4 Years
06-04-2018, 09:05 PM

"I would if I could find them," he replied his ears flattening slightly showing the emotions he felt that he couldn't find all of them.

It had been a clear warning, but Chasm was still skeptical about this man. Having the life Chasm had grown up in it left him weary of strangers and not easy to trust others. How could he trust others when the ones closest to him constantly let him down and abandon him. The male snorted to his question drawing Chasm's ears back up, studying his face and the emotion the male was showing. He couldn't help but tense when the male said he was Nova's mate, something his sister hadn't specified when they had spoke. He found the word didn't set well with him either. Nova had just literally matured and Chasm felt she was far to young yet to have a true mate. Chasm didn't understand what the male meant when he said 'some of the meaning is lost there I feel'. If anything it made him more curious.

"Chasm Agatsuma, Nova's older half brother," he replied telling the male who he was.

The male then explained he needed to patrol, that Nova's fighting skills were not that good yet, and he invited him to tag along so they could continue things. Chasm didn't see a problem with this, at least the male wasn't downright chasing him off. He was still rather skeptical on the male's beliefs, but he wasn't down right cruel at this moment in time. He let the male take the head start, before fallowing his path and letting his long legs quickly catch up and continue by walking close to the male so he could hear answers.

"I'll be honest I didn't at all like the way Nova worded things. She claimed you were teaching her to be a proper lady, which I don't feel that's something our Gender could do really well," he was a little blunt with that, trying to gauge the male and figure out his beliefs.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015

Daemon I


3 Years
06-04-2018, 11:27 PM
The male introduced himself and told exactly how he was related to Nova. This boy wasn't ashamed of his namesake like her though and Dae eyed him, guessing as to why. Her mother had not been in the picture and the only male scent she carried before aside from littermates was this males. No father. The way the man was as guarded told him something. Half brother meant one thing, either her mother had been raped to make nova, or her mother was a whore who wasn't careful with her seasons. Neither were pleasant in Dae's mind. While yes he would rape someone, he did not like the thought of doing so just because he could. His reasons would be because one of his women would not conceive or had gone back on their word after he made them a deal.

Nova however was excluded from such a category. She sought his knowledge and a family she could trust.

"Feel as you like about it, but I will still teach her. I come from a far land where gender does not matter as much until your a year. You learn everything together, then after a year the ladies are taken to be taught how to be mothers, healers and to become what rules even the kings. Men in my culture are warriors, hunters, and kings. We live to die in battle. What I cannot teach her, luckily my sister who arrived recently can. She will receive an education in our culture, have a family with me when she feels she is ready, and have unrelated family in my brother and any who come to our kingdom. Would you truly not want that for her? Or have you not asked her how she feels?" he waited a moment. If their mother had ran out then this boy raised her, he didn't get the chance to learn to be her brother so much as he was her father. "So long as she is happy, as her brother you should be happy for her. I know if my sister found someone to make her happy, I would forgo traditions to see her as such." it was more than advice. It was a brother-in-law giving a brother-in-law a small opportunity to see something else.

"I took her to hunt deer in the snow a few days ago, her smile and the way she looked told me one thing Chasm, in doing this, I'm making a woman who doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere, feel like she finally has a place in the world. But if you still seek to take her from me because of something I did not commit, then I will have to challenge you. It is tradition that should the brother or father not forgo it, the man that wishes for the lady's paw in marriage, challenge for such. Should he fail to win the male is to leave her be and never look to her again, no matter how much it hurts either of them." he was clear with his traditions. While he did not want this man hurt, he would die for Nova. He had already made his vow to her. He also knew that to take her from him in such a way may wind up hurting her and making her hate chasm in the long run. Was the boy willing to risk such a thing? To fight over her happiness? He wasn't certain.

He kept at a steady pace as he spoke the entire time, making certain that chasm could keep up. Besides Nova had made it clear by not running from him that she was sticking around and potentially even loved her Spartan. What kind of king would he be if he could not at least keep her safe and happily by his side?

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.